East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 23, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    rAam mm
' Our new Soring shipmeht
now ready
12 New Styles
from $ 1 .25 to $3.00
The Henderson is the
correct foundation for
a perfect fitting gownf
F. E. Livengood (k Co.
The Women's and Children's Store.
Bee La A Son fer signs.
' Pastime picture please all.
Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178.
Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra.
Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane A 8on.
I. C. Snyaer. chimney aweep. R till.
One large Mosler safe for salo. En
qulre E. O.
Pur lard at the Caah Meat Market,
lhone Mala 1(1.
Phone Plataoeder fer treah meat
and lard. Main 441.
Wanted Imlde werk by yuaf
mnn. Addrea. Box 317, City.
For Rent Two furnished room for
rent. 114 8uth Thompson.
National caah renter for aale, al
most new. Sharon & Eddlngs.
The king of all 6o cigars, "Devlin's
Five." Joo Sullivan, sole agent.
Wanted Woman to do housework.
No washing. Oood wnges to right
parly. Apply to this office.
The beet and brightest moving
plcturea and aa many as any shew
house In Pendleton, at the Orpheum.
Special rate to horses boarded by
the week or month at the Commercial
Darn, lit Aura street. Phone Main M.
17 room apartment house only
J1500 1S00 will handle It. House
could not bo built today for 13000. Lee
See Ebrcl & Shaver for well drill
ing. Estimates furnished on appli
cation. Addresa 118 Lincoln atrect,
Save yourself a trip down town.
Phone Main 101 for your meat and
lard. They'll select It carefully at
the Cash market.
Cld weather la coining. We hiv
the beat cckj on the market. A ton
I 1000 lb. at Pendleton Lum er
Tard, Phone Main O.
Phone Main 91 fer good clean lump
or nut coal. Frempt delivery t all
parta f th city. Crab Creek Lum
ber Co., 7M Wst Alt street.
Sor sale One sorrel gelding, age
9 years, weight lit pounds, sound,
good work or saddle horse. Price
175. Inquire 1101 West Alta.
Wanted Toung ladlea to enter the
training school at St. Anthony's hos
pital, Pendleton, Oregon. Fer partic
ulars apply to the sister superioress.
Just opened New tanltary plumb
ing shop at S04 East Court street.
All work guaranteed. Estimates fur
nished. Phone Main 443. Alex Burt.
For Sale Furnishings of Palace
House, $100. $500 cash, rest on time.
Easy payments. Best location rn
town. Apply on premises. Q. M.
For sale at a bargain First clans
reomlng house, IB rooms, all filled.
Close In. Owner must leav twa.
Easy terms. Address, Box 111. Pen
dleton, Ore.
Pcnland Bros. Transfer Co., phono
Black 3391. Piano, furniture and
heavy trucking of all kinds. Calls an
swered promptly. Office 647 Main
For Rent 8 acres of fine garden
land with small house and barn. Al
so nn ideal poultry ranch of 25 acres.
Geo. R. Roberts, Lock Box 36, Pen
dleton, Oregon.
Teu can't burn slat and gravell
Den't try It. Phon Duteb Henry,
Main 178, for clean scTeeaed Rock
Springs cal either lump or nut. It
burns clean and goes further.
Penland Bros. Transfer company
will have one-half carload household
goods going to Walla Walla. Anyone
wishing to ship goods to Walla Walla
call at 647 Main street or phone
Black 3391.
Psndleton's new paint store. Hal
& MoAtee, praps., 116 Main street.
Aeme quality paints, enamels, stains
Wall paper picture moulding, glaas
and varnishes. Let us figure on your
next job. Goods arriving daily.
(Continued from page one.)
No. 138, Abbott Provide for free
ferry at St. Johns.
No. 140. Hollls Creating state
board of fish and game commission
ers. No. 144, Insurance committee Reg
ulating fraternal societies.
No. 177, Fouts Relating to claims
of patients In Insane asylums.
No. 198, Ambrose Appropriation
for medical department of the Uni
versity of Oregon.
No. 202. Powell Providing dormi
tory for Oregon state normal school.
No. 210, Lane delegation For
maintenance of University of Oregon.
No. 211. Lane Delegation For
bulldTniC! at University of Oregon.
No. 212, Messrs Miller and Shaw
Relating to fencing railroads.
No. 233. Reynolds Protect ginseng
No. 237, Ambrose Relating to
support libraries,
No. 313, Steelhammer To amend
section 74 98, Lord's Oregon Codes.
No. 316, Game committee Pro
tecting lobsters.
No. 236, committee on Insurance
Licensing agents of Insurance com
panies. No. 327, committee on insurance
Relating to life Insurance commit
tees. No. 32S, Powell Relating to pay
ment of deposits In trust.
No. 337, Umatilla-Morrow delega
tion Encouraging stock exhibitions.
No. 34 3, Bonebrake To permrt
Benton county to erect bridge.
No. 355, Reynolds Pertaining to
buildings of deaf mute school.
No. 363, Steelhammer Relating to
stock running at large.
No. 364, Derby Attaching Hood
River county to seventh judicial dis
trict. No. 367, Bonebrake To amend sec
tion 6367, Lord's Codes,
No. 397, Hollls Relating to Insur
ance companies.
Every Article in Our Big
an ft pgflpflp kj
to be Closed Out
Tho room is for rent and fixtures for sale. Goods are Roing
at cost and below. Here's tho plnco to save money on china,
cut glass, art Roods, notions, toilet articles, pictures, dolls, etc.
The Drug Store That Servo You Best
Thomas and J. O. Kerr of Nolln are
in the city.
Sloan Thomson of Echo Is a Pen
dleton visitor.
II. N. Dryer of Umatilla is a visitor
In the city today.
W. E. Brown of Heppner, Is tran
sacting business' In Pendleton.
Miss Bulah Atherton of Nolln, Is In
town today to do some shopping.
Jack Eccleston is registered at the
Hotel St. George from McMnhvillo.
Oliver Jnotts Is In tho city today
as a witness in a contested land case.
'A. Hopson of Walla Walla, Is a
business visitor in Pendleton today.
C. W. Kellogg was among the Her
mlston people In the city yesterday.
Chris Roberts, a resident of Echo
is in tho city today on a trading trip.
J. II. Norton, whose home Is at Coe
Siding, was a Pendleton visitor yester
day. Loren Kennlson of Echo, was
aboard the Incoming motor this morn
ing. Sam Barlow of Nye, was a visitor
In the city yesterday for a short
Dr. John Griswold, the Helix phy
sician, la spending the day In Pen
dleton. , "
Mrs. Helen Belts of Nye, Is tran
sacting business at the court house
Mrs. B. F. McPherson of Filer, Ida
ho, is in the city for a visit of a few
Miss Rffla Thomson came up from
Echo this morning for a visit with
P. Thompson and wife came In
from their ranch near Helix this
II. D. Wilson of Athena, was down
fom that town for the transaction of
W. J. Hartley of Stanfleld, was a
visitor In tho city yesterday for a
short while.
Robt. Lewis came up from his He-r
mlston homestead on the motor car
this morning,
W. M. Mattis Is a guest of the Bow
man hotel, being registered from
Blue Mountain. -
Mrs. Fred Stewart of Kelso, Wash
ington, Is a guest of Mrs. F. E. Welch
for a few days.
Matt Knon of Yoakum was among
the large number of passengers on this
morning's local.
J. L. McMaster and wife of La
Grande.are In the city trom the
Union county seat.
Tete Murray came down from his
home at Adams on the Walla Walla
local this morning.
T. G. Smth of Echo, came up
from his home this morning for the
transaction of business.
Joseph Bailey, the Echo hotel man,
was among the passengers on the in
coming motor this morning.
Hans Lorenzen of this city, return
ed this morning from a business visit
to the west end of the county.
Oscar Piper of Helix, was among
the residents of that town who came
in on the N. P. this morning.
R. R. Beckham of Athena, was
numbered among the out-of-town
visitors on the streets yesterday.
Henry Summers, one of the Her
mlston land holders, came np from
his home on the motor this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown and Ar
tie Brown of Heppner, are visitors In
the city from the Morrow county seat.
lien Keys of Stanfleld, Is transact
ing business here today, having come
up this morning on the motor.
Alonzo Knotts is In from his Birch
creek ranch near Pilot Rock and Is
transacting business at the court
E. B. Casleel of Pilot Rock, came
in yesterday afternoon from tne
sheep town and spent the night In
tho city,
James Lehman, formerly proprietor
of Lehman Springs, has returned from
California where he spent the past
several months.
Clayton Fish and George Riseling,
both Echo farmers, were among the
west end people who came up on the
motor this morning.
Mrs. W. H. Durham and daughter
of Enterprise, came In yesterday
from the Wallowa county town and
are registered at a local hotel.
J. II. Strohm of Hermlston. re
turned this morning from a business
trip to Milton and Walla Walla and
is spending the day in Pendleton.
John Monteomerv. local asrent for
tho Puget Sound arehouso company
returne.l on the Northern Pacific this
morning from Helix, where he spent
yesterday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sterr, who came
here on a visit recently from New
Hampton, Iowa, left this morning for
California, where they will probably
make their future home.
Driven Distress from Upset Stomacna
in Five Minutes.
MI-O-NA stomach tablets not only
cure Indlgestlonbut build up the en
tre system and make the weak and
frail strong and vigorous. They are
guaranteed to do so by Tallman &
Co.. They cause the glow of health
to appear In the checks and make the
eyes bright and sparkling. They
chase out bad blood and cause pim
ples and sallow skin to disappear.
MI-O-NA stomach tablets are such
wonderful stomach invigorators and
upbuilders that they are sold under
an agreement to return your money
If they do not cure indigestion or
any other trouble arising from an
upset stomach such as biliousness,
dizziness, sick headache, loss of appe
tite, fermentation, nervousness, sleep
lessness, nightmare, etc.
And 'only 60 cents a large box at
Tallman & Co. and druggists every
where. "Stomach trouble had bothered me
a long time and though I doctored and
used several remedies there wus no
cure given me until I used MI-O-NA.
I used to feel weak, bloodless and
depressed, but MI-O-NA built up my
health and made me strong." Mrs.
J. Newton, Bellevue, Mich.
Pendleton's favorite picture the
ater offers an excellent program for
Friday and Saturday. All American
pictures 1. "The Heart of an Indian
Mother." This Is one of the most
exciting Indian pictures Kalem has
ever made, and yet it has a strong
appeal to the ladles. A little deed of
kindness done for a sick pappoose
proves the means of saving the lives
of a whole family of white settlers.
The true story of an Indian raid and
how the gratitude of a poor squaw
helped the whites to beat off the red
skins. Showing a real Indian travoix,
an Indian funeral and other phases of
Indian life true to nature. Pathos and
true sentiment mingled with sensa
tional action.
2. "The Test of Friendship." Edi
son. Two workmen, Tom and Jim,
whose fists are as hard as steel, but
whose hearts are of sterling worth,
are In love with the same lady. "1-om
! believes that Jim Is the successful
one, and though hard hit, takes the
blow like a man. But the supreme
test of friendship comes when Jim
who has a quarrel with a truck driver
on the top of a huge sky structure, Is
knocked unconscious and is hung
out over the sidewalk, twenty-two
stories below. The slightest mave
one way or the other and he Is dash
ed to death and when Tom is called
upon to save Jim's life at the risk of
his own, it Is a test that proves the
mettle of the man. There they swing
n mid-air, Tom and Jim, clinging to
gether at this dizzy height. A thrill
er, a supremely dramatic moveent in
the motion picture art. The rescue
and the winning of the girl by Tom
gives a sweet touch of human nature
to the close of this exciting picture.
3. "The Rival Dramatists or Cock-
a-Doodle-Doo." Selig. A burlesque
on the reigning French dramatic
craze. This picture presents a nov
elty in costuming and the acting. The
closing scene, a pair of roosters fign.1
ing in a barn yard, is very funny.
4. "Hank and Lank." (Uninvited
guests). Essanay. Once more the
favorites appear, this time they
haven't eaten as heartily as they
might wish for a considerable time,
consequently anything that indicates
the presence of a meal is scrutinized
with care. The humor in the pic
ture cannot be described. It must be
seen to be understood and appreciated.
5. "Hiring a Gem." Essanay. A
lively comedy based upon the cur
rent belief regarding the difficulty
of keeping a cook. This is a funny
Four full reels, 4000 feet of good
American productions.
All this Week
$1.50 Cream Serge 42-in., yard 98c
$ 1 .00 Shantong Pongee 36-in.,
yard .... 79c
) $1.50 Imperial Pongee 36-in.,
L $1.25 Black Taffetta 36-in.,
yard .... 95c
1 2 1 -2c Bleached Muslin Hope
at yard . . . . I Oc
All the Best Calicoes at yard 5 c
ft The Best Anrnn Cher.lcs at vard 7r
White Outing at 10c and 12 I -2c
White Table Oil Cloth at yard 20c
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
Dunsmuir, California., Feb. 23.
The fntlguo of the tramp toward
Fresno was relieved through the kind
ness of tho May Roberts theatrical
company who picked up 35 Industrial
ists lust night at Sison and brought
them here In the company's special
car. Miss Roberts gave them all a
bed, supper and breakfast. They will
continue their tnarch towards Fresno.
Genua of DIsouko should be prompt
ly expelled from the blood. Tills is
a time when the sys tern Is especially
susceptible to them. Get rid of all
Impurities In the 'blood by taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla, and thus fortify
your wholo body and prevent Illness.
It I. the little thin us that we find
so difficult to put together, and make
of them something worth while.
Known Fer Its Strength
The First National Bank
Hji L-i " mi hi'im mi J
Job Printing, Tel. Main i J
Tho Pnstlnio.
Picture program for Friday and
1. "The Owner of the L. L.
Ranch." Melies. 1000 feet. A western
comedy detailing the adventures of
a lord who contests a claim for a
ranch with a woman, popular with
all the cowboys and wins. Through
me of those strange events in the
way of fate, her favorite cowboy and
her abject slave, comes into posses
sion of money and buys back the
ranch. A lively, well-acted picture,
telling a straightforward story.
2. "So Near, Hut not Quite." Pa-
tho. A thief is wanted by the police
He seizes a bicycle and rides off. Tno
cop does likewise. They are both ex
perts on the wheel. Pedestrians nro
knocked down and ridden over, and
various other most wonderful tricks
are performed.
3. "The Old Water Jar." Vitagraph.
An old Indian forsaken by all his
friends, spends his time fashioning
and decorating a water Jar. Sudden
ly he realizes what a bad Indian he
has been. Scenes of his early life ae
reproduced and pass in review be
fore him. Realizing his sinfulness,
he adds one more declaration and
passes on to the happy hunting
grounds of his people.
4. "Max Is Almost Married." Pa
tho. Ths well known comedian Is
again in a very good picture with a
laugh every second.
5. "Silver Cloud's Sacrifice." Ka
lem, A delightful Indian picture by
the Kalem Co.
Music by the Pastime orchestra.
Mcwlorn Woodmen of America.
Class adoption Friday 24. All
neighbors are urged to be present.
Refreshments. J. G. FINNISH.
More moving picture shown than
any other theatre la tho city the
Always Something New
Hypnotic Mesmerism
Fashionable Vaudeville
Hindoo Box
Qeneral Admission l5o
Reserved 25c