PACK SIX AILx EAST OBXGONIAM, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRCAKY 21, 1911. auirr pages j NEWS OF TIE NORTHWEST T I - f ALCOHOL 3 PER n-VT ANgctablePreparattonErAs simila(ini the Fborf .inr Rroifo. ling Uic Siomacfts andBowfci Promotes Diskstionfltfj1 ncss and Rretontains nritfer OpiuniXorphinc norMiocnL OT NARCOTIC. acjpttfMIkS3MUlJ!Q!i& JiaUtSdH- Apetfrct Remedy rorCons non , sour 5tomacn.uiam4 Vorms,ConvulsionsfeTnsfr ncss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signarar of NEW YORK. hj3ff Buaranteed under ti booJai Exact Copy of Wrapper. AVERTED AT NOUN (Special Correspondence.) Xolin, Feb. 20. While Steve Ed wards was sitting astride his saddle horse Sunday morning and holding a horse ridden by his brother, Kermit, j while the latter was in the postoffice i which is close to the O.-W. tracks, an j approaching freight train scared the ; horses and it was a miracle that j Steve was not crushed to death. The horses turned toward home to i a crossing directly In front of the la- j comoiive and the only thing that sav- ed the rider was that he turned Ker- : mits horse loose and spurred his own steed off the track. Instead of keep- i lng the road the riderless horse j ran beside and ahead of the locomo- ; tive almost a mile, jumping two stock ' guards before leaving the track. j He proved himself a god runner; but would have been struck had not j the engineer slowed down his train, j Aside from a merry chase to catch . the runaway no damage was done. j Eddie and Dallas Dupuis are home from the O. A. C. at Corvallls for a couple weeks' vacation. J. B. Howard of Pendleton, visited friends here and at Stanfield last week. An enjoyable surprise party was given at the residence of Will Mc Cutcheon on St. Valentine's night. Midnight lunch was served and the party did not disperse till the "wee hours of mornin'." C. C. Connors, secretary and sales agent for the Farmers' Union Fire Insurance company, with headquar ters at Pendleton, visited Xolin's pros perous farmers' union Saturday night and succeeded in selling several shares of stock for the company to almost every member present. Among Pendleton visitors during the past week were Wm. Slusher, W. A. Slusher, John Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wright, James Marple, Emil Eielke, Pat Kirk and Wm. Purvlance. Bute of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County ee. Frank i. Cbeney mak oath that B la senior partner of the firm cf F". J. Cheney Co.. doing; ostneaa'lo the City of Toledo, ?oonty and Htata aforeaald, and that aald Urn will pay the ana of ONE HUNDRED IXJI.LAK8 for each and evry caaa of ca tarrh that cannot be cored by the oss of Rall s Catarrh Cur. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed la my freaence. tbla 8tn day of December, A. D.. 66. Seal A. W. uLEASON. ' Votary Public. Hall'e Catarrh Care la taken Internally, nd arts directly on the blood aad mocoos urfarea of the ayatem. Bend for taett oonlele free Bold by all Drncglata. T lilrth Rate Irope In A nutria. Austria is worried over the decrease of the birth rate In the empire. The preliminary official count of the Aus trian census to December 31, 1910, shows that the Increase of the popu lation during the last decade Is less than was anticipated. The birth rate has fallen from 40 per 1000 In 1870 to 20 per 1000 In 110. I ing, nor feel that she is In danger when baby comes, If Mother's Friend is used in preparation of the event. Mother's Friend relieves tho pain and discomfort caused fay the strain on the different ligaments, overcomes nausea by counter action, prevents backache and numbness of limbs and soothes the inflammation of breast glands. Its regular use fits and cts ana 1 system for a proper and natural ending of the term, and it assures for her a quick and complete recov ery. Mother's Friend is sold vug stores, write lor free Dock for xpeciani moxners. B&aDFTXLD BEOTJXJLTOB CO, Atlanta. Oa. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of TMK eCNTAUN COHHHT. NC TOR CITV. DANCE AT ADAMS IS (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore., Feb. 20. The Adams dance on Friday night was quite a success. It was well attended and a good supper was served at the Ad ams Hotel at 12 o'clock. The dance lasted till four in the morning and all had a good time. Quite a num. be-r of people from Athena and Pen dieton were present. The two basketball teams of ' the Adams school played a match game on Saturday night In the Maestretta hall. The score was 8 to 5 in favor of the first team. They exhibited some fine team work and all spent a pleasant evening. C. Chestnut was a Pendleton visitor" Saturday. Mrs. Dora McBride of Athena, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Darr Friday. Miss Anna Barnes left for Weston Friday evening to spend Sunday at home. The Misses Lola and Gwendoline Rogers came up from Pendleton Frf day to spend Sunday at home. Mrs. Lonick visited in the city of Pendleton Saturday. Mrs. T. A. Lieuallen was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Ferguson of Pen dletot Saturday. Worn Oat. That's the way you feel about tho lungs when you have a hacking cough. It's foolishness to let It lo on and trust to luck to get over K, when Ballard's Horehound Syrup will stop the cough and heal the lungs. Price 25c. BOc and $1 per bottle. A C. Koeppen & Bros. SUFFRAGE HOSTS STORM NEW YORK LEGISLATURE Grandmothers of Empire state leg islators are likely to die off at a tre mendous rate this week. Already the more timid solons are assuming the appearance of grief and are prepar ing to leave at a moment's notice, In view of the expected onslaught of the suffragettes of the state. The ad vance guard of the "votes for women" army arrived in Albany this morning, and every train brings additional suf fragettes to take part in the meetings to be held during the coming week. A reception of legislators and other public men of Albany will be held tonight by the Ekual Suffrage soci ety. Miss Fola La Follotte, daughter of the Wisconsin senator, will read an English farce entitled, "How the Vote was Won." Tomorrow will be the big day, when the Joint senate and assembly com mittee will grant a hearing on the amendment to the state constitution Ipermltlng women to vote. Later In I the week Miss Sylvia Parkhurst, the i noted English suffragette, will speak. Suffrage Sunday will be the closing , feature of the gathering. College girls will act as ushers at all the I meetings. It Is the nature of women to suffei uncomplainingly, the discomforts and fears that accompany the hearing of children. Motherhood is their crown ing glory, and they brave its suffer ings for the Joy that children bring. No expectant mother need suffer, however, during the period of wait prepares every portion of the mother's prepares every portion oi me mot aaaaw q AW Jr For Over Thirty Years enn liirl Stops Kuiuiwny Team. Fletcher. Idaho. T. B. Lanuis team ran away Sunday throwing him from the sleigh on his shoulder. Miss Tana Uartlett stopped the team. (iovoriniKMit Agent Nabs UoUll. Vollmer, Idaho. Max Oeldi, a la borer, was arrested by a special gov ernment agent, charged with intro ducing liquor on the reservation. Snow Drives Out Coyotes. Lewiston. Idaho. The heavy snows on the surrounding highlands are driving the coyotes from the uplands into the warmer regions along the Snake and Clearwater rivers. Woman to Couch Student Players. Whitman College, W alia Walla, Wash. Miss liuland of the English department has been chosen coach for the sophomore play to be given this spring: Hayseed" Party at Whitman. Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash. A "hayseed" party was given Saturday night in Reynolds hall by the Christian associations of students and faculty. Often Montana Gypsum Fields. Lewiston, Mont. Arrangements are heimr rauidlv completed to open val uable gypsum fields nine miles east of here, and prospects are bright for a stucco plant, as eight claims of 20 acres each have been staked out. Sells Club Wheat nt 68 3-4 Cents. Walla Walla. Wash. Although the wheat market has been ouiet for sev eral weeks a large deal in club wheat was made Saturday when buyers took from Patrick Lyons, 33.000 bushels of club. The nrice was 6S 3-4 cents net. Kl'ln Oitera House Vnsnfe. Elgin, Ore. According to the city council's orders last week the city clerk obtained the services of John Slater, an architect from La Grande, to examine the Elgin opera house an.l his report was: "The condition of the j building is dangerous." Alien S)Mils Jury's Work. Grangeville, Idaho. Judge Steele has dismissed the cases on indictments found by the special grand jury for the violation of the local option law because of the discovery that one of the members of the grand jury, M. Wirrer, is an alien. Sjmnyle Farmers Celebrate. Spangle, Wash. Washington's birthday will be celebrated here by the Farmers' Educational und Co-operative union. The speakers will be I. H. Jennings, manager of the farmers' union warehouse, and Professor I. E. Moore of the Spangle public school. A chicken dinner will be served. Kills Coyote on His Lawn. lewiston. Idaho. A coyote, sup posed by some to be afflicted with rabies or crazed with hunger, was driven to bay and killed Friday mor ning on the lawn of George Gold man, at the corner of Third avenue and Third street, by Charles Emmons, who operates the ferry across Snake river near the uairour-uutnrie uock. Ilatfs Train; Burning Bridge. Kalispell, Mont. A letter has just covery of a burning bridge on the Ca mas Prairie railway, near the top of the Culdesac grade, by P. T. Bailey, a Reubins farmer, prevented a seri ous accident, for only the flagging of the passenger train from Grange ville by Bailey enabled the engineer to Btop his train before reaching the burning structure on a curve. liooze Cases Under Advisement. Lewiston, Idaho. L. D. and Emer son Snyder, brothers, residing in the vicinity of Welppe, arrested Friday at Ahshka by H. L. Butler, a govern ment agent, were yesterday arraigned before United States Commissioner O' Neill and their cases taken under ad visement until Wednesday. Bourne Ask Aid or Young Men. Walispell, Mont. A letter has Just been received from Senator Jonathan Bourne, president of the Progressive Republican League of the United States, by a member of the platform committee of the young men's repub lican league of this county Inviting the members to take part In the na tional movement and to assist In a membership campaign. Vote on Drainage in Lemhi. Salmon City, Idaho. The county commissioner last week heard the pe tition with regard to the formation of a drainage district which will af fect 700 acres adjoining the southern part of town. An election will be held March 4, when all property own ers in the proposed district may vote on the question of completing the organization and the choosing of three drainage commissioners. G. & . Start Building Soon. Salmon City, Idaho. That the Gil more & Pittsburg railroad will start building to Twin Bridges, Mont., early next month is the latest report con cerning the plans of this mysterious road. President McCutcheon writes from Pittsburg to the Commercial club that he expects soon to be In Salmon City and will confer with the business men on express and freight rates. Wlilt man Women in Debute, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash. Washington State college has submitted the following question for the debate between the women of the state college and Whitman: "Resolv ed, That for the same work done men and women should receive the same remuneration." Whitman has chosen the affirmative side. This Is the first Intercollegiate debate Whitman wo men have ever undertaken. Do you Mad the Bast OregonlanT UNFURN 1 S ...HOUSE-KEEPING In Suites of 2 Rooms Each Steam Heat Electric Lights Gas and Gas Range Hot and Cold Water Bath Good Ventilation Plenty oi Daylight INCLUDED IN EACH SUITE LOCATED IN East Oregcnian Building Enquire at East Oregonian Office AT THE MOVING PICTURE SHOWS Orplteum. 1. "The Italian Barber." Bio graph. This picture shows how Cu pid plays the Game of Hearts. "Sweet Italian love, mia Italian love You don't need the moonlight your love to tell her." The author of the above lines surely knew his Italian well, for there Is no easier victim of Cupid's darts than the Italian. A pretty face and the Latin gentleman falls. A portrayal of this is given In this Biograph com edy drama. 2. Cowboy Justice. A sensational subject produced by the American Puthe company. Considerable care has been given to every detail. 3. "A Child's Plea." Kosmik. The child of nobility prays that she may see her grandmother with whom her own mother was not on good terms. When the mother overhears the child's supplications she begs forgiveness from the old countess and they are reconciled. 4. "Facarl Family." Pathe. A reproduction of acrobatic work which seems almost Impossible. The pho tography Is remarkably good. 6. "The Vlllian Still Pursued Her." The title of this subject describes it perfectly, as the beautiful scenes, one after the other, show vividly Corsica in its wild state. 6. "The Hills of Corsica." Gau mont. A travelog giving a succession of picturesque scenes In Corsica. Many will be surprised to see tue character of the surface of the is land and how heavily It is wooded. Some of the views are picturesque and all are Interesting. 7. "Poor Coat." A simple comedy, but amusing. The Pastime. "Ramona's Father." Sellg. 1000 feet. An Indian story of California, based upon a misunderstanding which arouses the jealousy of a Mexican, First a young man Is stabbed, after he recovers nursed back to life by an Indian girl, he Is lassoed by the same Jealous Mexican but Is rescued by the Indian girl and she In turn stabbed. Truly this Is one of Sellg's best productions. "The Home of the Seal." Edison, 500 feet long. This Is a very extra ordinary series of views, taken at close range, of the harbor seals on the Paloinas islands off the coast of Peru. "The Gardner's Ladder." Kdison, 500 feet. Comedy. A stern old fath er, one afternoon chancing to see a young man proposing to his daugh ter, becomes Infuriated, orders the young man off the premises and locks the daughter In her room. The father, very much agitated over tha distressing state of affairs, repairs to the garden for a walk and almost stumbles over a ladder which the gurdner has placed under his daugh ter's window. Thinking she had eioped he starts In excited chase. Here Is where the fun begins. "The Stolen Pig." A very Intarest Ing comedy. "Indian Pete's Gratitude." Kalem, 1000 feet. If I Hod Eczema. I'd wash It, away with that mild,' soothing liquid, D. D. D. Trial bottle 26c. Relieves all kinds of skin trou ble, cleansing away the Impurities and clearing up the 'complexion as nothing else can. Tea. If I had any kind of earn trouble I'D USB D. D. D. Tallman Drug Co. ROOM IF.SVE-WlLL M V lj I n I J U p- AATAM'i COlD, Dt ROOM'5 TCO HOT'AN-iEVAHTHINO ', ALL- MIXEPUR 'AH MAS ( AH YVOW.AH IF Ci WMIT& " JFOlKS EBA STOPS' TCJ'TJ INK;' WHAT TERRloLt HAHPjWOKK Ois is! ma po?e OL'BAC, AM CONCEAxRBROKe!. fen Vj Al I III ' ... ar Ci LTTYO ITH4VF TO DO IT LORD MAN! ,T0 PUT'A'IITUE WATERi I i AND S0AP.0fiTHe''. V,A....,Wrt,lM I i'td'anIend:? DtSlCERTAlNLT MACriiwelDOESp'TrlC AM A WONDERFUL! K6ST THING ! 0 ACTV &s .':.rr:. J. .rr A-y ' I ,'i i , ? ' ' ""'"" -' .' " " ' ' :' f. V ( "Y : f go. H m I fry r ' V 11 'SmS 'ln'' ' Pacific Power Light Co. "Always at Your Service" ED .' YVMATAMtllTO Pip, , IF SHE' pjfpESN'f . fflpNISH TH IS'So6GYp''ah DETeA.Kl.5 'to'dcTh.Jit's'a SHAME Ari Cant have1 a. . , . , -aii,l tiers t?t MiTtX ACT It 1. 'i Live bi-'oucj'Hr.TMij man ;TO EXPLAIN TO YO'J, MANDY; IM KAVIN'tr?j'l)lW nOff NOW! YOiJ Done let mr. EDiSON L00t HOW EASY. IT 15 TO DO i! vrii id wAa.u'. o, EtECTRiCiry ; AFTER DAT ELECTRIC v. ' EuiiNfSS t 1. - i." . '.-if 1 1 a Afciy p- - -"'-p----1 & t:l ClEAvAnI 'whiTET!, .An; NOT A THREfrP J5R.0N v " r rrrs '4 V IVSHIPMu? 'rwn I ' ' V I ,.n"- mm i i M m- t