I FAGS TWO BAILT EAST ORE SOKIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 1811. SIGHT PAGES w Ft (5 & (5 n Full Blast The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth This if the Policy of The Peoples Warehouse EMBROIDERIES If it's White it's REDUCED, we are showing the most wonderful line of Embroideries ever displayed in Pendleton, this is a fact as regards both VARI ETY, QUALITY, Price. EXTRA SPECIAL EXTRA SPECIAL Tuesday Morning 8 A. M. 1000 yards 20 to 18-in. Embroidery Suitable for Dresses and Underwear While they Last ( They Won't Last Long ) 65c AND 50c REGULAR PRICE EXTRA SPECIAL . . 39c Pure Food Section in Our Model Clean Basement Full Cream mild sweet Cheese, the pound 25c Fresh Brick Cheese, the pound 30c Imported Swiss, the pound 4.C C. & B. Kippered Herring, can 35c Condensed Soups Tomatoe, Chicken, Clam Chow der, Vegetable, Boullion and Mock Turtle, 2 can's for . ." 25c 3 Bottles Washing Amonia 25c Mt. Vernon Milk, special sale, the can 10c Mrs. Porter's Home Made Salad Dressing, bot tles Crab Meat, the can 35c Our Famous Ashland Peaches, the can 25c Canned Baby Beets, something choice, can ..25c 3 Bottles Blueing 25c THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Save Your Coupons Where it Pays to Trade BREEZY NEWS NOTES FROM OLD UMATILLA 1 Pablo herd, on the Flathead Indian reservation In Montana, and 16 head are from the Conrad herd at Kallspell, Mont. We expect to receive 80 more head from Pablo, who now is hunting down and killing the outlaws that are left on his range, with the view to rounding up the rest and shipping tt.em to us in the snrtnir. From the (Special Correspondence.) I Conrad herd we expect to get 15 more Vniutllla, Jan. 23. Mr. and Mrs. j buffaloes. F. T. Cramer of Seattle, who have. "The first consignment of buffaloes bevn visiting in Mrs. Cramer's former was received at Buffalo park two home returned today to Seattle. years ago. We raised lut year 135 Iuls Huklll Starbuck is a visitor I calves and lost seven head In the same here toduy. period. The herd appears to be Clarence Atchison of the govern- thriving splendidly. The park Is In a ment bout, Umatilla, who had been I rolling prairie country with numcr in St. Vlucent's hospital, Portland, j ous hills, many fresh water lakes and for some weeks, lias returned. . considerable bluff timber. It consists Jas. Sharpe who had been employed I f 107,000 acres, under a fence which here by the O. 11. & X. for the past ; U 71 miles long, bult of Page wire, fifteen years In the capacity of ens eight feet two inches high. We al repairor has resigned to go into bus-, Sl, nre stocking the park with moose, mess of his own in Vancouver. B, C. eik, blacktail deer, cariboo and nnte Scotty, as he was known, was a lope. general favorite and his many friends i am ln charee of the elcht nation. regret his departure. a, ,,a,.ks ln Albortai Saskatchewan Kev. c. Butter said mass in St. I arid British Columbia, having been Patrick s church here today and , t,r 15 years In charge of the first na preached n masterly sermon on the tinnul nark in Canndn . thnt t nn,f gospel of the -day. The attendance j Alberta. It is the intention il was large : nil of these parka with buffalo and Miss Jtuth Davis, who has been at 1 other Indlirenmm nnim.i. ,i, Chung's restaurant for some months j Buffalo park, as soon as the Increase ..as resigned ner position. ot the herds there will: permit. John Swluler who Is wintering at -i am now opening the new Jasper Portland spent Sunday in this city. ; park, n the Yellowstone pass through The social dance given on Fri lay ! the Rockv mountains whleh 1. evening by the local branch of the , versed hv the line, of hnth .h n.. Itd Men of the World was a decided Trunk Pacific and the Canadian Xor- success. The committee in charge j them railroads. This park has an spared no pains to give everybody a area of 4500 square miles and much souu u.ue unu nn music oy me the same characteristics as the Banff nlted Orchestra of Pendleton, which i park. It contains numerous hot added much to the success of the springs and scenery that equals, if it dance all pronounce the evening as : joes not exceed that of the Banff me uesi Eprii ior a long time in ye ' park oiu town. About 50 couple were I, V . . . . , Douglas is a member, numbers Mr. L. Gates who has been running j nearly 150 people. -They- nearly all switch engine here for the past year ; hailed from Edmonton and Calgary was today transferred by the me- , They Intend to spend three months In thanlcal department to Portland. ; California, their tickets requiring that J. T. Taylor O.-W. K. & X. station ; they return within that limit over agent here has resigned on account some route out of Seattle of ill health. Some months ago Mr. 1 ' Taylor was operated on for appendl- , . . . , cities and since that time his health ln"'" "P1 No"' has not been the best. Both he and ! '"j Z0! aUt lf "u w,tn Mrs. Taylors friends regret their de-j Jf"1 m; Neglected, the parture from Umatilla. lf?Jdma5r "V 'Ct ftnd th G. W. Crouch a former operator 1 tTT'v.. ? " lnflamd that ,0U here is renewing old acquaintances. ' ?7 ' braath. It la John Fulton who was night opera- ' l ,Cre"n Balm master. on! " ' ""4".jr. dui ynu enow mo I uiu sajing aooui in ounce 01 preven tion. rnerefore use The excursion party, of which Mr. tor here for some months is now the D. & II. G. At a recent meeting of the city council the salaries of the officials of the town was voted on; the marshal's salary was fixed at $75.00 per month city recorder 20.00 a month, city treasurer 15.00. A $1,200 salary list for a town of the size of Umatilla Is going some and it is to be hoped that Cream Balm when the cold in the head showa It self. All druggists, 60o, or mailed by Ely Bros., 5S Warren street. New York. Three Bills Passed. talem. Ore., Jan. 21. Passage of the officials will see that the laws three bills bv the senate, nrwl Hf. of the city will be enforced and that by the Eaton forces in the house, and no favoritism Is shown to certain appointment of the Joint committee elements which Is alleged have had j to investigate the eastern Oregon asy a pull with the powers that be in lum muddle sums up the acconiDllsh- I merits of yesterday's session of the government boat Uma- legislature. PAUL MORTON ON PROPERTY RIGHTS Interview Given United Press Shortly Before Death of Well Known Financier. New York City, Jan. 23. Paul Mor ton, late president of the Equitable Xife Assurance company, gave his last interview to the United Press shortly before his death. It was in answer tc statements by Governor Hiram Johnson of California, in which the railroads were arraigned for their al leged hostile attitude to the interests of the people, and Bald Individual rights must be considered greater than property rights. By Paul Morton. I would be sorry to think that there is not some fair platform upon which individual rights and property rights might stand equally. I do not question that every patriotic cltlzon considers the rights of men paramount to the rights of property, but that certainly does not Justify the public ln ignoring the rights of the latter. My observation has been that where any railroad, any corporation or any individual secures a franchise or anything in the way of special privilfge which is unfair to the pub lic, or has succeeded in any way in having the law constructed unreason ably favoring the said property or in dividual that sooner or later these special privileges were taken away and that in taking them away, the public generally sees to It that the corporation or individual enjoying them pays good interest for their use. I have always believed that rail roads should not engage in politics. I think it most important that they should keep out of politics. But I think it is Just as fair that the poli ticians rhould leave the railroad alone. When I say that the politici ans should leave the railroads alor.e, I mean that politicians should not aid them and then use them aa means to secure office. It Is not difficult for the railroads to refrain from mixing in politics If the politicians attack them. I think the railroads should be regulated but I believe they are entitled to the same fair treatment' that individuals are. I believe the railroads should accord everybody fair treatment in return. The railroads are owned largely by frugal people of the country, people who are economical, who invest their savings, Indirectly or through savings banks, trust companies or by pur chasing life insurance. The life In surance companies of the country are reported to own nearly one eighth of all the bonds Issued by American rail roads, and this, by itself, scatters the ownership of the railroads to an ex tent little understood by the people generally. Corporations are Just as essential to the welfare of the country as freight cars. They are merely agen cies through which the commerce of the country is being transacted and, aa I've said before, I consider our great industrial combinations as the battleships of commerce with which we capture the world's business. The foreign markets are most es sential to our manufacturers and ln order to reach them there must be the utmost co-operation by capital, by la bor, by the government itself which should do everything It reasonably can to promote harmonious relations. I think that corporate practice has been much improved in the last five years. Things that were once thought right now are not tolerated. I be lieve out of all the agitation we have had for the last five years much good has resulted. But I also believe that if we had less agitation and less leg islation for a while, we would be bet ter off. I have always believed that Intelli gent combination and centralization Is preferable to unrestricted competition. I think It better for both capital and labor of the nation. But all combi nation, whether capital or labor, should be reasonable and should have the end of efficient service always In view. LAKE COUNTY HAS LARGE BORAX DEPOSIT What Is said to be the second larg est deposit of borax in the United States is located In Lake county and will be worked extensively during the coming summer. The borax lies in the Albert, Summer and Alkali Lake valleys and there have been 3400 mineral locations made within these districts. The borax is said to be al most pure and compares in value with the large deposits In Death Valley, Cal., and the Lake County beds are easily accessible at all times. A company of claim owners has been formed and machinery will be brought in this summer and extensive development work carried on. A large force of men will be employed In mining the borax beds. Untarnished hoaaekeesHng far rent la the Bast Oraeotrtaa bmid-, If. All modem eoervealenaea. ssa .toa a . O. offlM. Savea Two Lives. "Neither my sister nor myself might be living today if it had not been for Dr. King's New DIscevery," writes A. D. McDonald of Fayettevllle, N. C, R. F. D. No. t, "for we both had frightful coughs that no other rem edy could help. We were told my sis ter had consumption. She was very weak and had night sweats but your wonderful medicine completely cured us both. It's the best I ever used or heard of." For sore lungs, coughs colds, hemorrhage, la gTlppe, asthma, hay fever, croup, whooping cough all bronchial troubles Its supreme. Trial bottle free. 60c and $1.00. Guaranteed by Koeppena. New Senate Bills. State House, Salem, Ore., Jan. 21 Xew Senate bills were introduced yesterday as follows: S. B. 11, Joseph Appropriating $5000 for State Horticultural society. S. IJ. 118, Malarkey Abolishing of fice of State Food and Dairy commis sioner. S. B. 117, Chase Vermin infected and unsanitary pupils to he scoured. 8. B. 113, Barrett of Washington, by request Vendors of quack reme dies to pay monthly license of $100 to secretary of state. S. B. 119, Barrett of Washington Authorizing State Treasurer to de posit school fund in banks. 8. B. 120, Calkins Making re sponsible for damage those who sell liquor to Intoxicated persons. PILES CURED TS TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT la guaranteed to cure any ease of Itching, Blind. Bleed In or Protruding Piles la to 14 days or money refunded. 0a years past. The U. S. ti'.la is making Umatilla Its winter: Bills passed In the senate were of headquarters. ; comparatively small Importance. One Three or four houses are in course of those removes the five day period of completion and are being built ; allowed for recording Instruments for for Frank McXurlen, Portland, Wm. j conveyance, another changes the name Swltzler and John McXurlen.- i of the state reform school to trnin- From official sources it Is learned ng school, and the third permits ad- that extensive improvements will be option of infants In counties other made to the depot this year and in 1 than the ono in which the adontinir addition a freight shed will be built. ! persons reside. Since the Spokane flyer was taken The house killed off a. move bv the off the passenger crews of train Xo. Eaton forces ln the form of a motion 4 rrom Portland lay over a day in j which would have required the reso Umatllla. j lutlons committee to report out all Among the visitors In town today : resolutions ln the order In which they are G. B. Atkinson. Spokane, G. 1 were introduced. The Eaton people Wright. Walla Walla. J. U McCrary j are finding this committee a grave Portland, G. W. Redlband. Kallspell. ; yard for much of their thunder. Thev Paul. Geo. were again beaten, the house decid ing to allow the resolutions commit tee to pursue its own pleasure. Mont.. J Knowlcs, A. Moran, St. Seattle. Old Soldier Tortared. "Fer years I suffered unspeakable torture from indigestion, constipation and liver trouble," wrote A. K, Smith a war veteran at Brie, Pa., "but Dr. King's New Life Pills fixed me all right They're simply great" Try them for any stomach, liver, or kidney trouble. Only Ite at Koeppena. ONE THOUSAND BUFFALO IN CANADIAN PARK "We have In the Buffalo National park at Walnwrlght, on the Grand Trunk Pacific railroad. In the Battle river section of Alberta, nearly 1000 head of buffaloes," said Howard Douglas, commissioner of dominion government parks, of Edmonton, Al berta, who, accompanied by his wife Is one of the Canadian excursionists who arrived in Spokane Monduy eve ning on their way to Los Angeles, Cat. to spend the winter. "Of these, 704 head are from the State of Ohio, City ot Toledo, Loess ConntT (. Frank i. Cheney makes oath that be Is senior partner ot tn nrm or K. i. Charter Co., doing boslneas la the City of Toledo, Jonnty snd Bute aforsMld, and thst Mid firm will psy tbe tarn of ONE HUNDBED IKJLLAH8 for each ui mtrw aa of em. tarrb thst cannot ke eared by tbe as of nan iBimrro vara. FRANK J. CHF.NET. Sworn to before sm and sobserlbtd la sty ?reaence. tbls ta day of December, A. D., BHA. Seal A. W. OLBASOM, notary Public. IIsll's Citarrb Curt Is taken Intcraslli. and acts dlrartly on tbe blood and mocmu nrrsr or tbe system. Bead for testt nonlsls free. Hold by all Drotflsts. TB. It Is stated that Peking authorities are to make a special effort to se cure special talent for work ln Chi nese arsenals, and will establish a special corps of workmen with special skill In such work. The understand ing is that foreign experts will be en gaged where possible. SCROFULA HEREE TLARY BLOOD P0I50H Scrofula i9 a disease manifested n finally by a swelling and ulceration of tbe glands, especially about the neck. It is almost entirely hereditary in its origin, being the dregs or re mains of some specific blood poison. Where the blood is greatly weakened with the scrofulous poison, the disease attacks other portions of the system besides the glands, and then we see its effects in weak eyes, poorly developed liodies, running sores and ulcers, skin diseases, especiaHy on the scalp, ca tarrhal troubles, etc. Scrolula usually makes its appearance in childhood, though manhood or womanhood may. beieached before the poison pro gresses to the stage of outward mani festation. S. S. S. is the one real cure for Scrofula. It is a blood purifier without an equal, and it cures this destructive blood poison by removing every trace of the infection fronj the circulation. S. S. S., in addition to cleansing and pu r i f y i n f the blood, assists the stomach and di gestive metufjers in the creation, of new blood cor puscles and other nourishing mat ter for the circu lation. S. S. S. increases the resistive powers of the system and by strength ening and building up the vitality, allows nature to make a perfect and lasting cure. Book describing the disease and any medical advice sent free to all who write. THE SWITT BEKOiriO 00., Atlsata, Ota, TOWNSEND LEAVES ON SPECIAL TRIP TO WEST B. D. Townsend, special assistant to the United States attorney general left last night for Seattle where he will arraign four defendants In the coal land prosecutions the government has under taken there. The men to be arraigned are Chnrles F. Mundy, Earl E. Slegely, Cornelius Christo pher and George C. Slmmonds. They will be arraigned" tomorrow morning before United States Jurge HanfordV and will cither plead or present de murrers to the government's com plaint. Mr. Townsend expects to re turn to Portland Saturday. Bring Us Tour Rags! We pay cash for large, soft, clean rags. Bring them to the East Ora gonlan office at once. THEATRE Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated songs in the oity. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and tn tertaining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three tunes each week Be sure and ( the next change. Adults 10c Children under 10 years, 5. r The Size and Cleanliness of Coal is what counts. Lumps, not waste, dirt or dust, are what you should have for your money. Get the best its the cheapest. Well give you a ton of coal, that's all coal and guar antee full weight and quality. We handle the best grades and sell it at lowest prices. Special rates on large lots. Prompt Delivery. OREGON LUMBER. YARD Phone Main 8