EIGHT 'PAGES , BAILY EAST OKEGONIAN, PETDLJCTON. OREGON, SATURDAY, J ANT ART SI, 1911. FAGS FIT Alcohol and Coal Oil Odorless gas heaters are non-explosive and you will find them, very convenient in heating up bath rooms, bed rooms, etc. We have a very nice line we would like to show you and explain their merits to you . The prices are reasonable also. - KOEPPEN'S The Drug Store That Serves You Best LOCALS See Lane A San for Mens. Hot tainalea at Hohbactia. Pastime picture pleas all. Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra, Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane A Bon. I. C. Snyder, chimneysweep. R till. Furnished house on Thompson treat, tit month. See Lee Teutscb. Everybody goes to the Orpheusa to aee the best and the clearest picture For Fent Nicely furnished room at 900 West Court Street Phone Black S566. Wanted Good reliable man or wo man to represent lodges. Inquire ttls office. For rent Corner office in the Judd building, recently occupied by Dr. W. O. Cole. Dressed poultry next Saturday at the cash meat market Phone your order now. Mala ltl. Lands Ten yearly payment plan; six per cent; $90 te 1160 per aore. K. P, Dodd, Hermlston, Ore. For Sale Detroit Jewel gas range with oven and' broiler. Also gas boll er, heater. Phone Main IS or call at this office. Cold weather la coming. We hare the beet oeui qn the market A ton la toil lbs. at Pendleton Lum or Yard, Phone Main O. Phone Main 92 for good clean lump or nut coal. Prompt delivery te ait parts of the city. Crab Creek Lum ber Co., 700 West Alta street Spend yeur idle evenings la a gen tlemen's resort. Bowling, 'pool, bil liards, shooting gallery. Pastime Parlors. Hoover and Book. Sor, sale One sorrel gelding, age I years, weight 1100 pounds, sound, good work or saddle horse. Price S7S. Inquire 1801 West Alt. For sale A nice lot of Standard bred, single comb Black Minorca cockerels. Price, t and up Enquire N. A. Humphrey, 124 Beauregard street, Pendleton. Saint Paul's School, Walla Walla, Washington, day and boarding school for girls. t Second Semester begins February 1. (Miss) Nettie M. Qal bralth, principal. Fine house, all furnished, splendid location, one of best buys in Pendle ton. If sold by Saturday night 21350 will take the place. Ask about it to day. Lee Teutsch. For Sale Cheap Southern Cafe, 206 E. Alta street Pendleton, Oregon, doing good business. Business calls owner to forolgn country at once. Ad dress Louis Rod as. Lost Gold brest pin, a circle with leaves and heart In center, with let ter N on the heart. Finder please re turn to this office and receive reward. Pendleton's new paint store. Hale & McAtee, props., 116 Main street. Aome quality paints, enamels, etalns Wall paper picture moulding, glass and varnishes. Let us figure on your next Job. Goods arriving dally.. FftfjRent or Sale. Five room house with all modern improvements, nice place, lot and half with lawn and shad place, lot and half with lawn and shale trees. Also good barn on place. Only three blocks from Main street. 717 Cosbie street. For panculars enquire of Chars. Greullch at Empire Meat Market. ' Chamberlain's Cough Remedy never disappoints those who use It far ob stinate coughs, colds and Irritations of the throat and lungs. It stands un rivaled as a remedy for all throat and lung diseases. Sold by all dealers. AI THE MOVIIIG ' PICTURE SHOWS OrplMwin Thou lire Good Programme for Sunday's Change 1. "Old Norrls' Gal" Mellcs. 1000 feet long. Telling of a daughter's fight to rescue her father from the curse of drink, what happened when notice was served on the saloon keep er. How Gray a young lawyer inter ested himself In the girls behalf and was captured by the gang, threaten ed with death If he did not give up the case, and how the sheriff and posses rescued him from the terrible situation. For thrilling situations and possibilities of good, this story is a strong photo play. e 2. "John Dough and the Cherub. Sellg, 1000 feet long. A ..delightful complicated fairy story with witches and elves, and fairies and prophecies galore, each appearing In unexpected places and performing unexpected stunts. Such a film is hard to describe since Its peculiar attraction lies In act ually seeing its surprising combina tions. 3. "The Winning of Miss Langdon" Edison, 1000 fee long. From Richard Harding Davis' sory, "Peace Man oevres.". An unusually bright story dealing with the state militia and played In light comedy up to the end, when It becomes serious, The 'hero, a man of fashion, who has not taken life any to seriously, has a desperate hand to hand fight with two ruffans and shows that when an emergency does come up he Is equal o it. 4. "The Zulu's Heart" Blograph. Melodrama full' of life. 6. "Poor Little Peg." Pathe comedy. ) Sunday Music Program. 1. March, Louisiana Purchase Ex position, F. H. Losey. 2. Waltz, A Lady of Quality, Fred S. Stone. 3. Overture, Silver Bell, R. Schel epegrcll. 4. Medley march. Nix on the Glow Worm Lena, Karl F. Williams. 6. Intermezzo, Mexican Sasarida, Albert Schuh. 6. Medley waltz, When I Marry Tou, Albert Gumble. 7. Temptation Rag, James Fulton. United Orchestra, Karl Guiott, leader, R. W. Fletcher, manager. Blng! Bint! Banglll We all get lets of hard knocks im life, but a business education enables is to resist them successfully. The Pendleton business college supplys the education. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms In East Oregonlan building. Steam heat gas range in kitchen, electric lights, hot and cold water and bath. Recently renovated. Enquire at E. O. office. ME Our Great Clearance Sale of Trustworthy and DEPENDABLE 1 Will Continne All This Week Take Advantage NOW, While the Choosing is Better and Lines More Complete. Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money she and her mother spend a happy Christmas. "Scenes in British India". The pic ture affords a good opporaunlty to ac quire an Impression of what the coun try and its people are like. "The Life of Salmon." An Indus tdlal subject, giving in detail the lfe of a salmon. It contains picturesque scenes, also showing the salmon Jumping the falls. Few people, per haps have seen the actual occurence. "Amateur Night." Detailing tne misfortunes of a series of amateurs who supposed they had a chance to be called actors. "The Life of a Cowboy." A west era story, showing the cowboy In his natives haunts. 4 reels, 4000 feet of the latest mo tion pictures and a beautifully Illus trated song. All are cordially Invited. Pastime Tliratre "The show of quality," Sunday's Programme A photo play of a little boy who lost by his parents and adopted by a poor woman with whom he lives until she dies. He is forced to go into the streets , and live as he can, finally ge gets aj Job to sell papers, having sold his papers, he strolls into a church; A vision of Christ appears and comforts him. A vision of Christ also appears to his mother and shows her so plain where her long lost son Is that she Is able to find him. "The Little Match Sellers Christ mas. The film has a happy ending as the girl Is rescued from the cold and Fore sale or lease for term of years he finest stock ranch in Wallowa Co., Oregon. Apply to owner. Box 16, Clarkston, Washington. Applications for Crazing Permits. NOTICE is hereby given that all ap plications for permits to graze cattle, horses and sheep within the WHIT MAN NATIONAL FOREST during the season of 1911, must be filed in my office at Sumpter, Oregon, on or be fore February 28, 1911. Full infor mation in regard to the grazing fees to be charged and blank forms to be used in making applications will be furnished upon request HENRY IRELAND, Supervisor. "There's Just One Drug Store Where I Know I Will Get, Exactly What, I Ask For" When you hear that remark you can take it for granted the speaker means us. Whatever yon want from any drug store can be had here if we haven't got it we will get it for you. There's never a fear of disappointment. You get what you ask for or what the doctor wants you to have, or you get nothing you never get "something just as good" here, because we only have one best. Does not this assurance warrant your trading here? We think so, and your doctor also thinks so. PHONE The OXCjJUL Store MAIN 20 THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. Job Printing, Tel. Main i jj GREAT E M OUR. FIRST BROIDERY SALE OF THE NEW YEAR. And we are happy to say that it will by far outclass anything we have ever attempted before. The Ladies of Pendleton will remember the five great successful Sales we held last year and know they get Values here no other Store has off- ered.The lot we will place on sale contains just 2000 yds. consisting of 18-in. and 27-in. flouncings, all overs, 45-in. Skirtings, Corset Covers and 27-in. Ruffled Embroidery Flouncing (Something New and Very Pretty) Values are from $1 to $5 a vard. This great lot of Beautiful Embroidery will be on display in our two large Win dows Sunday and Monday. Sale Will Start Tuesday Morning at 9 o'clock Promptly and Will Continue for Two Days, Tuesday and Wednesday The Price Will Be Your Choice 69c Per Yard As there is absolutely no Profit at this price we reserve the right to Protect Ourselves on short Lengths Be at the Embroidery Counter at promptly 9 o'clock Tuesday Morning Tell your neighbors about it. Phone to your friend in the Country. You will understand why we are so en thusiastic when you see the Huge Display of Beautiful Patterns in our two large Windows. Remember Tuesday Morning F. E. LJ 11 E N GOO D St GOm. PR N Y Ladies Home Journal Quarterly Style Book for Spring Now Ready, 20c including a 1 5c Pattern