EIGHT PAGES BAHjT BAR OIUEGOXIA. PKSDLETCMf, ORBOOH. MONDAY, JANUARY SO, 1011. PAGE THREE) on M MMtHD At Ihe Greater Alexander Department Store 'xjTfsl? of 27-in. to 36-in. Flouncings 50 different Patterns in the Lot jVW U UFUh and Representing 75c to $1 ,50 Values, will be Placed on Sale ALE EM E1RY 2 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, FROM 9 A. M. UNTIL ! 2 NOON. see window display YOUR CHOICE PER YARD REMEMBER THE DATE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd. AND FOR. THREE HOURS ONLY, 9 A. M. UNTIL 12 NOON. 4W(& '$ CENSUS ' Z. ' li&r I P - I Will ; : I i f M'ilf r- f 1 1 IN v " . i Washington, D. C. Jan. 30. The Director of the Census has furnished the Oregon State legislature for Its use n redlHtrlctlng the state, a state ment showing the population of Ore gon hy counties. The figures therein given are the result of an unverified count, of the returns of the thirteenth census, and are, therefore, subject to some possible revision, but It Is hard ly probable that such revision would materially affect the figures as given. County. Total Pop. The state 672,765 Baker 18,076 Benton 10.663 Clackamas 29.931 Clatsop 16,106 Columbia 10.580 Cons 17,959 Crook 9.315 Curry 2.04 4 Dugliis 19,674 Gilliam 3.701 Grant 5,607 Harney 1 4,059 Hood Hiver 8,016 Jackson 25,756 Josephine 9,567 Klamath 8,554 Ijike 4,658 Ivine 33,783 Lincoln 5.587 Linn 22.662 Malheur 8,601 Marlon 39,780 Morrow 4,357 Multnomah 226.261 Polk 13,469 Sherman 4.242 Tillamook 6,266 1'matllla 20,309 T'nion 16,191 Wallowa 8,364 Wasco 16,336 Washington 21.522 Wheeler 2,484 Yamhill 18,285 In Cmntllla county there are 19, 155 whites, 62 negroes, 960 Indians, 98 Chinese and 34 Japanese Scone) frmn tht. Powerful Play, "Tin' ("llinay," at the Oregon Theater Tues day Kvenlnj:, .laimary ill. 13 ST ATI' HOARD n:.snu;s pending conduct examinations of public ac countants. A game commission, to have general charge over game law regulations. A commission to revise the judicial system of the slate. A text book commission to settle on hooks furnished under the free school hook law. Besides these, there are bills for the creation of several new state of ficers, Including bills for nn assistant secretary of state, state hotel Inspec tor, a fire marshal and a state audi tor or examiner of accounts. Anoth er new office is proposed hy an amendment to the constitution creat ing the position of lieutenant gover nor. A resolution submitting the last named proposal to the people has al ready been adopted by both houses. No less than 13 new state commis sions and hoards are proposed In bills now pending before the legislature at Salem. Several of these are to be without salary. If established, and others consist of present state offi cers Invested with new duties or ex tended authority. For Instance, the public service commission, one of the most Import ant, merely extends the Jurisdiction of the state ralhvny commission. An other example Is the proposed state purchasing board, which would cen ter in the present state board the pur chase of supplies for all departments and institutions. A clvlj service commission to for mulate rules for examination of all employes of the state government Is another made up of present state of ficers, and one of the same character is the hoard proposed for examina tion and approval of voting machines, should the bill to authorize use of such machines In Multnomah county become a law. Other state commissions and boards named In pending bills are the fol lowing: Highway board, part of the (Inn Roads association plan. J I Naval militia board, und organizing the naval re r tno bl" A parolfl board, to -,crve. plications for par - pass on all ap tontencM, .on on indeterminate A sUt charg printing board, to take of printing undor the flat sal plan. A board for tho examination ond registry of graduate nurses. A state board of accountancy, to The V. S. (iovertinient in its "Pure Food Iav" docs not "indorse" or "guarantee" any preparation, as some manufacturers In their advertisements would make It appear. In the case of medicines the law provides that cer tain drugs shall be mentioned on the labels, if they are ingredients of the preparations. F.ly's Cream Balm, tho well known family remedy for cold In the head, hay fever and nasal ca tarrh, doesn't contain a single Inju rious drug, so that the makers have simply to print the fact that it com plies with all the requirements of the law. tortures or PILES. It U I'linoeessnry to Surfer Thlft Ter rlblo Trouble Keen torture Is tho everyday lot of the sufferer from piles, And vet that suffering is needless. Fendleton Drug Co. and druggists everywhere will sell you Hem-Rold and later roturn your money If It fails. We have old Hem-Bold that way for two or threo years and refunds asked have been less than threo per cent. We therefore recommend It with Hem-Rold Is an Intornnl remedy, ih nrescrlntlon of Dr. J. S. Loon ,nrdt. II for a large bottle. Pr, Leonhardt Co., Station B, Buffalo, N. ASTOItIA BILL IS TANGLED. $10(1.000 Appropriation n l)anrer of Deft-at. State Capitol, Salem, Or., Jan. 30. Through a strange combination of circumstances Senator Lester's bill, providing for an appropriation of $100,000 for Astoria, Is In a peculiar position and will need considerable tinkering before it Is in a presentable Shape ana C!irrlos "! the wishes of Its author. Tho bill of;Klriaj';;v assked' 1100.000 lor tn Astora Centennial Celebration, went Into the ways and means com mittee and was reported back as pro viding for $25,000 under tho condi tion that Astoria raise $25 000 addi tional and Clatsop county raise an other $25,000, When the bill came back from tho committee a storm of protest was raised by the senators. many of them favoring the original appropriation of $100,000. Conse quently It was referred back to the committee with Instructions to chance $26,000 to $100,000. The committee made the change and reported bnck the bill without recommendation. Now it is discover. ed that the bill, as U stands, provides that Astoria must raise $i00.000 and Clatsop county another $100,000 ir tho state appropriates the $100,00(1. Doubt Is expressed hy a number of tho senators as to the chances of the bill when It Is finally properly amend ed and put on passage. 1 f. (Si TV ! V'll. vuiitSelUl l.ewtas. Who siiii- at tlie Methodist Church '1' Pi:; .-.(.1mre!i Tonll :lnt, nt .r.errov. MlH. HI" MAN 11AIU Pltlt IIS Tlvli WtJ si.rMP Too Mueji Fa eo. Tou feel as If you had one face too many when you have neuralgia, don't you Save the face, you may need It; but get rid of the neuralgia by applying Ballard's Snow Liniment. Finest t'nlng In the world for rheu matism, neuralgia,' burns, cuts, scalds, lame back and all' pains. A. C. Koep pen A Bros. Ilenlei'.J in lmm;i h.r are rxpeet- ing ui'.iUhcr sUin'p i prices next wn K due to the roTi" trom China to tne effect that M '' 'u Ting-I-V.ng rxpe. ts to visit n liarlier on Monday i' xt M'tl have Ills ,('i'Ue lopped oil'. Mr. v'h queue a'our. of course, could liar.'ls nffeet the hair markei. but I h, and pro'iahly liundreils of Ih.ois n nils of chlne-.-e ar likely to t'ollcw his i-Mituple. Hundreds of metropoli tan Orientals, it is announced, "ill visit the harbor day after toMio'i'ow nnd sacrifice their superfluous apo, n dages as nn offering lo the spir;t of progress that is rapidl bcooinliu; the chief joss of the Chine e. Fslray Xotlce. One stvin of sorrel pel.linv.' o--i what old Weight about lUf pound'. Any prxnn not'fylnif C.-.as Lob utalt Pilot Itoek. or ,'ohn L. Hartley. ?04 Lllletli str-ei, reiollet.oi mil tie .-warded i a i .jr J i COOKING CHL Miss Edna Howard Baker has decided to continue the Cooking School A Few Days Longer On account, of Miss Baker's Ill ness the Friday Menu will be cooked and served Tuesday, January 3 1 st MENU Cream Pies Broiled Steak Coffee A change of Menu every day, will be cooked and served from 2:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. The Peoples Warehouse and The Pacific Power & Light Co. extend a cordial Invitation to all. LEGAL BLANKS of every description, for County Court, Circuit Court. Jus tice Court, Real Estate, etc., for sale at the East Oregonan office. Unfurnished housekeeping room In East Oreironlnn building Steam heat, rhs rn'nire In kitchen, electric lights, hot And cold water and bath. Recently renovated. Enquire at E. O. office. l!e. II. T. dish. One uf Ihe Speakers lit Ihe I'viiiiKclislic Mission at llio lluplisl Church Tomorrow. I'll I'S ri'l!Kl IS TO II PAYS. VAZO OINTMENT la guaranteed to cure nny crho of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Pllea In 6 to 14 davv or money refunded. 60l Money to Loan on Good Secur ity. Will Accept applications for 1000, $1500 or $4000 Loan MARK MOORIIOUSE COMPANY Y. Write tor booklet.