East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 21, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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EIGHT pages
La Grippe and Colds
You cannot conceive more direct anil
convincing ttatement than thU of Mr.
Surlea as to the wonderful cura
tive powert of Duf f y' Pure Malt Whis
key, the world' greatest medicine.
'.To my friends all over Texas and
people everywhere:
"It gives me much pleasure to
recommend Duffy's Pure Malt Whis
key for la grippe and all colds, as I
have tried it and know it will do the
work." J. H. Surles, Putnam, Texas.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
is a wonderful rem
edy in the preven
tion and cure of
all diseases of the
limps, throat and
stomach and tor
all weakening and
wasting conditions.
It is an absolutely
pure, centle and
inviRoratinR stimulant and tonic.
When taken at meal time it stimulates
the mucous surfaces and little glands
of the stomach to a healthy action.
thereby improving the digestion and
assimilation of the food and giving
to the system its full proportion of
nourishment. Prescribed by doctors
and recognized as a family medicine
All druggists, Rrocers and dealers,
or direct, $1.00 a large bottle. Refuse
substitutes and imitations; they are
impure and dangerous. Send for
medical booklet and doctor's advice,
both sent free.
The Dully Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y
1'arty of Ohio lt-opto Tako up Hesl
di'iifu la Wit End of County
IIoiiHtiteud Aro Wanted.
(Special Correspondence.)
lh-rmiHton, Ore., Feb. 20. In the
windows of the Hermlnton Produce
and Supply company of llcrmistun,
Ore., Is to bo found one of the finest
displays and collection of Indian curi
os to be found In the Northwest, and
ii the property of Kiihc1 Brownell.
This collection Includes neary every
thing In the Indian relic line and for
Bcverul years this collection was loan
ed to the Oregon Historical society
and exhibited at their rooms lit Port
land, Oregon.
Miss Hazel Holland, daughter of
P. C Holland, of the Columbia Iand
company of Hcriniston, was maid of
honor nt u Vancouver wedding on
Wednesday of last week.
A party of people from Ohio ar
rived here yesterday to take up lands
on the west extension of the Umatilla
project. Six of these are from Clr
clcvillc, Ohio, and one from Ashville.
They are Mr. and Mrs. I). II. Pringle,
Genr-RC I'rlUBle, C. G. I'rlngle. T. A.
Clifton, it. C. Melville, and It. W.
Kraft. They will nil locate on the
west side of the Umatilla river. Mr.
D. H. l'ringle Is already a owner of
a tract of land and has started the
construction of a home, the . others
will buy this week.
Mr. A. Milton of Des Moines, Iowa,
spent the last few days of this week
at this place, looking for a homestead.
He will return to Hermiston when
the fourth unit Is opened to entry, as
he wished to bo able to file on a 40
acre unit If possible.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Bland, fnther
and mother of C. K. Bland of this
city, left for Wenatchee last evening.
They have been visiting with C. K.
Bland for the last three months and
have now left to see their other son
at Wenatchee, Wash., and then on to
their homo in Montana.
An attack of grip Is often followed
by a persistent couch, which to many
proves a great annoyance. Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy ha been ex
tensively used and with good uccasa
for the relief and cure of this cough.
Many cases have been cured after all
other remedies had railed. Sold by
all dealers.
Rudolph Martin, for 19 years a
successful baker and groceryman In
Pendleton and proprietor of the State
hotel and Martin block, has again es
tablished his residence In this city
and announces that within a few days
ho will open a first class bakery In
the corner room of the State hotel,
corner Webb and Cottonwood street.
Since leaving Pendleton Mr. Martin
has visited the largest and leading
bakeries and delicatessen establish
ments on the coast and has thorough
ly acquainted hlmsolf with the most
modern methods In the bakers' art.
The now store will be called the
Royal Bakery, and everything carried
will bo cooked In his own new and up
todate ovens.
The Royal will cater to both the
wholesale and retail trade, a first
class delivery service will be estab
lished and tho people of Pendleton
are assured of getting the best In the
bakers' line at the new Royal Bakery.
Don't skim the cream off the milk
of human kindness before peddling
It out
The South may well lay claim to the
title, "Land of Cotton." There nearly
fourteen million bales of cotton are pro
duced each year, out of a total world
crop of twenty million bales.
The production of cotton oil shows
tip even more favorably.
The choicest cotton oil goes into the
manufacture of Cottolcnc, which has
won favor not only on its merits as a
frying and shortening medium, but be
cause of its purity and wholcsomeness.
Cottolcne is as wholesome and gen
uine as the far-famed hospitality of the
, Auproved by Governor,
S. B. 'I, by Hawley For registra
tion of farm names.
3. B. 15. bv Kellaher Authorizing
the Issuance of Broadway bridge
S. B. 23. by Lester Appropriating
$50,000 for Astoria Centennial.
S B 69. bv Malarkey Appropriat
ing money for state library commission.
S. B. 103, by Albee Defining vag
8 B. 141, by Dlmlck To appoint
trustees for McLoughlin home.
S. B. 152, by Lester For testing
track scales.
S. B 174, by Dlmlck Pertaining to
custody of state funds.
s n. 101. bv Joseph Pertaining to
damages from boats or vessels.
S. B. 215, by Calkins Relating to
corporations subject to Jurisdiction of
S. B. 251, by Selling Relating to
private property for public uso.
S. B. 256, by Patton Authorizing
bridge across Snake river.
S. B. 284, Carson To ratify cer
tain deeds.
S. B. 287', by MeColloch To amend
the parole law.
H. B, 3, by Cole Making October
12 Columbus day a public holiday.
H. R. 13, by Abbott Appropria
ting $20,000 annually for topograph
maps and Investigation of state's wa
ter resources.
H. B. 23, by Kggleston Appro
priating $4000 for burial plot for de
ceased soldiers of Spanish-American
war, . ','
H. B. 46, by" Xeuner Protecting
tho waters of the North Umpo.ua
H. R, 63, by Buchanan Appro
priattlng $16,000 to reimburse Oregon
national guard for fighting forest
H. B. 82, by Fouts Requiring that
convlct-madc goods be labeled.
H. B. 87, by Steelhnmmer Limit
ing the age of persons employed as
startlonary engineers In logging
H. B. flit, by Buchanan Allowing
Grand Army of the Republic $300
worth of printing annually.
H. B. 118, by Bryant Defining
"railroad" and other terms.
H. B. 164, by Brooke Establishing
an experiment station in Harney
It B. ISO. bv Carter Providing
method by which unclaimed funds of
Insane persons shall escheat to the
H. B. 193, by Brooke Authorizing
the state land board to Tlx
the price nt which state lands shall be
H B 22S. bv Clemens Providing
(penalties for persons imposing on se
cret societies.
H H 234. bv Peterson I. ranting
rights of way across state lands.
Fllitl by Governor.
S B. 7, by Burgess To regulate
the sale of firecrackers.
S B. 10. by Malarkey Relating to
adoption of children.
S n 12. bv Joseph Fixing salary
of Multnomah county commissioners.
S B 13, by Locke Authorizing
counties to build hospitals.
n 19. bv Locke To provide lor
registration and examination of grad
uate nurses.
s h 26 bv Oliver To provide ror
manner of approving of officlnl doc
s n 29. bv Dlmlck Providing
method for changing boundaries of
s n afi. hv Wood Changing name
of state reform school to state train
ing school.
S H 47. by Oliver To fix terms oi
court In tenth Judicial district.
S B 51, by Abraham To provide
for protection of car repairers.
a ti r.2. hv Von der Heiicn iu n
salary of prosecuting attorney in first
s n r,.t. hv MeColloch For time
of holding court In second district.
S B. 58. by Hawley To appropri
ate money for O. A. C. -
s n R9 bv Hawley To appro-.
prlate money for buildings at O. A.
C. ...
a ti 82 hv Carson Relating io
fees due mining corporations.
s B 82. bv Carson Relating io
fees due mining corporations.
S H 88. Von der Hellen rroniD-
ltlng rebating by railroads.
S. B. 96, by Sinnot legalizing
vorccs In certain cases.
r n sr. bv Merryman promot
ing' location of saloons within six
miles of public work.
S B 100. by Oliver uegarcirng
claims of Union county.
s n 101. bv Hawley to proviuo
for certification of teachers.
B 105. by DimicK fixing
boundaries between Marlon and
s n 117. by Chase Regarding
vermin-affected pupils In schools.
S. B. 134, by Barrett tumaiiuu;
Providing traveling expenses for
school superintendents.
S. B. 134, by Dlmlck To prescribe
duties of secretary of Btate.
a B. 140. by Bean Making addi
tional regents for U. of O,
S. B. 144,. by Oliver Providing for
traveling expenses of sheriffs of Union
and Wallowa counties.
S. B. 171, by Bean For registra
tion of trade-marks.
S. B. 181, by Abraham To provide
for care of cemeteries.
S. B. 182, by Norton Relating to
action arising on contract,
S. B. 200, by Judiciary committee
Relating to deposit of state funds.
S. B. 205, by Norton Fixing sal
aries of Josephine county.
S. B. 246, by Slnnott Requiring
employers of labor to report accidents.
S. B. 255. by Carson For addition
to capltol building.
S. B. 275, by Lester Providing for
county advertising fund.
S. B. 292, by committee on Judi
ciary Providing for filing motions.
S. B. 294, by Hawley Transferir.
lands to Falls City, Polk county.
II. li. 6, by Buchanan Protecting
secret orders.
H.' B. 18, by Abbott Regulatms
(tailors' boarding-houses.
M. B. 37, bv Brooke Making It a
crime to desert sheep on the rangi.
11. B. 67, by Fouts Prohibiting
tho transportation of explosives on
passenger cars, ,
H. B. 79, by Reynolds Exempting
small factories from factory Inspec
tion law.
H. B. 99. by Buchanan Giving
Grand Army of the Republic printing
to the amount of $300 annually.
H. B. 102, by Miller (Columbia)
Providing for Immediate refunding of
license money by county court when
license to sell llciuor Is denied.
H. B. 113, by Miller (Linn)) Fix-
Inir January, Instead of July, as the
time for county treasurers to make
annual settlement with county court.
H. B. 129. by Ambrose ltcgulal
inir the practice of optometry.
H. B 133. by Peterson Providing
method for discharging Judgments by
11. li. 137, by Amme Regulating
and licensing private hospitals.
H. B. 138, by Abbott Providing
free ferry at St. Johns.
11. li. 160, by Peircc Fixing salary
assessor of Coos county.
II. B. 201, by Brooke Fixing terms
of supreme court at Pendleton.
11. li. 213 by Powell Reimbursing
George Nessellng.
11. li. 229, by Reals Providing
method for annexing new territory
to ports.
H. li. 245, by Insurance committee
Increasing appropriation of Insur
ance commissioner to $15,000 annual
ly. II. B. 393, by ways and means
committee General appropriation
bill for state departments.
VcUxtl by Governor.
S. B. 1. by Chase Providing for
acquisition of tidelands by ports and
S. B. 39, bv Nottingham To pre
vent adulteration of linseed'oil.
S. H. 37. by Nottingham Making
mechanics' liens valid against home
.S. If. 127. bv Wood Preventing de
ficiencies at .state Institutions.
S. B. 129, by Wood Providing for
auditing of accounts in the office of
secretary of state.
S. li. by Bowerman Creating of
fice of assistant secretary of state.
H. B. 67, by Thompson Relating
to conveying property of nsane.
11. Ii. IS, by Thompson Relating
to disposing of stale or county funds.
11. li. 75, by Thompson Fixing sal
iry of Judge of thirteenth district.
1 1, li. 76, by Cottel Relating to
An attemptto break all over-water
flight records will be made this week
as a feature of the census celebra
tion at Tampa. McCurdy, who re
cently attempted a flight from Key
West to Havana and came within ten
miles of his destination, is expected
to participate, and Ely, Post, Ward
and Beachy are other entrants.
The route which the aviators will
attempt to cover Is from the Tampa
aviation grounds down the bay to
Fort Dade, thence to Sarasota bay
and return, n little over a hundred
miles. No flyer has yet negotiated
that distance over water.
Former Over-water nights.
July 19, 1909 Latham flew over
English channel, twenty miles, drop
ping In water within sight of Dover.
July 25. 1909 Ijleriot negotiated
English channel from Sangattoto, Dover.
October 4, 1909 Wilbur Wright
flew from Governor's Island to
Grant's Tomb and return, over Hud
son, ten miles.
May 21. 1910 De Lesseps crossed
English channel.
May 29. 1910 Curtis flew from
Albany to Cnnielot, X. Y.,- 71 miles.
June 7, 1910 Rolls crossed Eng
lish chnnnel and returned, 55 miles.
July 11, 1910 Curtiss mado con
tinuous 50-mile flight over ocean at
Atlantic City, N. J.
July 12. 1910 Drcxel and Graham
White duplicated Morane's feat.
August 4, 1910 Moisant crossed
English channel with passenger.
Aug. 20, 1910 Harmon crossed
Long Island sound, fifteen miles.
August. 31, 1910 Curtis traversed
Lake Erie from Cleveland to Cedar
Toint, sixty-four miles.
September 12, 1910 Graham
White flew from "quantum to Boston
bay light. 33 miles.
December 23, 1910 Cecil Crace
crossed English channel and returned
fifty miles, but was lost In fog when
nearing Bhore and has not been seen
January 30, 1911 McCurdy flew
from Key West, Fla., to within ten
miles of Cuban shore, ninety-one
"-' i.-.v'r;.K':y'i: r DRUG S TORE t
- -tt f mvr
f unwm new x
Lir ddso
Famous for Forty Years of Cures. Price 50c and $1.00
In this story there will be no de
scription of the happy smile that over
spreads the beaming face of the
proud father, and no kindly chaff as
to how he received the congratula
tions of his many friends, says the
Portland Journal. Yet it is a birth
story and about twins, too.
When State Senator Jay Bower
man, erstwhile candidate for gover
nor, was threatened with the publi
cation of this story yesterday, he
said It was erroneous. But the lusty
lungs of two seven-pound youngsters
have testified to its accuracy.
The twins were born to Mrs. Jay
Bowerman at the Portland materniay
hospital 742 Over'on street, yester
day morning. Just after midnight.
They are both boys, strapping young
fellows with loud voices and wiggling
limbs. Mrs. Bowerman's condition is
improving rapidly.
Senator Bowerman received the
news by wire some time after mid
night. He kept busy all day yesterday
denying the charge.
"At least four a"seinblyites in Ore
gon," he is said to have murmured,
half to himself. He has another son,
five years old. The fourth child is
a girl, ab' ait two and one-half years
of age.
If troubled with indigestion, consti
pation, no npjiet.te or feel bilious,
give Chamberlain's Stomacn and Liv
er Tablets a trial and you will ta
pleased with the result. These tab
lets invigorate the stomach and liver
and strengthen the digestion. Sold by
all dealers.
"Naps 0K-n Camp.
Alexandria. La., Feb. 21. Members
of the Cleveland American league
baseball team went into camp here
today to begin their spring training.
Over a score of men compose the first
stiuud. and when the second squad
arrives there will be, including play
ers, photographers and newspaper
men, over fifty at the camp.
While It Is often Impossible to pre
vent an accident. It Is never Impos
sible to be prepared It Is not beyond
any one's purse. Invest 25 cents In
a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment
and you are prepared for sprains,
bruises and like Injuries. Sold by all
New York, Feb. 20. The senatorial
deadlock is still on today with She
ban loading. There will probably be
no change during the week.
Do you Know that croup can be pre
vented? Give Chamberlain's Cou;rh
Remedy as soon -as the child becomes
hoarse or even after the croupy cough
appears and It will prevent the attack.
It Is also a certain cure for croup and
has never been known to fall. Sold
by all dealers.
Xew York, Feb. 20. Charles Gates
Is improved today. His physicians an
nounced he would recover soon from
blood poisoning.
Rome, Italy Feb. 20. Telegraph
lines were destroyed by yesterday's
earthquake were repaired today.
Slight damage was done save In tho
province where it was heavy.
Democratic Jubilee.
Philadelphia, Feb. 21. Although
they did not succeed In overcoming
tho republican majority In .this state,
the democrats of Philadelphia and
Pennsylvania feel called to celebrate
the victories of the party In other sec
tions of tho country Inst November,
and to that end will hold a jubilee
dinner tonight. Several party leaders
of national reputation have accepted
Invitations to speak.
Grafting Operntion on Girl Proves
Value of Discovery.
Through the successful outcome of
an operation performed upon 18
year old Anna Windt the physicians
at the Samaritan hospital In Philadel
phia, have made a discovery that may
be of Incalculable benefit to science
In the grafting of skin. The discov
ery Is that skin taken from the hu
man body may be kept in a healthy
condition for an Indefinite period
without suffering harm and that it
may then be used to replace skin that
has been burned or otherwise de
stroyed and will "take hold" as good
as skin cut fresh from the flesh.
If you want fresh meat from a
new, clean market, phone Main 445.
Farmers Meat Co., Conrad Platzoeder,
manager. 224 E. Court street.
Do you read the East Oregonlan?
Columbia Bar
632-636 Main St.
We Serve to Please
Herman Peters, Prop
on draught at the-
Bowman Bar
One Block from Depot
A'Gentlemen's Resort
Try Our
They Please
Martin Anderson, Prop
May be promoted by those who
cently cleanse the system, now and
then, when in need of a laxative j
remedy, by taking a deseitspoonful '
of the ever refreshing, wholesome
and truly beneficial Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna, which is the
only family laxative generally ap
proved by the most eminent phy
sicians, because it acts in a natural,
strengthening way and warms and
tones up the internal organs without
weakening them. It is equally benefi
ficial for the very young and the mid
dle aged, as it is always efficient and
free from all harmful ingredients. To
cct its beneficial effects it is always
necessary to buy the genuine, bear
ing the name of the Company
California Fig Syrup Co. plainly
.printed on the front of everypackage.
inVF.TJTTSTXft is a sales-
J man that is always at
yUl work, but never worries a
JUL . ii.,
same man until lie is con
vinced, but never annoys
him with its insistence; that wastes
no time, wastes no words, and that
can always gain an audience and a
hearing. Alqne among salesmen, ad
vertising has free access to the li
braries of President Taft and Mr.
Morgan; it marches unchecked past
the secretary of the big merchant and
enters without hindrance the store of
tiie retailer. When it cannot tell its
story to a man in his office it can al
ways gain his attention in his home.
The door of the housewife is never
fclammed in its face. No country is
so remote, no village is so dead, that
it does not go there for orders and
get thorn.
Saturday Evening Post.
This in it's entirety is
applicable only to
Newspaper Advertising
"bunny South.