ALT BAST ORBQONIAN, PENWLETON, OiUDQON, MONDAY, JANUARY S3, 1911. K1UHT PAGES GENERAL OWEN SUMMERS PASSES nKVKRKI) OREGON SOLDIER PIES SUDDENLY SATURDAY PAGE SIX Pneumonia Claims Famous Veteran of Civil and rhtllinJn Ware ConunamUxI Second Oregon Won High Praise. Brig-adler-Oncral Owen Summers, commander of the famous fighting Second Oregon Volunteers In the Philippine war, for many years Unit ed States apraiser for the Port of Portland, one of the youngest veter ans of the civil war and one of the early-day merchants of this city, died at his home at Fifteenth and Halsey streets, at 10:15 o'clock Saturday right, after an Illness of pneumonia lasting less than two days. He was 60 years of age. General Summers was In his usual grod health and attended regularly to his duties at the customs house until Friday afternoon, when he was stricken with his fatal Illness. His condition soon became serious and, although recovery was despaired of, the end was not expected until with in a few minutes before he died. Dr. Sanford Whiting, the attending phy sician, announced yesterday evening that it would have been Impossible for General Summers to survive more than 4S hours. j Soldier When But 14. Although a native of Canada, being born at Brockville, Ont., June 13, 1950, General Summers' early life was spent In the United States. As an in fant he came to Chicago with his par ents. At the age of 14 he went to La Center, 111., to attend school and while there he and three companions, of whom he was the youngest, ran away to enlist in the army. He first was rejected because of his youth and his deficiency in weight and height, but securing the consent of an impro vised "guardian" he was accepted. He entered the service February 1. 1865, at Dixon, I1L, and was mustered into company H. Third Illinois cavalry.. He took part In several important en gagements in Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky and the Caro lines. At the close of the war he was sent on an Indian expedition against the Sioux In Minnesota and Dakota and was mastered out December 11, 1865, afer which he returned to Lee county, Illinois, where he resumed farming. Island Record Notable. But his most notable war record was that gained during the campaign In the Philippines. As lieutenant colonel in the First Regiment Oregon National Guard he gained distinction In military affairs and when the Sec ond Oregon volunteers were organ ized at the opening of the war with Spain he was made colonel. Filipinos' Bullet Faced. The regiment went into camp May 4. 159. and three days thereafter the oreaniz.itkm of the field and staff was made. On May 24 the jnen set sail for the Philippines, this being the first expedition to leave the United States for war in a foreign country. Eight days later they arrived at Hon olulu. On June 20 they touched at the Island of Guam and the next day two companies disembarked and se cured its surrender. On the Jast day of the siime month the ship bearing the troops anchored in Manila bay off Cavite and one the two following days the men landed. During the first few weeks they saw little service, but took part in the siege around the walled city, re ceiving the surrender of 15.000 Span ish troops thcic August 13. For the remainder of the year the regiment was stationed in the barracks at Cuar tel de Espana. Early in 1899 fight ing around the city of Manila started, the insurgents being driven from their trenches by General Summers' men February 5. Skirmishes and battles took place almost dally, General Sum mers leading his troops Into the thick est of the fighting, himself facing the enemies' bullets at times when expe diency might have seemed the better cart of valor. The fighting continued through the spring of 199, the Ore gon regiment taking part tn no less than 55 engagements. Gr-at I'ral.-c Won. While General Hummers always has attributed much of the glory that was von by the Second Oregon to brav ery of his men, the correspondence that passed between General Lawton, General Merrit, General Wheaton and others in higher command, re flees great credit upon him as a lead er, as a commander and as a patriot. The regiment sailed for home May 23, lii!3. and was mustered out the following August 7. Cm the eve of his departure from the Philippines, General Merrltt wrote General Summers a letter expreasing In strong terms his appreciation of the manner In which he and his troops performed the very difficult and deli cate duties of acting as provost mar shal and provost guard following the capitulation of Manila. Oneral Lawton wrote in a similar vein at the time the regiment was re lieved from his command. It wag following the remarkable successful engagements of Mallabon, Maain, SPECIAL EXTRAORDINARY OFFER MMfjM aBBjaBBBBj.BBBBBBBBBBj.BBBjgBB IsssssssssssssssiiiiiHHHsIiibiiiiHDsiM All the News of the World and Some Contained in the Two Leading P apers for the Price of One s OUR. SPECIAL OFFER C The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer with Daily East Oregonian by mail one year paid in advance, new subscribers or renewals i Regular price Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer, one yr, $1.00 Jiegular price Daily E. O. by mail, one year 5.00 $5.00 $6.00 OUR SPECIAL OFFER D The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer with Semi-Weekly East J? 1 K( Oregonian oneOyr. paid in advance, new subscribers and renewals V Jv Regular price Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer one yr. $1.00 Regular price S. W. East Oregonian, one year 1.50 $2.50 The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer Contains Each Week 21 -columns of news. 14 5oltmns of talks by a practical farmer on farm topics eco nomical machinery, planting, growing and storing of fruits and vegetables, breeding and marketing of live stock. 20 or more "Lost and Found Poems and Songs," 1 column of Health, and Beauty Hints. Best short and continued stories Chess and Checkers Puzzles aad Complications Dr. Reeder's Home Health Club Mis cellaneous Questions and Answers Poems of the Day A special Washington letter Taking cartoons and illustrations. 5 columns of live, entertaining editorials. 7 columns of live stock and market reports. "Ko live stock pa per contains a better live stock market report than The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer. 40 questions and answers by readers on anything pertaining to the business of fanning, gardening, raising of live stock and poultry, etc, etc 10 to 20 questions on veterinary subjects. 7 columns of information on recipes, patterns, formulas, etc, furnished by readers. 14 to 21 columns of stories of public men; historical, geograph ical and other miscellany. o columns of specially reported sermons by leading American clergymen, and the Sunday school lesson. These features, together with a Special Magazino Department, Make up the Leading Farm, Homo and News Paper of the Inland Empire. CUT OUT AND MAIL TODAY. EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., Pendleton, Ore. Enclosed find $ special -offer Name . for which please send me your to the following addrese. Address. PLEASE STATE IF NEW OR RENEWAL. The East Oregonian as you know Is the leading paper of the inland Empire and Is the official paper of Umatilla County and city of Pendleton. No home can afford to be without it. This special arrangement with The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer is for a limited time only. Sub scribers to the Inter Ocean and Farmer are assured that no papers will be sent after subscription expires unless their subscriptions are renewed by cash payments. I IJOOV TO FILE VICTIMS. A Cure Without Cutting or Other Ob jectionable Treatment. Here Is a priceless boon to anyone who suffer with plies of any kind. A medicine In tablet form, taken In ternally that cures all forms of piles. Only 2 per cent of known failures. A medicine that is sold nder strict guarantee. Tour money blck if you are one of the 2 per cent. A medicine that avoids operations and use of nast calves or supposito ries. Pendleton Drug; Co., and druggists everywhere sell this remedy Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Rold. II for 24 day's treatment. Dr. Leon tardl Co., Station B., N. T., Prop. Writ for booklet. Bala Bridge and San Isldro that Col onel Summers was recommended by Genera Lawton lor promotion to the grade of brfgadior-general which rank was bestowed upon nim Dy Drevet. Ixsidcr'B Command WUrlc. The men who .composed the Sec ond Oregon always spoke with rev erence and deep respect of their com mander. Their love and esteem con tined even after the close of the war. As an Illustration of his loyalty ta his men hi f&msus command at the battle of Mallabon, March 25, 1899. Is oft repeated: "(Jive "em hell, boys. I can't go ahead of you but I can go with you," he ordered. Thia was passed down the line and instilled the men with added xeal and ardor. To this day it is often heard at the meetings and reunions. Upon the return of the regiment to Portland the citizens of Oregon pre sented General Summers with a beau tiful jeweled sword in recognition of his meritorious service at the head of the volunteers. The state legislature vaised a resolution commending him and his men. Ewtray Notice. One span of sorrel geldings some what old. Weight about 1160 pounds. Any person notifying Chaa. Lobaugh, Pilot Rock, or John L. Bartley, til Ulleth street, Pendleton will be rewarded. The beat moving picture and brightest pictures in Pendleton at the Orphean. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received for the erection and completion of St. Mary's R. C. church, Pendleton, Ore gon, until Wednesday, 'March 1st, 1911, at 1 o'clock p. m. All bids must be addressed to M. White, architect, 6M Market street, Pendleton, Oregon. Plans and specifications may be had from the Rev. J. M. Cataldo, S. J., Pendleton, Oregon, and from M. P. White, architect, 1917 First street, Baker City, Oregon. Dated January 18, 1911. Caught in the Itain. then a cold and a cough let it 'run on get pneumonia or consumption, that's all. No matter how you get your cough don't neglect It take Ballard's Horehound Syrup and you'll be over it in no time. The sure cure for coughs, colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary diseases in young and old. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Blngl Biff!! Bangllt We all get lots of hard knocks In life, but a business education enables us to resist them successfully. The Pendleton business college supplys the education. , Convalescence after pneumonia, ty phoid fever and the grip, Is some times merely apparent, not real. To make It real and rapid, there la no other tonic so highly to be recom mended as Hood's Sarsaparllla. Thou sands so testify. Take Hood's. When You BUILD, Build to STAY! Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more substantial and far more comfortable in either cold or warm weather. Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements. Founda tions, Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better and lasts longer, than stone See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks Detore you build your home. 1 will furnish your estimates for any class of work on application. D. H. MHY Contractor; andBitilder Cor. Railroad amd Willow Sts. Pendleton. Ore