EIGHT PACKS DAILY EABT ORKGONIAJV, PENDLETON, ORBQOJT, FRIDAY, JANUARY 37, 111. rACZK mi FIRST SPRING SHOWING OF t v Ginghams, Precales, Scotch Zephers, Gallatea Cloths, Fancy Sateens, Cot ton Foulard, Dimities, Cross bar Swiss and doz. of new Cloths never shown before Right now is the time to do your summer's sewing, While . stocks are very complete. New Spring'LadiesHome Journal Quart erly Style Books Ready For You, Only 20c with a 15c Pattern FREE F. E. Livengood Co. The Women's and Children's Store. . PERSONAL MENTION LOCALS 1 See Lans Bon for signs. Hot tamales at Honbacha. Pastime picture please all Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra, Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane A Son. I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep. R 1811. Wanted Inside work by young man. Address, Box S27, City. For ncnt Two furnished rooms for rent. 224 South Thompson. Wanted Young man for roomer. Nice room, close In. Inquire here. For Rent Two furnished house keeping rooms. Call at 205 W. Webb. Furnished house on Thompson street, $18 month. See Lee Teutsch. Wanted Good reliable man or wo man to represent lodges. Inquire tt-U otflpa, For rent Corner office In the Judd building, recently occupied by Dr. W. O. Cole. For Rent Four nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 224 South Thompson. Snmvthinr new! Music f or all! Tlayer pianos with words attached, at Falling's Music Store. l rntoa to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Mam li For Sale Detroit Jewel gas range with oven and broiler. Aliio gas boil er, heater. Phone Main 82 or call at this office. Wanted Small f trnlshed house or three furnished rooms, close in. Good location, reasonable rent. Inquire thla office. , Cold weatner la ooining. We have the beet coul on the market. A ton la 2000 lbs. at Pendleton Lum er Yard, Phone Main O. Phone Main 91 for good clean lump or nut coal. Prompt delivery to all parts of the city. Crab Creek Lum ber Co., 700 West Alta street. Spend your Idle evenings In a gen tlemen'a resort. Bowling, pool, bil liards, shooting gallery. Pastima Parlors. Hoover and Rook. Sor sale One sorrel gelding, age years, weight 1100 pounds, sound, good work or saddle horse. . Price I7E. Inquire 1801 West Alta. Saint Paul's School. Walla Walla. Washington, day and boarding school for girls. Second Semester begins February 1. (Miss) Nettle M. Gal bralth, principal. Fine house, all furnished, splendid location, one of best buys In Pendle ton, if olrf bv Saturday night $1350 will take the place. Ask about It to day. Lee Teutsch. Pendleton's new paint store. Hale & McAtee, props., 816 Main street. Acme quality paints, enamels, stains Wall paper picture moulding, glass and varnishes. Let us figure on your next Job. Goods arriving dally. Rend In February Sunset Magazine Sun Diego Tho City of Dreams Como Truo. Beautifully Illustrated In four colors. Tetrazzlnl Singing in the Streets of San Francisco. Chrlstm is Eve. Now on Bale, ull news stands, 15 cents. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. Notice is hereby given that the school superintendent of Umatilla county, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of applicants for state and county certificates at Pendleton as follows: For State Partem. Commencing Wednesday, February 8, 1911, at 9 o'clock a. m., and con tinuing until Saturday, February 11, 1911, at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, History, Spelling. Physical Geography, Read ing, Physiology. Thursday Written Arithmetic, Theory of Teaching, Grammar, Book keeping, Physics, Civil Government Friday Algebra; Geography, Com position, Physiology, English Litera ture, School Law. Saturday Botany, Plane Geometry, General History. For County Papers. Commencing Wednesday, February 8, 1911, at 9 o'clock a. m., and contin uing until Friday, February 10, 1911, at 4 o'clock p. ra. Wednesday Penmanship, History, Theory of Teaching, Grammar, Phy siology. Friday Geography, School Law, Civil Government, English Litera ture. FRANK K. WELLES, Superintendent Umatilla County. Too Modi Face. You feel as if you had one face too many when you have neuralgia, don't you 8ave the face, you may need It; but get rid of the neuralgia by applying Ballard's Snow Liniment Finest thing in the world for rheu matism, neuralgia, burns, cuts, scalds, lam9 back and all palna. A. C. Koep pen ft Bros. Edward A. Culp of Portland, Is a guest of one of the local hotels. Mrs. W. R. Graham Is seriously 111 at the family home on Willow street. J. A. MacGregor Is among the many Walla , Walla visitors In the city to day. B. W. Doeherty of Echo Is among the out-o-town guests In the city to day. L. Gates of Umatilla, came up from his home In the railroad town last evening. Mrs. Gub La Fontaine went to Port land yesterday on No. 17 for a short visit with friends. F. L. Wilson of Athena, was down from his home yesterday for the transaction of business. Deputy Clerk W. C. E. Pruitt Is confined to his home today with a slight attack of the la grippe. W. It. Taylor of Athena, returned home this morning after transacting business In Pendleton over night. A. Buckley, assistant superintendent of tho O.-W. R. & N., Is In the city from his headquarters In La Grande. Attorney S. F. Wilson of Athena, came down from his home last even ing and Is transacting business In the city today. II. H. Gilbert of Pilot Rock, who has been acting as juryman at the circuit .court for the past week, re turned to his home this morning. District Attorney Sam E. Van Vac tor left on the local this morning for Heppner where he will practice his profession until the duties of his of fice again require his presence here. Charles Rayburn, proprietor of the West Webb street meat market, Is land up at his home on the south hill as a result of injuries sustained when a table on which he was Bitting broke down, precipitating him to the floor. COURT AND JURY TAKING A REST JURORS MAY BE CALLED AGAIN SOON Several Cases May bo Disposed of Be fore April Term of Court Prison ers in Jail Will be Sentenced Soon. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received for the erection and completion of 8t Mary's R. C. church, Pendleton, Ore gon, until Wednesday, March 1st, 1911, at 1 o'clock p. m. All bids must be addressed to M. P. White, archltoct, 810 Market afreet, Pendleton. Oregon. Plans and specifications may be had from the Rev. J. M. Cataldo, 8. J., Pendleton. Oregon, and from M. P. White, architect, 1917 First street, Baker City, Oregon. Dated January 18, 1911. After more than two weeks of grinding, the district mill J justice is again Bilent to allow the accumula tion of another grist. Circuit Judge Phelps has forsaken the bench for the easy chair in his office. District Attorney Van Vactor has gone to his home in Heppner, and both the trial and grand juries have been dismiss ed until their services are again need ed. However, it is very probable that both of these Juries will be summoned again within a month, al though the next regular term of court does not convene until April. Never theless, both Judge Phelps and Dist rict Attorney Van Vactor are desirous of cleaning up the docket of the cases which have been hanging fire for some time so that the April term can be started free from these encum- rances. There are still a number of prison ers in the county Jail who have plead- d guilty to various crimes and they will receive their sentences before any great lapse of time. Jury U Disagreed. After being out eighteen hours, the ury m the case of Ralph Newman of Milton, charged with assaulting Marshal Propeck, of that town, ask ed the court to discharge them as they were hopelessly disagreed. This was done and the case will probably come up for another trial at the next ses- lon. to cases where newly discovered evi dence convinces the supreme court of the Innocence of the prisoner. MRS. SCIIENK MAY NOT BE TRIED SECOND TIME Wheeling, W. Va., Jan. 27. Prac tically acquitted, Mrs. Schenk will probably be released on ball tomor row. Eleven favored her acquittal and the Jury disagreed. The case was locketed until, the next term. Dis trict Attorney Hanlon said he would try it again but would ask for a change of venue. It is generally be lieved the woman will never be tried again. Wanted Wife Convicted. Wheeling. W. Va., Jan. 27. In a copyrighted article to the United Press newspapers, John O. Schenk said he hoped his wife would be con victed of attempting to poison him. He said he knew she attempted It and that it would be a terrible dis appointment to see her free. He Is at the home of his sister and looks hale and hearty. Juror Loses Job. Wheeling, W. Va., Jan. 27. Isaac Heyman, a former traveling salesman for the Meyer Provision company and the Juror who held out In the Mrs. Schenk trial told today that he had been fired from his Job, sworn at by friends and made uncomfortable every where today because he would not acquit the woman, "and all because 1 remembered my oath," said Heyman. REAR ADMIRAL BARRY DISMISSED IN DISGRACE Washington, D. C, Jan. 27. By or der of President Taft and Secretary of the Navy Meyer, Rear Admiral Barry, recently commander of the Pacific squadron, resigned today for the good of the service. The resig nation Is effective Immediately. He loses all rank and pay. Barry recently quit the service un der distressing circumstances after the officers of his command asserted they had viewed an Immoral act In his cabin In which the admiral and his cabin boy were Involved. UNION LABOR VENTURE ADJUDGED INCILVENT San Francisco, Jan. 27. United States Judge De Haven today declared the Sunset National Oil company, tl nanced by union labor men, an Invol untary bankrupt. William la Fifty-Two. Berlin, Jan. 27. A fanfare of trum pets and the singing of a hymn by the castle oholr "awakened" Emper or William this morning to the cele bration of his fifty-second birthday. From time immortal the Prussian rul ers have thus been aroused from their slumbers at 8 o'clock on the morning of their annual anniversar ies. As the present Kaiser is an ear ly riser, he was awakened long be fore the trumpeters blew their blasts and the sweet singers burst forth In praise of their ruler und Gott. Btate of Ohio, City of Toledo, Loeas Frnk'j.Cbeiiy makja oath that be la senior partner of the firm cf r. J. Cheney Co., doing knslocM la tbe City of Toledo. VuntT and State aforeuld. and that said firm will pay the tun of ONE HUNDBED lHll.l.Ana lor cd sua tarrb that cannot be cored ky tbe use ef I Hall's Cstarrb Core. . I FBANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before ne and subscribed la mf Iprwnce. tbls 6tb day of December, A. D., IIS" .. . w Seal J a. w. ulmbub. Notary Public. linilB vlriu u,v . - . " ' ' and arts directly on the blood and mocooi siirftrn of the system. Send for test!- noniHiB inf. Sold by all Drnggiats, TO. Betray Notice. One span of sorrel geldings some what old. Weight about 11(0 pounds. Any person notifying Chaa. Lobaugh, Pilot Rock, or John L. Bartley, 808 Lllleth street, Pendleton will be re warded. SURETY CONCERNS MAY BE EXAMINED Dressed poultry next Saturday at the cash meat market Phone your order now. Main 101. Alcohol and Coal Oil Odorless gas heaters are non-explosive and you will find them very convenient in heating up bath rooms, bed rooms, etc. We have a very nice line we would like to show you and explain their merits to you The prices are reasonable also. KOEPPEN'S The Drug Store That Serves You Best Knights to Dance. New York, Jan. 27. Knights of Columbus from many cities of the East are arriving here by scores to-, day to attend the big charity ball of the order In Madison Square Garden tonight. Exhibition drills by the Uni formed Rank will add a spectacular touch to the affair. The money realized -vlll be used to establish a home in the country for members who are suffering from tu berculosis. - Tomorrow tho Last Day of Our Clearance SalePrices Pendleton's most suc cessfull Clearance Sale Closes Next Saturday Evening Wohlenberg Dep't. Store BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY COMMISSION OF 30 LAWYERS PROPOSED Salem, Ore., Jan. 27. Planning comprehensive reform of the Judicial system of the state, which is generally regarded as having been made easy by the adoption of sweeping amend ments to the constitution at the last election, Senator Wood has introduced a bill for the appointment of a com mittee to devise a new Judicial act to cover the entire field of Jury sys tem and courts. The bill calls for a commission of 30 members, all of them lawyers, two to be chosen from each Judicial dis trict In the state and the remainder at large. The commission Is to be named by the governor, secretary of state and state treasurer, and is re quired to report by September 1, 1912. Ten thousand dollars Is appropriated for expenses. It is provided that 5000 copies of the report shall be printed and copies sent to all the lawyers and newspapers in the state. By this means the plan proposed will have been fully dis cussed by the time tne legislature meets In 1913. The legislature will then be sufficiently advised to act. No material amendment to the present judicial system has been pro posed at this session of the legislature and none Is expected. Fear has been expressed In some quarters that ' at tempts will be made to "tinker" with the system by initiative bills at the next election. The Wood bill Is de signed to discourage such movements by inspiring hope for a general revi sion that will reconcile the conflict of present lawa and straighten out the kinks, both real and Imaginary, con nected with the old system. The bill is in line with recommenda tions made by the Multnomah bar as sociation, which favored the framing of a general revision plan by a state commission. Brine Us Your Rags! We pay cash for large, soft, clean rags. Bring them to the East Ore gonlan office at once. Hon. Beresford Sails. London, Jan. 27. The Hon. S. R Beresford, brother of Lord Decles, sailed today from New York to act as best man at the wedding of his lordship and Miss Vivien Gould. Furnished rooms Also a nice five room cottage newly fitted up with modern conveniences, close In. Apply 502 Water street. Phone Red 2052. Lost Watch fob with two elk teeth mounted In gold. Finder please return to this office and receive reward. For Pendleton People. We have found that A SINGLE DOSE of Adler-l-ka, the simple Ger man appendicitis remedy, relieves wind or gas in the stomach or bowels, sour stomach or constipation almost INSTANTLY. Pendleton Drug Co. Carpets and Rugs We have broken the- qual ity and price record. We Invite comparison to prove we have no com petition. Many Beautiful Rugs and Carpet Patterns now allowing. Prices lowest In the elty. Ralph Folsom Complete House furnisher. TRUTH CROPS OUT. Salem, Ore., Jan. 27. Representa tive James Ambrose of Multnomah believes that there are some surety companies doing business In Oregon which are not qualified to meet the possible demands which might be made upon them, and declares they hould be excluded from the state. He introduced a resolution yesterday pro- idlng for a Joint committee of three from the house and two from the senate to Investigate the records of the state Insurance commission. 1 I first heard of tills subject when some insurance men were joking about It," said Ambrose today. "It at once struck me as a rather serious matter. I undestood the bonds of some of these companies have been accepted In Oregon. If a company capitalized at say 8100,000 had n largo number of surety bonds out and was suddenly called upon to meet a num ber of them, where would tho men who are supposed to be protected be? These companies may not be unreli able, but they are too small to be safe." Ambrose's resolution went to tho committee on resolutions for consid eration and a report. Why Pllo Sufferers So Often Fall to Get Relief. Science Is getting to the bottom -of everything, including the cause and cure of piles. The brightest doctors now admit that piles are caused In ternally' and can be cured only by internal treatment. Dr. J. S. Leon hnrdt some time ago perfected a rem edy In tablet form Hem-Rold, which cures, the cause of piles and therefore cures permanently. It Is sold by Pen dleton Drug Co. and druggists every where under money-back guarantee. 81 for 24 days' treatment. ,Dr. Leon hnrdt Co., Station B, Buffalo, N. Y. Write for booklet. 'There's Just One Drug Store Where I Know I Will Get Exactly What I Ask For" When you hear that remark you ran take it for granted the speaker means us. Whatever yon want from any drug store can be had here if we haven't got it we will get it for you. There's never a fear of disappointment. You get what you ask for or what the doctor wants you to have, or you get nothing you never get "something just as good" here, because we only have one BEST. Does not this assurance warrart your trading hererV We think so, and your doctor also thinks so. PHONE The &XgJJL Store MAIN 20 THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. FFAV CONVICTIONS FOR HOMICIDES Salem, Or., Jan. 27. To assist the house committee on revision of laws In considering the bill for the aboli tion of capital punishment. Clerk C. W. Garland of that committee has prepared an exhaustive report show ing the laws of every state and terri tory In the union and all the leading countries of the world and presenting valuable statistics bearing on the sub ject. The committee has not yet reached a decision on the bill. In the senate the Judiciary committee has reported a comprehensive measure abolish ing the punishment of death and re stricting the exercise of the pardoning power In casea of first degree murder Tonight AT First Christian Church Everybody Come and Have a Good Laugh. mmm. BY DR. VAN DEWALKER , Friday eve, Jan. 27, 1911 The Subject will be "A Square Peg in the Round Hole" KOM1CAL, KURIOUS, INTERESTING AND INSTRUCTIVE. NEWSPAPER COMMENTS. Colby News: "Dr. Van Dewalker, of Menlo, Ks., delivered his Lecture at the opera house May SOth. The house was packel to overflow ing. His address was a masterly piece of eloquence." Tonight Prof. Shaffer, tho song leader, will Slug a Solo. He is consid ered by all t rank am ong our best. Ills sing ing will be well worth the prloo of admission. ADMISSION: Children 15 cents. Adults, 25 cents