I ESOHT PAGKH DAILY EAST ORB CONIAJf, PEVDLETO.T. OREGON, MOXBAV, JAVUAKY , 1011. pagx rrr REV. T. O. W. PARKER TOMORROW IS THE The Final Week of our Clear a sic S Prices OOOO LZ dli. ft 0000 qt Promptly 9 o'clock Will Start the Greatest Embroidery Sale Ever Held in Pendleton 6ven better than our big sales of last year. 2000 yards Beautiful Swiss patterns in 18, 27 and 45-in. widths Corset Covers.all overs and Ruffled Embroidery 27-in. wide. Hundreds of Ladies admired the big show in our windows the past two days. Be at the counter at promptly 9 o'clock and pick out all you want Worth from $1 to Yard. Your Choice Yard . Sale Will Last Two Days Tuesday and Wednesday F. E. Livengood & Co. LOCALS Se Lans A Bon far signs. Het tajnales at Hohbaohs. Futlmt picture pleas all. Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra. Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane A Sen. 1. C. Bnyder. chimney sweep. R Silt. Fumtahed house on Thompson treat, 118 month. Bee Lee Teutaoa. For Fent Nicely furnished room at 00 West Court Street Phone Black 2666. Wanted Good reliable man or w man to represent lodges. Inquire ttis offloe. For rent Corner efflce In the Judd building, recently occupied by Dr. W. G. Cole. Dressed poultry next Saturday at the cash meat market Phone your order now. Main 101. Lands Ten yearly payment plan; alx per cnt; 190 to f 160 per acre. B. P. Dodd, Hermlston, Ore. For Sale Detroit Jewel gas range with oven and broiler. Also gas boil er, heater. Phone Main 61 or call at this office. Cold weatner is coming. We have the best cou4 on the market A ton la 2000 Iba. at Pendleton Lum er Yard. Phono Main O. Phone Main 91 for good clean lump or nut coal. Prompt delivery to all parts of the city. Crab Creek Lum ber Co., 700 West Alta street Spend your Idle evenings In a gen tlemen's resort Bowling, pool, oil' Hards shooting Kallery. Paatlme Parlors. Hoover and "Book. Sor sale One sorrel gelding, age years, weight 1100 pounds, sound, irnncl work or saddle horse. Price $76. Inquire 1801 West Alta. For sale A nice lot of Standard bred, single comb Black Minorca cockerels. Price, 11 and up. Enquire r,' A. Humphrey, 124 Beauregard street, Pendleton. Alcohol and Coal Odorless gas heaters are non-explosive and you will find them very convenient in heating up bath rooms, bed rooms, etc. We have a very nice line we would like to show you and explain their merits to you The prices are reasonable also. KOEPPEN'S The Drug Store That Serves You Best - (89e Saint Paul's School, Walla Walla. Washington, day and boarding schoel for girls. Second Semester begins February 1. (Miss) Nettle M. OaJ bralth, principal. . Fine house, all furnished, splendid location, one of best buys in Pendle ton. If sold by Saturday night 81360 will take the place. Ask about It to day. Lee Teutsch. Lost Gold brest pin, a circle with loaves and heart In center, with let ter X on the heart. Finder please re turn to this office and receive re gard. Pendleton's new paint store. Hale & McAtee, propa, 815 Main street Acme quality paints, enamels, stains Wall paper picture moulding, glass and varnishes. Let us figure on your next Job. Goods arriving dally.. . For Rent or Sale. Five room house with all modern Improvements, nice place, lot und half with lawn and shad place, lot and half with lawn and shade trees. Also good barn on place. Only three blocks from Main street. 717 Cosble street. For pariculars enquire of Chars. Greullch at Empire Meat Market. Notion to the Public. Beginning Monday, Jan. 30, Pen land Bros, will make (4) four deliv eries a day: 8:40 and 10:30 a. m. 2:00 and 4:30 p. m. for Alexander ' Department Store. George A. Clark's Grocery. Carney & Tweody Meat Market Despaln & Boncy Wonder Store. Empire Meat Co. Gray Bros. Grocery Co. La Dow & Peterson Hardware. Livengood & Co. Dry Goods. Pendleton Cash Market. Standard Grocery Co. The Peoples Warehouse. E. M. Walsh Grocery. CARD OF TTIANKS. We wish to thank, the friends who so kindly assisted us during the Illness and death of our beloved wife and mother. MARTIN MEINERS, and Family. $5 v- .v- 4i Secretary Baptist State Convention One or the Sjxaikers of Uie Mission at the Baptist Church. PERSONAL MENTION F. W. Toung and wife of Dayton, were in the city yesterday. Miss Eva L. Ornduff of Stanfield. spent Saturday night in Pendleton. C. D. Goldston of Weiser, Ida., has been visiting in the city for the past few days. E. Armstrong of Dayton, was among the out-of-town visitors in the city yesterday. ' C. D. Connor, the well known Pilot Rock resident, was a Sunday visitor in Pendleton. J. H. Lewis of Salem Is registered at one of the local hotels. He is state engineer. H. Bendyx, who formerly conducted the Eiler's music house here was over from Walla Walla Saturday. Mrs. Roy Fairbanks of Echo, came up from that town Saturday evening and spent pan of Sunday in this city. Ernest Wells, assistant principal of Athena high school, came down from that town Saturday evening and spent Sunday with friends in this city. C. L. Morgan and wife and Attorney R. R. Johnson returned this morning from Fort Wayne, Indiana, where they have been for the past month. Carl Engdahl, manager of the branch warehouse of the Farmers' Union at Helix, returned to his home after spending the past two days in the city. George Ernest, who formerly re sided in this city, but who has been living at Vancouver, Wash., for the past two years, has returned and ex pects to make Pendleton his future home. Louis H. Plnkham, traveling repre sentative of a prominent glove com- pany and father of the well known university of Oregon athlete, came in from Walla Walla this morning on his regular semi-annual visit. Bruce Gilbert, formerly a student in the high school and last summer one of the members of the Pilot Rock Pirates, returned to his home in the sheep town this morning after spend ing Sunday in the city. InHaiie Over Perpetual Motion. Chris F. Herr of Sunnyside, was to day examined before the county board and declared insane. Herr,. for some time past, has been possessed with the Idea that he has Invented a vacuum pump which has perpetual motion and has also been declaring that food and drink were superfluous and there fore unnecessary. He has only been violent once, during which attack he assaulted and injured his physician. Xew Deputy Recorder. Roland Oliver has been appointed deputy recorder by Recorder Benj. S. Burroughs and will commence his duties In the near future. W. CE. Prultt, who Is at present assisting in that office, will return to his position as deputy clerk. Mr. Oliver is well qualified for his new office and will undoubtedly give satisfaction to the public. Teachers' Examinations The date on which applicants for teachers' certificates will be examined as to their fitness have been deter mined and notices for publication will soon be sent out. The dates as an nounced by Superintendent Welles, aro Feb. 8-11 inclusive. School Board Election Dlsrict No. 95, ten miles south east of Weston, held an cleclon on Jan. 18 and elected Louis Chrlstensen and W. H. Burkhart a9 directors and Mrs. Huburger as clerk. Peter Xark aus Is the other director on the board. Wrights Sell Machine. The Wright Brothers have sold their first private Individual, tho purchnsor being Robert J. Collier, the Xew Tork multi-millionaire. The price paid by Mr. Collier was 35000, which entitles him to use his machine as long as he likes for his personal pleasure, but It he flies for money or prizes, ho will have to pay the Wright company 3100 a day royalty. Of Interest to light Fans. Now Haven, Conn., Jan. 23. Tom my Houck, the clever and fast little bantamweight of Philadelphia and Kid Shea of Waterbury, will meet In a fifteen-round battle before the Xew Haven A. C, tonight. As both boya are aggressive fighters, the fight will prove Interesting. K V A XO I : L I STI C M I SSI OX, Iniortaiit Gathering at Baptist Church Next Week. Monday and Tuesday of next week will be devoted to an Evangelistic Mission at the Baptist church of this city. The meetings will be under the conduct of the Baptist state conven tion and many of the leading men will be here from all parts of the state. Rev. W. B. Hlnson, D. D., of the White Temple, Portland, will preach at more than one session. Rev. H. Wise Jones, D. D., formerly Pa cific Coast Evangelist, now pastor at McMinnville, will be one of the lead ers la the work. These are two of the strongest men in Oregon. Rev. T. C. W. Parker state missionary and sec retary of the state convention is an other strong man who will be pres ent throughout the whole mission. Others to have prominent parts are Rev. H. T. Cash of Herm'.ston, Rev. CI. D.. Dunkin of Baker. Rev. W. H. Eaton' of Rosebarg and Rev. W. T. Tapcoit of Salem. Such subjects as are practical and fit the present day needs in church work will be discussed. "The Supreme Need of the Church, "Clean Lives for God's Service," "Evangelistic Methods in Service,"' Evangelistic Conversa tion in Every Day Life," are some of Them. The people of the town are invited to co-operate in these meetings. Del egates from all the Baptist churches of the county are expected. A cordial in vitation win be extended to all inter ested in Christian- work. DRIVES SIX MILES IN SEVENTEEN MINUTES Because he had faith In the loco motive powers of his driving team and the courage to back his faith with- coin of the realm. John Mumm is today 320 richer than he was yesterday morning, and inciden tally has established a record that will make Barney Oldfield envious w&en the news is wafted across the continent to him. Six miles in seventeen minutes over a country road is pretty good time for some automo biles and as an achievement of horseflesh it is almost super-equine. It seems that recently young Mumm who is a rancher six miles north of this city, was boasting in the pres ence of friends of the trotting abil ities of his spanking little pair of bays and related how on several occasions he had covered the distance between his ranch and parents' home in this: city in but a little over twenty mln- j utes. Herman Suhl, though he is not a native of the "show me" state, haa a somewhat skeptical turn of mind,, the heritage of his Teutonic ancestors,. and he was quick to give expression to his doubts. Thereupon an argunjKirct ensued, the outcome of. which was a wager for twenty dollars, Munun placing that amount on the abilities of his team to do the distance in twen ty minutes and Suhl laying his dou ble engle that such a feat of rapid traniiit was beyond tne capabilities of any horse since the days vxi Pe gasus bore his godly rider through the empyreal firmament. By the terms of the wager, the animals were not to "break" more than threw times during the distance. Yesterday afternoon was set as the day of the attempt and Ut-ere were many sports in the city on the look out for the finish of tnis remarkable race against time. In due time Mumm ami his horses dashed up to the family residence on Lewis street nnd the hands on the dial of his watch showed that they had flashed under the tope just seventeen minutes after the starting signal had been given. It was a phenomenal performance, but there are some who profess doubts as to the accuracy of the re port. However, Mr. Mumm has dem onstrated to his own satisfaction that his team can do tho speed stunt, and he will undoubtedly be ready to re peat it providing some of the scoffers will support their Judgment with Uncle Sam's legal tender. Attention Knlghfct, Damon lodge No. 4. K. of P. will Install officers this evening; also bus iness of Importance to transact A full attendance desired. R. W. FLETCHER. C. C. Masons Attention. Special session this (Monday) even ing, January S3. Work In entered apprentice. W. R. WTRICK, W. M Pendleton's most suc cessful 11 Clearance Sale Closes Next Saturday Evening Wohlenberg Dep't. Store BETTER GOODS FOR. LESS MOJTEY AT THE MOVING E Tlicr Qrpheam Fine program for Tusday's change. 1. "Iaithe WUUerness." SeUg, 100 ft. long.. A thrilling western drama which introduce the battle following an Indian, uprising that afferds a good many exciting moments before it closes. A girl i captured by the In dians and has a novel escape by be ing drawm into the tree-to which she had been-tied. This is an attractive film and well acted; 2. "TSe Clever Domestic."' 509 ft. long. A: good comedy by the Ameri can. Pathe company. It presents a travestyopon domestic service which affords many laughs, 3. "The Mexican Tumblers." .ra the. BiW-ft. long.. A reproduction of some of 'the acts of a well known group of Mexican -acrobats.. 4. 9 Jack Fat and Jlmi Slim at con- ev Island." Vitograph, 1000 ft. long. This 1st a side-shaking comedy that is taken where they manufacture fun and muttons ea to have a good time. If yout enjoy fun, don't fall to see this picture for wheni It comes to laughs- this has some- few points ahead of- anything in the line of com edy. 5. "No Mfcre Children. Pathe, 500 fa long. An interesting picture. 6. "A Square Deali'" Vitograph, 500 fu long. A good picture. Ttle- Pastime. "The show of quality.1 Tuesday's charnret "Turning- the Tables," Biograph. A comedy presenting tile situation in whiaha wife finds Herself when she seeks for her recalcitrant husband in a cafe and! he gets- home first. "Happy Jack, a Hero." Biograph. Detailing tile adventures of a tramp wlto gets into a suit of armor at a re ception and! succeeds in capturing two thieves. "A Western W&lcome." Here Is a novelty it 'humor; A newly married couple oru their way to visit an aunt In Texas are hetd- up by two escaped' convicts who ferce them to change? clothes. Then the fan begins. Don't miss thta (Melfcs) western picture. "Playing at Divorce." Vitagrapln. How two children et play caused their parents to become reconciled, even after an. application had been made for a divorce.. The acting of the lit tle people is admirable. "International Motorboat Races. A reproduction of the motorboat races at Larchmont X. T. "A Corsican Chastisement." Pathe. 1000 feet long. Four reels, 4040 feet long of latest motion picture, and beautifully illustrated song. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms in East Oregonlan building. Steam heat, gas range In kitchen, electric lights, hot and cold water and bath. Hi cestly renovated. "There's Just One Drug Store Where I Know I Will Get, Exactly What I Ask For" When you hear that remark you can take it for granted the speaker means us. Whatever yon want from any drug store can be had here if we haven't got it we will get it for you. There's never a fear of disappointment. You get what you ask for or what the doctor wants you to have, or you get nothing you never get "something just as good" here, because we only have one best. Does not this assurance warrart your trading here? We think so, and your doctor also thinks so. PHONE The ft?CXoil Store MAIN 20 THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. POLICE PEXSIOX BILL. FAILS AT OLYMPIA Olympia, Jan. 23. Detective Cap tain Charles Tennant looked too healthy. That I' one reason why the police pension bill, failed to pass the legislature. Tennant was In Olympia to urge the law. When be appeared before the Judiciary committee, Rep resentative Gandy- of Spokane Jump ed to the floor. "Here's Captain Tennant' he said; "he's 33 years old. In seven' years- he Willi be 42 years old and eligible-to retire under the 2D- year pension rule, and be would be Just in the prime- of life then. Here's the best possible argument against the bill." The committee agreed with Gandy. The Charltco- Case Again. Trenton, N. J., Jan. 23". Further hearings In the matter of trie habeas corpus proceedings to prevent the ej& tradttlon of Porter Charlton' to Italy, were begun In th. United. States cir cuit court here today before Jadge Rolistab. Charlton-: Is wanted on. the charge of wife murder, having thrown the body of Mrs. Charlton, who was Mary Scott Castle Chariton, Into Lak Como after- the murder. Schoolboys Put Out Eire.. Los, Angeles, Jan. 23. While some of their number were detailed to fight the flames, 250 pupils or the Los" Fella grammar cshool. hero maochad out of the burning building in. per fect order. Thirty-five seconds after ther alarm was ueunded tfae- children, were In the schoel yard- The boys brigade of the school extinguished the blaze before the city fire depart ment arrived. The matrimonial cermnony tern "For Better or- Worse" is to often regarded from a personal' standpoint. We have broken the qual ity and price record. We invite- comparison to prove we have no com petition. Many Beautiful Rugs and Carpet Patterns now shwing. Prices lowest In the city. Ralph Folscm Complete Houscfurnisher. Carpets and Rugs BBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBJBBSBJ 4 I ' .i ! i