pa os four DAILY EAST ORBGOMAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1911. EIGHT PAGES -3 AM INDEPENDENT NKW8PAPEB. llsbl Dally. Werkly n4 8ml-rekly at IVndlrtoD, Oregaa, by tna 4LASV OKKOON1AN 11. BUSHING CO. 8LUSCKUTION KATE. Aa(ly, oat year, by mall J5.00 lftly, ill month, by nail 2 0 "ally, thr mnaiht. by nail 1.25 MeJJy, on month, by mail &0 &aily, w yar. by carrier 7.50 i-mily, all Bostha. by carrier 1 75 Hally, thrw months, by carrier 1.95 aa4Iy, ouc month, by carrier 3 Varily, one year, by mall 1.54 I y, all month, by mall 75 Vastly, (oar mouth, by mall 50 ml Week I j, one year, by uuill 1.50 ataml-taaekly, nix m oaths, by mall 75 ami-Weekly, tonr moatha. by mall... .5 fhe Pally Rajt Oregonian la kept oa aale at the Orecoa Neva Co., 829 UorrUoa Kret, I'ortlaaa. Oreeoa, Mortbweet New Co., , Portland, Oraron. Ohlrajro Bureau, 909 Security Ballalag. Waahlnirtoa, D. C, Murean. 501 Faur "ain itreet, N. W. Member Called Press Association Entered at the poetofflce at Pendleton, 0g-on. aa second class mall flatter. brolephone Uata 1 Official City and Connry Paaer. IT'S A FAIR WORLD. w Oh, a great world, a fair world, a- true world I find it; A sun that never forgets to rise, On the darkest night, a star in the skies, And a God of love behind it. Oh, for a far way, a high way, a sure life, I take it. la what He offers to you and me; A chance to do and a chance 4 to be, Whatever we choose to make it. Oh, a far way, a high way, a sure w-ay He leads us; . And If the Journey- at tinea seems long, We must trudge ahead, with a trustful song, And know at the end He needs us. Ella Wheeler Wilcox. an end to the accusation that the new board Is trying to discredit the old. Both President Selling and Speak er Rusk are progressives and friend ly to the new state administration. In the natural order of things they would have named legislators friend ly to the new toard. The fact that Impartial committees have been ap pointed Is evidence that the politi cal features of the case are being cast aside. It is now up to local people also to lay aside all political animosities, to prepare to show the asylum investi gators all possible courtesies and to assist them in doing the work that Is before them. What Pendleton wants is the branch asylum. THE PARDONING POWER. 'OW DOWN TO BUSINESS. In the view of the East Oregonian It is fortunate that the special com mittees that are to investigate the branch asylum site will wait a week before coming to this city. More or less bitterness has been engendered by the controversy over the site. But the strife should now be over. Those on each side have thoroughly express- their feelings and made their positions -clear. It is now time to drop the con troversy and let the smoke of battle float away. By next week it should he possible to get down to business. By a law enacted by the people of this state a branch asylum is to be established in eastern Oregon. The tale board has officially ordered that the Institution be located here. That -decision cannot well be altered. The poposition now before the officials is "how to find the most desirable build ing site in this vicinity. Most of the land needed for the branch asylum lias already been secured and inci dentally It may be remarked that Jay Bowerman made a good bargain when lie purchased the Oliver-Carpenter place. The state bought one of the best farms in this section at a very reasonable price. But if a better build ing site may be secured by purchas ing land adjoining that tract most certainly the purchase should be made. From the makeup of the commit tees from the house and senate It seems plain that the respective pre siding officers have striven to keep politics out of the matter. President Belling named one Bowerman man and one of his own supporters to rep resent the senate. Neither senator named has any concern in the loca tion of the asylum. Speaker Rusk likewise has been very fair. Though himself a representative from Union county he named Representative Mann upon the house committee. The other men named are western Ore Eon legislators and should have no special Interest in the matter. The makeup of the committees should pat At Salem a law is now before the legislature which if passed will make it more difficult for life term prison ers to be pardoned. In this connec tion it may be cited that in some of the eastern states eminent men are advocating the creation of pardon commissions- to perform duties that now fall upon governors. Xot content with the plan now curient in most American states of permitting; the governor to share the responsibilities of the pardoning pow er, former Governor Horace White, of New Tork, would have the right of executive clemency diverted in toto from the governor to a deliberative commission vested with full author ity. In a recent public statement, tor mer Governor White outlined his rea sons for so sweeping a change as fol lows: 'In my opinion our governors should be relieved from the arduous duty of investigating, considering and decid ing on applications for pardons, com mutations, reprieves and restoration to citizenship. The work and respon sibility should be vested in tribunals especially equipped by training and fitness to undertake this important laborious work. "It is physically impossible for any governor to perform his other con stitutional and statutory duties, have opportunity for study and reflection on great public duties and at the same time give apt attention to this line of work. "Each year the need becomes more apparent from a moral, economical and sociological point of view." There are a great many good points about ex-Governor White's plan and some day some such plan as his may be generally adopted over the entire country. No doubt most governors would gladly welcome relief from the throngs of pardon seekers that now beset them. good record there will be further hon ors for him. Two years from now eastern Oregon will need a congress man and Rusk is showing himself to be well fitted for promotion. The death of Paul Morton shows that even "Captains of Industry" must "show the white flag" like , other mortals. When some people observe the ways of legislatures they become stronger supporters of the initiative and referendum. Why not use that surplus money In the water fund in constructing u mountain water system? Now we are getting some eastern Oregon weather again and local grip sufferers should recover. THE PLEASURE OF WEALTH. FOR A NEW HIGH SCHOOL. After listening yesterday to state ments from members of the school board regarding the inadequacy of the present high school the Commer cial association managers voted to en dorse the action of the board in tak ing up plans for building a new structure. As the Commercial asso ciation represents the business inter ests of the city this places the ap proval of local business men and property owners upon the action of the board. It is another step towards securing an Improvement that is un questionably needed. It is plain that Pendleton has reached a time when decisive action must be taken if this city is to retain its rank as a place that supports good schools. It is en ccuraging to note that local senti ment is generally behind the school board in Its move. Not a word of pro test has been raised against the new high school and there should be no protest. The board Is not acting has' tily in this matter. A new building has been really needed for years but action has been delayed because lo cal conditions during the past few years have been unfavorable for mak ing costly improvements In any line. (Indianapolis News.) From Paris comes word that the manufacture of "masterpieces" Is a pretty well establish! industry In that city. Mr. Henry Pike, a picture expert says: "It requires only six months to pro duce a painting which it is impossible for any one except a deep studont of classic art to distinguish from one that is genuine." The people who buy such pictures are American millionaires. And why not? If the fraud can not be de tected except by an expert, such a pic ture is fairly safe in almost any mil lionaire's gallery, unless he foolishly calls in an expert, and even then it may merely be one expert's word against that of another. It Is all well enough to avoid substitutes and to insist on having the origkial In some things, but why In' pictures when it is admtted that the imitation will serve any millionaire's purpose as long as he does not know the difference? And if he ever knows the difference It will be his own fault. Besides, it Is frankly admitted that there are not enough genuine master pieces to go around among our rap idly accumulating millionaires. Every one of them who even pretends to put up the culture front must have his picture gallery, and Just think how bare those galleries' walls would be If nothing but the real goods were hung in them. To be sure, good mod ern paintings might be had, but they lack the charm of the antique even of the imitation antique. Furthermore, it Is to be remember ed that a millionaire's opportunities for having a good time with his mon ey are limited. The rest of us,' of course, have a good time by doing occasionally the things that we can not really afford to do at all. But no such pleasure as this can be the millionaire's. He can afford to do anything any time. Thus such privi leges as the rest of us envy become with him mere dull, monotonous rou tine. So if he can break It by buying bogus masterpieces he should by all means do so. He may even get some entertaining thrills out of the discov ery that he has been bunkoed, and thus while he may not get his money's worth in art there Is a chance for value received in the way of emotion. Moreover, while there may be a slight feeling of annoyance at the thought of the profit made by the French dealer, it Is to be remembered that the percentage Is always in favor of the dealer, and In addition there is the rather pleasurable feeling that per haps the purchase of such paintings is saving some struggling and de serving artist from starving to death Indeed, there does not seem to be any loss from the start to the finish of the transaction except by the million aire, who, of course, expects to rise to the bad when he has sat in at an other man's game. Peruna Secrets YfpSjc) You Should Know V&z fit Golden I Golden Seal, the root of the above plant, is a very useful medicine. Many people gather it In our rich woodlands daring the summer. Few people know bow valuable it It in dyspepsia, catarrh, and aa a general tonic. Many thousand pounds of this root are used each year In the famous catarrh remedy, Peruna. This fact explains why everybody ns Parana for catarrh. Aay Tow Druggist for a Free lur for Ull. For the mother In the home to strong and well, able to devote bar tl'jiu and strength to the rearing cf children, is ono of life's greatest blessings. Ofton the bearing . of children Injures the mother's health, If she has not prepared hor system in advance for the important event. Women who use Mothor's Friend are savod much of the discomfort. and suffering so common with expectant mothers. It is a penotrating oil that thoroughly lubri cates ovory muscle, nerve and tendon involved at such times, and thus promotes physical comfort. It aids nature by expanding the Bkin and tissues and per fectly prepares the system for the joining of baby. Mothor's Friend issurcs a quick and natural recovory for every woman who uses it. It is for sale at drug stores. Write for free hook for expectant mothers. EEADFIELT) EEGULATOB CO., Atlanta, Qa. FtOMMM Known For Its Strength The First Nafiona! Bank PENDLETON, OREGON . U CAPITAL, SURPLUS and Si UNDIVIDED PROFITS . S50 RESOURCES OVER : 52,000,000.00 SECURITY It is very unfortunate that any po litical strife should have been aroused over the matter of the branch asylum. It is not a political question. In the view of the East Oregonian there would have been no strife had all the parties concerned fully understood the intentions of the present state board. Now that the political features have been fought out here's hoping for peace. From this time on the branch a-oylum should be a business propo sition not a political Issue. Pendleton Is In line m to secure two long needed improvements this sum mer a gravity water system and a new high school. Neither Improvement stands in the way of the other. ,As pointed out yesterday by Postmaster Brown who Is a member of the water commission and also of the school board, the new high school will in no way interfere with the Improvement In the water system. The gravity wa ter system will pay for Itself. THE ANTHONY MEMORIAL. February 15 has been set aside by the National Woman Suffrage assocl ation to raise a fund for campaign purposes, as a Susan B. Anthony me morial. As this date Is the anniver sary of the birth of Miss Anthorly, It has been chosen to receive the con tribution from the women of Am erica, In recognition of their im proved status and In grateful remem brance of the fact that Miss Anthony devoted her life to the" cause. Miss Kate M. Gordon says of the proposed memorial that no woman of America can afford to miss this opportunity to show her respect for the memory of Miss Anthony. It is a debt of grat itude, she says, and no American wo man is exempt. The benefits enjoyed through such efforts as those of Miss Anthony, she enumerates as: Eco nomic independence, education, nod al liberty, property rights, equal guar dianshlp of mothers and fathers, equal pay for equal work. All con trlbutions will be classified that in this way It may bo' possible to know whether a wage earner, a profession al woman, a college woman and so on, gave the amount. Every suffrage club In the United States Is expected to contribute. Dollar contributions will be asked from professional wo men. Including lawyers, ministers, Journalists, doctors, actresses and col lege women. A 60 cent contribution will be asked from nurses, teachers, stenographers and college students Ten cents will be asked of store and factory employes, while or women generally the request will be to give as generotiHly as possible. Speaker Jerry Rusk Is showing him self a pretty big man for h'e la not using his powerful position to play petty politics. If he keep np his Loss of Appetite Is loss of vitality, vigor or tone, and la often a forerunner of prostrating dis ease. It is serious and 'especially so to people that must keep up and doing or get behindhand. The best medicine to take for It Is the great constitutional remedy Hood's Sarsaparilla Which purifies and enriches the blood and build up the whole system. Oat it today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called araatabs. You Cannot Do Better 17 ROOM HOUSE On South Main, $1500 on ly requires $500 cash to buy. . 12 ROOM IIOUSE On South Main, will trade for wheat or alfalfa land. Would pay $5000 to $7000 difference on good wheat ranch. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUN GALOW fine location, worth $5000 price today only $4000, $1500 cash, balance easy terms. 7 ROOM HOUSE On West Court, worth $1500 but if sold at once $1050 cash will buy it 6 ROOM HOUSE On Union street, partly fur nished,' worth $900, price $650, 1-2 cash, balance monthly payments. $2500 HOUSE in Payette, Idaho, to trade for Pendleton property. Fine new bungalow in Portland to trade for Pen dleton home, NICE 5 ROOM HOUSE On Ann street, worth $1650, $1250 cash will handle it. Lot 60x100. Splendid shade trees and lawn. 10 ACRE TRACT in Walla Walla to trade for Pendleton property. Headquarters For Toilet Goods We are Bole Manufacturer a ad Distributors of the OiMnM TOILET CREAM COLD CREAM TOOTH POWBER MT. nOOD CREAM . Tallman & Co. Leading Drof flits of Easterr Or BBBBBBBSaBawxiuj THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. IE DEM. II DIUIS-IOI noaisES Detroit Engines 2 to 50 H. P. Uses common Kerosene (lamp ell) for fuel, also gasoline, naptha er dis tillate. No change in equipment la necessary to change from one fuel to the others. Per rices see J. W. Kim rail, agent, Pendleton, Ore. Pheae Main 180. Sample engine at Long Brothers 114 111 B. Webb 8t. Phone Main 71 LEE TEUTSGH Phone Mail 5 550 Main Street The Real Estate and Insurance Man We have no Pipe Dreams to offer to the Public Wo have the goods. Sunshine Remedies will bring Sun shine in erery corner of your home. If not satisfactory your money back. F. J. DONALDSON', ; Reliable Drugglflt. ' Money to Loan on Good Secur ity. Will Accept applications for 1000, $1500 or $4000 Loan MARK HOORIIOUSE COMPANY Read the want ads today. f II Byers' Best Flour Is made from the choicest wh that grows. God breael is assured when BVERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always cn hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon. You Make a Bad Mistake When yon put off buying your until Fall purchase U NOW and secure the best Roafc Springs coal the anlnee prod ms at prices considerably lower thaai those prevailing; fen Fall and Winter. By stocking up bow raw avoid ALL danger of being u able to secure It wbea sold weather arrtrea. Henry Kopittke Phone Mala ITS. Fresh Fish Meats and Sanaa gee EVERY DAT. We handle enly the pares ef lard, haras and Woo a. Empire Meat Go. Phoae Mala 18. FRESH MEATS BAC8AC.K8, FISH AND LARD. Always pure and delivered promptly, If you pheae the Central Meat Market 108 E. Alta BL, Phone Mala U. r -till r i a - aa u mm iu mi mm nn;'j:.iMii Milno Transfer Pkone KiK6l (f CALLS PROMPTLY AN. Mi, WBRBD FOR ALL BAQQAQH TRAMsTrsTRRTNa. PIANO AND FURM1TURB MOYINO AND HBATY TRUCK JNO A SPBCIALTT. '