EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST ORBCONIAS, PKNDLETOJf. OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1911. PAGE FIV1 III FIRST SPRING SHOWING OF Ginghams, Precales, Scotch Zephers, Gallatea Cloths, Fancy Sateens, Cot ton Foulard, Dimities, Cross bar Swiss and doz. of new Cloths never shown before Right now is the time to do your summer's sewing, While stocks are very complete. New Spring Ladies Home Journal Quart erly Style Books Ready For You, Only 20c with a 15c Pattern FREE F. E. Livengood (i Co. The Women's and Children's Store. LOCALS See Lane & Sou for alms. Hot tamalea at Hohbacha. Pastime plcturea please all. Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra. Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane A Son. I. C. Snyder, chimney aweep. R SSlt. Wanted Inside work by young man. Address, Box 327, City. For Rent Two furnished house keeping rooms. Call at 205 W. Webb. Furnished house on Thompson atreet, $18 month. See Lee Teutach. Wanted Good reliable man or wj man to represent lodges. Inquire tile office. For rent Corner office In the Judd building, recently occupied by Dr. W. O. Cole. Lost Watch fob with two elk teeth mounted In 'gold. Finder please return to thla office and receive re ward, For Sale Detroit Jewel gas range with oven and broiler. Also gas boil er, heater. Phone Main 63! or call at thla office. Wanted Small f lrnlshed house or three furnished rooms, close in. Good location, reasonable rent. Inquire this office. Cold weather is coining. We have the best coaj on the market A ton Is 2000 lbs. at Pendleton Lum er Yard, Phone Main O. Phone Main 92 for good clean lump or nut coal. Prompt delivery to all parts of the city. Crab Creek Lum ber Co., 700 West Alta street. Spend your Idle evenings In a gen tlemen's resort. Bowling, pool, bil liards, shooting gallery. Pastime Parlors. Hoover and Book. Sor sale One sorrel gelding, age 9 years, weight 1100 pounds, sound, good work or saddle horse. Price $76. Inquire 1301 West Alta. Saint Paul's School. Walla Walla. Washington, day and boarding school for girls. Second Semester beglna February 1. (Miss) Nettle M. Gal bralth, principal. Fine house, all furnished, splendid location, one of best buys In Pendle ton. If Bold by Saturday night $1360 will take the place. Ask about It to day. Lee Teutsch. Lost Gold brest pin, a circle with leaves and heart In center, with let ter N on the heart. Finder please1 re turn' to this office and receive re gard. Pendleton's new paint store. Hale & McAtee, props., 815 Main street. ' Acme quality paints, enamels, stains Wall paper picture moulding, glass and varnishes. Let us figure on your next Job. Goods arriving dally. SHOWS AT THE MOVING PICTURE Tlio Orphcum. 'Excellent program for Friday's change. 1. "White Roses." A Blograph story showing what an awful afflic tion bashfulness is. Harry, after a number of attempts, figures that he must send his proposal In writing. This he does, sending a box of pink, white and red roses with It with the code: wear pink roses If In doubt. Things got twisted and It nearly re sulted In two broken hearts. How ever, Cupid, In the person of a police man, Btralghtens matters out. 2. "The r.ocroatlon of an Heiress. Blograph. A comedy showing how a young fortune hunter got stung. A young heiress comes to the sum mer home for a little recreation. The young son of the home determines to win her not for love, but money. Tlie heiress gets wise to his motives nnj by a trick has him make up to her maid, wham she has assume her role. Trading him on to an embar rassing position, she makes an expo sition of the truth. 3. "The Bad Man's Christmas Gift." Essunay. A stirring story of the West, full of the spirit of Yuletide. A cowboy is Jealous of an eastern man who has won the love of the ranr.h man's daughter. Bent upon killing him, the cowboy Impersonates Santa Claus, but the spirit of Christmas takes possession of him and by the time the presents are distributed he Joins the hands of the lovers and wishes them well. 4. "In Her Father's Absence." Pathe. A comedy presenting the trials of a young man upon a visit to his lady love during her father's ab sence. 5. "The Julians." Pathe. Ten nrrobats give a first class display. IVrllous feats, which include remark able somersaults, the building up of human ladders, and swift leaps Into the air. are an integral part of the exhibition. ltciul III February SuiiHot Magazine San Diego The City of Dreams Come True. Beautifully Illustrated In four colors. Tetrazzlnl Singing In the Streets of San Francisco. Chrlstnvis Eve. Now on sale, ull news stands, 16 cents. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms fer rent In tlio East Oregon Inn build ing. Steam heat; electric lights; hot ni.d cold water; bath. Inquire al Fast Oregonlan office. Tlio Pastime. "The Show of Quality." Fine pro gram for Friday and Saturday. "Get Rich Quick." An account of the machinations of a gentleman who made his money by the deception of others. "Hunting Sea Lion In Tassmania." The averaRO outdoor picture by this house is a Joy, and the ono under this title Is no exception. The mechanical work has been done with care and the picture cannot fall to excite Intcicst. "A Tenderfoot Messenger." A west ern story turning upon the cleverness of Shorty Blair, an express messen ger, who assumes to be a tenderfoot and outwits a gang of desperadoes. "The Christmas Carol." It Is use loss io undertake a description of this film. It Is a Die-kens' story put Into motion pictures and so cleverely re produced that the characters actually live before one. There Is Scrooge at his office, lacking the spirit of Christ mas, abusing those around him and refusing to contribute for the benefit of those in need. Dressed poultry next Saturday at the cash meat market. Phone your order now. Main 101. Alcohol and Coal Oil Odorless gas heaters are non-explosive and you will find them very convenient in heating up bath rooms, bed rooms, etc. We have a very nice line we would like to show you and explain their merits to you The prices are reasonable also. KOEPPEN'S The Drug Store That Serves You Best PERSONAL MENTION C. E. Bradburn was In from hi home at Coyote yesterday. H. D. Craig returned this morn' lng from a Bhort trip to Nolln, C. S. Jerard and wife of Dayton Wash., are visiting In the city. James Johns made a trip to his Birch creek ranch this morning. W. H. Gulliford Is in Echo today where he is transacting business. J. D. Fontaine of Pleasant Valley, Is registered at the Hotel Pendleton. Mrs. H. F. Peters left on the local this morning for Echo to visit with friends. Ed Koontz. of the First National bank of Athena, was a visitor In the city yesterday. Joe Bailey of Echo was among the passengers coming in on the motor this morning. L. Rlngel of Helix, came In from that town yesterday and spent the day In the city. Frank Miller has returned to his home In Echo after spending yester day in this city. Mrs.Willlam Lyman of Estacada, is visiting with Mrs. W. P. Lyman on West High street. Asa B. Thomson, the Echo capitalist, came up on the motor car this morn lng from his home. Col. H. G. Newport was among the visitors from the west end of the county In the city yesterday. Bruce Gilbert returned to his home In Pilot Rock this morning after a short business visit In the city. State Veterinarian W. H. Lytle left for Pilot Rock this morning on busi ness In connection with his office, i Charles W. Brownfield came up yesterday from Portland and is at tending to some business matters here. C. F. Vandewater of Walla Walla, was over from the Garden City yes terday for the transaction of business. Mrs. John Froom, wife of the pop ular Athena landlord, came down from her home on the local this morning. Tommy Robertson, one of the Balfour-Guthrie men, made a trip to No lln this morning on business for that company. C. E. Heard, the local Insurance man, returned this morning from Wal la Walla, where he has been for the past few days. C. C. Connor, the Helix farmer and secretary of the newty rorfned far mers' Insurance company, has been In the city today. T. R. Barks has returned to his home In Hermlston after transacting business In the city. He says the government engineers are encamped on his land on the project and that his holdings are Included In the site chosen for the new reservoir. LIBRARY NOTES. 4) OLD SWEKTIIKART SHOWS UP IX TIME TO CAPTURE ETHEL Greencastle, Ind., Jan. 26. Invited to the wedding today of Miss Ethel Halstead, daughter of James Halsted, of Brazil, Ind., to James Evans of In dianapolis, many persons were sur rlseed to learn that Miss Halsted last night married Bert Connelly of Clin ton, a former college sweetheart. Con nelly heard of the approaching wed ding and hastened to Miss Halsted, who could not resist his pleadings. CALIFORNIA WILL NOT OFFER AFFRONT TO JAPAN Sacramento, Calif., Jan. 26. Afraid of offering an affront to Japan, the federal relations committee of the as sembly struck out all reference to the Pacific fleets of other nations In the resolution calling on congress to send a battleship fleet to this coast. In reporting the resolution the com mittee makes only a modest request for warships and refuses to report a recommendation on the resolution asking for more stringent exclusion laws. .MARRIAGE OF WHITES AND JAPS MUST CEASE Olympta, Jan. 26. Intermarriage between whites and peoples of other colors Is scheduled to become a thing of the past In Washington. It is r."t likely that the bill already passed up on favorably by the house Judiciary conimitu-e, prohibiting unions of this kind will fall In passage. The meas ure is aimed particularly at whites und Japanese, due to the large num ber of marriages of this character recently. PRESENTATION AT COURT. Tills is Coronation Year, and Royalty Is Wary of Americans Seeking Royal Favor. Owing to the overwhelming num ber of Americans demanding pre sentation in London, Berlin, Vienna St. Petersburg and Rome, the courts of these capitals have found it ne cessary to Impose certain restrictions. It has been ruled that no Americans can be presented save by their am bassador or ambassadors, who is per sonally responsible for their social standing and respectability. Then, too, the embassies are limited to twenty presentations of women a year and to a similar number of men. It has been imDressed nnon thn American embassies In these five cap. uais tnat tne prescribed number must not oe exceeded. On one occasion, jtm-r tne list ror presentations at a certain court had alreadv been flllerl premptory orders arriveii ingion mat two new arrivals should be permitted to make their curtsv at tne next royal drawinir-ronm. Tn order to carry out his orders, ' the ambassador had to remove two names to make way for the new comers, although the women thus forced to give place had gone sped ally to Europe In order to be nreRent ea, ana had had gorgeous dresses built in farlS for the wnmnnv Th, Munsey. NEWSPAPERS JOIN SEARCH FOR MISSING HEIRESS New York, Jan. 26. Frantic over the disappearance of his beautiful daughter, Dorothy, who left home six weeks ago, Francis Arnold, the mil lionaire Importer, has asked the newspapers today to aid him In the seurch. The girl Is related to the late Chief Justice Peck of the supreme court. HUNDREDS VIEW BODY OF MURDERED AUTHOR New York, Jan. 26. Lying lrr state In the national artist club, the body of tho author David Graham Phillips, was viewed by many friends today. So many admirers have requested to see his face that the private funeral plans were abandoned and public ser vices will be held at St. George's Episcopal church Friday afternoon. A Fool and Ills Money. Berlin, Jan. 26. A sheet of old Hanover postage stamps of great rar ity, recently found, has been purchas ed by a Berlin collector for $22,000. When Hanover was Incorporated with Prussia all of Its stamps were sup posedly destroyed, but tne sheet re cently found had been misplaced in a file of records. Jane Addams has for years heen n prime mover In the slum work of the city of Chicago and her book "The Spirit of Youth and th rtltv streot" t. a book which no one who cares se riously about the subject can afford to miss. It Is most Interestlniriv writ. ten and the theme developed is this. mat in tnis age of achievement our modern cities have gradually dispens ed with the responsibility of provid ing wholesome places t amusement, whereby our many millions of child laborers may obtain som of tho pleasures which by right of nature is granted them. Conditions as they now exist present to us a question of na tional Importance. Thrown as they are upon the world at an age when the shaping of their lives depends wholly upon the sur rounding conditions, it can rlpnrlv hp seen that many are the temptations tnrust before them, also maklmr it clear that protective measures must oo taken whereby they may find rec reation and at the same tlmn iraln a better and truer knowledge of the outside world. The spirit of youth cannot h de nied and the thirst for rlehtemwnou and desire for adventure must be In some way met with, and Is not some Compensation due them In return fnr the daily labor which their young souls so strongly rebel against? Let us then nrovlde nnrks rvmni. slums, athletic fields and like forms or entertainment, where after the strenuous work of the day, they may meet and mingle, giving vent to their youthful Joyousness." This book and the following mnc-a- zine articles about June Ariam, u-lll be found at the public library: A Visit to Tolstoy." McClure's Magazine, January, 1911. "Charity and Social Justice." North American Review, July, 1910. "Crisis in Trade Union Morals." Re view of Reviews. September, 1904. "Why 'Women Should Vote." La dles' Home Journal. January, 1910. Taylor G., Jane Addams Interpre ter. The Final Week of our Clear a nc ah Prices Pendleton's most suc cessfull Clearance Sale Closes Next Saturday Evening Wohlenberg Dep't. Store BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY RETORTED THAT BISHOP HAS BLOCKED SHEEHAN Albany, N. Y., Jan. 26. Statements attributed to Catholic Bishop Ludden of Syracuse injected religion Into the senatorial fight today. Ludden Is said to have taken a stand against llllam Sheehan, the democrat, and Tammany, choice, blocking his elec tion. The Insurgents stoutly claim there is no religious factor. Sheehan led today with 82 votes but the dead- ock Is still on. ( NO RAT EDICT EXTENDS TO ALL As a sequel to the edict Issued by the upper class girls or the high school against the using of artificial beautifiers by the freshmen, a meet ing of the entire co-ed student body was held yesterday afternoon to dis cuss the situation. The outcome was the adoption of an agreement which affects senior maid and freshman lassie equally. Its intent is to bring feminine adornment down to a sane and sanitary basis and. to prevent any girl student Trom rendering herself conspicuous by an ostentatious use of paint, powder, rats, curls or puffs. As a consequence, a number of the girls went to school this morning with their hair hanging down their backs in braids or curls, which sim plicity of headdress stands out in bold contrast to the great piles and stacks which have surmounted many of the young lady's heads for some time past. The relief is said to be as welcome to the girls as to the boys. voted agains the memorial were Sen ators Bassett and Cox. Senator Bassett introduced a bill taking all motor vehicles and Sena tor Cox introduced a bill to clear title to inherited promrty. Bills repeal ing the anti-tipping and anti-cigarette laws were presented in both houses. Enid, OUa., Jan. 26. In four tests before physicians here' yesterday, Frank Arkebauer showed that he has 454 Inches lung capacity. This breaks the 436 inch world's record of Paul Van Broeckman of New York. Against Plncliotlsm. Olympia, Wash., Jan. 26. By a vote of 26 to 15 the senate yesterday went on record aa opposed to Pinchot ism and passed the Beach memorial asking for the opening of Alaska min eral and coal lands. The fight for the passage of the measure was bit terly contested. The leaders of the opposition were Senators Bryan and White, democrats, Senators Ruth, Collins and Hutchinson lead the fight for the memorial. Among those who Carpets and Rugs We have broken the qual ity and price record. We Invite comparison to prove we have no com petition. Many Beautiful Rugs and Carpet Patterns now showing. Prices lowest in the elty. Ralph Fclsom Complete Housefurnisher. SENATOR KERN SEES ' REPUBLICAN PARTY SPLIT Indlnnnnolis. Ind . .Tnn The creation of the national progressive j league means a split In tho republican I oartv In the nnlnlnn rtf .Tnhn Vnm democratic senator-elect today, In an address before the Jackson club at Lafayette. He said: "The old party Is pulling one way, the new another, i On questions vitally affecting the I people there seems no' hope of relief i from cither. Kern predicted It would take years to heal the breach. ! WASHINGTON SENATE FAVORS INCOME TAX Olympia, Wash., Jan. 26. The six teenth amendment declaring for an income tax passed the senate today 36 to 6. Truffle Breaks Record. San Francisco, Jan. 26. Reports to railway headquarters here indicate an Increase of passenger traffic from the east that is breaking all records for midwinter travel. Since the restora tion of normal conditions in the mountain passes, which were blocked by heavy snows for a few days, the limited trains from the east are run ning In extra sections above the reg ular schedules. mute or Ohio, City of Toledo, Lacs Conntj as Frank J. Cheney malt t oath that be It tenlor partner of the firm of K. 1. Cheney Co.. doing business Id tbe City of Toledo. ninty and State aforesaid, and that uld firm will pay tbe turn of ONE HCNDRKD lM)t,LAh8 for each and CTery ease of ea tarrh that cannot be cored by the naa of Hall's Catarrh Care. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed la toj presence, thla 6th day of December, A. D., Ism I Seal A. W. ilLKABON, Notary Public. nail's Catarrh Core la taken Internally and acta directly on the blood aad mncoiu enrfarea of the ayatem. Sond tor Uetl nonlala free. Bold by all Druggists. Te. Everything Is valued according to Its productive capacity. flOTION OP QUALITY Jit OnsUtt If totrln k, at nata) IMaooffiajamur, Ions at fee a Mini ami! Mil start Model fenM ajpajral a M najulM. For Good Heading Get UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE Each Utut Comptett In It-riff Its contents ia of such a compelling aatare aa to cause tke reader to buy one nuaabcr aad want the next UPPINCOTTS now covers a wide field of dUcri mi oaring read ore who aeek amif that which ia beat in FicMon. Fad, ami Faa. ONE YEAI'S SUBSCRIPTION WILL BEING TO YOt 12 GREAT COMPLETE NOVELS one In each lane. 60 TIMELY ARTICLES by competent writers. 75 SHORT STORIES clever, clean-cut, and vital, 50 PLEASING POEMS that need no interpreter. 200 PAGES OF NEW AMERICAN HUMOR in "Wain sjBa Wine," the most widely quoted humor section in America. 2000 Pago 7arly of exhilarating reading. Meaaesaw Send all orders to thb paper or a UPPINCOTTS MAGAZINE DID FOR OUt SPECIAL aUtt&NI OfTO "There's Just One Drug Store Where I Know I Will Get, Exactly What, I Ask For" When you hear that remark you can take it for granted the speaker means us. Whatever yon want from any drug store can be had here if we haven't got it we will" get it for you. There's never a fear of disappointment. You get what you ask for or what the doctor wants you to have, or you get nothing you never get "something just as good" here, because we only have one best. Does not this assurance warrant your trading here? We think so, and your doctor also thinks so. PHONE The XCt Store MAIN 20 THE PENDLETON DRUG CO.