BIGHT PAGES 0000 Week oooo Beginning tomorrow morning we will place on sale over 5000 Remnants Consisting of Cotton and Wool Goods, Silks, Ribbons, Embroideries etc. at JUST M PRICE Sale Starts Tuesday Morn ing Be on the Spot F. E. Livengood (8b Co. The Women's and Children's Store. March Ladies Home Journal Pat terns Now Ready HA ! LOCALS See Lane A Bon far stgas. P u time plctares please aU. Phone Main I for United Orchestra. Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane 80a. Dutch Henry for coal. Main 178. I. C. Snyder, chimneysweep. R tilt. See Lee Teutach about fire Insur ance. Wanted Furnished house. Inquire this office. Pure lard at the Cash Meat Market, phone Main HI. Phone Platsoeder for fresh meat and lard. Main 44S. Wanted Inside work by young man. Address, Box SS7, City. For Rent Two furnished rooms for rent 214 South Thompson. Wanted To buy rood second hand incubator. Address "B" this office. Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 120 Aura street. Phone Main li. For Sale Detroit Jewel gas rang with oven and broiler. Aluo gas boil er, heater. Phone Main 62 or call at this office. Cold weatner is coining. Wa bAre the beat col on the market A ton la 2000 lbs. at Pendleton Lum er Tard, Phone Main O. Phone Main It for good clean lump or nut coal. Prompt delivery to all parts of the city. Crab Creek Lum ber Co., 700 West Alta street If you want fresh meat from a new, clean market, phone Main 44S. Farmers Meat Co., Conrad Platsoeder, manager. 224 B. Court street For rent Five room cottage on North Side. Close In. Enquire at Hotel Pendleton. Dressmaking wanted by the day. Address Miss 8. White, 224 Thompson street. Phone Red 2621. Sor sale One serrel gelding, age I years, weight 1110 pounds, seund, geod werk or saddle bene. Price 171. Inquire 1101 West Alta. Mr. Chas. E. Heard will be glad to give any Information regarding rrre Insurance. See him on the street or at Lee Teutsch's office. Phone Main I. For sale at a bargain First class rooming house, II rooms, all filled. Close In. Owner must leave tewn. Easy terms. Address, Bex 211. Pen dleten, Ore. Tou can't burn slate and gravel! Don't try It. Phone Dutch Henry, Main 178, for clean screened Rock Springs coal either lump or nut It burns clean and goes further. All Lady Maccabees are requested to meet at Secret Society hall Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock to meet Mrs. Alice Porges, state commander. By order of commander, J. A. McRae. Pendleton's new paint store. Hale 6 McAtee, preps., Ill Mala street Aome quality paints, enamels, stains Wall paper picture moulding, glass and varnishes. Let us figure on your next Job. Oooda arriving dally. Maryland Belle to Wed. New York, Feb. 8. Miss Mary Handy Dennis' name Is no longer Dennis, her wedding to Ouy Bulloch of Canada, an official of the Grand Trunk Pacific road, taking placo to day in Jersey City. The brldo Is a daughter of the late Senator Samuel K. Dennis of Maryland, a niece of the eminent Judge Dennis and comes of a family long prominent In Mary land society. PERSONAL MENTION Don't Fail to Attend the Closing Out Sale of Koeppens Gilt Room Stock It opened with a rush. Why? Because we are selling every article In the gift room at cost and far below. We will confine ourselves hereafter to the DRCG BUSINESS EXCLUSIVELY. Cone la and look whether you care to smy or not. KOEPPEN'S The Drug Store That Serve You Best J. F. Storer of Milton, Is down from his home today. A. McKenzle was In the city from Adams yesterday. Hugh D. Smith of Echo, spent yes terday In Pendleton. Mrs. J. A. Horseman Is confined to the hospital for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cantrell of Adams were In the city last evening. O. L. Davis and wife of Enterprise nre guests at the Bowman hotel. Mrs. B. E. Longnecker left on the local this morning for Stanfield. Mrs. Kate Chrlstensen Is In the city today from her home In Freewater. J. W. Perrlnger, well known Ad ams farmer, is a visitor in the city today. Miss Jessie D. Wells Is 'down from her home at Milton taking teachers' examinations. Editor C. L. Hurd of the Stanfield Standard, Is among the westenders In the city today. ' L. P. Fraker and wife of Holdman are among the out of town people In Pendleton today. Miss Vera Cochran of Freewater, Is taking the teachers' examination at the court house today. John Calendar of Athena, was among the incoming passengers on the local this morning. William Woods, the Athena farmer, came down from his home today for the transaction of business. Lee Teutsch and Charles E. Heard went to Echo this morning on the lo cal to transact business there. Miss Catherine Donaher of Athena will spend the next three days in the city taking the teachers' examinations. W. B. Heath of Walla Walla, left on the westbound local this morning after 'spending the night In the city. J. S. Hunter of Freewater, came down from his home on the evening train yesterday and is in the city to day. Elizabeth T. Tonkin came over from her home at Pilot Rock on the even ing train yesterday and Is In the city today. J. H. Saling Is In from his home at Echo today. He has recently been appointed road supervisor of the Echo district. Mayor H. R. Newport of Hermlston returned to the project town this morning after transacting business In the city. Mlsg Bessie Morris, one of the Weston schoolteachers, is taking the regular examinations at the court house today. Dan P. Smythe, president- elect of the Pendleton commercial associa tion, went to Portland on the early train this morning. Mrs. Homer I. Watts, one of the popular Ath'cna teachers, Is among the number taking the examinations at the court house. County Road master Dave Lavender and County Commissioner Horace Walker, left for the west end of the county on the local this morning. Miss Irene Rlppey, formerly a teacher in the local schools but now In the Echo schools, is among the ap plicants for certificates at the court house today. Col. H. O. Newport and wife of Her mlston, went through last evening to Hot Lake, where they will remain until a scalp wound on the colonel's head heals. MANY TEACHERS ARE TAKING EXAMS TODAY Forty teachers and would-be teach ers are undergoing a severe mental strain at the court house today as they try to set down in black and white the answers to questions pro pounded to them by the county exam ining board. As usual the great pro portion of the applicants for county and state certificates are of the weak er sex, there being but four men tak ing the exams. Most all of the appli cants, too, have been holders of cer tificates before, there being but little new material to recruit the ranks of the pedagogues. County Superintend ent Welles is being assisted in con ducting the examinations by Superin tendent I. E. Young of the Milton schools and Principal W. H. Mussel- man of Helix, the latter serving as a substitute for Dr. W. H. Bleakney who was unable to come to Pendle ton on account of a serious illness in his family. The following are the applicants for county certificates: Maude Richards, Freewater; Effie Pleplow, Walla Walla, Lesta Hall. Walla Walla; Mabel Mcjntyre, Ad ams. Martha Lavadour, Adams; Ha zel Keeler, Holdman; Catherine Won oher, Athena; Clayborn Hlser, Milton; Nettle M. Monkman, Uklah; Etta. Ba ker, Pendleton; Ida J. Narkaus, Wes ton; Edith Peringer, Adams; Jennie Gains Watts, Athena; Flora Morris, Pilot Rock; James B. Hartwell, Pen dleton; Lydla Albaugh, Pilot Rock; Grace M. Gregg, Gibbon; Bessie Mor ris, Weston; Jes9le D. Wells, Milton; J. S. Hunter, Walla Walla; J. A. Roork, Holdman; Minnie E. Qhorm ley, Wallula; Viola Shea, Pendleton; Barbara Hoch, Pendleton; Lena Lar son, Adams; Charlotte Offllvy, Pen dleton. Vera Cochran, Freewater; Martha Gerktng, Weston; Lau Etta Ghormley, Wallula, Tracy Barton, Milton; Irene Rlppey, Echo; Avallne McCutcheon, Nolln; Bertha E. Post, Pendleton; Kate Chrlstensen, Freewa ter. 1 1.113 The following are applying tor state certificates: Sadie Bettenbendcr, Pendleton; Daisy Lee, Milton; Dorothy Bullfinch, Weston; Maude Pate, Athena; Eliza beth T. Tonkin, Pilot Rock; George Tonkin, Pilot Rock. Wohlenberg Dep't jSkore Every Piece of Winter Underwear SACRIFICED These Extraordinary Reductions Now Prevail on WINTER. UNDERWEAR. Choose any 25c Underwear, women's or chil dren's at 15$ Choose any 35c Underwear, women's or chil drens at : 18$ Choose any 50c Underwear, women's or chil dren's at 35? Choose any 65c Underwear, women's or chil dren, at 40$ Choose any 75c Undenvear, women's or chil dren's at 45 Choose any 85c Undenvear, wofen's or chil dren's at 50$ Choose any $1.00 Underwear, women's or chil dren's at 70$ Choose any $1.25 Undenvear, women's or chil dren's at 80$ Choose any $1.50 Underwear, women's or chil dren's at ?1.00 Choose any $1.75 Underwear, women's or chil dren's at $1.15 Choose any $2.00 Undenvear, women's or chil dren's at , $1.25 Choose any $2.25 Undenvear, women's or chil dren's at $1.40 Choose any $2.50 Underwear, women's or chil dren's at . $1.60 Choose any $2.75 Underwear, women's or chil dren's at $1.90 Choose any $3.00 Underwear, women's or chil dren's, at $2.15 Choose any $4.25 Underwear, women's $2.65 Choose any $5.00 Underwear, silk, at $3.25 This includes union suits or separate garments. None reserved. a All Oiling Flannel Gowns Women's and Children's, at'These Big Reductions 75c Gowns, now 95c Gowns, now $1.00 Gowns now $1.15 Gowns now $1.25 Gowns now $1.35 Gowns now 50$ $1.50 Gowns, now 65 $1.65 Gowns, now 70$ $1.75 Gowns, now 80d $2.00 Gowns, now 85$ $2.25 Gowns, now 95$ $2.35 Gowns, now $1.10 $1.15 . $1.25 $1.35 : $1.50 $1.60 Wohlenberg Pep't. Store B 5,15 tG 'Iw i Child Welfare Congress. Washington, Feb. 8. An interna tional child welfare congress 'will be held here next April, and Invitations have been sent asking the partici pation of foreign nations. HOW TO REMOVE WRINKLES IN 15 MINUTES Just put Neo-Plastiojie a harm less vegetable Jelly on your face. Let It dry- In 15 minutes wash it off. That's all. No peeling or other drastic methods. Delightful sensation. Refreshing. Scientific. Guaranteed harmless under Pure Food Law. Sold on Approval Instantaneous results. Fine wrin kles disappear, deep lines soften, sagging lifts up, face becomes firm, skin tightens, complexion brightens, face looks and feels years younger. All in 15 minutes. Neo-Plastlque Is not expensive. Write for particulars. Satisfaction puaranteed. Erco Demonstration In Yonr Own Homo or at Our Offices at Neo-Plastique Agency, DEPT. W. 9 Selling-IIirsch Bid., Portland, Or. Phone Main 3271. The Gorgeous Production TWINS with sixty people will ..Positively Appear.. at the Oregon Thoatro Wednesday, FeST 1 5 SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL REPORT Horticultural Fire Relief of Oregon. SALEM, OREGON. On the 31st day of December, 1910, to the Insurance Commissoner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law. MUTUAL. Assets, Dec. 31st 1909 $27,799.04 INCOME. Premiums and fees received from members 390,650.17 Less re-insurance premiums $5,361.97 and return premiums 771.25 6,133.22 Leaving net amount received from members 84,516.95 Received from Rents $ , Interest $1,525.78 Personal accounts 172.46 1,698.24 86,215.19 Total income $114,014.23 DISBURSEMENTS. Losses $49,105.49; Adjustments $622.19 $49,727.68 Commissions $12,889.20; Inspection & Surveys $260.75 13,149.95 Office Salaries $3505.00; Traveling Expenses $154.25 3,659.25 Office Employes $1,973.00; Office Rental $485.65.... 2,458.65 Office Equipment $249.71; Adv. & Printing $574.22.. 823.93 General Agent's Salary $1,274.86; Trav. Exp. $725.69. 2,000.55 Postage & Telegraph $448.22; Legal Service $500.95.. 949.17 Audits $179.50; Per Diem, Directors, $119.00; Taxes, Eetc, $99.76 389.26 Net Ledger Assets LEDGER ASSETS. Mortgage loans 20,993.50 Cash on hand and in deposits 18.009.80 73,074.94 40,939.29 Premium notes Re-Insurance . . Postage . . ' Furniture & Fixtures $875.00; Personal accounts $108.69 .. Stationery $215.36. 509.84 3.00 224 10 1,090.36 108.69 40,939.29 ADD NON LEDGER ASSETS. Interest due and accrued $ 430.64 Premiums, not over 90 days due 18,190.79 Premiums, over 90 days due 228.53 Contingent 30 per cent liability of mem bers (Est) 45,000.00 Gross assets 63,949.96 63.949.96 J101.7S9.25 DEDUCT NON ADMITTED ASSETS. Furniture, Fixtures & Stationery $ 1,090.36 Assets over ninety days due 22S.53 i Bills receivable unsecured 108.69 Contingent 30 per cent liability of members 45,000.00 Net admitted assets LIABILITIES. Salaries $125.00; Commissions due Agents $797.66 $ Re-Insurance premiums $672.72; Personal accounts $172.46.... Unearned premium liability 46,427.58 58,361.67 922.66 845.18 45,973.96 Total liability 47.741.80 Excess of assets over liabilities 10,619.77 INSURANCE. Amount of property risk on Dec. Slst of previous year $4,450,222.43 Add amount of risks written or renewed during the year 4,870,951.67 Total 9,321.174.10 Deduct amount of risks cancelled, withdrawn or terminated during the year 2.612.792.8S Gross amount at risk December 31, 1910 6,708,381.27 Deduct amount re-Insured (give schedule of companies, am ounts at risk and gross premiums) 350.335.00 Net amount at risk December 31, 1910 $6,358,046.17 JOHN PEMBERTON. Tres. E. H. ANDERSON, Sec'y. Dtily East Oregonta, Vy carrier, 15 eeata par