ji..iUii'l,L;';w ... j'.t. ka EIGHT PAGES PAGE SIX &AHiT kastt okkgoman, pendleton, Oregon, Wednesday, February i, mi. At Hhe Greater Alexander Department SDERYf SALE Store Yards of 27-in. to 36-in. Flouncings 50 different Patterns in theLot and Representing 75c to $1,50 Values, will be Placed on Sale THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, FROM 9 A. M. UNTIL S 2 NOON. see window display YOUR CHOICE PER YARD REMEMBER THE DATE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd. AND FOR THREE HOURS ONLY. 9 A. M. UNTIL 12 NOON. ;WS OF THE NORTHWEST Chinook Melts rrairie Snow. Grangeville, Ida. While the snow has for several days been six inches deep over the prairie country the Chi nook wind for the last 4S hours has bared the ground. Discontinue Free Breakfasts. North Yakima, Wash. The North Yakima Y. M. C. A. has decided to discontinue giving free breakfasts to hungry men on Sunday morning. Breakfasts were given 122 Sundays. Jiine Colts in Futurity Race. North Yakima, Wash. Nine colts have been entered for the North Ya kima futurity race, which will be run on July 4. at the state fair grounds. The race will be a half mile, best two in three. Lewiston Carrot Weighs 13 Pounds. Lewiston, Idaho. A mammoth car rot, the largest ever displayed in Lewiston, grown by H. H. S. Rowell in the Lewiston orchards and dug January 2S. is on exhibition here. The vegetable weighs 13 pounds anl 10 ounces. Soils 3000 Bushels at Tckoa. Tekoa. Wash. T. E. Landers, a prominent farmer of Lone Pine, cast of Tekoa, has sold his 1910 wheat crop amounting to about 3000 bush els, to I. S. Woods, local manager of the Northern Grain and Warehouse company for 63 cents per bushel. Set Out 150,000 Trees. Walla Walla, Wash. It is estimat ed by fruit men here that the num ber of fruit trees to be planted in the valley this year will approximate 150.000. The planting is about due to begin now and the ground is said to be in excellent condition. take advantage of good logging con ditions. J. M. Conners, logging for Stack-Glbbs Lumber company, is hauling logs to the river at the rate of 60,000 feet per day. Gridiron Star Vnder Blade. University of Washington, Seattle. Melville Mucklestone, captain of the 1909 football team of the University of Washington, must submit to an operation this year if he expects to reenter football for the varsity next year. This is what kept Mucklestone out this year. He received Injuries in the game with the O. A. C. in Se attle in 1909 which crippled him for several months. Must Approve Indian Wills. Lapwai, Idaho. The Indian agent at this place has received copies of the order issued by the secretary of the interior governing the execution of wills by allotted Indians. Under recent act of congress Indians may LITTLE NEWS BITS GATHERED IN ALBEE (Special Correspondence.) . Albee, Ore., Jan 30. The weather continues mild, with occasionally a light fall of snow. Rain fell last night and it is quite warm today, which has reduced the snow materially. Most everyone hereabout is com plaining of bad colds and la grippe. Most of the children have had to stay out of school from one to four days. H. C. Fisher has been confined to the house for the past eight days with cold and la grippe. There was a basket social in the school house here last Wednesday night which was a grand success In ; everv particular. The proceeds now convey their property, including I amounted to $29.25, which will be land, by will, but any such will must j asei to buy a bell for' tne school. Miss be first approved by the secretary of Hvnos. tho teanher. deserves much the interior and the commissioner of!creJit for tne excellent program ren-! Indian affairs. dered. The Rev.' Vernon, Presbyterian Sun- I day school missionary, closed a series j of meetings here yesterday afternoon and went to Uklah to preach last i Finds Coal in His AVell. Kettle Falls. Wash. While J. S. button, who lives about four miles south of this- place, was digging a well , night. He organized a Sunday school he uncovered a vein or coal aDout lb j with Mrs A. Struthers as superlntend feet below the surface. Above the j ent) jjrs. A. V. Clark, assistant super- coal were 10 feet of slate. He dug j intendent; Miss Pearl Connell. secre- j about four feet in the. coal and does tarv an(1 A S- Quant, treasurer. I not know how much thicker the vein , ien Moore was here last week har- is. Mr. Sutton says it is soft coar vpstintr li for use In his business! similar to that mined In Illinois. He! said he had tested it in the stove and I it burned freely. The discovery is! about 800 or 1000 feet above the Co lumbia river. Bert Leagerwood has Moore's business here OppoM; County Division. Stites, Idaho. Opposition is next summer, charge of Mr. at present. I At the literary at the Erehm school ! house a few nights ago. Some one was accused of putting red pepper on the stove, which resulted In Wm. Fut- j Goat Dairy Near Oroflno. Orofino. H. Berg, formerly In the tailoring business in Lewiston, but who has located on a homestead near here, has decided to establish a goat dairy and yesterday received by ex press from New Mexico four milch goats, which he will Install in a pas ture prepared for them. veloping among residents of this sec- to blows. It l8 sa j Futter went down j f ' tion of the Clearwater valley to the , then gainea his feet and clinched, J division or luano county, .-seicner tne when both went down and Rn!nehart f proposed Randall county Dill, roster- sallj -nuf ed by Cottonwood and the surround- J Th(J Arbogast Bros. got a few more ing territory, which was introduced log3 ln last week and nad to glve ,t recently in the senate by Senator Eck- i up oga,n and wa,t for more Bnow ert, nor the Kamiah county measure J Ira Arb0gast and son passed through whitch it Is understood will be urged j wlth a earioad of beef which they In opposition to the Eckert bill, j w(;re drlvlng out to ship to Seattle, meets with favor here. A mass meet- M Bon returned from Pendleton ing win De canea to devise metnoas : tQd wh h nad been to ke lor compacting ouin measures. Returns Forger to Wallace. Wallace, Idaho. A wire from Sher iff J. J. Nicholson, dated Sunday at Washington, D. C, today gave notice to local officers that he started to day to return to Wallace, having ln charge a prisoner, Boxwell, who forg ed checks on the Lead-Silver Mining company for J1000 about January 1. Life Saved at Death's Door. "I never felt so near my grave," writes W. R. Patterson of Welling ton, ex., as when a frightful cough and lung trouble pulled me down to 100 pounds, In spite of doctor's treat ment for two years. My father, moth er and two sisters died of consumption some fat cows to the Pendleton bufch ers. Mrs. Nellie Howard was called to Dale last week to be at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. McCampbell, who Is very sick with typhoid fever. A sister of Mrs. McCampbell came In on the stage Saturday from Eugene and went over yesterday with her brother, W. M. Howard. Mrs. A. Struthers was an out-bound Mild Weather at Lewiston. Lewiston, Idaho. The records of the local government weather station for January show that with few ex ceptions the temperature has been the mil lest in 10 years, the lowest point registered being 15 1-2 degrees above zero. A warm rain has been fal'.Ing for 4 3 hours and the little ice ln the stream has floated out. Western Apples to Africa. Goldendale, Wash. A letter has been received from Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa, asking the Goldendale Apple Growers' association If they can shin 10,000 boxes of ap ples next fall. John Bell & Co. of Johannesburg any apples from Ore gon and Washington are recognized as the best and they wish to come Into this market. and that I am alive today is due sole ly to Dr. King's New Discovery, which j passen'ger 0n todays stage for Pen completely cured me. Now I weigh dIeton where Bhe will transact busi 187 pounds and have been well and nesg and return home Wednesday, strong for years." Quick, safe, sue, its the best remedy on earth for Btate of 0bl0i city of Toledo, Loess coughs, cold.s la grippe, asthma, county ea. , t . , croup, and aU throat and lung trou- ! J rUJTkfSi-i 3VJ."cb hies. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free., c don buglneea Id the City of Toledo, Guaranteed by Koeppen-. Lopcer Buy at Coeur d'AIctie. Wallace, Idaho. Forest officials say that logging operations along the north fork of the Coeur d'Alene river are now under full headway. Con tractors are working a full force to J:iian All For Peace. Tokio, Jan. 31. Upon the resump tion of the Japanese Diet today, sev eral measures designed to Increase the military and naval efficiency of the empire were Introduced. It Is em phasized, however, that these meas ures are only for the preservation of peace in the far East, and the delib erations of the legislators, In accord with the wishes expressed by the mi kado, will be largely devoted tow ard safeguarding the industrial and commercial interests of Japan and to devise means for making Korea an Integral part of the Empire, ln the sympathies and aspirations of the peo ple, as well as a. legal fact. PILES CTItED I?f TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT la guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind. Bleed Irg or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 60o Jonnty and Btate aforeaald. and that Hid firm will pay the aula of ONE HUNDRED ItOI.LAh8 for each and every caae of ca tarrh that cannot be cared by the dm of Mall', Catarrh Core. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed la mj prraence, this 6th day of December, A. D., 1880. 'Stall A. W. tiLEABOM, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Care la taken Internally, and acta directly on the blood aad mncooa surfaces of the iitem. Bond for taatl nonlala free. Hold by all Irntt1ta. TB Persistence IN Advertising IT takes TIME and REFETITIOX to interest people in your propositi on. The road to advertising success is strewn with the blcachinjr skeletons of tho victims of one insertion. YOU CAVT BUILD A HOUSE WITH ONE BRICK. It is the STEADY, PERSISTENT appeal to the buying public that wins out John Wanamaker onco said: ''To discontinue adver tising is like taking down your sign." William Boyd, of tho Curtis Publishing Co., in addressing the Manufac turers' Advertising Club of Cleveland, Ohio, said: "Trial advertisements are sa wasto of money the trial ndvertisoris like tho tradesman who sends out traveling salesmen once and then discharges them, expecting that the results of the single effort will warrant encouragement of other salesmen for a like single trip." Advertising in a reputable newspaper increases public confidence, and ad vertised business advances step by step in tho estimation of tens of thousand.? of people, who may be months getting around to make their first purchase. Advertisers must be patient. Evprvlxxlv doesn't see what vou print the FIRST time it appears. More will noliee it the SKCOXD DAY, A Oil EAT MAXY MORE at tho end of the month. Advertisers must not act like tho little till who phmted a garden and cone cut the next day, expecting it in full bloom. Her father had to explain to her that plants require roots to grow, and that, while she couldn't see what was troing on THE SEEDS WERE DOING TIIETR MOST IMPORT ANT WORK JUST BEFORE THE FLOWERS SHOWED ABOVE THE GROUND. So advertising is doing its most important work just lefore the big re sults eventuate. Newspaper advertising is the most effective it costs less and reaches farther. rnmi" im it-JlV-ir"ii-i i-l Dandruff Moorm BaltlncM. Dandruff Is caused by a germ a vicious, persistent, tenacious germ that up to the discovery of one of the world's greatest scientists was sup posed to be unklllable. That discov ery Is called Parisian Sage, and Tall- man & Co., the druggists, guarantee It to kill dnndruff germs, to remove all traces of dandruff, to rtop fallllng hair or itching scalp in two weka or money back. It contains Just enougn of sage properly combined with other IngT dienta to make any worain'i or man'a hair grow luxuriantly. It makes cr erybodya harsh lusterlesa hair change to soft, lustrous, and beautiful hair, 10 cents large bottle at Tallmans. Try It Xotlco to the Public. f Beginning Monday, Jan. SO, Pen-1 land Bros, will make (4) four deliv-i erles a day: 8:40 and 10:30 a. m. 2:00 and 4:30 p. m. for Alexander Department Store. George A. riark'a Grocery. Carney & Tweedy Meat Market, Despain & Boney Wonder Store. Empire Meat Co. Gray Bros. Grocery Co. La Dow A Peterson Hardware. Liven good Co. Dry Goods. Pendleton Cash Market Standard Grocery Co. The Peoples Warehouse). E. u. Walsh Grocery. : r Rm4 th4 want ad today. knowwhafe vou want I hate whit von nl-t!ia bent quality SASH AND DOORS. I keep them In at for aulck delivery. I have but one price and Del! for cah only, fj I have my own factory. It coita me much lean to maka my faoila and Ittnn to aeli them beaiiMj 1 mnka and aell In large inanticit. i Then price ara taken from my catalog ropy of which I will gladly mail on requeatj Front Dnon.ilouhla thick ilau $2.?S op Fancy Front Doors, atyliih $5.00 op B-croM panal Doors, for painting II. 2S Scross panal Doors, for staining $1.30 NewCraftsmaa Door, for bungalows $1.60 2-light Windows, chock rail 7fte up 4-light Barn Sash . '' 42c up Cupboard Doors, with plain glaaa $1.00 K. I). Door t'raaHt 75c, K.D.Sath Kramn 90c J Do not fail to and turn ronr list of ma.! tariala for prices and frighl eharaea.'H f After Tor aiaioe; no. When You BUILD, Build to STAY! Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more substantial and far more comfortable in either cold or warm weather, Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements. Founda tions, Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better and lasts longer than stone See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks Defore you build your home. I will furnish your estimates for any class of work on application. D. H. MHY Contractor and Builder Cor. Railroad amd WQow Stt. Pendleton. Ore 11