r. BOBI PACKS AILY BAOT ORKCONIAN, PKNDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1911. PACS ITTI St PERSONAL MENTION At the Beginning of the HENDERSON CORSETS Our new Spring shipment now ready 1 2 New Styles from $1.25 to $3.00 The Henderson is the correct foundation for a perfect fitting gown. F. E. Livengood Co. The Women's and Children's Store. LOCALS Bee Um A Son far signs. Pastime picture pleas all. Dutch Henry for coal, Main 171. Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra. Wall paper, palnta, etc. Lane A Sen. I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep. R till. Pure lard at the Cash Ueat Market, phone Main 111. Phone PlaUoeaer fer freeh Meat and lard. Main 441. Wanted Inside work by youag man. Addrens, Bos 317, City. For Rant Two furnished rooms far rent. 124 South Thompeon. National cash register for sale, al most new. Sharon A Eddlngs. The king of all Be cigars, "Devlin's Fives." Joe Sullivan, sole agent. Wanted Woman to do housework. No washing. Good wages to right party. Apply to this office. The best and brightest moving pictures and as many aa any shew house In Pendleton, at the Orpheum. Special rates to horsaa boarded by the week er moath at the Commercial Barn, Its Aura street. Phone Main 12. 17 room apartment house only 11500 1500 will handle It. House could not be built today for $3000. Lee Teutsch. See Ebrel A Shaver for well drill ing. Estimates furnished on appli cation. Address US Lincoln street, Pendleton. Save yourself a trip dawn town. Phone Main 101 for your meat and lard. They'll select It carefully at -the, Cosh market. Cold weather la coining. We hare the beet ooul on the market A tan la 2000 laa. at Pendleton Luna er Yard, Phone Main O. Phone Main tl for goad clean lump or nut coal. Prompt delivery to all parte of the city. Crab Creek Lum ber Co., 7M West Alt street Sor sale One sorrel gelding, ag i years, weight lift pounds, sound, .good work er saddle horse. Price 471. Inquire 1301 West Alt. Wanted Toung ladles to enter the training school at St. Anthony's hos pital, Pendleton, Oregon. For partic ulars apply to the sister superioress. Just opened New tanltary plumb' Ing shop at 304 East Court street All work guaranteed. Estimates fur nished. Phone Main 443. Alex Burt. For Sale Furnishings of Palace House. 11100. $500 cash, rest on timj. Easy payments. Best location m town. Apply on premises. Q. M. Howard. For sale at a bargain First class rooming house, 15 rooms, all filled. Close In. Owner must leave tow. Easy terms. Addreao, Bex 111. Fem dleton, Ore. Penland Bros. Transfer Co., phono Block 3391. Piano, furniture and heavy trucking of all kinds. Calls an swered promptly. Office 647 Main street. For Rent 8 acres of fine garden land with small house and barn. Al bo an ideal poultry ranch of 25 acres. Geo. R, Roberts, Lock Box 36, Pen dleton, Oregon. Pendleton's new paint stare. Mala A McAtee, praps., lit Mala street Aame quality paints, same la, ataias Wall paper picture moulding, glass and varnishes. Let ua figure on yaur next Jab. Goods arriving dally. CANADIAN COAL MINERS GO OUT BY HUNDREDS Winnipeg, Canada, Feb. 25. Six hundred coal miners struck at Frank, Alberta, and Michel, B. C, because there is little hope of an annual re vision of the wage schedule. It Is feared the entire Crow's Nest district will be affected in a few days. GERMAN PRINCE WILL LEAVE ON TOUR Berlin, Germany, Feb. 24. Prlr.ce Adelbert," tho kaiser's third son, will sail shortly for Brazil aboard a Ger man battleship, to make a tour of the German settlements, according to cn announcement Just made. HALF MILLION DOLLARS FOR ARMY AERONAUTICS London, Feb. 25. The sum of $65, 000 Is provided for the aeronautical branch of the British army In the military budget for 1911-12 given out today. Bowlers Off to Buffalo. Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 25. Every train into Buffalo today brought doz ens of knights of the pin to take part in the National Bowling association's annual tournament. Hundreds more will come next week, and at its height tho tourney will probably attract the biggest assemblage of bowlers ever gathered in any one city. Tonight will be given over to the various city clubs. Of the twenty-two days and nights which tho tourney will run, ten nights have been taken up by cities, leagues and fraternal or ders. March 4 will bo Canadian night, when the bowlers from across the border will have their Innings. The Elks have claimed March 7, the Knights of Columbus will hold forth on March 8, Greater New York has been assigned the nights of March 10 and 11, and March 14 will be Buffalo night. Presbyterian. T0ie regular services will be held nt the Presbte'lan church on Sunday the 26th.' Sum-4y school at 10 o'clock. Preaching servi at 11 o'clock, sub ject, "A Speclo.. Delivery Letter." Christian Endeavor society at 6:30. Evening preaching service at 7:30, subject, "Life Through the Wilderness." Slightly used Royal Standard type writer will sell at sacrifice. Prlco, $35. Address Typewriter, E. O. office. SAVE. MONEY Every Article in Our Big flgDFT KflDflBCJ to be Closed Out Tho room ia for rent and fixtures for Bale. Goods are poing at cost and below. Hero's tho place to save t money on china, cut glass, art Roods, notions, toilet articles, pictures, dolls, etc. KOEPPEN'S The Drug Store That Srve You Best ' Ben Brown Is registered at the Bowman hotel from Duncan. James McCahe Is In the city today from his homo at Pilot Rock. Mrs. L. B. Kicker of Irrlgon Is a guest of the Hotel St. George. Hugh D. Smith and w'lfe of Echo, are spending the day in Pendleton. H. H. McReynolds, well known Pi lot Rock resident, is a visitor in the city. County Roadmaster Dave Laven e'er returned to his home in Weston last evening. " J. B. Murphy of Pilot Rock, is am ong the out-o-town visitors In Pen dleton today. P. Toner Is In from his home at Pilot Rock today -and is transacting business here. Mattle' Denning, ono of the Havan na farmers, came In on tho Walla Walla local this morning. Dan McKenzio, ono of Adams' far mers, was an Incoming passenger on the Walla Walla local this morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Bahr arrived last week from the Willamette val ley where they are spending the win ter. Rev. Nathan Evans, pastor of the Methodist, church, returned on tho Northern Pacific train this morning from Pasco where he delivered an ad dress last night. M. II. Reeves, special agent and ad juster for the Alliance Insurance com pany of Philadelphia with headquar ters at Spokane, is transacting busl ntss in tho city today. , W. D. Mumford returned by way of the North Bank this morning from Portland where he has been for sev eral days with his wife who la re ceiving medical treatment. Rev. J. W. Vandewalker, pastor of the First Christian church, returned this morning from Helix where he has Just finished a very successful series of protracted meetings. Representative S. D. Peterson Is In the city today from his home at Mil ton and Is kept busy answering ques tions about the legislation of the re cent session of the legislature. Win Stewart, traveling drug sales man camo in from Walla Walla this morning and left Immediately for Pi lot Rock. He will return this after noon to epend Sunday with relatives In this city. MURDERER LOCATED AFTER MANY YEARS Portland, Ore., Fob. 25. After a world-wide search since 1891, Bur den Wolf, who shot and killed his sweetheart, Bertha Morton, and then escaped on a steamer owned by a rel ative afterward, has been located in Calcutta, India. Ho will be brought hack to Porllund for trial on a mnr. der charge, according to District At torney Cameron. . . Wolf was formerly a law student Iiero and prominent socially. Ho shot tho girl Ix-cnum her parents made her reject hint. INCREASE IN MAGAZINE POSTAGE IS OPPOSED Washington, D. C, Feb. 25. Sen ator Owen today filed a minority re port with the senate committee on postoffice declaring the proposed in crease in second class postal rates was unconstitutional, unjust and mis leading. To Owen's report was ap pended the statements of many pun lishcrs, all of whom contended that the advance would be confiscatory. PORTLAND RESIDENTS FACING INDICTMENTS Portland, Ore., Feb. 2S. Scores of prominent men in UUs city are fac ing Indictment by tho grand Jury which began tho investigation today of a lively "mill" held lout night at the Commercial club at a banquet given the Pacific const printers cost congress. Bud Kcruger of Oakland, and Leo Ward of Portland were the pugilists. MEXICAN REVOLUTIONISTS DISAGREE AMONG SELVES Los Angeles, Feb. 25. There Is seemingly a split among revolution ists. The official organ of the local revolutionists printed an article pro claiming the independence of Lower California from the Madero cnuse and characterizing Madero, the rebel lead er as a villianous traitor. TWO NEGROES ARE LYNCHED IN GEORGLV Augusta, Ga., Feb. 25. Charged with tho murder of a white man, Roliert Jones and John Veasey, ne groes were taken from the Jail nnd lynched." Their bodies were bullet rid dled on Iho outsglrts of tho town. Baby Hands will get Into mischief often it means a burn or cut or scald. Apply Bal lard's Snow Liniment Just s soon as the accident happens, and tho pain will be relieved while the wound wtll heal quickly and nicely. A sure cure for sprains, rheumatism and all ains. Price 26e. 50c and $1. A. C. Koep pen A Bros. SEATTLE C.RA1T JURY COMPLETES ITS LABORS Seattle, Feb. 24. The grand Jury which has been sitting for five nrnys Investigating tho charges of corrup tion In the police department, con cluded Its sessions today. -It Is ex pected that Indictments will follow. x-' pnig Reason We Offer the Best SUITS That Your Money Can Buy Yesterdays express brought us a fine array of womens tailored suits for spring prominent among them being these $20 J suits of excellent French Serges in Navy, Black and Tan 'jj Ladles' Full Length Coats of Navy Blue Serge, are very popular, stylish straight lines, sailor col lars, some of Black Moire Silk piped with red silk. Prices $15.00 to $25.00 . 5 Special ior Monday, and Tonight's After Supper Sale 15c Bergley Cambric at yard 12c 20c English Long Cloth at yard 10c 25c English Long Cloth at yard 19c 60c Cream Albatross, all wool, at yard 30c 20c White Indian Head at yard 14c 65c White Irish Linen per yard 48c $5 and $6 Satin Damask Napkins, dozen. . .93.95 Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money ATTHE MOVING The Orpheum. Pendleton's Favorite Picture the ater, has a strong program for Sun day and Monday. All Interesting pictures. 1. "The Link that Held." Edison. This is a simple story but direct, true and tremendously appealing, and played with the subtlety and depth for which the Edison players are be soming noted. It is a film wnich will not soon be forgotten by the pub lic. "Don't miss this picture." 2. "Three Men and a Maid." Vita graph. A comedy drama of exquisite delicacy with some very telling bits of fun that are perfectly natural and extremely entertaining. It tells of two old bachelors and a young pri vate secretary. The old fellows don't want the maid to have the young sec retary but she not only get him, but gets them, too. 3. "Trailed By An Indian." An in tensely interesting dramatic ptibto pluy by the American Pathe company. A feature in fine acting and genuine western scenes of unusual beauty. Full of intense dramatic situations, legitimately thrilling, and great in heart Interest. 4. "Washington Under the Ameri can Flag." Vitagraph. A piece of true history beginning with Patrick Henry's speech in the Virginia legis lature In 1765, when the first spark was lighted of the American revolu tion and running to the first inaug uration in Federal Hall, N. Y., April 30, 1789. Four full reels, four enterestlng pic ture plays. Sunday music program March In Ball Costume E. O. Roelker Waltz Love Sparks... Abe Holzman Overture- Our Social Session Harry Prenderbllle March Japan's Triumphal Calrd M. Vandersloot Waltzes Mid-Summer E. E. Vandersloot Dance of the Sunflowers. .P. B. Story A Rag Novellette Dopr.. .W. C. Powell United Orchestra, Karl Guilott, lead er; R. W. Fletcher, manager. Pastime. Picture program tor Sunday and Monday. "His Trust." Blograph, 1000 feet. Depicts a negro servant left by his master to care for his wife and child when he goes to war, and how he proved his faithfulness to the trust reposed in him. The master Is killed which causes the servant to redou ble his watchfulness. Shortly after ward the union soldiers come and plunder and burn the house. Into the flames rushes the servant and brings out the child, and then on.ee more to get his master's sword. Tak ing the two he has protected with his own life he leads them to his own cabin and offers them all he has. This seems much like the old times products of the Blograph company. Don't miss it. "Marguerite's Birthday." Pathe., A lively mlxup caused by a burglar conveying the articles he had stolen in one flat Into another where a wo man supposes them to be birthday presents and the husband is jealous because believes his wife has been re ceiving attentions from another. The discovery of the burglar ends the con troversy. "The Sealed Letter." Gaumont. A girl deserts her old sweetheart and goes away with a rich yachtsman, leaving a letter for the unfortunate young man to read when out at sea. Brokenhearted, he goes through life. After many years, when he Is an old man, he still remembers the beauti ful girl who had broken his heart. Her picture and their last meeting appears to him in a vision. "Saved by Her Prayers." Pathe. Telling a very interesting story how a pretty girl was saved by her pray ers and was very happy after. "A Water Contest." Gaumont. A beautiful scenic picture. "Three Friends." A pathetic story of their great constancy. Worn One That's the way you feel about the lungs when you have a Hacking cough. It's foolishness to let It i.0 on and trust to luck to get over it, when Ballard's Horebound Syrup will stop the cough and heal the lungs. Price 25c, 50c and $1 per bottle. A C. Koeppen & Bros. Teu can't burn slate aa4 gravel ! Dan't try It. Phoae Dutea Heary, Main 17$, fer clean aereeaed Rack Springs ceal either lump ar nut. It burns clean and geea furtkar. PASTIME THEATRE An attack of grip Is often followed by a persistent cough, which to many proves a great annoyance. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy has been ex tensively used and with good succjsb for the relief and cure of this cough. Many oases have been cured after all tker remedies bad railed. Sold by all dealers. For Rheumatism and Nervousness Nine out of every ten cases of Rheumatism, Nervousness and kindred complains, are caused by excess uric acid in the system. It poisons the tissue, weakens the organs and retards circulation. ' Eloctropodcs eliminate all ex cess uric acid and other impur ities. They strengthen the nerves, increase circulation, and promote the health and action of every organ. A prominent journalist of Al buquerque, N. M., says: "Your ElectVopodes certainly have wonderful merit. I know of no other remedy ns complete in Its cure of Rheumatism." Prugglst Signs This Contract j TheiMnvtMncrnf nlrotropodn it t hw privilcro of returning thorn i:V'n 3j tl.iyn, nr.fi the purchaHe price $ 1.00 1 I to I refunded upon the following condi tion! Thf? arc to be wora according to dirrrttann for at loawt 25 conwutive da , An.! then if not eatiafaetorv, to be returned tn ortcinul box. DruKgiat'a Signature ... At druggists; or by mail, post paid. If your druggist cannot furnish Elcctropodes, send us $ 1.00, and we will see that you are supplied Immediately. State whether for .man or woman. Western Electropode Co. 241 Los An gel oh St., Los Angeles, Cattfarata. Always Something New TONIGHT Hypnotic Mesmerism Fashionable Vaudeville HENRY THE JAILBREAKERS' M ystery General Admission 25c Children 15c