aSIGHT PAGES AILY MAMt OKBGONIAN, MC1DLETOJ, OR23GOH, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1911. PAGE THREH! Restful Sleep Restored Indigestion Cured m writ . ... v. J"' V . - fit ' UR. D. F. BII1KKJ . 81 Vein ol Age. AVhiskey far superior to all else, takine spirits as thousands do Malt Whiskey, be benefited and it as a medicine as prescribed." Co., lexas, Duffy's Pure Malt Whiikey U far superior to all else as a strengthener and health builder for the aged, weak and sickly' says Mr. D. F. Sibert, 81 years of age. I Ie writes : "I am always ready to render merit and justice where they belong, and will state that my experience with Duffy's Ture Malt Whiskey is that when taken in medicinal doses it is an excel lent tonic. I am 8i years old and have suffered a great deal with indigestion and kidney trouble. These troubles were overcome by Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. It induces sleep and creates thirst for a glass of water before breakfast. By this the system is the better supplied with oxygen. I find Duffy's Pure Malt and while I am greatly opposed to , I will always use Duffy's Pure attain a clear conscience by taking D. F. Sibert, Scotland, Archer NEWS OF THE : NORTHWEST Little Siiow In MountuliiH. Delta, Idaho. There In loss snow than usual at this time of year, with about 18 Inches In the valley and two and one-half and three feet on the hills. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey as a. rencwer of youth and tonic stimulant is one of the greatest strength-givers known to science. It aids in destroying disease, and by its building and healing properties assists in restoring tissues in a gradual, healthy, natural manner, thus keeping the old young in spirits. It is a wonderful remedy in the prevention and cure of consumption, pneumonia, grippe, bronchitis, coughs. colds, asthma, malaria, low-lever,, stomach troubles and all wasting, weakened conditions, if taken in time and as directed. CAUTION. When yon ask yonr druggist, grocer or dealer for Duffy's Fare Malt WnUkey, be lure yon get the genuine. It la an absolutely pure medicinal malt whiskey, and la told IN SEALED B0TTLE8 ONLY sever in bulk. Look for the trade mark, the "Old Chemist," on the label, and make sure the teal over the cork Is unbroken. Pries 11.00 large bottle. Write Medical Depart ment, The Duffy Malt Whlakey Co.. Bocbester. N. Y., for an Illustrated medical booklet containing testimonials and rules for health, soul doctor'! advice, both lent free. AT THE 116 SHOWS The Orplicum. 1. "White Rouen." A Blograph story showing what an awful affile tion bash fulness is. Harry, after a numlxir of attempts, figures that he must send his proposal In writing, This he does, sending a box of pink, white and red roses with It with the code: wrar pink roars if in doubt. Things got twisted and It nearly re suited In two broken hearts. How ever, Cupid, In the person of a police' man, straightens matters out. 2. "Tho Hccreation of an Heiress. Blograph. A comedy showing how a young fortuno hunter got stung, A young heiress comes to the sum mer homo for a little recreation. The young son of tho home determines to wlu her not for love, but money. The heiress gets wise to his motives and by a trick hus him make up to her maid, whom she has assume her role. Trading him on to an embar rassing position, she makes an expo sltlon of the truth. v 3. "The Bad Man's Christmas Qlft." Essanay. A stirring Btory of the West, full of tho spirit of Yuletlde. A cowboy Is Jealous of an eastern man who has won tho love of the raneh ninn's daughter. Bent upon killing him, tho cowboy Impersonates Santa Claus, but the spirit of Christmas takes possession of him and by the time the presents are distributed he Joins the hands of the lovers and wishes them well. 4. "In Her Father's Absence." Pathe. A comedy presenting the trials of a young man upon a visit to his lady love during her father's- ab sence. 6. "The Julians." Pathe. Ten ncrobnts give . first class display. Perilous feats, whlc?: Include remark ablo somersaults, the b'Jlldlng up of human ladders, and swift leaps Into the air, are an Integral part of tho exhibition. "An Easy Winner." Fawrce. Qau- mont. "A Powerful Voice." Commedy. Qaumont. Four thousand feet latest and best motion pictures In the above program. runners' (iraiiKa Wunls Teleplioiu. Chesaw, Wash. The Knob Hill grange has held a preliminary meet ing with a view to building a tele phone line to connect the Knobb Hill and Hungry Hollow section with Chesaw. Caught In Iluiul of Wootlsaw. Medical Lake, Wash. James Pin ckey yesterday was caught In the band of his wood saw. His clothes were nearly' all torn off him, the skin of his back badly turn and his knee sprained. by real human beings and not by stage puppets and one frequently feels that he is watching proceedings taking place within four walls of a room rather than three sides of scenery and a proscenium arch, and that is the aim and hope of every dramatist. The presenting cast Is headed by Miss Adele O'Brien as Adcllna Von Hagen and she Is an actress of unusual ex cellence. The other three parts, Lul gl Oolfantl, the teacher, by Frank Patton, Pletro. the son, by Kay Mer rill, and Or. John Raymond, by John Todd, are extremely commendable. MIhs O'Brien has a most delightful voice and her vocal renditions during the action of the play were a treat to music lovers. At the Oregon theater, January 31. Hound Over for Assault. Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Colon Smith has been bound over to tho district court In the sum of $500, charged with assault with a deadly weapon upon G. S. Hewitt, his father-in-law, near Porthill, Idaho. Seek Stolen llorso and Watron. North Yakima, Wash. Deputy sheriffs and police are p.ourlng Ya kima county tonight for a team, har ness and wagon owned by John Mar shall, stolen after being tied near the Northern Pacific depot. Finish Logging Contract. Winchester, Idaho. McKeen & Smiley have finished their logging contract west of town and are mov ing their camp east of the mill and will put In about three million feet of logs from the H. Kole place. . Inventor Seeks "ItlglitH." Terlin, Jan. 27. An interesting ease, In which the rlfjhts of all pro gressive German workmen are In volved, Is set for trial in Berlin to day. Hans Merlin, a machinist cm- i ployed In a Berlin factory, alleges that he Invented and perfected a new process of manufacture which is now hi successful use and which will save his employers severel hundred thous and marks annually. Under the old ' German law, an employer Is entitled to the sole use of any invention or improvement made by his workmen.' I his law has been attacked In the German courts several times before, but has always been sustained, with the result that many men are now living in poverty who have made in dentions which have added millions to the wealth of their employers. Merlin has the backing of hundreds of German machinists, who have rais ed a fund to fight the case. It will be alleged, that the law, by taking from Inventors the fruits of their genius and Industry, has greatly re tarded the Industrial progress of Germany. Cliumpion Packs Apples. Harvey, Wash. Charles Mason, the champion apple packer of the world, who won the first prize In the apple packing contest at the third National Apple show, arrived here yesterday to superintend the packing of J. B. Clinton's apples. Tho Pastime. "Get Bich Quick." An account of the machinations of a gentleman who made his money by the deception of others. "Hunting Sea Lion In Tassmania." The average outdoor picture by this house is a Joy, and the one under thla title Is no exception. The mechanical work has been don with care and the picture cannot fail to excite Interest. "A Tenderfoot Messenger." A west ern story turning upon the cleverness of Shorty Blair, an express messen ger, who assumes to be a tenderfoot and outwits a gang of desperadoes, "The Christmas Carol." It Is use less to undertake a description of this film. It is a Dickens' story put Into motion pictures and so cleverely re produced that the characters actually live before one. There Is Scrooge at his office, lacking the spirit of Christ mas, abusing those around him and refusing to contribute for tho benefit of those in need. Japanese Wields Big Knife. Cranbrook, B. C. Near the depot a couple of nights ago a drunken Jap charged into a couple of white men. Being remonstrated with he pulled out a knife and slashed the face of one man in several places. Judge Hyan today sentenced him to 18 months In the Nelson Jail with hard labor. Land Xenr Chesaw Opened: Chesaw, Wash. Receiver Cole oi the Spokane land office has issued notice of the opening of township 39, in range 31, on March 6. The land lies south and east of Chesaw, much of it being occupied by settlers. Some of these settlers have occupied their land for from 6 to 10 years and have splendid places. The tract to be open ed to entry comprises 23,075 acres. Ask More Cnsli for Irrigation. North Yakima. Wash. Resolutions asking congress to arrange for in rrcased appropriations for sturase of water in the Yakima watershed have been forwarded from Seattle. Tacoma, Everltt, North Yakima and nearly all of the smaller cities of the Yakima valley. The passage of the resolutions in the coast city organizations result ed from an appeal of the Yakima Commercial club. Old Boldlcr Tortured. "For years I suffered unspeakable torture from indigestion, constipation and liver trouble," wrote A. K. Smith a war veteran at Erie, Pa., "but Dr. King's New Life Pills fixed me all right. They're simply great." Try them for any stomach, liver, or kidney trouble. Only 25c at Koeppena. Notice to the Pubile. Beginning Monday, Jan. 30, Pen land Bros, will make (4) four deliv eries a day: 8:40 and 10:30 a. m. 2:00 and 4:30 p. m. for Alexander Department Store. George A. Clark's Grocery. Carney & Tweedy Meat Market. Despain & Boney Wonder Store. Empire Meat Co. Gray Bros. Grocery Co. La Dow & Peterson Hardware. Llvengood & Co. Dry Goods. Pendleton Cash Market. Standard Grocery Co. The Peoples Warehouse. E. M. Walsh Grocery. ' Aches and Pnlns of rheumatism are not permanently, but only temporar ary. Why not use an Internal rem edyHood's Sarsapar:ila, which cor rects the ncldity of the blood on which rheumatism depends and cures the disease? What in a cold In the head? Noth ing to worry about if you treat It with Ely's Cream Balm. Neglected, the cold may grow litto catarrn, and the air-passages be so inflamed that you have to fight for every breath. It Is true that Ely's Cream Balm masters catarrh, promptly. But you knew the old saying about the ounce of preven tion. Therefore use Cream Balm when the celd In the head shows It self. All druggists. BOo, or mailed by Ely Bros., 6t Warren street, New York. ning! Biff! I Bang!!! We all get lots of hard knocks In life, but a business education enables la to resist them successfully Th Pendleton buslress college supplys the edi itio- Save mixiey y reading today's ads. Snow Blocks Canyon Tracks. Mace, Idaho. The deep snowfall at Mace and Burke has occasioned the O.-W. R. & N. and the N. P. roads u deal of extra work. The O.-W. R. & N. has repeatedly sent the plow up to clear the line. The N. P. sent its rotary up one day last week with three engines pushing it. In Burke the section gang is scoop ing the snow on flat cars. The cars are pulled down the canyon a short distance and unloaded into Canyon creek. Want no I.lqmir for Indians. North Yakima, Wa'.'ll. On behalf of the Yakima Indians a.d a large number of Yakima valley clt.'.'-cns L. V. McWhorter has telegraphed to state Senator Frank J. Allen asking the immediate withdrawing of his move that will allow the Introduction of liquor on Indian reservation and the sale to flatted Indians. L. O. Meigs, fon-ier ,:,10l,iteri Wila onc 0f the rnvjM for thc prpFl,nt restric- . laws, and hundreds of Ynkiinn (redmen approved his stand. Royal Governor for Canada. London, Jan. 27. Unless some thing unforseen arises within the next few months, the Duke of Connaught, brother of the late King Edward, will succeed Earl Grey as governor-general of Canada. This statement is au thoritative, despite denials that are being circulated for diplomatic reasons. Raselmll League Meeting. Albany, N. Y., Jan. 27. Magnates of the New York Baseball League will hold their winter meeting here today. More moving pictures shown than any other theatre In the city the Pastime. OREGON THEATRE "Joseph Weber .found a Gem of Purest Ray Serene when he discovered the "The Climax."--N. Y. Times. "Such a Dramatic Atmosphere Is a Positive Relief." N. Y. Tele graph. "An unusual Play with Music that Is effective." N. Y. Sun. Tuesday Jan. 3 1 st THAT BEAUTIFUL AND REALISTIC COMEDY OF MODERN LIFE TE nt A UJI U JBIU PRICES: $1.50, $1.00, 75c, :0c Sale Opens Monday Hanscom's Jewelry Store cast or root, noi.n Al'DIKXCK CHARMED That the theater-going people will patronize a standard attraction re gardless of weather conditions was demonstrated by the many people who came out Monday night to the opera house in n hard rain storm to witness Joseph II. Weber's remarkable play in three acts, "The Climax," manuscript by Edward Locke and music by Jo seph Corl Brell. The play Is one that Is very diffi cult to describe you might call it the play that Is different, and you'd be about right. It concerns four peo ple and is thoroughly a classical dra ma. There Is a girt who has a great voice, a young musician who has a great love for her, and a young phy sician who wants tho young woman for his wife. How there came an awful blight up on the singer's ambition nnd how it was lifted is the story and It Is related Ir a way that grips the heart. It has boon well said It is a great play for those who love music, hut is a play for anyone who has a grain of sentl tnent In his or her makeup, and all of us that much. There Is depth, feel ing, pathos, power and appeal in '"'The Climax," nothing gaudy, nothing glaring, nothing frippery or gush, but a story that stirs emotion and sym pathy and Is of real gold all the way through. The scenes have that natural as pect which suggests life as It Is lived INFIil" MATION AND PAIN Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Creston, Iowa." I was troubled for a long time with inflammation, pains in my sine, bick headaches and ner vousness. I had ta ken so many medi cines that I was discouraged and thought I would never get well A mend tola me ot Lydia E. riukham'a Vegetable Com pound and it re stored me to health. I have no more nin, my nerves are stronger and I can do my own work. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cured me after everything else had failed, and I rec ommend it to other suffering women." Mits. Wm. Skals, 005 W. llowaid St., Creston, Iowa. Thousands of unsolicited and genu ine testimonials like the above prove the eillcieney of Lydia E. Ilnkham's Vegetable Compound, which is made exclusively from roots mid herbs. Women who suffer from those dis tresslng ills should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. If you want special advice write to Airs. Pink ha in, nt Lynn, Moss. Sho will treat your letter as strictly confidential. For 20 years she has been helping sick women In this way, free of charge. Don't hesitate write at once. r . .. .... . In order to get you to try "Sunkist" Oranges and "Sun klst" Lemons and thus learn their ex co'.brt quality, we will send you free the beautiful Rogers Orange Spoon here pic- t'lrc-lri receipt of 12 "Sunkist" wrappers bud iw cover charges, packing, etc. You will find both "Sunkist" Oranges and Lemons at nearly every dealer's, packed In in dividual paper wrappers that bear one of the trade' marks shown below. If they are not packed thus. they are not the "Sunkist" kind, but aa inferior fruit. ''Sunkist" Oranges Choicest Fruit Thr. . s fourths PliSv ctu1 It "Sunkist" Oranees are California's choicest fruit the select inspected crop of 5.000 orange srroves. No other orange is so sweet, rich and iuicv. Tbev are tbin-skiDQtd, seedless, fibreless. tree-ripened, firm and solid. All are hand picked. No fallen, bruised or over-ripe oranges. Each "Sunkist" is a perfect specimen, as delicious as if plucked fresa from the tree. Buy "unlfiar" I amnna whlcharetif theaamchighqaal!tyas"SnnkIst"OrarieeS' fcJUHIViei XJClllUlia .olidand aonnd. "Sunkiat" Ixnnm r n lnirh. two of them go farther than three of any other kind. In the preparation of duaserta, aaucea and icuiporance annas, i en yonr aeajer you want sou- mMm kiat" OrantreB and Lemons. A WB m t Save the Wrappers :ncdorn,7 act of beautiful, uaefnloraneeapoona. In re mitting, please send one-cent stamps when the amount la leas than 24c; on amounts above 24c. we prefer money order, express '- opier or bank draft. Don't Send Cash. We will be glad to send you complete list of val uable premiums. Wa honor both "SunWi.t" and "Red Ball" wrappers on premiums. Address CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS' EXCHANGE 34 Clark Street r Ckicaao, UL mm. ' Crpheum Theatr i. P. MEDFRNACH, Proprietor HIGHXLASSHUP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Women and Children SEE PROGRAM IN TODAY'S PAPER, Program Changes on 8ndays, Tuesday's and Friday's. Miss Edna Howard Baker Cooking School at The Peoples Warehouse Grocery Department LAST LESSON Tomorrow Cake Given away Ladies are requested to bring pen cil, spoon and forks. Cooking chool FREE TO ALL FRIDAY, January 27th MENU Cream Pies Broiled Steak Coffee A change of Menu every day, will be cooked and served from 2:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. The Peoples Warehouse and The Pacific Power & Light Co. extend a cordial invitation to all. Daily East Oregoniftn, by carrier, 15 eentt per