sMJLY KAOT OMQOXlAX. PENDLETON, OREGON, MOXDAY, JANTARY 80, 1911. EIGHT PAGES STOP FIRE LOSS BY WIDER RANGE USE PAGE SIX Washington. Reports based on de tailed field examinations made by national forest officers, of the lan&a burned over in the forest fires of last Fumrmr in Washington and Oregon, which have been received by the U. S. department of agriculture, show- that the national forest timber loss In these states is about 700,000,06 feet. This is somewhat less than was indicated by the provisional estimates made shortly after the fires. The re ports also show the importance, as a means of protecting the forests against fires of the efforts which are being made by the department to open new range to stockmen. Of the national forests in Washing ton and Oregon, that on which the fires extended over the greatest area was the Colville, with 160,000 acres burned. The fires on this forest, however, were chiefly surface, which are far less destructive than fires which travel through the crowns of ,the trees. It is considered by the forest officers that the fires on .this forest point clearly to the value from the standpoint of fire prevention, of proper utilization of the range under regulated grazing. Large parts of this forest, and also of the Chelan, Oka nogan, and other forests, are not used by stock because of their Inac cessibility, although a good Fupply of forage is produced. The dry grass and other herbage both spread the flames and made them fiercer and more destructive than they would have been if the lnnd had been grazed. One of the objects of the national forest administration is to open all available range to the fullest use con sistent with preservation of the car rying power of the range and pro tection of forest growth and water supplies. In carrying out this principle, where good grazing grounds are at present inaccessible to stock the aim of na tional forest administration is to open means of communication, through the construction of driveways, the build ing of roads and trails, etc., to the end that stock may penetrate wher ever forage is to be found and graz ing can be properly permitted. Through the building of railroads and the pushing forward of the system of building railroads and the pushing forward of the system or permanent improvements which has been plan ned for the national forests of north ern Washington. Idaho and Montana, it is believed that much hitherto un used range in these forests will soon be opened to use. The topography of some of the country is such as to make it available only from the Ca nadifrn side, but American stock own ers are now beginning to work into it from that side. Another means of opening more national forest range which is being actively employed by the department of agriculture is the securing of concessions from rail roads in the form of rates and facili ties for shipping stock in and "'it of regions where forage is now going to waste. Saves Two Lives. "Neither my sister nor myself might be living today if it had not been for Dr. King's New Discovery," writes A. D. McDonald of Fayetteville, N. C, R. F. D. No. f, "for we both had frightful coughs that no other rem edy could help. We were told my sis ter had consumption. She was very weak and had night sweats but your wonderful medicine completely cured us both. It's the best I ever used or beard of." For sore lungs, coughs colds, hemorrhage, la grippe, asthma, hay fever, croup, whooping cough all bronchial troubles its supreme. Trial bottle free. 60c and J1.00. Guaranteed by Koeppens. COMPARES PirF-SEXT CHLSIS TO CIVIL WAR Los Angeles, Calif., Jan. 28. De claring the political situation in the United States presents a crisis as great as that which preceded the civil war, United States Senator-elect, John Works, at a reception tendered him, blames the trusts for corruption. He said: "Unless such things as are go ing on in Danville, 111., can be check ed, this country is going down to de struction, which the trusts and great private interests are working toward." ..Catarrh Is an excessive secretion accompanied with chronic Inflamma tion, from the mucous membrane. Hood's SarsapariUa acts on the mu cous membrane through the blood, reduces inflammation, establishes healthy action, and radically cures all catarrh. ff I SPECIAL EXTRAORDINARY OFFER All the News of the World and Some Contained in the Two Leading Papers for the Price of One OUR. SPECIAL OFFER C The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer with Daily East Oregonian by mail one year paid in advance, new subscribers or renewals $5.00 Regular price Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer, one yr, $1.00 Jiejiular price Daily E. O. by mail, one year 5.00 $8.00 OUR SPECIAL OFFER D The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer with Semi-Weekly East Oregonian one yr. paid in advance, new subscribers and renewals $1.50 Kegular price Weekly Inter Ocean and Fanner one yr. $1.00 .uefinar pnCe o. vv. &&st UreRonian, one year 1.50 $2.50 The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer Contains Each Week l 21 columns of news. . 14 columns of talks by a practical farmer on farm topics eco nomical machinery, planting pawing and storing of fruits and vegetables, breeding and marketing of live stock. 20 or more "Lost and Found Poems and Songs." 1 column of Health and Beauty Hints. ; Best short and continued stories Chess and Checkers Puzzles and Complications Dr. Reeder's Home Health Club Mis cellaneous Questions and Answers Poems of the Day A special Washington letter Taking cartoons and illustrations. '5 columns of live, entertaining editorials. '7 columns of live stock and market reports. Xo live stock pa per contains a better live stock market report than The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer. 40 questions and answers by readers on anything pertaining to the business of farming, gardening, raising of live stock and poultry, etc, etc. 10 to 20 questions on veterinary subjects. 7 columns of information on recipes, patterns, formulas, etc, furnished by readers. 14 to 21 columns of stories of public men ; historical, geograph ical and other miscellany. 5 columns of specially reported sermons by leading American clergymen, and the Sunday school lesson. These features, together with a Special Magazine Department, Make up the Loading Farm, Home and News Paper of the Inland Empire. CUT OUT AND MAIL TODAY. EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., Pendleton, Ore, Enclosed find $. special offer Name for which please send me your the following addreee. Add ress PLEASE STATE IF NEW OR RENEWAL. The East Oregonian as you know Is the leading paper of the Inland Empire and Is the official paper of Umatilla County and city of Pendleton. No home can afford to be without It. This special arrangement witli The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer is for a limited time only. Sub scribers to the Inter Ocean and Farmer are assured that no papers will bo sent after subscription expires unless their subscriptions are renewed by cash pay menta. Do vou read the Bant OrenonlanT MONEY BACK. Tall man & -Co. Sell Remarkable Ca tarrh Core. Poor a few drops of HTOMEI (pro nounced high-o-me) into the hard rub ber Inhaler and you can .then breathe Into the lungs the very same antisep tic, germ killing air as you would breajhe In the Australian forests of eucalyptus, where catarrh Is unknown. And HTOMEI is so pleasant to use; you'll like to use It; when you breathe it the effect on the Innamed catarrh Infected and germ ridden membrane U soothing and healing. In five minutes you will get such wonderful relief that you will know that at last you have a cure for ca tarrh. A HTOMEI outfit which consists of one bottle of HTOMEI. a hard rubber pocket Inhaler, a medicine dropper and simple Instructions for use, costs only $1 and extra bottles of HTOMEI If afterward needed, 60 cents. Besides catarrh, remember that HTOMEI is guaranteed to cure asth ma, croup, bronchitis coughs, colds sore throat, or money back. HTO MEI Is sold by Tallman A Co. and leading druggists everywhere. Trial ample free from Booth's Hyomel Co., Buffalo, N. T. SAYS WAR TALK IS TO STOP LEGISLATION Sacramento, Calif., Jan. 28. Ene mies of the initiative, referendum and recall are raising a Jap war scare for the uurpose of defeating reform leg islation, according to Senator Charles Bell, of Panadena, California, chair man of the republican caucus. "The measures will be adopted nevertheless," said Bell. "It is the in tention of the men supporting Gov ernor Johnson and hiH progressive policies to give the people the right t' say what laws shall govern them. If the people of California desire re strictions of Japanese immigration it in primarily up to the people. I be lieve that if any measure would come up that would endanger the country's welfare the people would vote It down." RAX FRANCISCO POLICE FORCE OX THE GRILL Fan Francisco, Cal., Jan. 28. Sweeping changes in the police de partment are promised today by Chief of Police Seymour in the prosecution of the war against gambling dens as a result of the suicide of Gustav Post ler in the Saratoga club yesterday af ter he had lost his money. Sergeant Donovan, stripped of his star, will be tried for unofflcerllke conduct and fifty other officers have had their beats changed. Two patrolmen will be tried for not reporting the presence of the club, which Is within a block of the central station. . WOMEN'S WOES. Pendleton Women Are Finding Relief at last. It does seem that women have more than a fair share of the aches and pain that afflict humanity; they must "keep up,' must attend to dutlea In spite of constantly aching backs, or headaches, dizzy spells, bearing down pains; they must stoop over, when to stoop means torture. They must walk and bend and work with racking pains and many aches from kidney ills. Kidneys cause more suf ferlng than any other organ of the body. Keep the kidneys well and health Is easily maintained. Read of a remedy for kidneys only that help and cures the kidneys and Is endorsed by people you know. Mrs. Valentine Stroble, 788 Johnson street, Pendleton, Oregon, says: "About two years ago I suffered from kidney complaint and when a friend advised me to try Doans Kidney Pills I did so. This remedy disposed of severe backaches that had kept me awake at night and benefited me in every way.' For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-MIIburn Co., Buffalo, New Tork, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms fer rent In the East Oregonian build ing. Steam heat: electric Ushts: hot ar.d cold water; bath. Inquire at East Oregonian office. Vtfhen You BUILD, Build to STAY! Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more substantial and far more comfortable in either cold or warm weather, Cat -fitCH I - Concrete stands unsuroassed for tions, Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better and lasts longer than stone bee my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks Deiore you build your home. I will furnish your estimates for any class of work on application. ' D. M. 7VIHY Contractor and Builder Cor. Ra2road amd Willow Sit. Pendleton. Ore II 8