page rocn DAILY BAST OREGON IAN. PENDUB7TON, ORBOON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1911. EIGHT PAGES 1 wjg k INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. jMtllabed Dally, Weekly end Semi-Weekly et I'roilleton, Ortcoa, y the t9 ORHOON1AN PUBLISHING Ca bUBSCRlPTION BATES. "H'T. omt ye&r, by mall S5.S0 v'-tliy, eli montha, by nail 2.M three montha. by mall ........ 1.25 r.aily, one month, by mail 60 Viiiy, ooe year, by carrier ......... T.RO tally, alz montha, by carrier S.75 t'-aUr, litre month, by carrier 1.95 11 1 J, one month, hy carrier 03 !y, one year. By call 1.60 Veekly, tlx months, by mall 75 rkly. four montha, by mall (0 'rail-Weekly, one year, by avail 1.60 Cor.l-eekly, nix month, by mall 75 inl-Weekly. four montha. by mall... .60 The Dally East Oregontan la kept ea aale the Orecoa News Co., 82 Morrlaoa nreet. Portland. Orecoa. Kartbwest Newa Co., Portland. Orecoa. '"hlcago Bureau, 909 Security Building. WanhlBfrton, l. C, Bnrean. 601 Toar !t& atreet, S. W. Member United Preet Aaaoclatlon. Entered at the poetofflce at Peadleton. '."egon. aa eecond claae mall rotter. e ephone Main 1 Official City aad Connty Paper. They are not dead; they never lived To whom there was no Joy In strife. Not cloistered walls nor dunge- on bars Can dull the ecstasy of life. To strive and gain, Or strive and fail, Is life! Let nothing else suffice. Augustus Wittfeld. THE NEW ADMINISTRATION'. Under the leadership of its new president, Dan P. Smythe, the' Com mercial association of this city should, within the next year, develop into a factor of power for the upbuilding - of the community, into an organiza tion whose efficiency and usefulness 1 testified to by results. Mr. Smythe U a man of action, an Idefatigable worker, a capable organizer, and sur charged with such an infectious life, energy and enthusiasm that the most sluggish and lethargic Individual re sponds to his influence, and because be possesses" these qualities there will be none but that will Commend his election as the head of the city's boosting body. In his opening speech last night, Mr. Smythe made it plain that he would lend his best efforts towards raising the standard of the association and making it something more than a social organization. He pointed out that there was much work to be ac complished which would be of inesti mable value to the city, the promot ing of various irrigation projects in the territory tributary to Pendleton, "the securing of this city far a rail road division point, the making of Pendleton a travelling men's head quarters and many other things which will be directly beneficial to the city and county. By the selection of men of un undoubted business sagacity and sta bility to the other offices and to the board of managers, the association supplemented their wise choice of a president, and the united efforts of these men will be felt in the com jnunity before any distant date. Here's to the new administration. BOURNE'S FISH BILL. Senator Jonathan Bourne has suc ceeded in getting through the senate and favorably reported In the house, ar act which provides that the secre tary of commerce and labor be auth orized and directed to establish two or more fish-cultural stations on the Columbia river or its tributaries in the state of Oregon for the propoga tion of salmon and other food fishes, and to make the necessary surreys and purchase sites, construct ponds and buildings, construct, purchase, .and hire boats and equipments, and employ such assistance as may be re quired for the construction and oper ation of such fish-cultural stations at suitable points to be selected by the secretary of commerce and labor, and the number of such stations to be de termined by him, and for said purpose the sum of fifty thousand dollars is hereby authorized to be appropriat ed: Provided, that before any final steps shall have been taken for the construction of fish-cultural stations In accordance with this bill, the states of Oregon and Washington, through appropriate legislative action, shall accord to the United States commis sioner of fisheries and his duly au thorized agents the right to conduct fish hatching and all operations con nected therewith in any manner and at ' any time that may by them be considered necessary and proper: And provided further, that the opera tions of such hatcheries may be sus pended by the secretary of commerce and labor whenever in his Judgment the laws and regulations affecting the fishes cultivated are allowed to remain so Inadequate as to Impair the efficiency of said hatcheries). Since the state Is not asked to con- tribute anything toward the establish- ment or support of these cultural sta - lions and since it will benefit lm - measurably by their establishment, the legislature will no doubt hasten to accord to the United States Com missioner the necessary rights, not withstanding the fact that Bourne may have had a hand in securing this $50,000 appropriation for Oregon. Senator M. A. Miller has been prominently mentioned as the can d'date of Oregon democrats for the seat in the United States senate now occupied by Jonathan Bourne Jr. "Milt" as he is familiarly known to nearly every man, woman and child in Linn county has represented that commonwealth in the upper branch of the Oregon law-making body for so long that "the memory of man runneth not to the contrary." The very fact that the voters of Old Linn have sent him back to Salem regu larly year after year, despite the fact that he is a democrat, would Indicate that his record as a senator has been unimpeachable and that he has prov en true to his trust In the race for the democratic nomination he would certainly run well "at home" for in every session in in which he has sat as a member, Senator Miller has been found lined up on the side of the people. There are times when politics push es Itself forward so prominently in the settlement of public questions that the average person is ready to cry out, "Are there, then, no honest legis lators, men who will suppress their personal feelings and subordinate their party interest to the welfare of the whole people?" The rallying of the Bowerman faction in the legis lature to the support of J. W. Bailey, the condemned food and dairy com missioner, in order that Governor West may not secure any credit for the ousting of an official who has been notoriously incompetent, dis honest and negligent even in this age or professional grafters Is the most recent instance of the game as it is played. There are something like 1,500 voters in Umatilla county who con tribute more than $2,000 annually to the fish and game fund through the hunting and angling license route, who are heartily sick and tired of the manner in which this fund has been expended and not expended In the past. They are disgusted with the continual controversy between the fish and game departments which has made law-enforcement impossible. They are therefore advocating the fish commission bill. Secretary Balllnger has given as surances that he will hasten the sur veys on the west unit of the Uma tilla project to determine as soon as possible what amount will be need ed to complete that unit. The engi neers and surveyors are on - the ground and everything points to a speedy undertaking of the actual work of construction. Speed the day. Two, hundred people near Eltopla recently Joined in a rabbit hunt and killed 200 rabbits. They may be in terested to know that a man in Ken tucky has recently invented rabbit sa usage. Spokesman-Review. Senator Bourne of Oregon declares that about 80,000,000 people want the direct election of senators. But what can 80,000,000 people do against 80 senators? Spokesman-Review. There is something unspeakably disgusting and vulgar in the union ot a child of 17 summers with a man of 44 snows, even though that child be an heiress and that man be a "blu.e blood" of England. It Is said that the Lord Decies Vivlen Gould union was the result of a love match. It was love of goM on one side and love of a title on the other. The recall of Mayor Gill yesterday by the voters of Seattle was un doubtedly a notable triumph for de cency. UNNECESSARY SERVICE. "The express service," says one of the Interstate commerce commis sioners, "Is unlike any other service performed by railroads In general unless H may be the handling of the mails." According to the "Interven ing" Santa Fe's statistician, we must conclude that the transportation of the mails on passenger trains Is more profitable than the hauling of ex press matter. Yet both the railroads and the express companies make rates that enable the private citizen to ship mailable matter by express for less than the government Is charged for haulage. The result is that freight and express get the short haul, and the long haul is left for the postofflce and piles up its annual postal deficit. says Robert Sloss In "Success Maga sine." In twenty years the express bus! ness has more than doubled, and yet there are not over 80,000 express em ployes In the country today, ir we took the total annual sum paid by all express companies in salaries and wa ges and divided It up evenly among all employes, each would receive $(00 for his year's work. They would get less than that If we did not Include .v.- r. ..Urlu nf r.roaMnt mnA nth j ef geMnJ officer.. j Th Dest wage paid to drivers of 1 money wagons, wbo must risk their TRUTHFUL ADVERTISING THE BASIS OF SUCCESS. Since the Ingredients Entering Peruna Are Known, Its Power as a Catarrh. Eeniedy and Tonio is Understood, COLUMBUS, OHIO. The ac tive ingredients entering the most popular household remady In the world have beert mcde known to the public. This means a new era in the advertising of popular fam ily medicines Poruna leads. Peruna contains among other things, golden seal, powerful in its effect upon the mucous mem branes. Cedi-on seed, a rare medicine end unsurpassed tonic. Cubebs, valuable in nasal catarrh and affections of the kidneys and bladder. Stone root, valuable for the nerves, mucous membranes as well as in dropsy and indi gestion. Asy Tour Druggist for a Free Peruna Almanac for 1011. lives if necessary, is $100 a month. The recent strike was started by the helpers, who demanded a raise of 5 a month and an eleven-hour day with an hour for dinner. Helpers are get ting from $40 to $60 a month. Time out of mind their day has run from 6 o'clock In the morning till they get through with the lastN load at night, often eleven or twelve o'clock. They snatch a bit to eat whenever they get the chance, but the deliveries have to be made. On a ridiculously amall equipment and cost of operation, the income of the express companies Is immense. With the increase of the business the cost of haulage increases and the cost of labor decreases. If, as the express companies say, the terminal service were the root of the business, in creased business would bring an in creasing cost of labor and a decreas ing cost of haulage. A foolish thing, this express busi ness! Its promoters have lifted one function from the railroads and one from the postal service. If you. In your home, have a butler and a waitress to serve you at table, do you want a third servant, who Is neither butler nor waitress, to take from the waitress' hands the lighter dishes and from the butler's hands the heavier dishes and place them before you? Do you want the express com panies illegitimately to continue to perform the legitimate functions of the railroad and the government? In so-called benighted monarchies of Europe the work Is better done. Unnecessary service means unnec essary cost to those served. "THE BLUE BIRD. A distinguished Belgian writer, named Maurice Maeterlinck, Is the au thor of a play which, to all who can see clearly, is a most beautiful panto mime. To some it is full of wisdom, but there are none who fall to un derstand how wonderful a fairy tale It ls Maeterlinck has Imagined hap piness to be a blue bird winging Its way through this vast world of ours; men and women and children seek it, and though they wander far afield, they soon learn, on returning home that this elusive blue bird, as variable as the sunshine, is close at hand and within the reach of all. What would you do If you were asked suddenly to go forth and find this happiness which Is on the wing? Where would you turn, how would you proceed, who would accompany you- Maeterlinck has strange ways of telling a story; his eyes not only see things as they are, but picture what things are within themselves. This is not more wonderful in the fairy world than the Invisible Cap or the Seven-Leagued Boots which we never question but believe In as a fairy fact. Nor is It more marvelous that bread or water or fire or sugar or milk should have a soul than that a princess should be transformed into a witch, or that a prince should oe depended the flickering life of Tink er of a wild animal. We people who dwell on earth are blind sometimes, because we do not use our imagina tlons. You remember, probably, that Peter Pan asked a question: "Do you be lieve in fairies?" Upon your answer depended the flickering life of Tinker Bell. Maeterlinck also asks a ques tlon through hi little boy hero: "If any of you should find the blue bird would you be so very kind as to give him back to us? . . . We need him for our happiness later on." It Is every one's duty, therefore, to an swer these questions of Pe.ter Pan and Tyltyl, each in his own way, ana herein you shall find hof Maeterlinck with a child's heart as well as In a philosopher's manner, tells of Mytyl's and Tytyl's search for this blue bird of happiness. "The Blue Bird" for "Happiness" in the February St. Nicholas. Here Is the plthiest sermon ever preached: "Our Ingress into life is naked and bare; our progress through life is trouble and care; our egress out of it we know not where; but, doing well here, we shall do well there. I could not tell more by preaching a year." Your wife Isn't necessarily a Jewel Just because she requires such an ex pensive setting. There is Nothing Gan Compare nilh HOSTETTERS STOMACH BITTERS in cases of Headache, Poor Appetite, Indigestion, Colds, Grippe, Malaria, Fever and Ague. Try it and see for yourself. All Druggists and Dealers OUR POLICY We Pay Cash and Sell for Cash We save you from 10 to 25 per cent by trading with us F. J. DONALDSON, Reliable " Druggist. Known For The First MonaE Bank PENDLETON, 1QREG0N CAPITAL, SURPLUS UNDIVIDED PROFITS RESOURCES OVER SECURITY Your Doctor Is Honest Honest in his knowledge of diagnosis and treatment. Honest in his endeavors for his patients' benefit. We put his medicines together in the most scientific way, under the best and safest conditions .. Your doctor and your druggist guard your health "We are in business for your good health. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. 1 BE60H THEflTB FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10th, 1911 "TBIAL f Auspices of Parish Aid Church of of Redeemer Lower Floor 50-75 Gallery 35c Tickets on Sale at Hanscom's Byers' Best Flour The East Oregenian is eastern leads and the people appreciate it af. It is the adrertisinjc medium Its Strength and . S2,ODD,000.00 BY JUBV" A Catchy Comic Opra by Pendletons Best Home Talent See the pretty Bridesmaids Chorus if Pendleton's So ciety Belles Beautiful and Catchy Music (1 la made from the choicest wbf that KTowa. Good bread is assured when BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon. Oregon's repreaeatatiTe payer. and show it by their liberal of this Headquarters For Toilet Goods We are Sole Manufacturer a ad DWtrlkutor of the Oetoferased TOILET GRKsVM COLD CREAM TOOTH FOWDKR MT. HOOD OHjtAaE Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists - of Basterr Oragem. Cure Your Rheu matism AND OTHER ILLS OP THE BODY AT THE Hot Lake Sanatorium The' House of Efficiency) HOT LAKE, OREGON THE Oregon-Yashingfon Railroad & Nav. Co. Sells round-trip tickets, rood for three months.allowlnj- IS. 00 worth of accommodation at the Sanato rium, at Portland and all O.-W. R. a N. Stations, For further information and Illus trated booklet, address Dr. W. T. Phy, Medical Supt and Mr., Hot Lake, Oregon, any O.-W. R. A N. Agent,, or write to WJL MoMCRRAY, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND. A RE (JON. FRESH MEATS 8AC8AGE8, FISH AND LARD. Always pur and delivered promptly, If 70a phone U Central Meat Market 108 E. Alta gt, Ptxme Mala S. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ' rriiii 4 Copyright Ac AnTrrae pan dint apkatrh and dwr1ptkn mms qnlckly apoertaln Atir opinion fre wh ninhiv aanertaln AiiruDinlon frae) whcit her ao iMVMitinn IP probably patantnhln. Com m mil rev tl'rufletricily eonrhifmfUl. HANDBOOK on Tat rat) jant frvav Oblaat auanry fur at tiring patanta. 1'atetita taken tnrmih Mut.n & Cu. raoalTa tyerial notUs wHhout chary o, lu tb Scientific American. A handfnmalf lllnrtrmt4 wwklf. Itrewt v enlatlnn of any frtontiao Jnnrnftl, Tsmt. M a nvi four montha, 1 Bold bjall Hwiliilai MUNN & Co b1Bm'' New Yoit Branch Oslo. r BU WaatalBaioa, 11 0 Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illuatrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times ach week. Be sure and fee the next change. aeaaweBMBjeiBiBBBMaa Adults 10c Children nnder 10 yean, 6c. VI "V NT Ma 1 a. PASTIME