PAOK DQBT mono-pole! Canned Goods, mean canned goods of HighesHjuality STRING REAXS stkixglkss nE.xs LIMA BEANS 11.4 BY KEW'GE BEANS EXTRA S1FTEB PEAS PIMPLE PK.S SCOAR CORN srCVOTASH A Complete line of MOXOPOLE CANNED GOODS llwavs Carried in Mock. SEE WINDOW. OYSTERS SALMON LOBSTER SHRIMP TOMATOES STRAWBERRIES BLACKBERRIES HALVED PEACHES SLICED PEACHES LEMOX CUXG PEACHES RASPBERRIES APRICOTS BARTLETT PEARS ROYAL ANN CHERRIES Newsy Notes of Pendleton PERSONAL MENTION Will Insixvt New Road. County Surveyor Geary Klmbrell. County Road Master Have Lavender and W. J. Stockman letx on the local this morning for Hermlston, where they will inspect a new road near that place. Standard Grocery Co. Inc. Where all are Pleased Frank O'Gara, Pres. Bernard O'Gara, Sec-Treas "Turkey" Gihson Very IjOw. J. Gibson, familiarly known to his many friends as "Turkey," is very low with Bright's disease. He had a sinking spoil at 1 o'clock this morn ing and it was thought that he could not rally. MAN TO SALEM SECRETARY CRANSTON WTXXi REPRESENT THIS COUNTY Proposed Fish and Game Commission Is Favored Removal of Screens from Ditches Declared a Menace. Secretary C. K. Cranston of the Umatilla County Anglers' association, was dispatched to Salem last night to represent the anglers of this county this evening before the committee on fisheries. The committee had pre viously issued invitations to the dif ferent associations in the state to end representatives to make their views and their wants known and at last night's meeting of the local or ganization Cranston waa selected as the local representative. Among the more important ques tions discussed last evening waa the bill which has been introduced In tne legislature and having for its purpose the separation of the fish and game departments of the state from politics, This law provides for the creation of a fish and game commission, the five members of which are to serve with out pay. The president of Oregon acrtevl' tural college is to be one member of the commission, while the other four are to be appointed by the governor and no more than two are to be of one political faith, his commission shall have the appointment of all game and fish wardens, shall be responsible for the enforcement of all game and fish laws, and shall provide for the proro gation of fish as well as the protection. Vnder this arrangement the con-! flict between the game and fish de partments which has existed in the prist to the detriment of both will be avoided, wardens will be appointed on merit Instead of on political pull and the thousands of dollars which are accumulating from the sale of li censes will be used for the purpose for which they were Intended Instead of being allowed to accumulate and remain unused. Senator Norton who yesterday In troduced a bill In the legislature pro viding for the removal of screens from irrigation ditches, was denounced in no uncertain language. His state ments were branded as false and his thecrv as disastrous to trout fishing. It was the concensus of opinion that the proper screening of irrigation ditches and the building of fish lad ders at all dams was of far more im portance to the preservation of fish ing than the length of the closed sea son, the size of fish which are caught or the number limit. It waa declar ed that one or two small Irrigation ditches unscreened or one dam over which fish could not make their way would destroy more fish In one month than al the anglers In the coun ty would take with hook and line in a year. These are the views which Secre tary Cranston will present to the legislative committee on fisheries at the meeting tonight. Wm. Humphrey was last evening elected treasurer while Humphrey hart were named as a committee to increase the membership. 1)11,. Drunk in Court. Onlv one lone drunk, John Jurdols, was brought before Judge Flta Ger aid this morning to answer for his sins. He was assessed the usuajl line of five dollars, but as he was unable t,i liuuidate. he is now lingering in the city hotel. New Mont Market. The Farmers Meat company, ot which Conrad Platzoeder is the secre tary and general manager, will be readv for business tomorrow." The shon is located In the room on Court treet formerly occupied by tne uwi Tea House. Work in; mi Ijukl Cases. Derutv Clerk W. C. E. Pruitt left on the local this morning for Hepp ner where for the next ten days he will take testimony In the land cases at that place. From there he will go to several other points on the same mission and later will act as referee in the land disputes around this city. Vnlon Evangelistic Meeting. The union evangelistic meeting will be held in the Methodist Episcopal church this evening. Some of the vis iting Baptist ministers will speak and Rev. Lewtas will conduct the song service. There will be a Bible study at the Methodist Episcopal church to morrow at 2:30 p. m. led by the evangelist and he will preach at 7:30 tomorrow night. r: wiiin Goes to Spokane. Secretary J. H. Gwinn of the Roundup association will leave in the morning for Spokane where ne win represent the local frontier show at the meeting of the secretaries of the r of the association. ! fair associations of the Pacifc north , Vaughan and Earn- west, which Is to be held In that city on February l. e win iu him a large collection of photographs of Roundup scenes to exhibit In the metropolis of the Inland Empire. N. Seaman of Irrigon, la registered at the Bowman hotel today. Edward C. Collins is down from his home in the east end of the county. Rev. E. W. Warrington of Pilot Rock, Is In the city from that town today. M. L. Morrison or Helix came in from that place on the N. P. this morning. J. T. Lieuallen, wife and daughter, are In the city today from their home in Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sturdivant of Pilot Rock, are in the city today for a brief visit. E. Wilbur of McKay, Is numbered among the out of town visitors in Pendleton today. M. T. Logan of Walla Walla, was among the out of town visitors In the city last evening. F. M. Simpson of Walla Walla, was In the city last evening, a guest of the Hotel Pendleton. Editor J. P. McManus of the Pilot Rock Record, was In from that town yesterday evening. John Thomas of Echo, was among the residents of that town In the county seat yesterday. C. K. Bland of Hermlston, Is In the city today from the project town for the transaction of business. W. H. Dale and wife of Helix, were incoming passengers on the Northern Pacific train this morning. J. R. Kanaga came up from his home at Hermlston today on the motor for the transaction of business. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Dryer of Uma tilla, came up from the railroad town yesterday and are visiting in the city- today. Dr. Fred A. Lieuallen of Pilot Rock pent last night In the city, having come in from his home yesterday af ternoon. Miss Mamie McCleay, seventh grade teacher at the Washington school, Is ill with the grip at her home on Jack son street. Special Sale of 1000 Pairs Men's Sluoes SELECTION OF NEW SITE PREDICTED Cure Your Rheumatism MittKtiiiiurics Finish Meeting. Dr. J. V. Milligan, the synodical Sabbath school missionary for Ore gon In the Presbyterian church, whose headquarters are in Portland, came In from Pilot Rock yesterday afternoon. He has been assisting Rev. E. W Warrington In special meetings at fklah and Albee. He was accom panied bv Rev. J. F. Vernon, the lo cal Sabbath school missionary, who lives at Milton. Dr. Milligan has t.. Portland and Mr. Vernon to his home on the 5:25 train. AXD OTHER ILLS OF THE BODY AT THE Salem. Ore.. Jan. 31. (Special.) The selection of a new site for the eastern Oregon insane asylum will not cause surprise here. The proponents for tiie site selected by Bowernian are losing ground and unless the eommit mv clumses Us inlml It Is said that the Daniels tract, furtner down the I niatilla river, may be selected. West and Kay both favor the Daniels site, saying the Oliver tract Is such that the county jail whQ entered pleaa of miiiuings can i ue umi v u enough ground and the strip along the lxjttoin Is too narrow. Juilire Hum! Out Sentences. .Tuilire G. W. Phelps this morning sentenced three of the prisoners in SAN FRANCISCO WINS PRELIMINARY BOUT Hot Lake Sanatorium The nouse of Efficiency) HOT LAKE, OREGON THE ' Oregon-Washington Railroad & Hav. Co. Sells round-trip tickets, good for three months.ailowing 16.00 worth of accommodation at the Sanato rium, at Portland and all O.-W. R. & X. Stations. For further information and Illus trated booklet, address Dr. W. T. Phy, Medical Supt. and Mgr., Hot Lake, Oregon, any O.-W. R. & X. Agent, or write to WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND. AREQOX. (Continued from page one.) led for New Orleans. He said a fair In the south would tend to show the world we are a reunited people. Congressman Kahn for San Fran cisco, speaking for California, read a telegram from the people of Alame da county pledging themselves an ad ditional million dollars to San Fran cisco. The house was In a complete uproar when the vote was announced. Save money by reading today's ads. guilty during the recent term of court. R. W. Gillett, the old engineer who forged the name of Twohy Bros to a check, was given an indetermin ate sentence In the penitentiary of from one to seven years. Roy Blake and George Steward, the two young men who pleaded guilty to stealing wheat sweeDlngs from grain ware houses, were sentencel to one year in the county Jail but were paroled pending good behavior. This lenl ency was extended to them by the court because of the fact that a large number of citizens of the county had signed a petition in behalf of the boys and moreover, because they had al ready been confined for three months in the Jail. r entire family seeing will enjoy 1 RELAX MEXICAN CENSORSHIP, (Continued from page one.) y? Rothwell T jgP Optometrist Eye Examined, Glasses Fitted, Lenses Duplicated and Frames Repaired. With W. E. HANSCOM, THE Jeweler. Pendleton. The Cosy PENDLETON'S NEWEST, COSIEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE PICTURE SHOW. Only theatre In Pendleton with modern conveniences. Change of program Sunday, Monday, Wednesday aB Friday. PROGRAM TODAY. Romantic Redskins Tlie District Attorney The Little Fire Chief Noble and Commoner Song Admission 10c. Children 6c report, are taking extraordinary pre cautions. In addition to the guard at Tla Juana there are 60 armed Mexicans patrollng the border. These guards. It Is stated, are not rurales nor soldiers, but picked men who are hired by the Mexican government which pays them as high as $10 (Am erlcan) per day for riding the line. Care for Wounded, El Paso, Texas, Jan. 31. A mes s.-ige rereived here last night says that 19 federal soldiers, badly wounde were brought Into Casas Grandes Mexico, last evening, and the wagons went out after more. These men fell In the engagement at Galanea. American Veteran in Charge. Los Angeles, Calif., Jan. 31. Ac cording to the police, nearly 500 Mexicans and men In sympathy with the revolution have left Los Angeles for Mexico since the revolution start ed. In charge of Captain J. D. Mo ran, a Spanish war veteran, 35 Mexi cans and American soldiers of fortune are reported to be en route to the border. Mexicans here deny that the party that captured Mexlcala are freebooters. Regular $3.50 and $5 val. Your Choice for T) 5 v A tC7n PAIR Also others going ai following Reductions $3.00 Shoes for $1.90 $1.50 Boys' Shoes $31.10 $1.50 Shoes for $1.60 $2.00 Boys' Shoe. $1.00 $3.00 Boys' Shoes $1.90 $1.50 Boys' shoe. 85c Douglas Shoes Reserved. ' IFe New Boston Store Glen Scott, local agent for the Re liance Life Insurance company, re turned this morning from a business trip to Helix. Major E. L. Swartzlander, agent on the local reservation, left on delayed No. 17 this afternoon for Portland, where she will transact business. S. T. Isaacs of Helix, accompanied his daughter, Mrs. F. F. Perham, home from that place this morning and is visiting with her for a few days. Herbert Boylen, the well known sheepman and secretary of the Ore gon state board of sheep commission ers, returned to his home In Pilot Rock this morning. Mrs. Koontz, mother of William Dedman, transcontinental freight In spector, stopped off in the city yes terday for a visit with her son while en route home from Portland. Dr. S. W. McClure, the newly elect ed secretary of the National Wool growers' association, has moved from Pendleton, Ore., to Gooding. Idaho, where his . headquarters will bo In the future. Rural Spirit. Ralph B. McEwen, son of Mayor McEwen of Athena, came in on the Walla Walla local this morning. He is a graduate of the University of Oregon but has now taken the man agement of his fathers 1200 acre farm. K Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed and of Ease and Comfort follows the use of Syrup o Figs and Elixir of Senna, as it actp gentry on the kidneys, liver and bowels; titans' ine the system effectually, when con stipated, or bilious, and dispels colds and headaches. To sret its beneficial efTeots, always bny the genuine, manufactured by the California ig oyrup Lo. CUT RATES Pendleton Dye Works During February WILL CLEAX AXD PRESS Men's suits for $2.00 Ladies suits for . 2.00 Plain skirts for '.75 Pleated skirts for 1.00 Ladies suit pressed Men s suit pressed Plain skirts dyed -Pleated skirts dyed 1.00 .75 1.50 1.75 REMEMBER "The Pendleton Dye Works," the only place -where clothes are "really" cleaned by the "French Method." Work called for and delivered. ( ' Phone Main 169. 206 1-2 E. Alta Second Attack Expected. Elcentro, Calif., Jan. 31. Mexican custom municipal officers are pre paring to resist a second expected at tack of Insurrectos who arrived from Mexacall yesterday after having lev led tribute of JJ500 upon the mer chants and citizens. It was learned last night that the revolutionists are preparing for another onslaught. Extended Battle in Pi-ogre. Huachuca, Ariz., Jan. SI. Persons arrived today from Nogates report that Mexican federal troops and reb els have been fighting since Sunday near Cananea. No details have been received. The report that Mexico is offering ten de-pars a day ror Ameri can army veterans Is denied. For the Month of February ONLY Plain skirts cleaned and pressed $ .7S Pleated skirts cleaned and pressed 1.00 Men's suit cleaned and.... presed i 2.00 Ijuiies' milts cleaned and pressed 3.00 Plain skirts dyed 1.50 Pleated skirts dyed 1.75 Let the women do your work. City Dyo Works Phone Main !, .Near bridge. o (Maris In the Grande Rounde Villey on the Installment Plan A synopsis of our contract 1st. You pay 10 per cent down, balance on installment plan ; no interest, taxes or other expense. 2nd. We deliver to you a bearing COMMERCIAL OR CHARD, at OUR expense and risk. 3rd. In the event of vour death wo deliver to your heirs a full Warranty Deed, WITHOUT further payment on the contract 4th In the event of your inability to complete the pay ments on your contract we will REFUND 80 per cent of the money paid, at any time. COULD YOU ASK FOR MORE ? Call at Mark Moorhouse Co.'s office, 112 E. Court St., Pendleton, Ore., and let us show you the contract, pictures, map and fruit The Riverside Orchard Tracts bberd - La Grande, Oregon JUST ARRIVED a Large Shipment of MEN'S HATS AH the very intent, up-to-the-minute styles and colorings. We especially call attention to the new telescope sliapes with straight, rolled edge and braided brims. See Large Window Vorkingmen's Clothing Company i Lees expense makes our prices lower. Phone Mala 45. Ml K. Court St. Dry, wet, chemi cal and steam cleaners. We call (or anJ deliver anywhere. OLD SPOTS Never come back when cleaned by the Berlin Dye House JACK WEBSTER, MANAGER. GOOD BARGAINS A 7-room house on tho corner, bath, hoc water tank, cellar, wood shed, nice shade trees, good fence and sidewalk, surrounded with nice homes. Only $850. A 6 room house, stone foundation, close in on west court street, $1000. 320 acres, 250 seeded to wheat, house and barn, gool water system, 3 miles from railroad, 8 miles from Pendleton, $25 per acre, includ ing crop. Two BectionB of nice level grain lund on railroad, 30 acres of same bottom land and that can be irrigated. 160 in wheat, all in caltivation, good improvements, price $20 per acre, will sell one or both section, and take in exchange property in Portland, Pendleton, Pasco or Spo kane. One of the best paying business propositions in Pendleton, on Main street Cannot go into details unless you mean business. A 500 acre stock ranch, right in the chinook belt, good improve ments, fine water, bi bunch grass, close to the reserve. Only ?10 per acre. Don't forget that 8000 acre tract, it is a good buy. Come and sea mo. I am on the trade all the time. Temple Bldg., Main St E. T. WADE. The East Oregonian is eastern Oregon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate it and show it by their liberal patrow age. It is the advertising medium of this aeetka.