face am BIGHT PAGES " BAXUt BAST ORBMHIAH. FBTOLETOir. OR3QOH, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, if II. HOGS TAKE DROP OF FIFTEEN CENTS NO change noticeable IX CATTLE L11KET Shit ton In Extremely Dull Offerings Not of Rent Quullty Wheat Ex porters Wltlulraw Kids. (Friday's Journul.) Market for hogs at North Portland Is down fully 10 to 15c pur 100 pounds toduy. Even tho very best light stuff would not sell above $8.65. It Is the light hogs that are making the mar ket at this time and while none of these have been offered during the laHt few days, sales of heavier stuff would give a clear view of what light er swine would be worth. During the last 24 hours, the very best offerings of heavy hogs did not bring above 38.60 In the yards and some that were heavier Bold for less than this fig ure. While there were no arrivals of cat tle In the North Portland pens this morning, the absence of supplies did not cause the slightest change in the situation or price that could be ob tained. Packers' wants of cattle are quite well supplied, temporarily, at least; the late heavy run giving kill ers all they needed for Immediate re quirements. It Is therefore to tho best Interests of both buyer and seller for shippers to go rather slow with their cattle shipments for the Immediate future. Leading Interests are of 'the opinion that a half supply of cattle during the next 10 days will give the market all that It needs and if this Is carried out It will result in a better market later on. Otherwise only low er figures can be possible. As It stands today the cattle market Is steady. Extreme dullness continues In the sheep market, Six loads arrived In the yards overnight and all came from Idaho. Hecent arrivals of sheep have been extremely heavy and there fore packers have been able to purchase their full needs at less prices than formerly, althougn this market continues to show a better tone for sheep than any other In the country; nearness of visible supplies consid ered. While good sheep would find a de mand at the recently lowered values, It Is extremely difficult to dispose of poor Btuff at any price. Most of the late arrivals come under the latter class, therefore there Is an accumula tion of feeder stuff almost every day. This naturally has an effect upon pri ces that buyers are willing to offer. Ilutter Going Down. Present Indications point to a low er price on city make of creamery butter within the next few days. Whllo some makers report that their supplies are at present showing no surplus, the sales are harder to make, and others assert that they are at present unable to sell promptly their holdings. Therefore, the general pre sumption Is that the price of butter will show a decline, possibly on Mon day morning. It is not tho city creamery product that Is causing the trouDle In the but ter market at this time, but the press of outside supplies. While It Is still possible, in a way, to mnlntan the price of the better known brands or Oregon butter but made outside of Portland still lesser known goods Is accumulating, although so far as quality Is concerned It compares with the best. This Is always tho first sign of trouble In the butter market. When outside stuff becomes so heavy that receivers are unable to dispose df It promptly at a maintained price, tho value Is cut and this has a direct In fluence upon leading the better known brands to a lower prlco. EGGS AUK LOWER AGAIN. Market Along Front Street I Very Wenlc With Prices IKn to 20c. Another decline of a cent was shown In the local egg market this morning. Increasing supplies from local places nre shown and for that reason buy ers are not willing to take hold even nt the cut figures. Some dealers wi.a Itlieiiiiintlsm and Notvouhuows A prominent Journalist of Al buquerque, N. M., says of Eloo tropodes: "I know of no other remedy that is as complete In Its cure of Rheumatism. The relief Is prompt and the cure Is per manent" If you have Rheumatism, Nervousness, Kidney or Liver trouble. Backache, Neuralgia, you cannot afford to be without Electropodes. They remove ex cess uric acid, cleans and purify the blood, incroaso circulation, strengthen nerves and tone up the entire system. NO CURE, NO PAY. Tou can try Electropodes en tirely at our risk. Money will positively bo returned If they prove unsatisfactory. DniKjflRt Signs Tills Contract , Th.parrhu.tr of Elrrlrnpodra iaarnnt e.i the priTilrrfi of rvturnln Ihrm ith;n 8 Haya, and Hit purchnw price ( $ 1.00 1 it tn Imj refunded upon the following condi tion: They are to be worm arrordint to direction for at leant 25 eonaecutive daya. and then If not aatiafactory, to be returned In original box Druiigiit'a Signature . At druggists; or by mall, postpaid. If your druggist can not furnish Electropodes, send us $1.00, and we will see that you are supplied Immediately. State whether for man or wo man, Western Elotropodc Co. 247 Loe Angeles St., Los Angola, California, Start the Year By bringing us your lumber bills and get our estimate on the same. Our large and well seasoned stock of lum ber for general yard trade is complete. The quality of our material and the promptness and efficiency of pur service will please you. Remember that our piace is headquar ters for Building Material of all kinds, Wood and Coal. . OREGON LUMBER. YARD Phone Main 8 offering as low as 29 cents this morn ing. DRESSED MEATS OFF TODAY. Front Street Forced to Accept Less tor Veal and Hogs Tills Morning ' Still another decline was noted this morning In the price of dressed meats along Front street. Hogs are ex tremely weak and the price in the produce district Is far above the ba sis for livestock. Veal supplies are increasing very fast and values are at least a half cent lower today. CHICKEN'S ARE DOWN. TOO. Receipts Are Inerensliu? Ducks and Geeso in Good Demand Today. With an Increasing supply of chick ens offering, a slightly lower price is being quoted., Ordinary coops of fowls are selling around 17c and 18c. There remains, however, a very good call for geese and ducks and these aro bringing slightly better figures than formerly. World's Wheat Market. Portland Cash club, 79 81c; bluestem, 83 85c, nominal. Buenos Ayres Wheat firmer. Melbourne Wheat steady. Liverpool Wheat S-8 to 6-8d low er; March, 7s 3-4d; May, 7s l-8d. Paris Wheat, 1-4 to l-2c lower. Antwerp Wheat unchanged. Budapest Wheat 3-4c higher. Chicago Wheat 1 to 1 3-4c lower; May. 96 3-4c; July, 93 7-8c; Septem ber, 92 l-2c. Minneapolis May, $1.03. St. Louis May, 97 3-4c. Kansas City j-May, 93 6-8c. Owing to the weakness abroad and the general tendency toward lower prices In the United, States as well as in Canada, leading exporters withdrew all bids for wheat this morning. They say that while the situation would un doubtedly Justify a lower price here they would not put out a lower fig ure, but would await developments before buying again. The only business now passing for wheat at the moment Is for milling account, and there is only a small amount of trade available In that di rection Just now. California contin ues to call for bluestem wheat, but Its anxiety to secure supplies Is not so great as formerly and there Is a slight tendency to shade the premium for merly offered above what the local milling trade was willing to quote. Cheaper grades of hay are some what easier In the local market with some slight shading of qoutatlons. In the better varieties and for fancy qual ity quotations remain practically un changed from those recently In ef fect. OREGON HIGH SCHOOLS TO MEET (Special Correspondence.) University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore., Jan. 28. Word has been received from practically every high , school invited to participate in the, Intcr scholastic meet at the University, May 12th, that they will be repre sented, and a successful meet Is now positively assured. The students of the University have taken hold of the proposition with a will, and the different student or- sanlwitlons have signified their In tentions of donating to the manage ment, the cups and medals to be awarded. This meet comes during the height of the University's social season, Ju nior week end, and amplo entertain ment will be provided for tho guests with two Intercollegiate baseball Karnes the day before the meet, Thursday, tho Senior class play that evening, the annual triangular track meet between the Universities of Washington, Idaho and Oregon, and the Junior "Prom" on the day fol lowing. Carnejrle Mny Stenk. Baltimore, Jan. 27. Several hun dred prominent men, alumni of St. John's college, will take part tomor row In tho annual reunion and ban quet of the "old guards" of that in stitution. Andrew Carnegie, whose recent contribution to the college en abled It to pay off nil Indebtedness, has been specially Invited to be pres ent and deliver an nddress. Rend In February Sunset Magazine San Diego Tho City of Dreams Come True. Beautifully illustrated in four colors. Tetrazzlni Singing In the Streets of San Francisco. Chrlstm is Eve. Now on sale, all news stands, 15 cents. The best moving pictures and brightest pictures In Pendleton at the Orphean. A. H. SPORTING CALENDAR. Today. Hockey Tale vs. Princeton, New York; Harvard vs. Cornell, Boston. International outdor skating cham pionships begin at Montreal, Can. Eighth annual motor boat and en gine show was opened In Boston. First section of Chicago automobile show was opened in Coliseum. Annual Manrlque fencing competi tion will be contested In Brooklyn. Touring Club of France begins an nual winter tour through Pyrenees. Sunday. Annual convention and tourney of Wisconsin Skat club in Milwaukee. National Chess Masters' tournament finals begin In New York city. Tuesday. Harry Lewis and Blink McCloskey will box before a Paris, France, club. Basketball Gettysburg at Pennsyl vania; Washington and Lee at An napolis. Friday. Basketball game between Yale and Pennsylvania at New Haven, Conn. Intercollegiate football rules commit tee will convene in New York. Kid Burns, the -New York light weight, and Eddie Murphy at Provi dence. Saturday. Annual winter games of Irish-American A. C. In Madison Square Gar den. San Francisco Motor club will open its first annual automobile show. Inter-city track meet will be held by Celt A. C, in Cincinnati. Hockey teams of Harvard and Dartmouth will play in Boston arena. Basketball teams of Pennsylvania and army will meet at West Point. Bute of Ohio, City of Toledo, Loess County as. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ha hi Senior partner of in firm of V. 1. Chancy Co., doing boalnaaa In tho City of Toledo, bounty and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the iobi of ONE HUNDRED DOIXAHS for each and every case of ca tarrh that cannot be cared by Ue ose of hiiii catarrn cure. FRANC J. CHENEY, flerorn to before me and anbacrlbed la Bf freeence, this Oth day of December, A. D., 88. Beau a. w. ULUBun, v Notary Public. Haifa Catarrh Cnre la taken Internally, and acta directly on the blood and mocooa surfaces of the system. Bend for testf- noma la free. Sold by all Drnxctats, TO. Rooms Bring Hlgli Prices'. London, Jan. 28. Several hundred rooms In houses along the proposed route of the coronation pageant next June were sold at auction today, with many Americans among the bidders. Desirably located rooms bring as high as $1000 for the day, while corner rooms having two views of the pro cession have been rented for as high as $3000. Many property owners and renters are holding back In an ticipation of even better offers. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a very valuable medicine for throat and lung troubles, quickly relieves and cures painful breathing and a dan gerously sounding cough which indi cates congested lungs. Sold by all dealers. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms in East Oregonlan building. Steam heat, gas range In kitchen, electric lights, hot and cold water and bath. Re cently renovated. AMERICAN BEAUTY CORSETS When you pur chase a corset you want one that has STYLE It Is equally Im portant that the same corset be COMFORTABLE and If you can al so have one that WEARS WELL and that corset can be bought at a REASONABLE PRICE ONE DOLLAR UP you have all the requisites of a splendid corset. AMERICAN BEAUTY CORSETS have every one of these excel lent features and many more. Every improvement as exacted by fashion Is combined In these dainty garments JJorela- i- f Right COX, Manager A Wealthy Plumber once told us we would never be worth money If we didn't reform. H said our bills were a disgrace to the craft. They were entirely too small. But If we make money we want to feel as If it belonged to us. We therefore give you TWO DOLLAR'S WORTH OP PLUMBING for' every dollar we charge. But it takes a lot at that rate to get rich. So please hurry with your order. Quick PHONE US FOR CAREFUL WORK. AND Boddow & Millor Pendleton's only Exclusive plumbers. Phone Black S5S6. Court and Garden Sts. A Reliable Remetfi FOR CATARRH Ely's Cream Bain It quickly absorbed. Civet Relict at One ft cleanses, soothes, heals and protects brane resulting from Catarrh and drive way a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Full size SO eta. at Druggists or by malL Liquid Oream Balm for use in atomizers TS eta. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street, New York. Every Woman inicreateq ua eaouia kd" ftbftit tbe wacderfhl t Marvel Kit V ik Tour "Jrncelntor .t. If he r.inuot forrlv tha MAltVKL. accent na t. ... K.. ..nil ..... n ' .11n- o-irtlrniini and dTrerHnua tnTninahle VlMt'. llVEJl CO. 44 E 9 it t - MEN AND WOMEN. L'ta Big 6 for inflamma tion,, Irrltattoni or ulcera tion! of mucoua nieiubranea. Painlta, and not aatrln- ImEfVMSCHEMIMlCtl.011' ' Poitonoo. Hold by nrnssiaia. or afnt In lain wrarpar. by xpnaa. pr? paid, for SI .00 or S bottle. 2 7J. Oirrolar atnt on rquMt. Applications for Grazing Permits. NOTICE Is hereby given that all ap plications for permits tj graze cattle, horses and sheep within the WENA- HA NATIONAL FOREST during the season of 1911, must be filed in my office at Walla Walla, Washington, on or before February IS, 1911. Full Information In regard to the grazing fees to be charged and blank forms to be used in making application will be furnished upon request. J. M. SCZIMITZ. Supervisor. Dally East Oregonlan oaly as cents per saasatfi, by earrtat VAX'S iifcSSSW TV I a J K B w vunt.0 bf OaaruitfMHl not U strictum. 1TVOIMINUTI,0. 1 1 3 Want Ads. H WANTED. YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN Learn a profession. Show card writers earn large salaries; clerks can dou ble their earning capacity; the field has never been overcrowded. The Pendleton Business College offers you the opportunity to learn this profession under a first-class In structor, at a small expense, taking no time from your regular work. Night class now open. Call any time for information. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IS you want to subscribe to magazines or newspapers In the United States or Europe, remit by postal not, check, or send to the EAST ORE GONLAN he net publisher's price of the publication you desire, and we will have It sent you. It will save you both trouble and risk. Tf you are a subscriber to the EAST OREGONIAN, in remitting you can deduct ten per cent from the pub lisher's price. A 3d res EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., Pendle ton, Ore. Classified PHYSICIANS. H. 8. GARFIELD, M. D HO Myo pathic physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephone: Office, black 8411; residence, red 1(81. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro theraputlcs. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 71; residence 'phone, Main 614. DENTISTS. B. A. MANN, DENTIST, OFFICE Main street, next to Commercial Association rooms. Office 'phone. Black J421; residence 'phone, Black tnu KERN V BENNETT. DENTAL BUR S' eons. Office room 16 Judd build ing. Phone, Red 1801. DR. THOMAS VAUGHAN, DENTIST. Office in Judd building. Phone, Main 71. VETERINARY BURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL 8TATB Stock Inspector and ex-member State Veterinary Board. Office at residence (16 east Court St. Rea phone Main 6(. ATTORNEYS. RALEY A RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in American National Bank Building. FEE SLATER, LAWYERS, OF flee in Despaln building. CARTER & SMYTHS, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of Ameri can National Bank Building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL & WINTER, ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office In Despaln building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. PETERSON & WILSON, ATTOR neys at law; rooms S and 4 Smith Crawford building. PHELPS & STEIWER. ATTORNEYS at law. Office in Smrth-Crawford building. CHAS. J. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office in Judd building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, , 3, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walks, etc. Phone black 378. or Oregonlan office. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL DI reetor and licensed embalmer. Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. 'Phone main 76. AUCTIONEER. COL. F. G. LUCAS, LIVESTOCK Auctioneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank of Weaton. Farm sales a specialty. SECOND-nANP DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN NEW and second hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest place In Pendleton to buy household goods. Call and get his prices. 212 E. Court street. Phone Black 3171. RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT. NOODLES and chop suey, Ung D. Ooey, prop U the old stand, Alta street in rear of Tallman A Co. Housekeeping Rooms for Rent. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent in the East Oregonlan build ing. Steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water and bath. Recently , renovated. Enquire at Hast Orego nlaa office, 1 WANTED (Coo tinned.) FOR SALE OR LEASE, for term of years, the finest stock ranch la Wallowa county, Oregon. Apply to owner. Box 15, Clarkston, Washington. ANYONE, ANYWHERE. CAN 8TAR1 a mail order business at home. Ne canvassing. Be your own boaa, Send for free booklet Tells how. Heacock, 1708, Lockport, N. T. HAIR WORK Come to Madam Ken nedy's, 607 East Court street, for your hair goods. The only genuine natural human hair goods ever sold in Pendleton and combings mads to order. Everything strictly guar anteed. Phone Red 3761. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry. Work done with especial care. Phone Red 1621. FOR SALE. CITY OF PENDLETON HAPS at East Oregonlan office. Price tie. Directory INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Loans oa city and farm property. Buys and sens ail kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes investments for non residents. Write fire, life and acci dent insurance. References, aay bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pres. C BENTLEY & LEFFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident insur ance agents. New location, 816 Main street Phone Main 404. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON street Carney & Bradley, Props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line in connec tion. 'Phone main 79. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS. wedding announcements, embossed private and business stationary, etc Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonlan office and see samples. LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion for county court circuit court. Justice court real estate, etv, (or sale at East Oregonlan office. Old newspapers In large bundles. LET ELECTRICITY DO YOUR work it's clean, reliable and con venient Electric Sad Irons, guaran teed, 86.26. Electric Hot Water and Curling iron Heaters, Electric Coffee Percolators, etc. A complete stock of Gas and Electric fixture First-class wiring of homes, eta. J. L. Vaughan, 816 Main street FRATERNAL ORDERS. - PENDLETON LODGE No. 61 W A. F. and A M., meets the V first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brethren are invited. DAMON LODGE NO. 4, K. of P., meets every Mon day evening in L O. O. F. hall. Visiting brothers cor dially Invited to attend. if D. B. Waffle, C C; R. W. Fletcher, K. R. S. PENDLETON TRAIN SCHEDULE O.-W. R. & N. Westbound Oregon division Portland local, leave.. 9:20 a m. Ore. and Wash. Express. 2:20 a.m. Portland Limited ....12:15 p. m. Fast Mall 11:4 p.m. Motor 4:36 p. m. Pilot Rock Mixed 9:25 a. m. Eastbound Oregon division Fast Mail 1:50 a. m. Ore. & Wash. Express.. 6:15 a. ra. Chicago Limited 6:15 p. m. Motor 10:40 a. m, Portland local, arrive.. 6:00 p. m Pilot Rock Mixed 3:15 p. m. Washington Dlv Leaving Pendleton. Walla Walla local .... 5:25 p. m. Pendleton passenger .. 7:00 a. m. Spokane local 3:00 a. m. Washington Div. Arriving Pendleton. Pendleton local 2:15 a. m. Walla Walla local .... 9:15 a. m. Pendleton passenger .. 5:00 p. m. NORTHERN PACIFIC. Leaving Pendleton Passenger 1:80 p.m. Mixed train 7:80 a.m. Arriving Pendleton Passenger 10:09 am. Mixed train T:a.na. Daily East Oregonlan by only AS cents per month.