right pages BAILY BAST ORIMKmAH. PBTMOTOII, OBHOR, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 111 SKIN DISEASES HUMORS IN THE BLOOD Nature lias made ample provision in the moisture and sunshine of the air for the outward protection and healthy condition of the skin. But 1, . ... I .. L f ' " wi uiuic (iiikii lanL wiitk i nounsu ing the cuticle has Been left to an in ward source the blood. It is from the circulation that the pores and glands receive their stimulus, and the fibrous tissues are all preserved in a healthful state because of con stant nutriment supplied by the blood. It is only when the circulation be comes infected with humors or acids that we are troubled with skin affec tions. The humors producing these troubles are carried through the cir culation direct to the 6kin,and their irritating or inflammatory effect re mains until the blood is cleansed. S. S. S. cures Skin Diseases, because it is the greatest of all blood purifiers. It goes into the circulation and REMOVES the acids and humors which are caus ing the trouble, builds up the weak, acrid blood, and com pletely cures Ec zema, Acne, Tet ter, Salt Rheum. pimples, rashes, aud all eruptions o( the skin. When S. S. S. has driven out the humors every symptom passes away, the skin is again nourished with cooling, healthful blood, natural evaporation is renewed, and the skin becomes soft and smooth. Book on Skin Diseases and medical advice free. thi swirx nemo co, Atu.su, o, Zig-Zag Nerves Do Yon Jump at a Sharp N'oUe, and Do Your Nervea Tremble When You Hold a ' Newsparsr or Book? You Can Strengthen Thorn With Won derful CUIIO GRAINS. Are you easily excited when you tart to do anything? Do you feel wornout after exertion? If so, your nerve system Is In the rack, some day you will collapse. It Is absolutely Im perative that you take Curo Grains before your meals. Don't put It off. Begin at once before you reach that atage of nervous prostration that means a complete breakdown. Don't imagine that work or exercise or ton ics or such things will do you good or that your nervousness Is tempor ary. Thousands have . Reached Their Limit of endurance so suddenly as to startle their friends. They looked fairly well but no one Imagined that in those worn out nerves there lurked the pit fall of collapse where health was sud denly swallowed up and months or years were required to bring back health if it ever did come back. As you can get a free trial package of Curo Grains do not put It off, but write for it today. This astounding remedy gives your body the elements that makes strong nerves and flesh building blood. They Strengthen Uio Stomach, enable your food to give the blood those nerve building elements that make old people young and prema turely old people strong and vigorous with the ambitious vein of youth. You won't peg out. you won't feel old and worn out in the morning; all will be serene; they actually put that pe culiar feeling of strength And vigor In the spine that enables you to feel the contentment of perfect health ready for all emergencies. Try Curo Grains at once. Go to the drug tore and ask for a 60 cent package of Curo Grains. They will do you more good than a month of travel, rest and recreation. Try them. If you desire a free trial of this wonder ful discovery cut out the coupon below and a package will be mallod post paid. FREE TRIAL PACKAGE COUPON Free Trial Package Coupon. Cut Out and Mall Today. Fill In your name and address on blank lines below and mall this coupon to L C. Grains Co., 173 Pulslfer Bldg., Chicago, 111., and you will receive a free trial pack age of Curo Grains by return mall, postpaid. NAME CITY .' STATE) The full lis package of Curo Grains are only 60 cents and are sold In Pendleton by Pendleton Drug Co. Applications for Gracing Permits, NOTICE Is hereby given that all ap plications for permits ta grate cattle, horses and sheep within the WKNA HA NATIONAL FOREST during the season of 1(11, must be filed In my office at Walla Walla, Washington, on or before February 16, 1(11. Full Information In regard to the graslng fees to be charged and blank forms to be used In making application will be furnished upon request. J. M. 8C3MITZ. Supervisor. y Node. On span of sorrel gelding soma what Old. Weight about 111 pounds Any person notifying Chan. Lebaugh LIUetb. street Pendleton will bo Filet Rook, or John L. ortley, Ml EGGS FROM EAST BY THE CARLOAD IJIO SHIPMENT BRINGS DECLINE IN PRICES Only Cuttlo In Market Yesterday Caino from California IVIich i n. cliangod Hogs Aro Much Weaker. (Tuesday's Journal.) A further decline In the price of local eggs has been forced by the ar rival here of additional supplies of eastern fresh. A curload of eastern stock arrived by fast freight during the past 24 hours and these supplies are now offering to the trade. Re ceivers are holding them for practi cally the same price as the local pro duct for they are equally fresh al though some of the stock that recent ly came forward by express has been offered a fraction under this. The general price for local rancn eggs today along Front street is 28c a dozen, but there is some talk of a slightly higher as well as a slightly lower figure being obtained. On account of the much better of fering of eastern fresh In the nortn ern 'markets, Seattle Is quoted lower. Eastern fresh are selling on i.ie sound at 30c a dozen. So far as known there are practi cally no storage goods now on sale In the wholesale trade, although retail ers are quite well stocked. Cattle from California. There were only four loads of cat tle In the yards tuday and these came from California. The arrivals total ed 103 head. The market for cattle remains practically unchanged. Grain fed stuff can be good enough to bring $7 but the bulk of the offer ings recently has sold between $6.25 and $6.35 with only an occasional transaction at $6.50 or better. Severe weakness is showing In the eastern hog market with packers holding away from the market with expectations of lower prices. Recent days have shown more hogs left over In the Chicago yards than for some years while receipts are slowly, but surely, showing an increase over a year ago. This is sure to have an effect upon local prices because hogs can be brought forward cheaper from Oma ha territory than recent sales have been made here. However, until there are some arrivals the exact state of the trade cannot be foretoia. Yesterday's decline of 16c was not a surprise. CHICKEN MARKET GOOD. While Receipts Are Liberal High Prices Are Continued on Street Market for chickens is very good along Front street and while receipts have been quite fair during the past 24 hours, sales have been made at the recent advance. While there Is a fair call for good dressed turkeys, poor quality is hard to move. RAILROAD NOTES. The Pennsylvania Is building 1,000 open gondola cars in Its Altoona shops. Kallroad gross earnings In the country at large continue to show an Increase over last year. Cumberland Railway and Coal company of Canada will authorize to morrow an Issue of 113,000,000 bonds. Pullmnn Company will pay Its 176th dividend tomorrow a quarter ly distribution of $2 per share from iiet earnings. Memorial to the late E. H. Harrl mnn at Goshen, X. T., will be un veiled next week on the anniversary of his death. James J. mil, the railroad magnate, will speak on Canadian reciprocity at tho Association of Commerce dinner In Chicago tomorrow night. An English magazine prints this month a thrilling account of the war fare waged between the people of Pond Creek, Okla., and the Rock Is land railway following the opening of the Cherokee "strop." According to Munseyls for Feb ruary, the Chicago-New York Air Line Railroad project Is "limping olong" with "no chance" of accom plishing Its widely advertised plan for building an electric line between New York and Chicago. Much of tho "Air Line" stock was sold by Fturr Brothers, who were put out of business by the postal authorities. T1IF. SUNDAY SCHOOL "THE GOLDF.N GATE Marlon Lawrnnco says: "Tho Sun day school Is the Golden Gate to the church's promised land." There are 885,000 Sunday schools In the world today, with an enrollment of 28,000, 000 persons. In the past three years throughout the world there has been a gain of 30,000 Sunday schools and 3,000,000 members and It Is a matter of offclal record that during tho three years 800 Sunday school members have Joined the church for every day of tho year. niX)OI STANDS STILL. Pile Cnn't Do Cured Until Circula tion Is Restored. It Is useless to try to cure piles by operating or use of salves or sup positories as long as the blood Is stagnant In tho lower bowel, new tu mors win continue to form. Clear tho blood free the circulation. Then piles will leave for good. A success ful, sclontiflc, Internal remedy Is Dr. I.eonhardt's Hem-Hold, sold under guarantee by Pendleton Drug Co. and druggists everywhere. Hem-Rold does its work thoroughly, $1 for 24 days' treatment Dr. Loonhardt Co., Sta tion B. Buffalo, N. Y. Write for booklet. RETURN HOME THROUGH The Sunny South When Yon Arrange Your Eastern Trip Be Sure to Include the Sunset Route Through NEW ORLEANS, EL PASO LOS ANGELES and SAN FRANCISCO for return. It b a splendid educational journey, and at this time of the jear especially delightful because so warm and comfort able, j Every Mile is through the Sunny Southland the rice and cotton fields of Louisiana and Texas, the vast mirage moses of New Mexico and Ariataa, now spread with bright green, the orange groves and semi-tropic charm of Cal ifornia, miles and miles along the ocean shore, and several of the most interesting cities on the continent Ask your Local Railroad Agent all about it AT THE MOVING PICTURE SHOWS Orpheum. Pendleton's favorite picture house, where they show all the leading pic ture plays as natural as life itself. The program for Tuesday's change cannot be excelled. 1. In the Days of Chivalry. Edi son. This photo-play Is taken from the old French legend, "Ancassin and Nicolette." As a production it ranks with the most ambitious and brilliant of American film dramas. The actin ia dignified and brilliantly spirited. and the photo-play beyond criticism. 2. The Taqui Girl. A western drama by the American Pathe com pany, presenting the tragic results of the Jealousy of a Yaqui girl for a young Mexican. The staging and cos tuming are good. S. Billy's Sister. Melles. This Is the swiftest and most dramatic of western dramas. The Melles people have achieved a success well worth while bragging about In this produc tion. It would be difficult to improve upon It. Four full reels 4000 feet of pic tures. The Pastime. "The Show of Quality." Leaders In clear, steady pictures. Offers for Tuesday's change the following: "Art and the Legacy." Lubln. 1000 feet. Remember that the Lubln pictures are as clear as a bell. This one Is a comedy representing the way two young people practiced what they called art. The girl receiving a le gacy determined to buy one of the young man's pictures for $200, which she did, the dealer receiving 60 per cent of the proceeds of the sale as his commission. The sales continued, one buying the other's pictures with the proceeds received from the dealer until they chance to meet in the store and the legacy has dwindled to 18.60. The picture is filled with In teresting and lively comedy ana will please any audience. It tells the story simply and without unneces sary complication. "A Lock of Hair." Urban, 1000 feet. A woman follows the sugges tions of an anonymous letter and finds a lock of hair In her husband's pocketbook. A violent quarrel en sues, but a little child stops all trou ble by declaring that It is a lock of her own hair, placed there as a sur prise. She really does substitute one of her own. The perpetrator of the outrage calls Just as this discovery is made and slinks away, realizing that he has failed in his purpose to make trouble. "On tho Brink.' An Intensely In teresting drama. The Haunted Hotel." A lively com edy. "A Wartime Sweetheart" Selig, 1000 feet. A very interesting war time picture. Four reels, 4000 feet of motion pic tures and Illustrated song. Falls Victim to Thieves. 8. W. Bends of Coal city, Ala., has a Justifiable grievance. Two thieves stole his health for twelve ' years. They were a liver and kidney trouble. Then Dr. King's New Life Pills throt tled them. He's well now. Unrlval ed for constipation, malaria. Head ache, Dyspepsia. I5c. Koeppens. MOST IMPORTANT S. S. CONVENTION Mr. Marlon Lawranoe of Chicago, general secretary of the International Sunday School association, who has recently returned from a comprehen sive trip to California, says: "In my nearly twelve years of official connec tion with the International Sunday School association, preceded by fif teen years of close relation with It, In my Judgment we have never faced an International convention which began to compare In Importance with the one to bn held In San Francisco next June. The time and place are strate gic, and our brethren all up and down the Pacific coast are looking forward with the most eager anticipations to the blessings that are coming to them because of this gathering. California needs us and San Francisco needs us. This city, which has rebuilt her self in less than four years, has a pop ulation of 416,000 people, but less than 15,000 (IeBs than four per cent of the population) are connected with the Protestant churches. The Pacific Coast needs this convention. War ring elements of Christian and for eign religions are coming face to face here. Our duties are plain. We must go to California with the choicest picked Sunday school people ever as sembled in any Sunday schoolcon vention before." Green Bay & Western paid 5 per cent each on debenture A and capital stock and 1-2 and 1 per cent on de benture Bs, much to the discomfit ure of many persons who had sold their holdings because of pessimistic reports. BLOOD-TONE A h e a lthy beverage, 1 a best of all. Better than coffee, tea, co coa and post um; compoun ded from one of four cereals, the best food drink for all people; more healthful than coffee or tea. It will agree with the weakest stomach or delicate person. It will prove nutritious and enrich the blood and will prevent peo ple from having ill health. This is an up-to-date, essential bev erage. It has no tendency to injure the stomach as tea and coffee do, but will give natural strength on account of the won derful cereals. It Is used by doctors, lawyers, , preachers, teachers, mechanics and mer chants. Price 25c per box. Ten cents additional must be added to cover postage if bought from our Company direct by out-of-town customers. Grocery agents wanted in every locality. Write us for terms. We have medicine for all ail ments; price from $1.00 per bottle up. Write us for litera ture. YORK & YORK MEDICINE COMPANY, 210 W. Main St. Walla Walla, Washington. The Well Known Chinese Doctor 1 Cures a n yl and an dis eases that the human flesh Is heir to. My wonderful and powerful roots, herbs remedies are composed o Chinese buds, b a r k a and vegetables that are entirely unknown to medical science of the! present day. They are harmless. as we use no poisons or drugs. No operations, no knife used. we cure stomach troubles. liver. kidney, catarrh, lung, throat, asth ma, nervous debility, female com plaints and rheumatism and all disorders of the blood. We cure to stay cured, and guarantee to cure all kinds of Piles and Private Diseases of men and women. Call and see him or write. Consults tlon free. If you are unable to call and see him, send two cents In stamps for symptom blank. Ad dress: HIE L. CHINQ WO CHINESEj MEDICINE CO. tOff W. Rose St. Walla Walla. Wn I sum aSttAct" YottiYKKlfcKHCu 'IB Want Ads. B WANTED. YOUNG MBN AND WOMEN Learo a profession. Show card writers earn large salaries; clerks can dou ble their earning capacity; the field has never been overcrowded. The Pendleton Business College offers you the opportunity to learn this profession under a first-class In structor, at a small expense, taking no time from your regular work. Night class now open. Call any time for information. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF you want to subscribe to magaalnes or newspapers In the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check, or send to the EAST ORB GONIAN he net publisher's price of the publication you desire, sad we will have It sent you. It will save you both trouble and risk. Tf you are a subscriber to the EAfrT OREGONIAN, In remitting you can deduct ten per cent from the pub lisher's price. Aldress EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., Peneie ten. Ore. Classified PHYSICIANS. H. B. GARFIELD, M. D.. HOMJBO- pathlc physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephone: Office, black $411; residence, red Il$l. DR. LYNN K. BLAKB6LBB, CHRO nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro therapuUcs. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 72; residence 'phase. Mala 114. DENTISTS. K. A, MANN, DENTIST, OFFICE Main street, next te CemmereisJ Assoclatlen rooms. Office 'pheae. Black $421; residence 'phone. Black 261. KIRN BENNETT. DENTAL BUR S' eons. Office room 15 Judd build ing. Phone, Red 1381. DR. THOMAS VAUGHAN, DENTIST, Office In Judd. building. Pheae, Main 7$. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATE Stock Inspecter and ex-member State Veterinary Boar. Office at residence 111 east Ceurt St Res. phone Main 61. ATTORNEYS. RALET ft RALBY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in American National Bank Building. . JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY AT law. Office in Despaln building. R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Despaln building. CARTER at SMYTHE, ATTORN HTS at law. Office In rear ef Ameri can National Bank Building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office ever Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL ft WINTER. ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office In Despaln building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wjlls, deeds. mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17. Schmidt block. PETERSON ft WILSON, ATTOR- neys at law; rooms 8 and 4 Smith Crawford balldlng. PHELPS ft 8TBIWER, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. CHAS. J. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Judd building. DOUGLAS W. BAILBY ATTORNEY at law. Wll' practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 1. 1 1. and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS. ETC D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished en all kinds of masonry, r "merit walks. stone walks, etc. Phone black $78. or Oregcnlan office. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Oppcelte vostofflce. Funeral narlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night 'Phone main 76. AUCTIONEER. COL. F. G. LUCAS. LIVESTOCK Auctioneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank ef Weston. Farm sales a specialty. SECOND-HAND DEALER 8. V. 8TROBLE, DEALER IN NEW and second hand goeds. Cash paid fer all second-hand geods bought! Cheapest place In Pendleton to buy househeld goods. Call and get his prices. 212 E. Court street. Phone Black 3171. RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT, NOODLE and chop suey, Ung D. Ooey pror t the old stand. Alta street In r--ef Tallman ft Co. Unfurnished housekeeping roeaas for rent In the Bast Oregonlan build-g- All modern eonrenleneea. En quire at B. O. office. WANTED (Continued.) rOR SALE OR LEASE, for term of years, the finest steck ranch Is) Wallowa county, Oregon. Apply te owner. Box 16, Clarkston, Wash ington. SHAVING 10 CENTS and hair cut ting 25 cents at Golden Rule bar ber shop. Ladles' hair dressing a specialty. Massage, 26 cents. X. Lake, proprietor. HAIR WORK, hair dressing, sham pooing and facial massage; aJM highest prices paid for combings. Everything strictly guaranteed, at Madam Kennedy's hair parlors, 607 East Court street. Phone Red 3752. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry. Work done with especial care. Phone Red 2621. FOR HALE. CITY OF PENDLETON MAPS at Price JSc East Oregonlan office. Director INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAJCJM reliable abstracts ef title to ail lands in Umatilla mnnhr. ua.. city and farm property. Buys and sens all kinds ef real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes investments for non residents. Write Ore, life and acci dent Insurance. Reference bank In Pendleton. JAMBS JOHNS, Pres. BENTL3Y ft LUFFING WELL, REAL estate, fire, life and aocldent Insur ance agents. New location, 81 1 Main street Phone Main 44. - - - - ' UVERY AN FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON street, Carney ft Bradley, Preps. Livery, feed and sale stable. Geed rigs at all times. Cab line In connec tion. 'Phene main 79. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATIONS, wedding snnouncements, ssusuesnj private and business staUsoery. etc Very latest styles. Call at Bast Ore genlan efflce and see samples. LEGAL BLANKS ef every descrip tion fer county ceurt. circuit court. Justice cenrt, real estate, ete for sale at Bast Oregcnlan efflce. Old newspapers hi Urge bandies. LET ELECTRICITY DO TOUR worn it's clean, reliable and con venient Electric Bad Irene, gnaran- tt.zt. Blcctric Hot Water and I Curling Iron Heaters. Electric Coffee Percolators, etc. A complete steok of J Gas and Electric fixtures. First- leas I wiring cr homes, etc. J. L. Vaughaa. 1811 Main street FRATERNAL ORBKRS. . PENDLETON LODGE Ne. IS XX A' F- A. M-, meets the w first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brethren are invited. DAMON LODGE NO. 4, K. of P., meets every Men day evening In L O. O. 1. hall. Visiting brothers eer eially Invited tm uihs. D. B. Waffle, C. C; R. W. Fletcher. X. R. S. PENDLETON TRAIN SCHEDULE O.-W. R. ft N. Westbound Oregca division Pcrtland local, leave.. :2 a m. Ore. and Wash. Express. 2:2$ a.m Pcrtland Limited ....12:16 p. sa. Fast Mall ll-i, o. . Moter 4:16 p. m. Pilot Reck Mixed :16 a. m. Enstbcund Oregon division Fast Mail i:6 a. m. Ore. ft Wash. Express.. 6:16 a. m. Chicago Limited :i p. m. Motor l:4 a. n. Portland looal. arrive.. 6:M p. m Pilot Rock Mixed 8:16 p. m. Washington Dlv Leavli.g Pead.eton. Walla Walla local .... 6:26 p. m. Pendleton passenger .. 7:t a. aa. Spokane local 3: It a. m. Washington Div. Arriving Pesdlcten. Pendleton local ....... 2:16 a. m. Walla Walla local .... :16 a. m. Pendleton passenger .. 6:M p to. NORTHERN PACIFIC Leaving Pcndletcn Passenger i:i p. , Mixed train 7:lta n. Arriving Peadleten Passenger l:e Mhted train 7 . DoSy Bast OvegesUsn only & cents per aaoath. by rv. I gjj&Mifa JaaaMcaanansBsaMaM