PAGE FOCR DAILY EAST ORKGONLAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TIESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1911. EIGHT PAGES INDEl'EXDKNT NEWSPAPER. foklUbcd Pally, Weekly aad Setsl Weakly St rradloton, Oregon, by the BUSt 0KKGOX1AX I'VKMSHINti CO. KIHSCK11T10N KATl.ii. ally, oae year, by mall $5.00 sUly, nit months, by mall 2.50 tally, three months, hy mall 1.25 l'Uy, oo month, by mall BO sllj( one year, by carrier - T.60 I 'ally, sli months, by carrier 8.73 tfelly, three months, by carrier 1.0ft tly, one month, by carrier 66 nfl-Weekly, one year, by utall l.tVO iu.teekly, six months, by mall 75 eml-Weekly, four mouths, by Ball... .50 lbs Dally Kast Oreoaian la kept on sale t the Orepot News Co., S2i) Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. orthwest News Co.. ' Portland. Owon. Cblraco Burwiu, fo9 Security RuUtllng. Washington, D. C, Bureau, 501 Four sum street, N. W. Member United Press Association. Entered at the postofflce at Pendleton. Ion. as second cltsa mall rtter. Ce.ephone slain 1 Official City and Connty Paper. ron us ALU i. For us all, the glad sun shines, . J Making morning bright, And the gleaming little stars Through the veil of night; And the moonbeams shimmer- ing In waves of amber light. II. For us all, the roses bloom, Flowers of ev'ry hue, And the peeping violets From their hoods of blue; And for all, the singing birds, Chirping when the morn is new. , III. And for us all, the' seasons Softly come and go Spring, in tender green of hope, Summer days aglow; Autumn's gold and purple fruit, Then Winter's frost and snow. Augusta Wall. "GET TOGETHER." What promises to be one of the most memorable meetings ever held In the city will be conducted here to morrow. Members of six different or ganizations will assemble at the Ore gon theatre to listen to a program of unusual interest. The organizations to be represented are the Farmers' Union, Commercial Club, Good Roads association, Creditmen's association, District Fair association and the Round-up organization. The conven tion is being held at the instance of the Farmers' Union men who are anxious that the public should learn more regarding the aims and work ings of that society. Had such meetings as this been held occasionally in the past there would now be less misunderstanding and prejudice among our people. Each organization to be represented to morrow has a worthy object in view. In a measure the work done by each organization is for the benefit of all the people of the county. The Pen dleton commercial club is distinctly an organization that works for the advancement of all this county as well a for the welfare of the city of Pen dleton. The work of the Farmers' Union is also very broad in scope and the Good Roads association strives to bring on improvements that are for the benefit of all classes. The dist rict fair is an institution for the bet terment of everybody. It is an edu cator for the farmer, the horticul turist, the stockman and also for the merchant. The Creditmen's associ ation has as its first object the pro tection of its members against bad Accounts. Certainly It Is a worthy object for when bad accounts are tabooed a premium is thereby placed upon good accounts. As to the Round-up it needs no defense for it has few critics and countless boost, ers. If you are a live one and take some interest In the welfare of others as well as in the welfare of yourself then be at the Oregon theatre tomorrow for the "Get Together" convention. IT LOOKS CHEERFUL. In the view of one financial critic there is nothing alarming in present skies. In his weekly financial review Henry Clews has the following to say regarding the railroads and the rate cases over which such a hubub was made recently: "Concerning the railroads, a deci sion from the Interstate Commerce commission has long been expected. Something in the nature of a com promise is anticipated, since some of the Western rates are known to have been unreasonably high, and many of the Eastern rates are admittedly very lew. Upon the "whole it Is evident that the railroads are not now very fearful as to the result of this de cision; their confidence being shown ty their activity in financing and car. rylng out projected Improvements. It It known that some of the railroads have not earned their dividends in the last two or three months, but bet ter things are expected of the future as traffic Increases and unnecessary expenses are curailed." The financial writer has the follow. ing to say about the Canadian recip rocity treaty: "Tile prompt passage of the recip rocity bill in the house nt Washing ton was encouraging. The concessions in this measure upon either side are net very great, but the movement is a stop in tho right direction. What the action of the senate will be it is impossible to determine nt this writ ing. Should that bodv by any moans fail to not, there is a strong proba bility that rrcsidont Taft will call an extra sossion. This, however, the sen. ate does not desire, and for political reasons it is not considered good tactics to precipitate a general re opening of the tariff question such as miiiht easily happen In event of a special sossion." ROOSTING THE INITIATIVE. The legislature forces the people to make use of the initiative and refer endum. Through petty political bick erings the members waste valuable time and then fail to accomplish work that should be done. The re fusal of the senate to make a change in the office of food and dairy com missioner is an instance. Bailey was twice subjected to investigation by the legislature. Each time he was found guiity and the verdict was that if he would not resign he should be removed. The house voted to oust him but in the senate there was a contingent that stood fast against the reform. Because Governor West had urged the removal of Bailey the Bow erman forces took up his defense. It .-as "peanut" politics pure and simple. Yet a sufficient number of senators lined up to block the move. Inci dentaJly it is to the shame of Uma tilla county that Senators Barrett and Burgess were in this group. In acting as they did in this case the senators did not represent their constituents. The people of this county do not fa vor keeping in office a man who has never been anything but a political barnacle and who has allowed his of fice to be used to defeat the very pur poses for which it was established, as Bailey has done. Every time the legislature acts as did the senate in this particular an argument is made for use of the in itiative. NOW VOTE IT THROUGH. The school board has selected plans for the new high school and it may be taken for granted that the board has acted carefully and for the best In terests of the city. The architect chosen by the board formerly lived here and therefore his work is well known to local people. In the view of this paper the selection of Mr. Troutman means that the city will have an up-to-date and presentable building and that is the sort desired. The next step will be for the peo ple of the city to vote the bond issue for the new high school. Evidently a special election for this purpose will be called shortly and there can be no doubt as to the outcome of the vote. Thus far no objection whatever hag been raised to constructing a new high school and from appearances there will be no objection. The need of the improvement is too apparent. TO YOUTH GROWN OLD. What canst thou give, O Gifted, In re turn For all the splendors that were shown to thee How oft at sunrise thou in ecstacy Didst see the sky and autumn ma ples burn! Thou canst perhaps when thou didst learn That God had made thee like to Him. and free To be thyself and give hope to be Fit for the heights for which thy soul didst yearn; And now, at sunset, eyes upon the ground, Thou hast forgot, and know'st not gratitude. Ah, dwell upon the glory in thy day Its red and gold; think not upon the mound That shall Inclose thee, lest to thee' intrude Self-play and self-love to gloom thy way! Maurice Francis Egan, in the Cen tury. JONES SCORES. A schoolmaster had Just finished a lesson on "Food" when a little boy put up his hand. On being asked what he wanted he replied: "Please, sir, Jones said he knew a baby that was brought up on ele phant's milk, and it gained ten pounds a day." "Jones ought not to tell you such rubbish," said the master. Then, ad dressing Jones, he added, "Tell me whose baby was brought up on ele phant's milk." To which Jones hesitatingly replied: "Please, sir, it was the elephant's ba by." Tit-Bits. Looking: Ahead. "I think I had better get a Job be fore we marry." "Don't be so unromantlc, Ferdy. I won't need any clothes for a long, long time." "But you may want to eat almost immediately, my dear." Hakes Home Baking Easy 0MI . fell Absolutely Pure The only baking powder made from Royal Crapo Cream of Tartar KQAL1JM, M.N0 LIME PHOSPHATE ADVENTURE. Wherever earth is, there her stand ards are; Her seal Is set upon the wide sea gates; She bids her reckless children fol low her To where the end or death, or glory waits! Far out at sea the long, slow rollers run Above her dead, yet turn them not aside; White bones He bleaching in the des ert sun To speak the tortured deaths her sons have died. Stern, unrelenting, certain of demand She is the keeper of the great game. Chance; She hides the strength of her steel sinewed hand Beneath the softness of the glove, Romance. There is no place for weaklings In her train; She holds reward for those of sterner stuff. And only those the stubborn, fight ing strain. The brave heart breed that will not cry "enough!" Charles C. Jones. (Jetting posted. He was a German cobbler and a man was in his shop to get a lift on the heel of Tils shoe. As the work was about half done the cobbler looked up and said: "My frlendt, we shall have Sheorge Washington's b'rthday next month, ain't it " "Yes, you are right." "We had him last year, und I vahs made a fool of because I don't know about him. I like to get posted a leetle dis time." ' "That's correct. . You know that Washington was the father of his country, don't you?" "But I nefer heard nopody say dot." "Yes, he was the father of his country and a great man." "How big was der country vhen ne vhas father?" "Oh, about three million people." "You don't say so!" "Yes, all of that. What particular thng did you want to ask about?" "Nottings no more," was the reply after a minute. "But I thought you wanted to get posted." "I vhas posted enough. Vhen you tell me dot Sheorge Washington and his wife have three million chllders I know dot you vhas some big liar, and I has noddings else to say." Joe Kerr. Aviation. There was a young fellow named Fred In an aeroplane flew overhead. His barograph showed He had been where it snowed, But his epitaph shows that he's dead. Detroit Free Press. Spring Medicine There is no other season when medi cine Is so much needed as in the spring. The blood Is Impure and im poverished a condition indicated by pimples, boils and other eruptions on the face and body, by deficient vitality, loss of appetite, lack of strength. The best spring medicine, according to the experience and testimony of thousands annually, is Hood's Sarsaparilia It purifies and enriches the blood, cures eruptions, builds up the system. Get It today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets known as Sarsalabs. Honey to Loan af 5 percent. Simple Annual Interest To buy a lot and build, Im prove, or lift mortgages on residence property. This Is the poor man's plan, to own his own "HOME" and stop paying rent. Rent receipts buy you nothing. We give you 10 1-2 years to repay our loan in small monthly pay ments. SIX MONTHS' GRACE on past due notes In cane of sickness or loss of employment. Loan can be repaid any time after the 1st year and stop Interest. Monthly payments $7.50 per thousand. For particulars call or address, The Standard Real Estate Loan Co., (Inc). Borne Office, Dalian, Texas, V7. P. Bedders, Agent Hotel St. George. Pendleton, Oregon. . wL-aHiifr--.dt - a - - v vj test': I MxmmMm IS Y01IIL H '.fflljisar-.! W. L. DOUGLAS, the great Boston shoe manufacturer mid former Governor of Massachusetts, first saved and banked $000 lie pot for makinp and mending shoes. This was his start in business. Today he is worth many millions. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. We pay 4 per cent interest on Time Deposits, compounded semi-annually. THE American National Bank ' Pendleton, Oregon UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY For Sale or Trade Fine 8 Room House nicely furnished, fited up for house-keeping apartments is now renting for $45 a month, would consider proposition from some wheat man who wants to exchange 160 acres for a good home. Only two blocks from Main Street, this is a splendid piece of property. If you have a trad ing proposition see about it at once. 4-room house partly furnish ed, worth $1000, if sold In next few days J 650 will pay for it $300 cash, balance monthly payments. LEE TEUTSCH The Real Estate and 650 Main St. Your Doctor Is Honest Honest in his knowledge of diagnosis and treatment. Honest in his endeavors for his patients' benefit. We put his medicines together in 4 the most scientific way, under the best and safest conditions , Your doctor and your druggist guard your health "We are in business for your good health." THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. Byers Best Flour s r is Modern cottage on North side. If sold at once $3200 will buy it. Fart cash, balance easy terms. , Insurance Han. Pbone M. 5 Is nade from the choicest wh that grows. Good bread is assured whea BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts, Steanx Rolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Penalleton, OngOB. Headquarters For Toilet Goods We are Hole Mannfaotarcn sad Distributor of the Oefebratnd TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWDER MT. HOOD CRKAV Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of lastsrr Orwarss. J Cure Your Rheu matism AND OTHER ILLS OP THE RODT AT THE Hot Lake Sanatorium The Douse of Deficiency) HOT LAKE, OREGON THS x Oregon-Washington Railroad & Nav." Co. Sells round-trip tickets, good for three menths,allowlng worth of accommodation at the Sanato rium, at Portland and all O.-W. R. tt N. Stations. For further information and illus trated booklet, address Dr. W. T. Phy, Medical Supt and Mgr., Hot Lake, Oregon, any O.-W. R. 8t N. Agent, or write to x WM. MeMtJRRAY, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND. AREOON. FRESH MEATS SAUSAGES, FISH AND LARD. Always pure and dellTered promptly, if yon phone the Central Meat Market 108 E, AlU BU, Phone Mala XX. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Si v Traoc Marks Dcsigns Copvriqhts Ac Anronunilnf a.tetrh and 1rlMlon m qnlcklp wrrtAtn otr oplnlou fres whether an Inventing la sreb.bly patenlnhle. Cemmunlra. tlnnaatrlctlroonltilenMal. HANDBOOK on I'atenls jent free. Oldest aaenrr for .foiinuf patents. Hateata taken tlirnnith Muim A Co. racalT $wuWfMtic, without chmo, lu Uie Scientific American. A banOanmelr lllntt ruled weeklr. laraaat n snlaUon af anr rleaudo Journal, 1'eraia. t) rear i faur mentha, 1L. bold bj si newedeaJsrf Mp&Co.e'BNewjQrf tJrauob Onoe. C56 I" gt WaahlDgioo, x & Cass Matlock. Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family, 1 1 ext to French Restaurant Entire change three times ach week Be sure and ice the next change. Adults 10c Children under 10 years, 6c Hy PISTIIE