EIGHT PAGES J Children Cry for Fletcher's 'J- V M r3 The Kind You ILire Always Consrlit, imd nlik'h lias keen In use for over 30 years, has borne, tbe signature of and has boon made under his ier sonal supervision since its Infancy. -m7jr. Allow no one to deceive yoi i in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" arc hut Experiments that trifle -with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothlug Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morpliino nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieve Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ) Bears the Signature of NEWS OF THE . I ' NORTHWEST Ton Pays With Dislocated IIp. White Salmon, Wash. Charles Ga ven, In the employ of the Swan-Ha-mann Lumber company, was brought to the local hospital. For 10 days he had been upon the mountain with a dislocated him. I'rsro Planting of Knrly Ohlos. Walla Wiulln, Wash. Commission men are urging the Walla Walla truck gardeners to try the Early Ohio po tato. They claim the Ohio Is a white potato and that the sound markets demand a white potato. The favorite here has been the Early Hose. Cov Merchant Is Assessor. La Grande, Ore. D. M. Clark, many years a leading merchant of Cove, was named by County Judge Henry to succeed T. A. Rinehart, county assessor, who goes to the state land board at Salem. Mr. Clark will qualify March 1. He is a democrat, but was named by a republican court. Forest Lectures nt Idaho "V." Wallace, Idaho. Supervisor W. G. Weigle will leave Wallace for Mos c6w to deliver lectures at the Uni versity of Idaho. He will address the students of the forestry department Thursday, Friday and Saturday, giv ing four lectures on forestry supervision. The Kind You Have Always Bought Use For Over 30 Years In THI CEKTAUH COMPANY, TT MUW.W0T TWtCT. HIW VOWK CITY. HORSE TRIAL AT ATHENA IS FUNNY IirMOKOrS TESTIMONY CACSES AUDIENCE TO LAUGH Pinkerton Wins Horse But Must Pay Pasturage Bannister Pays Costa of Trial Wife of State Senator Improving. Plan New Yakima Theater, North Yakima, Wash. J. E. Cort, manager of the Yakima theater and son of John Cort, the theatrical mag nate, asserts plans for the combined theater and hotel to be erected In this city within a year by the elder Cort. have been placed in the hands of Ar chitect Houghton of Seattle. (Special Correspondence.) Athena, Ore., Feb. 21. The case of Bannister vs. Pinkerton for the re covery of a horse, was tried by jury In the justice court before B. B. Richards today and the verdict of the Jury was to the effect that Mr. Pink erton retain the horse but pay to Mr. Bannister the sum of $30 as a pasture bill and Mr. Bannister was to pay the costs of the trial which will probably amount to about $30. Attorney H. T. Watts was the coun iel for the plaintiff and Attorney S. F. Wilson represented the defend-1 ants. . The trial was a very heated one besides being quite funny, and by the hearty laughs that issued forth from the court room one would think that a comic opera was going on Instead of a trial. Mrs. Pinkerton proved to be the star witness and in her testimony she caused the large crowd which attend ed the trial to laugh quite a number of times. The arguments of the two attorneys were finished by 5:30 and the court was adjourned until 7:00 at which time the Jury went out and returned with a verdict after about an hour and a half of deliberation. Mrs. Barrett Improving. According to reports received here today, Mrs. C. A. Barrett, the wife of Senator Barrett who Is now at Sa lem, is Improving and the doctors re port that the crisis has passed and that the pneumonia will begin to loosen Its grip upon the stricken wo man. Such reports bring very glad tidings to all of the citizens of this community, as Mrs. Barrett holds the esteem and respect of all who know her. It is hoped by her many friends that she will soon be able to return to this city with Senator Barrett. FEBRUARY 23 IX IIISTOBY. 1555 Thomas Wyatt beheaded. He took the lead in an unsuccessful in surrection against the bloody Queen Mary. 1804 The capitol of Louisiana ter ritory removed by congress from New Orleans to Donaldsville. 1S29 The clipper brig Silas Rich ards reached New York from Liver pool in 19 days. 1830 The Russian government de creed that all Jesuits entering "the country were to be seized and sent to Siberia. 1848 John Quincy Adams died. 1554 The Rock Island railroad completed from Chicago to the Mis sissippi river. 1555 The house passed a bill re ducing the duties on imported goods. 1S61 General Twiggs surrender- i government property In Texas val ued at $1,200,000 to the confederates. , 1864 Artemus Ward, the famous American humorist and his agent. Dr. I Kingston, captured by Indians while I traveling overland to Salt Lake City. 1874 A pension of $1000 yearly granted by Queen Victoria to the children of Dr. Livingstone, the mis sionary and explorer who died . in Africa. ieo The United States passed a bill appropriating $25,000 for a monument to ex-President Grant to be erected in Washington. 1894 Chicago labor troubles of 1894 began. 1904 William J. Bryan addressed general assembly of Virginia and re ceived an ovation. 1908 Father Leo Helnrichs, a Catholic priest, was shot and killed in Denver by Guisepe Alio, an an archist. 1909 Patent agreement between United States and Germany signed at Washington. 1910 National City Bank at Cam bridge. Mass., closed on acoBunt of $144,000 embezzlement. Chinese troops occupied Lhassa and Dalai Lahma fled to Indla.- BuMlncss Men Hire Secretary. North Yakima, Wash. The North Yakima Business Men's association is planning to enlarge the scope of its work this year and to take up a number of matters of special interest to members of the association. An office is to be opened and a perman ent secretary employed. rValley Files on Yakima Water. North Yakima, Wash. E. M. superintendent of tho Yakima ey Transportation company, has filed on 2000 cubic feet per second of the waters of the Yakima river, which, according to the Mr. Kenley, will be used to develop power for the company in case a satisfactory con tract can not be made with the Pa cific Power & Light company. v7 UNBURN I S H E ....HOUSE-KEEPING. . . . MS In Suites of 2 Rooms Each Steam Heat Electric Lights Gas and Gas Range Hot, and Cold Water Bath - Good Ventilation Plenty ol Daylight INCLUDED IN EACH SUITE East Falls Victim to Thieves. 8, W. Bends of Coal City, Ala., hta a Justifiable grievance. Two thieves stole his health for twelve yean. They were a liver and kidney trouble. Then Dr. King's New Ufe Pills throt tled them. He's well now. Unrival ed for constipation, malaria. Head ache. Dyspepsia. 2(c. Koeppens. I. O. Notice Umatilla Encampment O, F, Umatilla Encampment No. 17, I. O. O. F., will have work in all de grees Thursday, February 23. All members are requested to be present. Do you use an atomizer in treating Nasal Catarrh? If so you will appre elate Ey's Liquid Cream Balm, the quickest and surest remedy for this disease. In all curative properties it Is Identical with the solid Cream which is so famous and so successful In overcoming Catarrh, Hay Fever and Cold in the head. There Is relief in the first dash of spray upon the heated sensitive air-passages. All druggists 75c, including spraying tube or mailed by Ely Bros., 66 Warren street, New York. LIKE A DKEAM TO IIEK. Margaret Andoux, the Paris dress maker, whose book has attracted the attention of great scholars all over the world, worked at her trade for the sum of. 60 cents a day. She left the country and went to Paris with but a few cents In her pocket, and considered herself lucky to have ar rived at the dignity of something Penrose to Talk on Coast. Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash. President Penrose has left r Seattle, where he speaks at a dinner given by the Seattle chamber of commerce. Tomorrow night, in Tacoma. he also responds to a toast at the banquet of the Sons of the American Revolution and the Daugh ters of the American Revolution in the Hotel Tacoma. LOCATED IN Oregcnian Building Enquire at East Oregonian Office SAYS QUININE WILL NOT BREAK A COLD HOW TO CURE COLDS AND GRIPPE IX A FEW HOURS Wire Nail in Cow's Heart. St. John, Wash. Frank Hamilton, a rancher living seven miles from this place, lost a valuable cow and the post morten revealed the presence of a wire nail which had worked its way into the cow's heart. It still had the appearance of a new nail, however, but It was much worn. Mr. Hamilton thinks the cow swallowed the nail while eating baled hay. (Di5.lS,DE -wo; ahjevah cor I WATAH'J'COLC: tio hot:anevahthing j all mixedur ah' has ANOucnTO quit: O'STlPLACpV IF.SmKlLL f MAT.AMlli27Y ;0t -ROOM'S TOINtSH fiN.sA f l Urge Klickitat County Plan. White Salmon, Wash. Twenty- five White Salmon county boosters left for Olympla to work for the passage of the bill which provides for the division of Klickitat county. The bill comes before the senate tomor row and J. L. Sutherland, who has been looking after the bill for the last two weeks, is hopeful of Its pas sage. Clay Bed Near Cliewelah. Chewelah, Wash. As a result of a preliminary examination into the quality of the raw clay product of the Chewelah Brick and Lime company at their yards north of the city, it is believed an abundant supply of high grade pottery clay has been found and today 2500 pounds, containing specimens of the clay, was shipped for Inspection. The company is ne gotiating for leases on the land. You will distinctly feel your cold breaking and all the grippe symptoms leaving after taking the very first dose. It is a positive fact that Pape's Cold Compound, taken every two hours, until three consecutive doses are taken, will end the grippe and break up the most severe cold, either in the head, chest, back, stomach or limbs. It promptly relieves the most mis erable neuralgia pains, hcadacne, dullness, head and nose stuffed up. feverishness, sneezing, sore throat, running of the nose, mucous catarrh al discharges, soreness, stiffness and rheumatic twinges. Pape's Cold Compound Is the re sult of three years' research at a cost of more than fifty thousand dollars and contains no quinine, which we have conclusively demonstrated Is not effective in the treatment of colds or grippe. Take this harmless compound as directed, with the knowledge that there Is no other medicine, made anywhere else In the world, which will cure your. cold or end grippe misery as promptly and without any other assistance or bad after-effects as a 25 cent package of Pape's Cold Com pound, which any druggist In ;the world can supply. Disagree Over Church Site, Toppenlsh, Wash. The Presbyte rian and -Congregational church so cletles have become Involved about prior rights to establish churches here. The societies have an agree mcnt in Washington that In places where mission help is necessary that they will combine. In this instance both reached the field about the same time and organized. The prln clpai difficulty comes in the location of the church. Refreshments will be served, of Chief Patriarch. Order. over a half a dollar a day wage. Her book, "Marie Claire," made her sev I eral thousand dollars, and now the Everybody goes to the Orpneum to . poor dressmaker may rest from her see the best and the clearest pictures, labors for awhile. Tot the mother In th home to lo strong and well, able to devote her time and strength to the tearing of children, is one of life's greatest blessings. Often the hearing of children injures the mother's health, if she has not prepared her system in advance for the Important event. Women who use Mother's Friend are saved much of the discomfort and suffering so common with expectant mothers. It is a penetrating oil that thoroughly lubri cates every muscle, nerve and tendon involved at such times, and thus promotes physical comfort. It aids nature by expanding the skin and tissues and per fectly prepares the system for the coming of baby. Mother's Friend assures a quick and natural recovery fer every woman who uses It. It is for sale at drag stores. Write tot tree bock (or expectant mothers. SJUSTZIU) 1EGULATOX CO, Atlanta, Oa Movo Meeting Six Miles. Winona, Wash. The Winona del egation to the Southwestern Whitman County Sunday School convention at Endicott Friday brought the conven tlon to town. A mam meeting was called at Endicott Friday evening to discuss voting bonds for a new school house and so much Interest was ta ken by the Endicott people that the Sunday school workers despaired of getting a crowd. Teams were order ed and the speakers taken six miles to Winona, where an evening session of the convention was held. and found In good shape. Five min utes later his lungs stopped working, before the operation was started. Ten Nnnn from Portwral. Baker City, Ore. Ten Engllsn speaking nuns will reach Baker with In a few weeks from Portugal and will begin work in charitable and hos. nltal enterprises. .They come to east em Oregon on the invitation of the Rt. Rev. C. J. O'Reilly, bishop of this diocese. They have had much experience In Portugal. They were forced to leave the new republic on account of the unsettled conditions. Bishop O'Reilly expects them in a short time and has several growing towns In view In which to place them. They well be a diocesan community. It is probable that some of the sisters will be stationed at Ontario and Wallowa. Anaestlietlo Kills Youth. Toppenlsh, Wash. While being given the anaesthetic previous to an operation late Monday evening, Paul Johnston, 18 year old son of B. S3. Johnston, died suddenly at the Top penlsh hospital. ' Johnson was Injured some montijS ago, losing a leg. The wound did not heal after the operation and It was decided to operate. Previously the giving of an anaesthetic had not affected him. His heart was tested Bute of Ohio, City of Toledo, Loess Coonty . Frank J. Cheney makje oath that fas Is senior partner of tbe firm of V. i. Cbaney Co., doing tenalneat lo the City of Toledo, Scanty snf HUte aforesaid, and tbat said firm will pay tbe sum of ONB HUNDRED DOLLARS for each aid every case of ca tarrh tbat cannot be cored by the ose of Hall's Catarrh Core. . rBANC J. CHRNBTT. Sworn to before ma and sobserlbed la my nreaence, this 6th day of December, A. D., ftesl, ' A. W.wULAHit nail's Catarrh Core Is taken Internally, and acta directly on the blood and mocooa watt term of the system. Bead for teat nonlala free. Bold by all Druggists, TI. Elks Attention. Pendleton Lodge No. 288, B. P. O. B., will meet Thursday evening, Feb ruary 23rd, In regular session. Bal loting on candidates and Initiation. All members urged to be present. By order of exalted ruler. THOS. FIT7, GERALD, Sec. 4 H E WMHtlDJ II 1 I. ft - . . . u .-. S T-ryr-V?r3i f -v Z . i j Ol t f. 1 a i , PESElBI&KlTS SHAMifjrLl Cant have r tfcPIn BCFO1' W08K . i . 11 II v 1 1 4' l r !L fAH WOnrAH IF PEi WHIT& : F0lK$ EBA STOPS TO TINKT . WHAT TERRIBLE HAHDWORlS ' tIS IS'. MA PORE OL-rBAO AM-PcriER" broke J. ACT-llf ACT n KiJ'v 1 live BoucMr -this man j( 'm ha'vIS TroJiTt?) JTO FvPi Aim vn un.i liiMnv: Miirr jurt.ijt w.a,i I ' njn liot II 13 TO DO YOUI WASHING er tltcj-RiciTY i 1 A NurF NOtV! YOU DONE LET M. EDiSON LOOK AFTER DAT ELf CTRlC Business v. 1 TFAk, 'pssssaaS kTrHT ' M i fed MHjRAOOUS) AMT PEV fclEAiVyAN! WHITE'! .An" MOT A THKiftU DROMW Repaired Free Victor and Edison talking machines. Send them to our store and we will put them in first class running' order. Snyder Muslo Co., 81S Main street. (ACL-V0li HAVE.T0.P0 ir W LORD; MAN f '?ffHACroy " Aw T PtY ImtSmWa r Ife.ww5v- ' MOT A -WRtfco PRON l jBUTTON AND THE ' I ?' VonOERfJi - " 'I 1 t J maxhi dok thbj hrl r . K ACTV : , . ACT VI " S'f - ' i Pacific Power 5k I lorKir (fVi "Always at Your Service"