pagk rota OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2T, 1011. EIGHT PAGES AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Published Dslly,. Weekly and 8omt Weekly t IVnillt'ton, Oreson, by tiie IA8T OKKUON1AN lTBLISHl.Nd Ca 8LUSCK1PTION KATES. JMIy, one yer, by mall 5.00 Mtly, six tmwtlu, by mail 2.50 Dally, three month, by mall 1.25 Dally, one month, by mall 60 I felly, one year, by carrier 7.60 Dally, lx months, by carrier 3.75 Dally, three months, by carrier 1.85 pally, one month, by carrier 65 Bernl-Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50 semi-Weekly, six month, by mall 75 Semi-Weekly, four months, ly mall... .60 - The Daily East Oregonlan Is kept on sale t the Orecon News Co., 329 Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. Northwest News Co.. Portland, Oregon. Cblcs i P.ureau, 009 Security MulMlng. asu;-,ton, D. C, Bureau. 501 Four teenth Cfet, N. W. Mtmier Cnlted rress Association. Ktatered at the postofflce at Tendleton, Oregon, as second class mail matter. Telephone Main 1 Official City and Oonnry Paper. 'I LA BE l THE FIRST SIXGER. We heard a bluebird singing, the song was magic tweet; He swung upon the lilac, the snow was round his feet; The wind blew roughly o'er him, the sky was steely-gray. But yet he perched there, sing ing the chilling gloom away. Brave traveler from the south land, perhaps you came , too soon; For ice still binds the stream lets, the sun Is wan at noon; The violets are sleeping close in their earthly bed, And not a greening blade of grass has dared to show its head. But, oh, we're glad to greet you, sweet harbinger of spring; No sound was e'er so welcome as your gay caroling; Courageous little songster upon the leafless spray, A-singing and a-singing our weariness away! From March Farm Journal. WHICH WILL THEY FAVOR? In doing road work Umatilla county should follow the methods used by private corporations that engage in construction work. The working sys tem should look to efficiency and economy. It should be the aim of the county court to get work done speedily and thoroughly yet at the least jr- ible cost td the taxpayers. I'mi'-.'a county will not be follow ing tfcr bove methods if the com missioners again adopt the policy of supervising road work themselves. This county formerly followed that policy and those who are familiar with affairs know that it was a pol icy that looked to swelling the salar ies of the members of the court rather than to getting results for the county. Under that policy members of the court would travel about the county drawing good pay and travel ing expenses while perhaps devoting less than 10 minutes of the day to ac t"oj r,r0! for the county. It was w rc way of doing business and it Is not Pfprising that complaints were beard. County Judge Maloney has a good plan for doing road work. He would employ three roadmasters to take charge of the work in their respective sections. He would have men who know how to work roads themselves and know how to make other men under them work. He would have the roadmasters spend their time up on the roads, not in passenger coach es. Judge Maloney suggests that in the spring when there is much work to be done each roadmaster collect a crew of men and keep them to gether, day and night. He woulJ- have the men camp by their work at night instead of returning to town or to their hom'es and wasting several hours enroute. It is common know ledge that during the past few years men have been paid for working on roads when as a matter of fact they have spent a big portion of their time traveling to and from their work. The county Judge would overcome this loss by providing a road crew with a camp Just as a harvesting crew Is equipped. It is the intention of the new coun ty court to do away with the county roadmaster at the March meeting and to take up a new system of caring for the road work. It will be Interesting to note what sort of a plan the com missioners favor. Will they take up with a plan that will bring about ef ficiency and economy or one that will promote graft and waste? KEEPING SOME POWDER DRY. International peace extremists were cot sufficiently strong to prevent the fortification of the Panama canal, though they tried desperately to do IS. r tlllon dollars will be ex ce In preparing the big; ense. Uncle Sam does not wane to take chances of losing piece of work that will cost about I five hundred millions when complet ed. From a Pacific coast viewpoint the fortifying of the canal is particularly desirable. The government refuses to maintain a fleet upon the Pacific or to fortify this coast to any extent de spite the fact that there Is more dan ger of war from the orient than from any other direction. The west has been frequently told of late years that with the completion of the Panama canal so near there is no need of a Tacific fleet.. With the canal com pleted the Atlantic fleet may be sent here on short notice. Trovlded of course that the canal is not taken by the enemy and so made impassable tu American warships. The canal will be fortified with the view to pre venting any such contingency as this from arising. Peace extremists think that money spent fortifying the canal is money wasted. But the fact that the canal l fortified may some day keep this ccuntry out of a war and If so then the money will have been well Invest ed. The day of universal peace will arrive some time no doubt. But Just now there are all sorts of signs that such a day Is not yet very near? Un til it draws closer Uncle Sam will make a mistake If he does not keep some powder dry. HE IS lOIXG WELL. Though Governor West has been in office less than two months he has already made a record that further strengthens him in the estimation of the people of the state. By his own personal efforts he drove the legisla ture to pass a law placing the state printer upon a flat salary at the con clusion of the term of the present In cumbent. It is a reform that has been demanded for years but no pre vious governor was able to bring It about. The governor has also rendered good service to the people through the use of his veto power. In the view of this paper he vetoed some bills that should have been left alone. But by far the greater number of bills that were vetoed deserved the axe. By his work he protects the state treasury to the extent of $600, 000, and he has served to lighten the charge that the legislature was ultra liberal in its appropriations. During the two months he has been in office Governor West has shown himself to be a man of good Judg ment, energy and courage. He Is making good and will probably con tinue to do so for he has the habit. The little city of Stanficld heard a Sunday school talk Saturday. Much of the talk we have heard from Stan- field of late has been by the lawyers ir. the Furnish-Coe litigation and it has not been of the Sabbath school variety. Local people shivered last night and thought It very cold. Yet the thermometer did not go lower than five above zero. We are becoming regular Callfornlans. MAVY SOAP BUBBLES. . One of the most attractive of the advertising features at the Brussels exposition was a soap bubble foun tain, designed and built by a promi nent soap manufacturing concern of Europe. It is the only one In exist ence. It produces a continual flow of bubbles, delightfully colored, In which all the delicate hues of the rainbow are to be found. When il luminated at night the effect produc ed by the multicolored electric lights completes a sight which appeals strongly to the artistic mind. The general appearance gives them tne illusion of a flowing mass of sparic ling diamonds. The fountain produces 17,600 bubbles a minute and 25,344, 000 bubbles are obtained from a pound st soap. THE LATEST WRINKLE. In a shop recently a well known actress, who is noted for her peren nial youth, asked for a traveling bag of alligator skin. The shopkeeper, who hafl none of that particular sort brought out Instead some of smooth leather. "And you tell me this Is alligator skin!" objected the actress. "Why, where are all Its wrlngles?" "Ah, madam," replied the wily dealer, who knew his customer, "wrinkles are out of vogue. The cor rect alligator bag Is made from the skin of an alligator that has been mar saged." Tit-Bits. SENSE IN SENTENCES. We are still patiently awaiting the advent of wireless politics. Formerly the people burned witch es. Now they roast politicians. Occasionally the man with en eagle eye proves to be a human vultur-v. Some men don't know enough to get married, and some others know too much. Remember, girls, that pinning a $17 hat on a 17-cent head doesn't Increase the value of the head. Vice Consul George E. Holt trans mits a copy of the charges of the Eastern Telegraph Co., between Tan gier, Morocco and European points, which Is filed for public reference with the bureau of manufactures. It Is stated that the New Chilean loan, which returns 5 per cent, was oversubscribed In London 10 times al ter being open one hour on January I. JUST ABOUT WOMEN. She's on the Job from morn till night, she Is a source of rare delight, She has her fads and follies, but her virtues are the thing; She stands for all that's good and true, and she is noble through and through, O, woman, lovely woman, she would make a fog horn sing. She rises at the break of day ana dishes up our breakfast hay, She scrubs and dresses nil the kids and packs them off to school; She Irons out their Sunday clothes, she bakes a pie and mends our hose, Then makes a tempting dish of Joll and puts it out to coot. In times of trouble she Is great, she takes the knocks and bumps of fate Without a word of bitterness or whining or regret; Her stock of patience Is immense, she makes man look like thir ty cents; In Joy or sorrow woman is the country's one best bet. Detroit Free Press. OUTDID THEM. George Vanderbilt was captain of company L, Tenth Now York cavalry, In the civil wsy. He was a very ec centric fellow, and fond of a practi cal joke, and a fine, brave officer, who was often In command of his regiment in the absence of his supe rior officers. On one of those occa sions, when stationed near Wnren ton, Va., one Sunday morning he re ceived a note from the commander of the 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry, sent by an orderly, stating that the chaplain of the regiment had been holding revival meetings In his regi ment and several members had been converted. Twenty-five soldiers were to be baptized in the river at 2 o'clock p. m., and he invited the Tenth New York cavalry to be present. After reading the note, he summoned the chaplain of his regiment to his pres ence and issued the following verbal order: "Chaplain, I have just been informed that the chaplain of the Sixteenth Pennsylvania is to baptize twenty-five men today at 2 o'clock p. m. Now I want you to understand that no blamed Pennsylvania regi ment can outdo the Tenth New York. I will 'make a detail of thirty men, and at 1 o'clock you march down to the river with them and baptize them!" DISAPPOINTED IN HER. "And so your father refuses to consent to our union " "He does, Rodolphus." The, sad youth swallowed a sob.' "Is there nothing left for us, then, but aji elopement " said he. "Nothing." The girl was fond but firm. "Do you think, Clementine, that youcould abandon this luxurious home, forget all the enjoyments ot great wealth, banish yourself forever from your devoted parents' hearts and go west with a poor young man to enter a life of poverty and self denial " "I could, Rodolphus." The sad youth rose wearily and reached for his hat. "Then," said he, "you are far from being the practical girl I have all along taken you to be." And with one last look around on the sumptuousness that some day he had hoped to share, he sobbed and said farewell. Browning's Magazine. MEN AND CIGARS. "Certainly, I will make a few w. marks," said the cigar salesman who. because of his solemn garb, had been mistaken for a man of cloth. As cending the platform, he said: "Men are like cigars. Ctften you can not tell by the wrapper what the filler Is. Sometimes a good old stogie Is me popular than an imported celebrity. Some men are all right In the show case, on display, but are great dls appointents when you get them home. No matter how fine a man Is, eventually he meets his match. A two-for often puts on as many airs as a BO-center. Some men never get to the front at all except during cam paigns. Some are very fancy out Side and are selected for presents. Others have a rought exterior, but spread cheer and comfort about them because of what is inside. But all men, as all cigars, good or bad, two fers, stogies, rich or poor, come to ashes at last" The Standard. WRONG VIEWPOINT. Zach McGee, who traveled all over this country while the last political campaign was on and wrote powerful pieces about the voters, was on a train one morning running into St. Paul. He had never been to that city, and was anxious to know how long It would take him to go from St. Paul to Minneapolis. Sitting beside him was a man in terested in the sporting sheet of a newspaper. McGhee leaned toward him and plucked him by the sleeve. "How far is it." he asked, "between St. Paul and Minneapolis?" "One hundred and four points," re plied the stranger, "and they play this afternoon." Our lives are what they are made by ourselves and the neighbors. YOU will never reirret tiiklng tho Hitters when tho appetite lngH, when the digestion Is poor or when you suffer from CoIiIh, (irlpive or Malarial DlnonlerM. Try It. OSTETTER'ff? In CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTER The woman who Is worthy of your wedding ring should be entitl ed to more than your name. GIVE HER A HOME If there is one thins ' the world that will make a woman content ed, industrious, ambitious and happy it Is to Iinve her own little home; It need not be an expensive mansion so long as It Is all her own. And wise, indeed, is the man who provides a homo for his help mate; he is repaid In happiness a thousand fold. You don't havo to have cash on hand. Whatever yon can spare from your monthly salary will be sufficient. LEE TEUTSCH THE HOME 550 Main St fast Arrived The Lace Washing Machine All Metal No Staves or Hoops Lasts a Life-Time Washes Anything From a Lace Handkerchief to a Carpet Gome in and see it. Froo Trial 17. J. Clarke & Co. 211-213 E. Court St PENDLETON, ORE. AgBrltS for Lace Washing Machine, Old Trusty In cubator and Round Oak Range Your Doctor Is Honest Honest in his knowledge of diagnosis and treatment. Honest in his endeavors for his patients' benefit. We put his medicines together in the most scientific way, under the best and safest conditions .'. Your doctor and your druggist guard your health "We are in business for your good health." THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. Dyers' Best Flonr FINDER. Phone M. S Is made from the eaoicost whf - that grows. Good bread is assured whoa BYERS' BEST FLOUR is ned. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon. Headquarters For Toilet Goods We are Bole Maanfaetaren Distrlkaton of the Celebrate TOILET CRICAM OOLD OIUEAM TOOTH FOW9KK I1T. HOOD ORKAM Tallman & Co. Leading DrugrtsU of Iuttrr OrtfM. J Cure Your Rheu matism AND OTHER ILLS OF THE DODT AT THB Hot Lake Sanatorium The House of Hfflcieucy) HOT LAKE, OREGON TUB Oregon-Washington Railroad & tlav..Co. Sella reund-trlp tickets, food far three months,allowiaf it. it worth ef accommodation at the Saaato rlunv, at Portland and all O.-W. R. ft N. Station. For further Information and illus trated booklet, address Dr. W. T. Phy. Medical Supt and Mfr., Hot Lake, Oregon, any O.-W. R. N. Affeat, or write to mi. McMTOUlAY, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND. ARBQON. FRESH MEATS BAfJSAGES, FISH A1C LARD. Always pure and delirerea promptly, f you pheae the Central Ueat Uarket ItS E. Alta sc. Phone Male as. vK4L 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Copyrights Ac AnTnnnaondtnf ft htrh and description rnaf qnfckl swrrtin our pinion frite wlithr ma Itirpntina la prvhnhtf pitct inhl. Commnnlm limit .trioUymtifirionrml. HANDBOOK l'ini jent f riHi, Oldest aponrT for HHtirina pataiita. I'fttmiM tdsfctm throuijti Mumi A Co pvoalvf rvtvtoJ not it, without chnrco, la tba Scientific Jttatcricam A handtomclr ItlnirtmtM wwklr. fjiwt CT eultUon of mnj 'lnu 1arBl. Torraa, $ s rxu-i fur niuiHk,L. B14bf all tnMMlm Bruck OIBo. a r Bt- Wuhlnaton, ii G Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and ilhutrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times ach week. Bo sure and ee the next change. Adults 10c. Children nnder 10 years, 6e. niwu UNTIE