PAGE SIX DAILY EAST ORXGOXIAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1911. KIGITT PAGES REVELATION IN AUTOMOBILE BUILDING i i 1911 66 3 DELIVERED TO YOU IN PENDLETON FOR $1250.00 By turning out 205 automobiles every working day of the year, in their $7,000,000.00 plant the E-M-F Company is enabled to sell and charge on the quantity plan. The car is equal to any make of nearly twice this price, but the turn ing out of so large a number of machines each day enables them to reduce the price ridiculously low. The control is standard ; the frame the ncme of enffineerinj; skill ; the lubrication and cooling systems unequalled for simplicity and satisfactory service. An E-M-F "30" Five passenger, 30 horsepower, 4 cylinder touring car, complete with wind slikld, fine Mohair top, Magneto, 5 lamps, tube horn and generator and guaranteed for one year $1250 F. 0. B. Pendleton. HERE IS THE CAR AND HERE IS THE GUARANTEE THE E-M-F COMPANY Certificate No Model Motor No. Car No. . MANUFACTURERS OF AUTOMOBILES DETROIT, MICHIGAN II. & A. GUARANTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the E-M-F COMPANY Fully WARRANTS AND GUARANTEES the auto mobile covered by this certificate FOR THE PERIOD OF ONE FULL TEaR from the date of origi nal sale by the Dealer. This Guaranty includes all material and all equipment (tires excepted) used in connection with the construction of such automobile. Tops ami WlndslUeltls not guaranteed unlet bearing E-M-F Nnnio Piute. If any part or parts of this car break or prove defective within one year FROM ANT CAUSE WHATSOEVER, and the customear shall forthwith communicate the facts to Tlia E-M-F Company or one of its authorized dealers giving the number of the car, and the name of the dealer from whom the car was bought, and the date of purchase, and if It shall appear that such breakage was not in fact due to misuse, neglect, or accident, The E-M-F Company will furnish such new part either at a branch house, or at Its factory In Detroit, Michigan. FREE OF CHARGE TO THE OWNER. This Guaranty does not apply either directly or indirectly to consequental damage of any nature whatsoever, or to the replacement of tires which are guaranteed by the man ufacturers thereof. THE E-M-F COMPANY (SEAL) ATTEST: ROBERT W. BROWNSAN, Secretary. WALTER E. FLANDERS, President and General Manager. GUARANTEE The E-M-F Company's one-year guarantee which appears in this ad needs no amplification or explanation. It speaks for itself. Every E-M-F car is hacked up by a defi nite promise the most liberal in motordom. Not only the car but the equipment as well aside from tires which are guaranteed by the manufacturers are included in its provisions. Don't bo misled by trickily-worked promises that warrant cars for indefinite periods. Some of these "Guarantees," carefully analyzed, really mean nothing. Tho conventional 90-day guarantee is a relic of antiquity a legacy of the days when a motor car was an experiment, not a standard, staple article. Tho E-M-F guarantee is a definite promise for a definite period OXE WHOLE YEAR. Manufacture of a car like this at a figure that makes possible the quoted selling price is the industrial achievement of the ago. It is an achievement possible to no other manufacturer of mo tor cars. Call and let us show you the new E-M-F "30" for 1911 NISSEN IMPLEMENT COMPANY Agents for Umatilla County op. Hotel Pendlet'n Pendleton, Oregon NEWS OF THE DAY (Special Correspondence.) Hermiston, Ore., Jan. 21. The Hermiston lodge K. of P. held their first meeting last evening, and did work in the third, the name of this lodge is Reclamation Lodge No. 107. There are at the present time nearly 60 members and promises to be one of the largest in the city. George H. Upthegrove, secretary of the Umatilla River Water Users' as sociation has received the appointment of United States commissioner, from Judge Wolverton of the United States court of Portland, Oregon. Howard Laughlin, representative of the Maxwell Land and Irrigation com pany returned from the east yesterday with several persons who are looking at the lands under this project He expects to return to the east at once. The two hotels at Hermiston are doing capacity business now on ac count of the enzineers here that are starting work on the west extension. Letters have been received from the Secretary of the Interior that the sur veys will be completed at once. William H. Sellers today filed on Unit "A" of the SE 1-4 of Sec. 28 homestead. There are now four home steads left to be taken and several people have been to this city In the la't few days looking for lands to file upon. The Hermiston Commercial club has reorganized and the new officers are E. P. Dodd, presl lent; Frank P.eeves, vine president; G. 11. Upthe grove, secretary; F. B. Swayze, treas urer. The club is going to take up some new work and do extensive advertising. PERSONAL ITEMS (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore., Jan. 21. Sir. McBane was riding a horse Tuesday and the horse slipped and fell and cracked the bone in Mr. McBane's left leg. Miss Mable Mclntire and Ethel Per inger visited In the city of Walla Wal la Sunday. Fred Blake and Ed. Wallan and Charley Warren went to Athena Thurs day night to attend a big lodge sup per of the Knights of Pythias. John Kentz and Harry Culter and Anda Barker made a business trip to Pendleton Friday. Caught n the Itain. then a cold and a cough let It run on get pneumonia or consumption, that's all. No matter how you get your cough don't neglect it take Ballard's Horehound Syrup and you'll be over it In no time. The sure cure for coughs, colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary diseases in young and old. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Chamberlain's Cough P.emedy is a very valuable medicine for throat and lung troubles, quickly relieves and cures painful breathing and a dan gerously sounding cough which Indi cates congested lungs. Sold by all dealers. THE STOMACH INDIGESTION', GAS HEARTBURN OR DYSPEPSIA VANISH Do you read the East OregonlanT FOES OF PINCHOT WILL FIGHT FORESTRY POLICY Omaha, Xeh., Jan. 2T. With the slngm "Fight the Pinchot Policies," an org'inization to be called the wes tern development league, will be or ganized here Tuesday among land owners who will attend the Omaha land show, flnvernor Aldrieh ta winn ing the organization and has Invited j tne governors or a dozen western states to send delegates. Louis Hill, president of the Great Northern rail road, has been asked to make the key note speech. Discussing the proposed society, one. of Its promoters said today: "We favor conservation for the pre sent generation; not those to come. We do not want the lands, forests and water power of the west placed In cold storage. They are here, and we are here. Let us develop them and use them as we may." WOMEN'S ILIR. Can EaMly Re Made Fascinating and Luxuriant. On April 2, 1910, Mrs. R M. Wor- den, 6 St. James ave., Holyoke, Mass., wrote: "Parisian Sage is the best hair dressing I ever used. It gave my hair life and a gloss which no other dressing ever did, besides stopping It from falling out It la the only dress ing (or up to date women." Parisian Sage la guranteed by Tall man tt Co to cure dandruff, stop fall ing hair and itching scalp In two weeks or money back. It make balr trow lustrous and luxuriant. It is a delightfully refreshing- hair drewing. not sticky or greasy and will Imme diately banish all odors. Large bot tl to cents at druggists everywhere, and at Tall man ft Co. The girl with the auburn hair la on every package. CURTISS TO RISE FROM THE WATER Five Minos Afer Tuklng a Little Dia ppiwin Your Somach Will Feel Fine Again Eat Your Favorite ttxxl Without Fear of Distress.... If what you Just ate Is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch Gas and Erucate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of Dizziness, Heartburn, Fullness, Nausea, Bad aste In the mouth and stomach head ache his Is Indigestion. A full case of Pape's Diapepsln costs only 50 cents and will thoroughly cure your out-of-order stomach, and leave, sufficient about the house In case some one else In the family may suffer from stomach trouble or Indi gestion. Ask your pharmacist to show you he formula plainly printed on these 50 cent cases, then you will under stand why Dyspepic trouble of all kinds must go, and why they usually relieve sour, out-of-order stomachs or Indigestion in five minutes. Diapepsln is harmless and tastes like candy, though- each dose contains power suf ficient to digest and prepare for as similation Into the blood all the food you eat; besides, it makes you go to the table with a healthy appetite; but. what will please you most, Is that you will feel that your stomach and Intestines are clean and fresh, and you will not need to resort to laxatives or liver pills for Biliousness or Constipa tion. This city1 will Tiave many Diapepsln cranks, as some people will call them, but you will be cranky about this splendid stomach preparalon, too, If you ever try a little for Indigestion or Gastritis or any other Stomach Trou ble and Indigestion. AUCTION S ALE San Diego, Cal. Jan. 21. Aviator Glenn Curtlss will make the first of his aeroplane experiments for the navy here tomorrow, when he will at tempt to rise from land in the waters of San Diego bay. Pontoon attach ments are being made for his largest biplane. Lleutentant Ellison of the navy is here to watch the experiment. Other navy and army orflcers are ex pected. The Aero club of San Diego has arranged a program for the Coronade meet, a feature of which will be an attempt by Curtlss to capture a pelican In a net from an aeroplane. The beat morlng pictures and brightest picture la Pendleton at tba Orphaning Notice to Contractors. Scaled proposals will be received for the erection and completion of St. Mary's R. C. church, Pendleton, Oro g'm, until Wednesday, March 1st, 1911, at 1 o'clock p. m. All bids must be addressed to M. P. White, architect, 610 Market street, Pendleton, Oregon. Plans and specifications may be had from the Rev. J. M. Cataldo, S. J., Pendleton, Oregon, and from M. P. White, architect, 1917 First street, Baker City, Oregon. Dated January 18, 1911. TO CURE A COLD TS ONE DAT. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money If It fall to cure. B. W. GROVE'S signature is on each bos. lie. Do you read the East OregonlanT FEBRUARY 8th, 1911 I will sell at Public Auction the following de scribed Property consisting of the entire farm ing outfit of James H. Christopher 4 1 -2 miles west of Adams and 3 miles north of Havana Station on what is known as the Christopher place 12 Head of Horses 1 Monitor Drill 5 Mules 5 Header Boxes 7 Double Sets of Harness 1 Fanning Mill 3 Wagons with Racks 1 Blacksmith Outfit 2 Harrows 1 Hack 1,3 Bottom Clipper Plow 1 Surrey With Rubber 1 , 2 Bottom Cassidy Plow Tires 1 Walking Plow 4 Head of Cattle Household Furniture and other articles too numerous to Mention TERM S All Sums under $50 Cash. Above $50 Bankable Notes at 8 per cent. Int., payable Oct. 1 , 1911. 2 per cent, dis count for Cash. Frco Lunch at Noon. Sale Begins 10:30 a. m. W. F. YOHNKA DAVID H. NELSON Auctioneer Owner