f PAUK EIGHT DAILY EAST ORBGONUN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1811. RIGHT PAGK8 MONOPOLE Canned Goods, mean canned goods of Highest Quality Newsy Notes of Pendleton STRING, BEANS STRINGLKSS REANS LIMA BEANS BABY REFUGE BEANS EXTRA SIFTED TEAS DIMPLE PEAS SUGAR OORX SUCCOTASH A Complete Line of MOXOPOLE CANNED GOODS 11 ways Carried In Stock. SEE WINDOW. OYSTERS SALMON LOBSTER SHRIMP TOMATOES STRAWBERRIES BLACKBERRIES HALVED PEACHES SLICED PEACHES LEMOX CLING PEACHES RASPBERRIES APRICOTS BARTLETT PEARS ROYAL AXX CHERRIES Church Property Taxoil, According to Assessor C. P. Strain, a recent ruling of the state tax com mission makes it necessary to assess all church and lodge property not ac tually used by the church or lodge. IVdro Funeral Tomorrow. The funeral of the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Pedro will be held tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock, the services to take place at the Catholic church. on exhibition In Its south window a collection of as fine amateur, prints as has ever been seen here. They were all taken from negatives owned by local camera enthusiasts, many of them belonging to E. D. Weaver, who has gained the reputation of being an artist in amateur work. The prints were made by J. B. Burrell, who will hereafter have charge of the printing and developing work of the Pendleton Drug company, and certainly testi fy strongly to his ability. The drug company now has on the road here a post card printing machine with which the work can be done rapidly and economically. Standard Grocery Co. Inc. Where all are Pleased Frank O'Gara, Pres. Bernard O'Gara, Sec-Treas. Ono Marrlugo License. A marriage license was today issued to Irwin T. Swain of Page county, Iowa, and Miss urace Elder of this city. Mis Elder was formerly one of the clerks in the local postoffice. EACH COUNTY TO HAVE PROSECUTOR NEW LAW LACKS ONLY WESTS SIGNATURE erable more than two thirds of the present work of the district attorney comes from this county." SENSATIONAL VAUDEVILLE AT THE PASTIME THEATRE A big feature in addition to the high class film service at the Pastime to night will be "Henry the King of Jailbreakers," and five vaudeville ar tists new to the coast. "Henry's" Change in Umatilla Not Desirable ' reputation is international and his re Krom standpoint of Office Holder 'markable ability to free himself from ; locks, bolts, bars and manacles Is re- 1 i y iToiHicu. I allv sensational. To release himself ' after having being securely Ironed to What effect will a countv attorney ; the floor or walls of a steel cage is his law have upon Umatilla county? This favorite pastime. Getting out of is a ouestion which is being Quite i burglar proof vaults is a feat he has generally asked by (hose who have ! performed everywhere with apparent followed the actions of the legisla-1 ease. After playing all the principal ture. This bill, providing for a prose- circuits throughout the land Prof, cuting attorney for each county in-; Henry's exhibits seem to baffle every- stead of each judicial district, was body, even the limits of the law. His passed by both houses and now only 1 acts are performed in plain view of the needs the affixing of the governor's audience without assistance and local signature to become a law. ' officers and deputies will see to it The bill will not affect the present that no trickery' is used. Admission Incumbent in office for it does not'rrices will be 15 and 25 cents, become active until two years, but in: two years both Umatilla and Morrow : jVi n't They Brave, county will elect a separate prosecut-' rtS Moines, la., Feb. 21. Bent on ing attorney to assume the duties now j putting a crimp In the thirteen super done by District Attornew Van Vactor. ptition. the Friday hoodo and the The county attorney of Umatilla twenty-three skiddoo, the Iowa Re county will d.aw a salary of 2000 per tall Hardware association opened annum and the county attorney of npre todav the biggest convention and Gets Out of Vault. Henry the Jailbreaker, who claims no lock can hold him, demonstrated his peculiar abilities this afternoon at 3 o'clock when he escaped from the vault in the city hall within four min utes after he had been locked in, Suit for Divorce. Attorney O. T. Godwin of Baker, this afternoon filed a suit for V. L. Plummer of Huntington in which the plaintiff asks for a decree of divorce from his wife, Mary E. Plummer, Desertron is alleged as the grounds for such action. The couple have been married since January 17, 1S97 Brakenmit Will Marry. r John Hastings, the well known Ore gon-Washington brakeman, will end his career of single blessedness to night at 8 o'clock at which hour ho Is to be united in marriage to Miss Sarah Nolin of this city. The young couple nave oeen Keeping meir up proachlng nuptials a profound secret and did not secure a license until late this afternoon, but a friend let the news out this morning and It is prob able there will be a celebration in hon or of the event which neither bride nor groom anticipated. The young couple will take the night train for Portland, where they will spend a short honeymoon. Dr. Kern to Ilermiston. Dr. and Mrs. M. S. Kern are plan ning to move to Hermiston to reside permanently The doctor Is now com pleting a bungalow in the little irri gation city and expects to move down about March 1. With head quarters at Hermiston he will manage his 'lumberyards at Ilermiston, Stan field and Umatilla. Morrow county a salary of $150(T whereas the present incumbent is given J3000. In addition each will be allowed their actual traveling expens- exhibition in the history of the or ganization. This is the thirteenth an nual session, arid just to prove that there is nothing in the thirteen hard es and the county court shall provide luok yarn the a(?aiera have put extra each with such deputies as is deemed necessary. The general sentiment is in favor of the bill, according to Deputy District Attorney Steiwer, although there is seme opposition in small counties due to the fact that it will be a more ex pensive system to them than the present. Another argument used against it, is the fact that the salary paid in small counties will not be suf ficient to make the office desirable to an able attorney who, by accepting it, would be barred from accepting certain very remunerative cases. "The only effect of such a law in Umatilla county," said Steiwer this j morning." would be to make the of- j fice a little less desirable for while ! the salary is reduced a third, consld- ginger in to tne program ana prep arations. The election of officers will be held on Friday, and the prin cipal entertainment on the night of th'- twenty-third, a date which some folks consider to be ill-omened. The Coliseum is the scene of the big hard ware exposition, in which all the lead ins; manufacturers of the country are represented. The Iowa Hardware Mutual Insurance association, which has been highly successful in giving the dealers insurance protection at cost, will also hold its eighth annual meeting tomorrow. 8 Rdhwell Optometrist Eye Examined, Glasses Fitted, Lenses Duplicated and FramM Repaired. With W. E. HANSCOM, THE Jeweler. Pendleton. Michigan Dairymen. Eay City, Mich., Feb. 21. Michi gan dairymen, butter and cheese ! makers to the number of several hun ! dreds attended the opening here to day of the annual convention of their association. ! A banquet will be held on Thursday night, at which dairy products will be served almost 'exclusively, although there will be a little punch for the milk, some macaroni with the cheese i and some milk-fed chickens on the bill of fare. C. T. Godwin, the Baker attorney, who Is a member of the firm of God win & Neal of Freewater, came in yesterday from his home and Is transacting'' business here. Leave for Seattle. Mrs. Lina H. Sturgis, the Misses Edna Thompson, Una Smith and Ina Cherry and Herbert Thompson and Ernest Wells left on the' Northern Pa cific train this afternoon for Seattle where they will attend the annual ball of the Phi Gamma Delta fra ternity of the University of Washing ton. Child Dies at Hospital. Hortens Brollaiai passed away at St. Anthony's hospital at 3 o'clock this morning at the age of 7 years, death being due to typhoid fever. The father of the child has been confined in his home. 713 Aura street, for the past two months with the same disease; Two in Police Court. Pat Hayes, charged with being drunk, and Clyde Bailey, charged with vagrancy, appeared before Po lice Judtre Fitz Gerald this morning and both pleaded not guilty, insist ing that a grave mistake had been made. They will come up for trial at 3 o'clock this afternoon when the night officers have completed therr daily slumbers. Sue on Xoto. The George & Miller company of Echo, has begun suit against A. W. Norton, Ida Norton, Orval Norton, Thomas Bros, and E. W. McComas alleging in the complaint that the first three named defendants gave their note to the plaintiff, securing It with a chattel mortgage. Later, it is alleged, the grain which const! tuted part of the chattels was sold to Thomas Bros, and disposed of by them to E. W. McComas for $682.25 The plaintiff asks that court decree that the plaintiff has a lien on the proceeds of the grain and $75 attor ney fees are also asked. Carter & Smythe are representing the plain' tiff. I-ast Night of Revival. The series of revival services at the Methodist Episcopal church will close this evening. Rev. Lewtas has made many friends during his stay in the city and many men and women have been inspired to live a better life because of his sermons. He goe3 from here to Bozeman, Mont., where he begins another series of meetings Sunday morning. CUT RATES Pendleton Dye Works During February Men's suite for $2.00 Ladies suits for 2.00 Plain skirts for .75 Pleated skirts for 1.00 WILL CLEAN AND PRESS Ladies suit pressed Men's suit pressed Plain skirts dyed Pleated skirts dyed 1.00 .75 1.50 1.75 REMEMBER "The Pendleton Dye Works," the only place where clothes are "really" cleaned by the "French Method." Work called for and delivered. Phone Main 169. 206 1-2 E. Alta Apod Farm Hand Killed. News has been received here that J. H. Becker, an aged farm hand, was found dead six miles from Wes ton Sunday morning. He was wont ing on the G. De Graw ranch, six miles from Weston, and a straw shed had fallen upon him and killed him. The dead man was deaf and because of this. fact it is presumed he did not know the shed was falling until it hit him. He was for many years an engineer on the Southern Pacific railroad. Old Newspaper Man Here. M. C. Haris (Harris the Printer), thirty years ago the leading Job print er of Walla Walla, and founder of the Morning Journal, which was sub sequently sold to Johnson & Herrlff and by them changed into the Walla Walla Dally Union, passed through Pendleton today on his way to Baker City. Mr. Haris is up this way re newing old acquaintances and look ing over the county, and marvels at the wonderful changes and develop ments that have been made in every section since he. was here last, some 25 years ago. Fine Amateur Photographs. The Pendleton Drug company haa CLARK'S DAILY "FLYER" Grocery prices such as were never heard of before in Pendleton. Watch this space each day. For Wednesday Oily 40c Lipton Tea ..... 30c SOc Bottle Olives .. '. . . 85c 15c Citrus Washing Powder 10c I 60c Sack Rolled Oats 35c 10c French Gloss, 4 for 25c 1 3 Cans Lye 25c Remember everything in the store reduced. Watch this space for tomorrow's flyer, and BUY NOW. CLARK'S GROCERY 544-546 Main Street Phone Main 174. Sunday School Institutes. Rev. C. A. Phipps, field secretary of the Oregon Sunday School assocla tion. will conduct a series of insti tutes through the county this week beginning tonight at Hermiston. To morrow afternoon and evening he will hold meetings at Pilot Rock and Thursday will be at Stanfield. Friday he will speak in Weston, Saturday in Athena and Sunday in Freewater and vicinity. Several local Sunday school workers will assist him at his various meetings. Rev. Ralph E. Storey and wifu of this city will be with him at Athena and Weston. Rev. E. W. War rington of Pilot Rock, will help him at Stanfield and Rev. Levi Johnson will be his aide at Freewater and vicinity. Here's Welcome News After closing Saturday night as advertised and after enjoy ing the banner business of this store's history, we've learned that many of our oldest and best customers missed attending Qur Great Sale We want no one to feel slighted and as we have many bargain inducements to offer througout our store, we have decided that the sale shall be I. Continued all this Week The Boston Store BASEBALL OFFICERS ARE ELECTED At the gathering of the faithful' fans lii the Commercial association rooms last night, J. Roy Baley was elected president of the Pendleton club of the Blue Mountain league and the fol lowing men were chosen for the oth er positions: Henry Collins for vice president, John Dickson for secretary and Fred Lampkln for treasurer. These officers will hold a meeting to night to select a manager for the team, and common report has It that Clark Nelson will be the favored one. Considerable discussion relative to the coming season was held but no other action was taken. The senti ment as expressed at the meeting was very optimistic for a pennant winning teum. A number of the players of last year's team were present and sig nified their intention of turning out for practico within a few days. The schedule has not yet been drawn up as President Frazler and Secretary Cooley of the league are ex periencing some difficulty in arrang ing the games so that each end of the county will have one each Sunday. Cnr(l of Thanks. Wo wish to extend our sincere thanks to the many friends who so kindly assisted us during our recent bereavement in the loss of our ' son and brother. MRS. ARTHUR HAMMER AND FAMILY. Shallowest Well of All. According to Erbol & Shaver, tno well drillers, the well which they re cently finished on the C. F. Daniels place, is the shallowest of all he fifteen or more thy have drilled for farmers in this county. Water was struck at 1S2 feet, after five weeks of work ami it stands 70 feet deep and gives a flow of 1000 gallons an hour. The following are some or the wells this firm 'has drilled and the depth at which water was struck: P"or Al fred Laing. 400 feet; B. F.k Moore, 442 feet; E. A. Snyder. 436 feet; M. E. Whltmore, 265 feet; W. F. Fanshler, 616 feet; E. E. Hutchinson, 335 feet; Dave Nelson, 445 feet; J. R. Porter, 400 feet; T. R. Hampton, 365 feet; W. J. Furnish, 250 feet. Robert Bis singer, 350 feet; S. A. Edwards, 242 feet. See Ebrel & Shaver for well drill ing. Estimates furnished on appli cation. Address 118 Lincoln street. Pendleton. Yonr entire family will enjoy seeing PENDLETON'S NEWBST. COSIEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE PICTURE SHOW. Only theatre in Pendleton with modern conveniences. Change of program Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. MONDAY AND TUESDAY. Romance of Count Do Beouford The Creek Clnlin. What is to Ihj Will Inn A Well Matched Marriage. The Great Modal Comciitlon. 4 ReelM, 4000 feet. Illustrated Song: In the Valley of Yesterday. TELEPHON E COM BIX ATION PLAX IS STILL ALIVE New York, Feb. 21. The propo sition to combine the Bell and Inde pendent telephone interests has not been dropped. It was learned today that a "gentlemtn's agreement" will be made and that rate cutting and unnecessary competition will be ab olished. Representatives of the Bell Interests and Independnts conferred today in Morgan's office. Such a com bination would not be a violation of the anti-trust law and would mean probably a division of territory. Alt NOLI) BELIEVES HIS DAUGHTER WAS MURDERED New York, Feb. 21. Affidavits that he believes his daughter Dorothy is dead were made today for District Attorney Whitman by Francis Ar nold, the millionaire. To urge ac tion In the part of the attorney, Ar nold said he had Information that she had been kidnapped on Fifth ave nue on Dec. 12 and that he was con vinced she was murdered later. Ha said he would spend every dollar he had to avenge her death. FIFTEEN ARE INJURED IX FAST TRAIN WRECK Palisade, Nev., Feb. II. Southern Pacific train No. 10, eastbound, known as the Chlnn-Japan fast mail, which left San Francisco at 9 o'clock Sun day night, went Into the ditch short ly after 9 o'clock last night one and a half miles west of here. Six cars, Including some of ' tne sleepers, went down the embankment. Three persons were seriously injured and 12 slightly. WASHINGTON MAY II AVE INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM Olympla, Wash., Feb. 21. The initiative and referendum bill which passed the house last week, was re ported favorably by the senate com mittee today. Governor Hay has signed the bill validating the commission form of government for cities. Two Popular Illus trated Lectures Evangelist John Lewtas, traveler and lecturer, will deliver two splendid travel lectures in the Pendleton Methodist church on Wed nesday and Thursday of this week at 8 p. m. The subject of the first lecture will bo What I Saw In England, Scotland, Ireland, France and Italy. Mr. Lewtas will start with a series, of the most beautiful colored slides from Portland visiting Tacoma, Seattle, thence through British Columbia enrouto for Montreal and Quebec, here ho will take the .steamer to England and will describe the beautiful places of the old country. Including the finest cathedrals, palaces, museums, customs and manners of the people, visiting especially the City of London, Bristol, Stratfor-on-Avnn, the homo of Shakespeare, Edlnburg, the Hlglands of Scotland, the home of Burns, the tomb of Scott and a visit to old Ireland, Londonderry, Belfast, Dublin, Blarney Castle, Lako Klllarncy, and then a trip to Paris, the most beautiful city in the world. Here a trip on the Seine, Notre Dame Cathedral, the church of the Madeline, The Louvre Art Gallery and a score of other places will be shown and described, thence to Italy, a visit to old Rome, Naples, Florence, Venice and Milan. Over two hundred of the most superb views ever seen will be shown. THE SECOND LECTURE WILL BE What I Saw in Greece, Turkey, Syria, The Holy Land and Egypt This lecture must be seen and heard to be fully appreciated. Ath ens, Smyrna, Constantinople, Beyrout, Damascus, Galilca, Nazareth, Carmol, Joppa, all around in Jeusalcm, Gethsemene, Calvery, the Passion of Christ, by a series of master paintings will be shown. Bethlehem, Bethany, The Dead Sea, the Jordan and old Egypt with its wonders will be seen on the canvas all illustrated by the most up-to-date stereopticon and with over two hundred slides taken es pecially for this lecture. Admission: children 15c; adults 36c. Orpheum Theatre 9. P. MEDFRNACH, Proprietor HIGH-CLASS UP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children BEE PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER. Program Chan fee on Bandar's, Tuesday's and FrUafa. Naps Open Camp. Alexandria, La., Feb. 21. Mem bers of the Cleveland American league baseball team, went Into camp here today to begin their spring train ing. Over a score of men compose the first squad, and when the second squad arrives there will be, Including players, photographers and newspa per men, over fifty at the camp. Wheat Land. Stock Ranches 640 acres all seeded, well improred, fine water system. 480 acres, part in crop, no better land in the county. 320 acres, all in stubble, plenty of water. 320 acres all in wheat, fair improvements, plenty of water. I know the prices on the above lands are correct accord in; to other land values, and the amount they produce. See me about stock ranches, diversified farms, suburban homes, all kinds of city property and business chances. E. T. WADE Temple Big.