East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 01, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    mam pagi
1 000 Pair of Ladies Shoes will go on Sale
Thursday Morning for a great Three Days
Sale, Ending Saturday Night
There is not a shoe in the lot worth less than
$2.50 and others at $3, $3.50 and $4,
such makes as the (Gloria $3.50 Shoe)
(Kelley's $4 Cushion Sole Shoe). You
will find Kid, Patent and Calf in
the lot and all sizes to Choose
- from
Take, Your Choice rtf l
and as Many Pair
as You Like for -
See Large nisniiorj Display
F. K. Livengood & Co. .
See Lane A Son for signs.
Hot tamales at Hohbachs.
Pastime pictures please all.
Phone Main 1 f,r United Orchestra..
Wall paper, paint, etc Lao 4 Son.
I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep. Ft 8812.
Wanted Furnif-hed house. Inquire
this office.
Wanted Small furnished house.
Enquire this office.
Wanted Inside work by young
man. Address, Box 327, City.
For Bent Two furnished rooms for
rent. 221 South Thompson. (
Furnished house on Thompson
street, $18 month. See Lee Tcutsch.
Everybody goe tu the orpin-urn to
see the bent and the clearest pictures
Wanted Good reliable man or wj
mnn tu represent lodges Inquire tl Is
Mora moving pictures shown than
any other theatre In the city the
Speclnl rates to horses boarded by
the week or month nt the Commercial
Barn, 620 Aura street. Phono Main 14.
For Sale Detroit Jewel gas range
with oven and broiler. Alno gas boil
er, heater. Phone Main 61' or call at
this office.
Wanted Small f jrnlshed house or
threo furnished rooms, close in. Good
locution, reasonable rent. Inquire
this office.
Cold weatner is coining. We have
the best cou.1 on the market. A ton
In 2000 lbs. at Pendleton Lum er
Tard, Phone Main O.
Phone Main 92 for good clean lump
or nut conl. Prompt delivery to all
parts of tho city. Crab Creek Lum
ber Co., 700 West Alta street.
Spend your idle evenings In a gen
tlemen's resort. Bowling, pool, bil
liards, shooting gallery. Pastime
Fnrloi. Hoover and Book.
Sor sale One sorrel gelding, ag
( years, weight 1100 pounds, sound,
good work or saddle horse. Price
175. Inquire 1301 West Alta.
Strayed from 215 Perkins avenue
threc-numths-old Fox Terrier pup,
marked with black and tan spots. T.e
turn t j above address or phone Red
For sale at a bargain First class
rooming house, 15 rooms, all filled.
Close in. Owner must leave town.
Easy terms. Address, Box 218, Pen
lilcton, Ore.
Fine house, nil furnished, splendid :
location, one of best buys In Pendle
ton If sold by Saturday night 11850
will take the place. Ask about It to
day. Lee Teutsch.
What do you suppose would become
of your son or daughter If you should
sudclcnly-die? Pon't you think a bus
jness course would help them through
life and save many hard knocks.
Wanted A man who can write fra
ternal Insurance and wants to make
big money. Most "attractive proposi
tion. First class order. No limit to
earnings. No fees to collect. P. O.
l)ox !i2, Pendleton, Oregon.
Pendleton's new paint store. Halo
& McAtce, props., 816 Main street.
Acme quality paints, enamels, stains
Wall paper picture moulding, glass
anil varnishes. Let us figure on your
next Job. Goods arriving daily.
Attention Moinliers Pendleton Circle.
Pendleton Circle No. 527, will give
a social Thursday evening, February
2, for members and Invited guests.
Every member of the circle present
will be Riven a souvenir from tho
grand circle. A good time and a good
supper for nil. By order of the Guar
dian Neighbor.
Salem, Ore., Feb. 1. Corresponding
with the suggestions made before the
Joint assembly of tho Oregon legisla
ture by Louis V. Hill, of the Great
Northern and Northern Pacific rail
road systems Monday nt noon, Rep
resentative James D. Abbott of Mult
nomah county yesterday Introduced a
bill in the house appropriating $20,
OHO for advertising and procuring de
sirable Immigrants for the great un
settled farming districts of the state
or Oregon. A state Immigration agent
U to be created who Is to serve with
out compensation to collect statistical
information regarding the state's re
seuivs, Industries, products and phy
sical characteristics.
The state immigration asent is to
co-operate with the Oregon Develop
ment leage and the Oregon Agricul
tural college nnd nl.-o Is to communi
cate with the commissioner general
o immigration of the federal govern
ment ngar.ling the disposal and
handling of desirable prospective cit
izens. The immigrant agent is to be
appointed by the governor and he is
required to report the results of his
collection of information to the sec
retary of state November 30, of each
year, who Is authorized thereupon to
Issue a pamphlet containing the in
formation gathered by the immigra
tion agent.
Additional appropriation of $5000
Is provided for statistical research,
but all the state departments are to
be drawn upon liberally by the Immi
gration agent for such Information as
may be of use to him.
W. K. McFaul of Echo, spent yes
terday in Pendleton.
C. K. Bland was up from his home
In Hermlston yesterday.
C. A. Baker of, Boise, Is a guest of
the Hotel St. George.
Mrs. W. C. Shultz is the guest of
Portland friends this week.
Henry Kembel of Rltzvllle, Wash.,
Is registered at the Bowman hotel.
S. W. Barnhart is registered at the
Hotel Pendleton from Walla Walla.
Dan McKenzle Is In the city today
from his wheat ranch near Adams.
Alonzo Knotts and wife of Pilot
Rock were visitors in the city yester
day. William Leathers has been here to
day from his ranch under the Uma
tilla project.
C. W. Nlbley of La Grande, was
registered at one of the local hotels
Mr. and Mrs. L. Cherrler and son
are visitors In the city from Lewis
ton, Idaho.
Miss Rotterdam of Milton, came
in from her home on the evening
train yesterday.
L. Hodgcn of Athena, came down
from his home yesterday for the
transaction of business here.
W. J. Staplsh was among the Echo
people In the county seat yesterday for
the transaction of business.
! Glen McCullough, foreman on the
Stanfield ranch at Stanfleld, was a
visitor in the city yesterday.
Mrs. J. E. Cherry is en route to
California to Join her husband who
has farming Interests near Oakland.
Miss Hazel Olcott, who has been 111
at her home In this city for some
time past is now reported as recover
ing. Mrs. Charles Colo and daughter,
Miss Sybil Cole, were passengers on
the outgoing Pilot Rock local this
Mrs. Anna Selkirk Norton, the well
known Walla Walla Instructor of
voice, Is In the city to.day to meet
her pupils.
Mrs. Albert Schick of Spokane, is
the guest of Mrs. Leonard Nichols on
Garfield street. She expects to re
turn home tomorrow.
Frank Brotherton and wife from
Clyde, Wash., have been called to this
city, owing to the serious Illness of
Mrs. Brotherton's father.
County Commissioner H. M. Cock
burn came In from his "home at Mil
ton this morning to attend the regular
meeting of the county court.
E. P. Dodd, the Hermlston real es
tate dealer, returned to his home in
the project town this morning after
a brief business visit in the city.
Mrs. C. J. Whittaker, was formerly
a resident of this city, but now makes
her home in Cambridge, Idaho, is In
the city, the guest of Mrs. A. F. May.
Mr. and Mrs. William Dale of Helix
were among the audience which wit
nessed the presentation of "The Cli
max" at the Oregon theater last eve
ning. J. W. Campbell, the young Hermls
ton merchant, who was recently
elected as one of the directors of the
Oregon Retail Merchants' association,
made a hurried business visit to Pen
dleton last evening.
Mrs. W. A. Slusher of Pendleton,
Ore., and Miss Velle Barker of Rose
burg, arrived last evening and are the
guests of Mrs. J. E. Hansom and Miss
Addie Sacry, 1005 Isaacs avenue. Miss
Barker has been the- guest of Miss
Bertha Alexander of Pendleton, for
the past few weeks. Wa'.la Walla
W 7 I
I.nly MnovnlMos Meeting.
A called meeting will be held In
Secret Society hall Friday afternoon,
February 3rd. All members urged to
bo present.
Nat Goodwin and Edna Goodrich
have' names that aro good enough,
even if their (divorce) actions aro
Alcohol and Coal Oil
Odorless gas heaters are non-explosive and you
will find them very convenient in heating up bath rooms,
bed rooms, etc. We have a very nice line we would
like to show you and explain their merits to you The
prices are reasonable also.
The Drug Store That Serves You Best
You are sure of this when
you wear garments made by
And they are so simple
that experience is not neces
sary to obtain good results.
you would not be without it
if it cost three times what it
does only 50 cents for an
entire year, including any
McCall Pattern free.
The Newest, Styles in Spring
Two, three and four instep .rtrap pumps, in patents, pun
metal and tans $3.00
New Button Shoes for Boys
Cloth top shoes, patent leather, plain toes, for misses' and
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
Iiu-reiiC in Canada's Rcveuue.
Consul I'aul Lang writes from
Sherurooke that the financial state
ment of the Dominion for the nine
months ended JS3.605.S34, a better
ment of $1-. -75,752 over the same pe
riod In 1909. The expenditure was
$52,994,133. an increase of $5,590,003.
The expenditure on capital account
was $ J2.S04.24 7. nearly the whole
amount being expended on the Na
tional Transcontinental Railway.
In the Grands Rounde Valley
on the installment Flan I
Natal Business Notes.
The population of Natal at the close
of 1909 was 1 249.034, consisting of
92,643 Europeans, 1.037,677 natives,
and 11S.714 Asiatics.
The 4 3 foreign Insurance compan
ies transacting business in Natal qual
ified by depositing securities with the
treasurer to tho total value of $2.
000,000. Only three are American
co mpanles.
A synopsis of our contract.
1st. You pay 10 per ccut down, balance ou installment
plan ; no interest, taxes or other expense.
2nd. We deliver to you a bearimr COMMERCIAL OR
CHARD, at OUR expense and risk.
"re!. Iii the event of your death we deliver to your heirs
a full Warranty Deed, WITHOUT further payment on the
4 th In the event of your inability to complete the pay
ments on your contract we will RE.FUX1) SO per cent of the
money paid, at any time.
Call at Mark Moorhousc Co.'s office, 112 E. Court St.,
Pendleton, Ore... and let us show you the contract, pictures,
map and fruit.
The Riverside Orchard Tracts
Suleni, Ore. Feb. 1. Judge Derby,
representative from Wasco and Hood
River, has introduced a bill in tho
house which gives tho assistant sec
retary of state nil the necessary au
thority to net in tho place of the sec
retary of state during the secretary's
absence from tho state but does not
permft him to sit or to deliberate
with tho governor nnd state treasurer
In tho transaction of state business as
does the Howerman bill passed by
the senate yesterday.
Representative Collins has a meas
ure providing that tho county court
shall call n special election to deter
mine whether the county seat shall
bo moved upon petition of two-thirds
of the voters nnd Representative SIc-
Kinney has introduced a measure
providing that the matter of Increas
ing the salaries of nil county officials
shall be determined by the voters of
the county upon their petition to tho
county court and tho enactments
relative to the operation of tho initi
ative nnd referendum are. to be em
ployed In carrying out tho purposes
of tho act.
Representative Gill of Hood River
nnd Wasco would prohibit tho use of
roller towels nnd public drinking
cups In all public places such as ho
tels and passenger conches.
The question with, the reciprocity
treaty is whether it is a treat or a
La Grande, Oregon
While waiting for winter to como,
spring hns evidently arrived.
Hi Hiil Hibberd
and Rugs
We have broken the qunl
Ity and price record. We
Invite comparison to
prove we have no com
petition. Many lteamiful Rugs
nnd Cnrpet Pattern! now
Prices lowest In tho elty.
Ralph Fclssm
Complete. lIousefurnlKlier.
"There's Just One Drug Store
Where I Know 1 Will Get,
Exactly What I Ask For"
When you hear that remark you can take it for
granted the speaker means us.
Whatever yon want from any drug store can be
had here if we haven't got it we will get it for you.
There's never a fear of disappointment. You get what
you ask for or what the doctor wants you to have, or
you get nothing you never get "something just as
good" here, because we only have one BliST.
Does not this assurance warrant your trading
here? We think so, and your doctor also thinks so.
PHONE The $0?ia& Store MAIN 20