J st ryrf;- f park nx AILY XAtfT OKXGON1AN. PDNDLKTON, OlUCOOIf, I KIDAV, FEBRUARY 10, 1911. DUHT PACES 1 I w : f V Jul t Breakfast Try "Sllrikist Oranges Lusdons Tree-Ripened Fruit it is not sumcient to know that oranges are the most healthful of all fruits. It Is quite as important to know the kind of oranges that are most healthful and most palatable. The very finest California oranges are now packed under the label "Sunkist." Please serve "Sunkist" oranges at breakfast tomorrow and learn the superiority of tree-ripened, seediest, fiberless oranges over the commonplace kind. Don't fail to save the wrappers. There is so much "meat" and nourishment in "Sunkist" oranges and so little waste that, in addi tion to their extra fine flavor and goodness, they are really the most economical oranges to buy. u Sunkist" Lemons Juiciest LemoDi differ as ranch t ornge. Pithy, thick-skinned lemons contain vrry mm jaice. ou waste money wnen yon oay mem. riease a&a tor sunust Lemoni ana not how nnitormiy sound eacn one Is, and what a small percent as is uu ana Doer. Get This Valuable Orange Spoon Save II "Sunkist" oranpe (or lemon) WTappen and send them to o$. with 12 cents to pay chams, packine.etc, an we will present yon with a genu ine Rogers uranrr spoon, oi Deautltul detlro and highest Quality. Begin saving wrappers today. It yon desire more than one, send 12 Sunkist" wrap pers and 12 cents for each additional spoon. In remit ting, please send one-cent stamps when the amount Is lest than 24 cents: on amounts above 24 cents, we prefer money order, express order or bank draft. Don't aend cash. We will tv to send yon complete list of valuable premiums, fft honor both 'Sunkist" and "Red Ball" wrappers for premiums. (32) California Fruit Grower.' Exchange 34 Clark Street Chicago. I1L continues the some regardless of the direction of the wind on the surface. The current is cold and soon chills those who stand In It Wyoming Avoids New Plan. Cheyenne. The state senate today defeated the house measure provid ing for a recall of state officers and the senate initiative and referendum bill. 'iisco llaby Weighs 1-2 rounds. I'asco, Wash. A one and a half pound baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Boyle Sunday. In spite of its small size the baby is said to be healthy. . . a u 5. n NORTHWEST NOTES Walla Walla fruit to Sweden. Walla Walla, Wash. Charles Lam bert of the firm of Bailey & Lambert has just returned from a trip to Europe-. He took with him to Sweden an assortment of Walla Walla apples. Steamer lone Goes Down. lone. Wash. The steamer lone, which has been tied up for the win ter at Allen's landing, about one mile from lone, sank yesterday in about 12 feet of water. The boat is in good condition. Finds Rifle in Sagebrush. Trinidad, Wash. While hunting last week S. B. Brown of Trinidad, found a .4 4 rifle leaning against a sagebrush about two miles west of town and apparently had been there several months. Xo trace of the owner has been found. A. McLean of the University of Ida. ho has been discharged from the hoa pltal, where he has ben confined for the last month as a result of an op eration tor appendicitis. He con templates assuming the duties of his office in the administration building within a few days. Counterfeit Coins at Lewlston. Lewiston, Idaho. A number of counterfeit Canadian quarters and hair dollars have been discovered in Lewiston in the last week, an North ern Pacific trainmen report them in circulation all over the northwest The coins so far discovered bear datt of 1910 and are good imitations. Four-mile Flume Near Ilusuin. Husum, Wash. The flume being built from the Swan-Hamann mills to Villa, on the S., P. & S., a few miles east of White Salmon, is nearly compieiea. ine riume win oe iour t'hicken miles In length, and about 50 men are employed on its construction. Contracts for Freewater Well. rreewaier. ash. The city coun ell has let the contract for digging the wells for the city waterworks to efgel Eaton on the following terms Eighteen dollars for the first 20 feet 20 for the next 10 feet and $2 for the fourth 10 feet. The well will be dug on property belonging to H. D, Lamb. May Kxteiul Yakima Lines. North Yakima, Wash. A meeting of residents of the Naches valley with representatives of the Yakima valley transportation company is to be held Thursday evening at the Cowichee to discuss extension of the company's electric line into the valley. JUT? Mail Carrier Hides in Auto. Morrison, Wash. M. S. Bump, the star route mall carrier on the Wln- chester-Merrlson route, has purchas ed an automobile. He now makes the trip over 60 miles, in a third of the time it took with horses. Loses lA'g on S V. & S. Pasco, Wash. As C. E. McLain, a laborer for the Spokane. Portland & Seattle railway, was going after water on a handcar near Lamont, he failed to hear the approach of train No. 1. He was thrown on the rail and lost his left leg. Venison Conies High. Wallace, Idaho. The hlndquarter of a deer which thejr.sold for J3 was the evidence which ""convicted H. A. Nelson, R. C. Mitchell and Jack Smith in Justice Leighty's court this morning of violation of the state laws. They were fined $75 each and the costs of the suit, 4 1.70, Brickyard Aswired at rasco. Pasco, Wash. A brickyard, among other new industries, was assured for Pasco,. when Captain W. P. Gray sold three-quarters of an acre for $2000 to J. E. Bennett and F. R. Dethart, both of Grangeville. The land lies close to the river, near the Northern Pacific's pumping station. Plant Orchard Near Waverly. Waverly, Wash. Foreman J. RU'k- el is erecting buildings on the 500 acre orchard land belonging to the Hanauer-Graves company for the housing of men and teams which will cultivate the land and plant the re maining 100 acres to commercial ap ple trees early in the spring. u Nature's Gift from the Sunny South" My, It's too late to lock the stable when the horse has b . a stolen too late to care for vour stomach when indiges- tion is upon you. vvny not iane tune iy uic iwiiw dispensing with hog lard the breeder of nine-tenths of all indigestion, and insist instead that all your food be cooked with Coitolcnez. pure, vegetable shortening which makes healthy, digestible food f Cottolene comes from the cotton fields of the Sunny South. It is a clean product, protected by patent air-tight tin pails to insure freshness and freedom from contamination. It is recommended by physicians as being fully as healthful as olive oil. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY fakes Biscuits Lidhi and Flaky as the Cotton Boll iitWiiiuUliill minds of your mother, your wife anl your sisters. One Pound Dog Brings $25. , Spokane "We have seized 168 dogs since January 1," said Humane Officer J. E. Rudersdorf, yesterday. "Of these we have sold about 40 at various prices. One Great Dane brought $25, an English setter $7.60, other dogs $5, but mostly we charge $2, except in special cases. How Goes to Court. Lewiston, Idaho. Frank Thornth waite was arrested on complaint of Freed Loefler, who charges him with assault with a deadly weapon. Thorn thwaite will be given a preliminary hearing tomorrow before Justice Man ning. The arrest is the outgrowth of a controversy over the owneship of chickens. The men are neighbors. Deer Walks Into Town. Wallace, Idaho. Blinded by the storm and protected by the Idaho game laws, a fine deer wandered into Wallace from the south hillside, came down the main streets almost to the court house and, surprised but not startled, it took its way through the burned district and climbed the hill by the reservoir and disappeared from sight. Life Saved at Death's Door. "I never felt so near my grave," writes W. R. Patterson of Welling ton, Tex., aa when a frightful cough and lung trouble pulled me down to 100 pounds in spite of doctors treat ment for two years. My father, moth er and two sisters died of consumption and that I am alive today is due sole ly to Dr. King's New Discovery, which completely cured me. Now I weigh 1S7 pounds and have been well and strong for years." Quick, safe, sum. It's the best remedy on earth for coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma, croup and all throat and lung troublea. SOe and $1. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Koeppens. Vote on ISonds at Yakima. North Yakima, Wash. A special election is to be held about April 1 for a vote on an JSO.000 issue, au thorized at the meeting of the city council, for the purchase of a site and erection of a city hall. At least $75,000 will be spent on the building. State Aid Roads in Klickitat. Husum, Wash. According to the report of H. L Bowlby, state high way commissioner, there are 259 miles of state aid road under contract in Klickitat county, of which 5.4 miles have been completed. The same report shows that the county has 750 miles of unimproved roads. Snow Interferes at Mine. Wardner, Idaho The railroad com pany is encountering difficulty in keeping what is known as the "high line" to the Last Chance and Stewart mines open. It is necessary to send the engine over the line a time or two each day with the snowplow before it is safe to take cars up for the con veying of ore to the mills. Traini Moving in Montana, Lewiston, Mont. The first trains in or out of Lewiston for two days op erated today on time, :tfter the rotary plow cleared the heavy snowdrifts from the cuts east of town last night. The tleup was caused by a heavy wind drifting the snow, followed by a thaw and freeze that packed the snow on the tracks In the cut like ice. President McLean Recovers. Moscow, Idaho. President James Keene Is Freed at Grangeville. Grangeville, Idaho. Charles Keene a Salmon river cowboy, arrested re cently on complaint of Mrs. M. Rey nolds, a resident of the Tolo region. charging him with using threatening and abuxive language, was tried yes terday before Justice Vineyard and the case dismissed on payment of costs by the defendant. I was Crippled, could hardly walk and had to Crawl down ttairs at times on my hands and knees. My doctor told me I bad an acute attack of inflammatory rheumatism. I was in the hospital for weeks, but was scarcely able to' walk when I left it. I read about Dr. Miles' Nervine bought a bottle and began to get Wetter from the start, and for the past six months I have had scarcely any pain and am able to walk as well as ever." J.H. Sanders, P. O. box 5, Rockaway, N. J. Few medicines are of any benefit for rheumatism, but Mr. Sanders tells plainly what Dr. Miles' Re storative Nervine did for it. One ounce of salicylate of soda added to one bottle of Nervine makes an ex cellent remedy for rheumatism, which is now known to be a nerv ous disease and therefore subject to the influence of a medicine that act! through tlie nerves, as does Dr. Miles' Nervine Sufferers from rheumatism seldom fail to find relief in the use of Dr. Miles' Nervine, with salicylate of soda. Bold under a guarantee that assures the return of the'.prtce of the first bottle H ft fail to benefit At all Druggl. MILES MEDICAL CO, Elkhart, Irwt Fined for Failure to ReKrt Fever. Davenport, Wash. Dr. L. F. Wag ner of Harrington, pleaded guilty to "smuggling" In Justice C. W. Jarvis' court In this city and was fined $100 Mr. Wagner failed to report scarlet f-.'ver cases under his care to the county health officer. The sheriff telephoned him that a warrant was out, v.h'Ti Mr. Wagner said that he would report. Mule's Kick Jlreuk Km-e. Freewatr, Ore. John Cochran, a raneht r, living a few miles from town, while driving a herd of horses and mul'S near the state line was kicked by a mule on the right knee, frac turing the kneecap. He was taken on an interurban car to Walla Walla to St. Mary's hospital, where it was found necessary to sew the pieces of the kneecap together with silver wire, Citizens Favor Jiefereiiiluui. Pomerov. Wash. At a meeting of citizens held in Good Templars' hall Saturday afterrirnjn a resolution was passed urKinjr upon legislators the ne- tissi'y of the enactment of the initl ative and referendum law. The res olutlon is Higned by William Gammon, president, and II. O. Eoyles, secre tary, and copies of It were sent to Senator J. It. Stevenson and Repre sentative W. J. Kelly. Draft From Coulee Well. Coule,. City, Wash. While sink ing a well on the farm of E. E. Hig- ginhothacn, four miles north of Mold, at a depth of 375 feet, a small cavity was encountered from which a strong draught of air issued. So strong was the current that it blew off the hats of those who approached the well and the force continues. Some be lieve that an artesian flow of water will be found Just below this point whiln others say It Is a cave which may terminate at the coulee walla, flv or si miles distant The force Diploma to 46 Apple Packers. North Yakima, wash. concluding two terms of work, the apple pack- ng school of the T. M. C. A. has Is sued diplomas of graduation to 48 who took the course. The school has been carried on under the instruc tion of Frank Klnsey, who packed the carload of apples that took first prize at the National Apple Show at Chicago. Notice to the Pablic Beglnniag Monday, Jan. SO, Pen land Bros, will make (4) tour deliv eries a day: 8:40 and lt:30 a. m. :00 and 4:S p. m. for Alexander Department Store. George A. Clark's Grocery. Carney St Tweedy Meat Market Despaln & Boney Wonder Store. Empire Meat Ce. Gray Bros. Grocery Ce. La Dow & Peterson Hardware. Llvengood & Co. Dry Goods. Pendleton Cash Market. Standard Grocery Co. The Peoplec Warehouse. E. M. Walsh Grocery. Known For Its Strength The First National PENDLETON, I0REG0N Bank CAPITAL, SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS RESOURCES OVER 100 S2 0 I SECURITY Falls Victim to Thieve. S. W. Bends of Coal City, Ala., has a justifiable grievance. Two thieves stole his health for twelve years. They were a liver and kidney trouble. Then Dr. King's New Life Pills throt tled them. He's well now. Unrival ed for constipation, malaria. Head ache, Dyspepsia, tic. Koeppens. To Irnon for Killing Indians. Helena, Mont. Judge Rasch, In federal court, sentenced Michael Wrote to 12 and Toots Brown to five years In the penitentiary at Leaven worth. They are prominent stock men convicted of second degree mur der and manslaughter, respectively, for slaying Indians on the Crow res ervation, who were rounding up stock said to be grazing on the reservation without permit of the government. Court Rebukes Prisoner. Kozeman, Mont. In sentencing Ross Maxwell, a former Dakota rancher, to two years In the peniten tiary for criminal assault upon Miss Ethel Bromlngan, an Iowa girl, who came to visit relatives near here, Dis trict Judge Lew Callaway delivered one of the most stinging rebukes ever heard In a Montana court room. If it were within my power I would blot out all memory of you rrom tne IV TWO MINUTES. Easy and Quickest Way to Itreak l'p a Odd. If you want Instant relief from cold In head or chest, or from acute ca tarrh, try this: Into a bowl of boiling hot water pour a teaspoonful of HYOMEI (pro- nounre it High-o-me) hold your head over the bowl and cover head and bowl with towel. Then breathe the nleasant. penetrating, antiseptic va por deep Into the lungs, over the sore, raw, tender membrane, and most gratifying relief will come In a few minutes. Druggists everywhere will sell a bottle of HYOMEI for DO cents. Ask for extra bottle Hyomoi inhalent. Don't be stubborn. Don't be preju diced. There Is not a particle of mor phine, cocaine, or any Injurious or habit forming drug In HYOMEI. Give It a trial at Tallmans' risk. He guarantees it. It Is made of euca lytus and other grand antiseptics. It will chase away the misery of catarrh or any affliction of the nose and throat in a few minutes. You can get a trial sample free by writing- Booth's Hyomel Co., Buffalo, N. T. Briag- tJs Tear Rax! We pay cash for large, sett, clean rags. Bring them to the East Ore- fonlan office at once. Good For You You can't have a clear brain, active muscles and firm nerves, if your bowels are sluggish ; but sep what a help to you will be a few doses of BEECHAMS PILLS Sold Everywhere. In boxes 10c end 25c FIRE AND CLEARANCE SALE Ends Saturday Night, Come in Now One lot children's Bear Skin Coats, each Ladies' $1.75 Wool Waists riping at 72xl0 Sheets for $2.50 Kimonas for Ladies Dross Skirts at One-Third off. COc Dress Goods going at yard - Sweaters and Sweater Coats, One-Third off. 12c Outing Flannel going at, yard 12 l-2c Toweling going at, yard $2.50 Single All-Wool Blankets, for $2.50 Kimonas, going at 12 l-2c Flannelettes going at, yard 20c Kimona Cloth going at, yard $1.25 lien's Shirts, going at .. $2.00 Wool and Corduroy Shirts, going at , $1.00 75 39 $1.75 48 0 $1.75 $1.05 10 15 75 $1.G5 THE WONDER. STORE The East Oregonian ia eastern Oregon's npnmKM&f ptqnr. If leads and the people appreciate it and show it by their liberal patrosv- It is the advertising rnedmv of this section. You Can Have a Home We don't care where you work, but HOW do you live? Not "Have you an office?" bnt "Have you a home?" That is what counts. What doca It vail you if you livo in a 2x4 box of a hall bedroom, and own nothing but a trunk. What a difference when yon own your own homo; rest In your own enny chair; eat from youh own table the food cooked on your own ntove; and the picture you care for are on the walls. A bank account is not necessary for such a home. $ 1 5 down and $15 installments will get a nice 5 room house See About It Today. 1 LEE TEUTSCH 550 Main St. Phone Main '5 maxm 1