I SpobtographS j Apparently the Superbaa have picked up a demon long hitter In Le Jeunc. Ijiisi season he was credited with twenty-four doubles, nine trip les and eighteen home runs. Roderick J. Wallace, who lias been connected with the St. Louis Browns ever since their organization, has been appointed manager of the team for next season. Fur ought to fly when Topeka's new third baseman gets busy. His name Is Katz. and he was only recently signed by the Kansans. The Red Sox are going to travel In the best style they can, when they go to California on their spring train ing tour. Twentieth Century Limited, luxurious sleepers, etc. torae naara. eh? When the next season opens, the New York Giants will sally forth in swell new uniforms in Colonial cream. The bovs are as proud of their uni forms, "for which they have already been measured, as a country lass of a silk frock. President John I. Taylor of the Boston Red Rox has signed Harold Jabvrin. a Boston high school boy. and the youngster will get a tryout at third base or short stop. He Is one of the few ball players who have stepped from a high school team Into the major league. Jack Knight, the Yankee shortstop, was taken from a high school team by Connie Mack and made an Immediate hit on tne Athletics. A cruel scribe remarks that as the government fixes a heavy penalty for th m.iila with intent to defraud. nhn ar trvine to make trades via the corf espondence route, should send their letters by express. FoVeys Kidney Remedy An Appro- t usv.nnll Catherine St. El- i xt -v Ti-ritoR- "I wish to ex tunc, 11. - , press my appreciation of the great good I derived irom r oiey b j vi t naprl for a bad case xwmcvij, " ....... - of kidney trouble. Five bottles did the work most effectively and proved doubt it la the most reliable kidney medicine I have ever taken and shall always nave iuy cu dorsement." Koeppen Bros. Look for the Bee Hive. On the package when you buy Fo ley's Honey and Tar. None genuine without the Bee Hive. Remember the name Foley's Honey and Tar and re ject any. substitutes. Foley's Honey and Tar relieves coughs and colds quickly and Is safe and sure. Con tains no opiates. Koeppen Bros. For LGrlppe Coughs and Stuffy Crkta Take Foley's Honey and Tar. It gives quick relief and expels the cold from your system. It contains ne opiates, Is safe and sure. Koeppea Bros. FJUtATIC GENII'S. Handicaps of Hard Luck Great Minds Have Overcome. Sentimental readers, and even many critics, are wont to spend a good deal of time lamenting over the ill luck of manv of the world's great poets, dra matists and artists. It shocks them to recall. Ss Kipling did in that little after-dinner speech of his, that per haps the finest literature we know came from a midnight stabber (Vil lon), a sheep-stealer (Shakespeare), a roving tinker Bunyan), and a dissolute plowman (Burns). It is still tnore grevious, one might say, that frowsiness and poverty and squalor should haunt the steps of other geniuses such as poor Chat terton, who was forced to suicide, or Keats, who died heart broken by hos .m n-wiMam Think, too. of Byron sodden with brandy in his last few .... r ,.t Pne. who was so poor that when his wife was dying he was nhn.re.1 to cover her witn nis great w.,,.,,,10 ho oonld not afford a cuai u - i himself died half starv ed in Baltimore, the victim of a gang of roughs. The aiunsey. jxiiT? rv-ki.T TV ONE DA'S. IV Vinci . " - n..u. t ivitivh thro MO Quinine - - Tablets. Druggists refund money u It toils to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature Is on each box. Jtc, Housekeeping Rooms for Rent. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms In East Oregonlan building. Steam ' heat, gas range In kitchen, electric lights, hot and cold water and bath. Recently renovated. Enquire at E. O. office. XERYOCS DYSPEPSIA. If Yon Have It, Read This Letter Mi-o-na Is Guaranteed by Tallman A Co. "I was taken last August with a se vere stomach trouble. The doctor said It was nervous dyspepsia. I took his treatment four weeks, but did not feel any better. I took everything I heard of. The first day of December, I ;ot a box of MI-O-NA. I took them that afternoon and tne next day and haven't had one bit of pain in my stomach since the 2nd of December. Feel well now, and sleep good." Mrs. M E. Maxfieid, R. F. D. 2 Avoca, N. Y, MI-O-NA Is surely the best prescrip tion for Indigestion ever written. It relieves after dinner distress. belching of gas, foul breath, heart burn and all stomach misery In five minutes. It Is guaranteed to permanently cure' Indigestion, acute or chronic, or any disease of the stomach, or money back. MI-O-NA so mac h tablets are sold by Tallman & Co. and leading druggists everywhere at SO cents a large box Trial samples free on request from Booth's Ml-o-ns, Buffalo, N. T. SPECIAL EXTRAORDINARY OFFER All the News of the World and Some Contained in the Two Leading Papers for the Price of One OUR. SPECIAL OFFER C The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer with Daily East Oregonian (C QQ bv mail one year paid in advance, new subscribers or renewals j Regular price Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer, one yr, $1.00 Kegular price Daily . O. by mail, one year 5.00 $6.00 OUR SPECIAL OFFER D The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer with Semi-Weekly East 1 Oregonian one yr. paid in advance, new subscribers and renewals Vr V yr. pai Regular price Weekly Inter Ocean and Fanner one yr. $1.00 Regular price S. W. East Oregonian, one year 1.50 ltl2i,itvi.iiv,v;i-:.: $2.50 The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer Contains Each Week 21 columns of news. 14 columns of talks by a practical farmer on farm topics eco nomical machinery, planting, growing and storing of fruits and vegetables, breeding and marketing of lire stock. 20 or more "Lost and Found Poems and Songs." 1 column of Health and Beauty Hints. Best short and continued stories Chess and Checkers Puzzles and Complications Dr. Reeder's Home Health Club Mis cellaneous Questions and Answers Poems of the Day A special Washington letter Taking cartoons and illustrations. 5 columns of live, entertaining editorials. 7 columns of live stock and market reports. No live stock pa per contains a better live stock market report than The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer. 40 questions and answers by readers on anything pertaining to the business of farming, gardening, raising of live stock and poultry, etc, etc 10 to 20 questions on veterinary subjects. 1 columns of information on recipes,- patterns, formulas, etc, furnished by readers. 14 to 21 columns of stories of public men; historical, geograph ical and other miscellany. 5 columns of specially reported sermons by leading American clergymen, and the Sunday school lesson. Thwe features, together with a Special Magazine Department, Make up die Leading Farm, Home and News Paper of the Inland Empire. CUT OUT AND MAIL TODAY. EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., Pendleton, Ore. Enclosed find . special offer Name . for which please send me your -to the following addreee. Address- PLEASE STATE IF NEW OR RENEWAL. The East Oregonian as you know is the leading paper of the inland Empire and is the official paper of Umatilla County and city of Pendleton. No home can afford to be without it. This Bpecial arrangement with The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer is for a limited time only. Sub scribers to the Inter Ocean and Farmer are assured that no papers will be sent after subscription expires unless their subscriptions are renewed by cash payments. THE .NEW SPEAKER. to Winn Clianm Clark's Elevation Power Means to congress. i n mi.mhcr nf the House. Champ Clark early demonstrated special ap titude for tariff studies, wnen jonn Hharp Williams, of Mississippi, be came democratic leader, he made Clark his first lieutenant and leader of the minority of the Ways and Means committee. From this Clark nntiirallv Rucceeded to the democrat- Is leadership when Williams was el- eoted to the senate; and now, in turn, he Is to come into the Speakership, "the second greatest office under our government." When Chamn Clark Is sworn as Speaker, next December, he will be ho fortieth Sneaker of the national HouBe. He will come to the position at a time when the political situation will give it a significance It has sel dom compassed. The House Is In a crisis of Its par linmontflrv develnnment. For years there has been growing misgiving as to whether the popular branch was making the full contribution to na tional affairs that ought to be expected from It. The senate has overshad owed It In power and prestige. Under a succession of Speakers armed with almost dictatorial authority, the House has become less and less a free moral agent, more and more a mere reflection of the mind and purpose of Its presiding officer. chair, will be the exponent of the new purpose of democratizing the house. The place he will take in nis tory will largely depend on the suc cess with which he shall carry for ward the purpose of restoring the house to its proper participation in legislation. In proportion as he shall be willing to be shorn of the petty powers of parliamentary dlctatorsnip ho win eather to himself the vastly greater and more effective authority of big, broad, true leadership. The Munsey. Too Much Face. You feel as if you had one face too many when you have neuralgia, don't you Save the face, you may need It; but get rid of the neuralgia by applying Ballard's Snow Liniment. Finest tiling in the world for rheu matism, neuralgia, burns, cuts, scalds, lame back and all pains. A. C. Koep pen & Bros. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received for the erection and completion of St. Mary's R. C. church, Pendleton, Ore gon, until Wednesday, March 1st, 1911, at 1 o'clock p. m. All bids must be addressed to M. P. White, architect, 610 Market street, Pendleton, Oregon. Plans and specifications may be had from the Rev. J. M. Cataldo, S. J.. Pendleton, Oregon, and from M. P. White, architect, 1917 First street, Baker City, Oregon. Dated January 18, 1111. Everybody goes) to the Orpheum to see the beet and the clearest picture j ij liTj mi i is1 & J When You BUILD, Build to STAY! Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more substantial and far more comfortable in either cold or warm weather. 1i8C' Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements, Founda tions, Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better and lasts longer than stone See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks Deiore you build your home. 1 will furnish your estimates for any class of work on application. D. H.MRY Contractor and Builder Cor. Rdlroad and Willow Sts. Pendleton. Ore