East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 21, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Ladies Corset Waists
$1.75 Corset Covers will go for S1.S7
IS. 25 Corset Covers will go for $1.49
35c Corset Covers will go for 19c
80c Corset Covers will go for SSc
75c Corset Covers will go for 49c
$1.00 Corset Covers will go for 69o
J 1.50 Corset Covers will go for 99c
75c Muslin Gowns will go for 49c
$1.00 Muslin Gowns will go for 69c
41.50 Muslin Gowns will go for 99c
11.75 Muslin Gowns will go for $1.37
$2.25 Muslin Gowns will go for $1.49
$3.00 Muslin Gowns will go for $1.98
$6.00 Muslin Gowns will go for $3.98
Ladies Muslin Drawers
35c Values will go for ... i , 14c
$1.25 Values will go for 44c
$2.25 Values will go for 94c
$3.00 Values will go for $1.44
$4.00 Values will go for $1.94
These are extraordinary values that you can't
possibly afford to miss.
You Are Cordially Invited to Attend Our
Free Cooking School
which is being conducted in our Model Pure Food
Dedartment in Our Basement Every Day Next Week
from 2:30 'till 4:30 o'clock. This is positively the
Best thing that was ever given the women o4 Pendleton
and every Woman is perfectly Welcome Whether She
is a Customer of our Grocery Department or not Don't
fail to come and come prepared to profit by the lesson
bring a Spoon, Fork, Notebook and Pencil.
$IMens white Shirts 39c
Here's a SXAP for the man who wears ,a
stiff bosom shirt These are all up to date
short bosoms a good quality of goods and
veil made. All sizes from 14 1-2 to 17.
During this white sale your choice for 39
$2.50 "WHITE GOLF SHIRTS ?1.85
These are the finest shirts that come to
Pendleton, Manhattan, the best made, best
fitting shirt in America, and they wear too.
If you once wear a Manhattan you'll always
wear 'em.
$1.50 WHITE SHIRTS ?1.10
These shirts come plain and pleated front,
attached and detached cuffs. The quality
and make are right White Sale Price $1.19
Cloth of beautiful patterns and quality
hero in this show. Now is the time to get
the pick of the patterns at a reduced rate.
25 Waistings will go for 1 21
35 Waistings will go for 31
50 Waistings will go for 41
75 Waistings will go for 69
Countesi Sea Island Xainsook conies in
cnrtoons of i2 yards, very fine and sheer.
Exquisite quality.
30 Countess Xainsook 25
40 Countess Xainsook r. 35
Ladies Long Petticoats
$1.00 Long Petticoats 69c
$1.50 Long Petticoats 99o
$1.75 Long Petticoats $1.87
$2.25 Long Petticoats $1.49
$3.00 Long Petticoats $1.98
$4.00 Long Petticoats .! $2.65
$5.00 Long Petticoats $3.33
$6.00 Lonj Petticoats $3.98
$10.00 Lon Petticorts $0.07
60c Knee Petticoats 33o
76c Knee Petticoats 49o
$1.00 Knee Potticoats 69o
$1.50 Knee Petticoats 99o
$1.75 Knee Petticoats $1.37
$2.50 Knee Petticoats $1.49
75c Ladies' Chemise 49o
$1.00 Ladies' Chemise 69c
$1.76 Ladies' Chemise $1.37
$2.25 Ladles' Chemise $1.49
$4.00 Ladles' Chemise $2.03
$1.50 Lawn Jumpers 99c
15c Children's drawers, 2 for 25c
SSc Children's Drawers, 2 for 23o
76c Children's Drawers, 2 for 59o
$1.25 Children's Drawers, 2 for 99o
Lawn and Lingerie Cloth
Mercerized Batiste, soft sheer materials, constitute
the buy for your spring and', summer dresses, etc.
All go In this White Sale at REDUCED RATES.
Remember every piece of goods shown is strictly
new and fresh from the marltet.
12 l-2c Lndla Linen .'. 9c
15c India Linen 13c
25c India Linen 19c
35c India Linen 29c
20c Victoria Lawn 16c
SSc Lingerie Cloth 30c
25c Lingerie Cloth 22c
30c "Luna Lawns" the new, near linen cloth. Wears
like linen. White sale 21c
$1.25 81x90 Bleached Sheets, wide hem 95c
$1.00 81x90 Bleached Sheets, wide hem 73c
Save Your Coupons THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Where it Pays to Trade
AT 0. A. C.
Special Lecnrers Are Secured and
Efforts Will Be Made to Give Use
ful Information to Those in Attendance.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
Tallls, Corvallis, Ore., Jan. 21. The
awacal farmers week course at the
Oregon agricultural college has been
met for February 13 to 18 and the
plans for work are being rapidly
brought to completion. In addition
to the regular lecture ar.d demonstra
tion work in fruit growing, orchard
work, marketing, sons, (drainage,
farm management, stock raising,
bome management, insect and dls-
"I have bn afflicted for twenty ynn
-with n otwtirate sku dLv-iw?. call.:J by aorne
W. D.'i. psoriasis, and older h-prosy, com
mwnr,K on my cal;; am! In fctute of all I
roiiiii do, wliu the litlp of tin- most fkillul
Iuctor, it sirjwly but urf:lv Fjtr.'l-1 until a
year ajr this wimr It rovwl rnv entire
wmcm in tne form of dry wal-. "For th
ut three year 1 haTe b-h unable to do any
labor, and utfrinf lnt-nely all the time.
Rery morning there would lie nurly a dut
panful of aralu taken from the he-t on my
bed. nome of them half aj isrjre a the enve
lop eontainln this ru-r. In the latter part
of winter my kin commenced erecklnr ojn.
I tried everrthln, alrnoM, that could be
thowrht of. without any relief. The 12th of
June I rtarted Wen. In Lor e I rould reach
Um Hot Hpnny. 1 reached Uetroit and aa
o low I thoiiKht 1 should bave to ro to the
hospital, but finally got a far Lanrlr.
Mich., whare I had a i'ter livlrp. Ore
Ir. treated me about to eek. but did
rae no good. All thouuht I tad but a tf ort
time to live. I carnally pmved to die.
Cracked through the tkin til over my bak,
rron my ri:. arms, hand-, llml: feet badly
rwolien: toe-nail cam cfT; f.rrer-rail dead
auid hard a a bone: buir dd, drv and Itfelew
ma old straw. O my ;od! how I "did guffer.
"My etter wouldn't rive up: Mid. 'We
will try Cuticiira.' home a applied op ore
bmnd and arm. Eurenal there we relief;
topped the terrible burning anatlon from
the word go. They Immediately rot Cutirura
Keeolvent, Ointment and Foap. I corrrrenced
by taking Ciiticura Ketolvent three time a
Say after meal ; had a bat h once a day, ater
About blood heat; ued Cutirura Foap freely;
applied Cuiicura Ointment morning and even.
l Keault: returned to my home In juM tlx
weeki from the time I left, and bit akin a
mouth aa thit fheet of paper. Hiram K.
Carpenter, Houderaon, N. Y."
The above remarkable terthnonla! was
written January IV. HHO, and U republihrd
'txwauna of trie permanency of the cure.
Voder date of April ft. Iv)0, Mr. Carpenter
wrote from hi preaent borne. 010 Walnut
;. Bo, Lnlng, Mlrh.t "1 have oever
uffwed a return of tn peorlaals and
.Uthourh many yean have paaaed 1 have
ot forgotten th terribl nfferlrg I endured
Mm uatog Uw Cutleurm JUaaadie "
ease pests, butter and cheese making
and kindred subjects, two special
features In the form of discussions
and demonstrations on the subjects
of good roads for the state and irri
gation In the Willamette valley will
be added to the program.
A large corps of special lecturers
many of whom are representative men
of this state, have been secured to as
sist the college experts In carrying on
the work. This has made it possible
to fill every hour of the day from 8
I in the morning until 10 at night with
special features.
' The work will deal entirely with
vital problems which are claiming
the attention of the people of Oregon
Those attending will be urged to bring
up for discussion and demonstration
subjects In which they are particularly
Interested and which pertain to the
peculiar problems arising out of their
experience and which characteristic
I of their particular community. The
worK win be carried on very much in
the form of a large farmers Institute
with special division giving particular
attention to the various features of
home making and management
A poultry show, at which the fowls
In the northwest will be exhibit
ed, Is scheduled for the last day of
the session. This feature, In connec
tion with the special work on good j
roads and Irrigation, will add great
ly to the scope of the work. Indica
tions are that last year's attendance
of 400 will be more than doubled at
this session. Dean Cordley reports
that communications are coming In
much greater number than ever before
and that the general Interest through
out the state seems to Justify the be
lief that the college will be crowded
to Its utmost during this week. The
railroads have promised to give a
special rate for the occasion and the
city Is being canvassed for accomoda
tions for visitors.
State Engineer John H. Lewis ar
gued with figures arid statistics before
the Comonwealth Conference at the
University that the state's annual tax
on water power development serious
ly retards IndUHtrlal and financial de
velopment in the state. lie showed
that the tax In no measure begins to
produce sufficient revenue to offset
this retarding Influence.
"The equivalent," he says, "of sev
enty million dollars worth' of coal
Is bulng annually wasted In the un
developed water power In Oregon.
This energy should be developed and
used, and Oregon will prosper In pro
portion as this is accomplished.
"The engineering and financial dif
ficulties in the way of development
are usually sufficient to defeat con
struction except in the most promising
cases." To add to this a heavy annual
tax, imposed only on new projects, and
with the Idea of securing a revenue,
Mr. Lewis thinks defeats, or at least
seriously retards, development. To
substitute for the -tax, Mr. Lewis be
lieves that an annual license should
be Imposed on alt companies, old and
new alike, simply for regulation pur
poses. TJ. of O. ' Bulletin.
' Moliodist
First Methodist Ssplseopal church
corner Webb and Johnson streets.
N. Evans, Pastor.
The theme at the morning services
will be: "The People We Need".
Evening topic, "A Lost Man." Preach
ing 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday
school 10 a. m. Epworth league
6:30 p. m. Tou will find a cordial
welcome awaiting you at all services.
Owing to the great Interest In Evan
gelists Lewta's meeting In Tacoma he
will not reach Pendleton until the
Church of the Redeemer
Sunday school will be at 10 a. m.
Divine service and sermon at 11 a.
m. and 7:30 p. m. Mr. Thomas H.
Williams will be he soloist at tlie
morning service. All are cordially
Invited. Charles Qulnney, Rector.
Christian Science Church Notice For
January 22, 1911
Sunday services will be held at the
church, corner of Webb and Johnson
streets. Subject of Lesson-sermon,
"Truth". Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Testimonial meeing Wednesday even
ing at 8 p. m. All are cordially In
vited. (Terman Fvantr. Lutheran Church
There will be services a Pendleton
Sunday, January 22 in the Presbyter
Ina church, corner College and Aura
streets. All are cordially Invited.
Geo. L. Sprattler, Pastor.
BaptiHt Church
Morning service at -11 o'clock.
Sermon, "Christian Toleration." Bap
tism at this service. Organ, Andante,
Mendelssoln, Barholdy. Offertory
"Sunrise" Karg-Elert, Mrs. Ben. Hill
organist. Evening service at 7:30,
sermon, "A Murderer at Large." 7th
In the service on the Decalogue. Bible
school at 10. Classes for all. Young
peoples meeing at 6:30. All are Invit
ed to these services.
First CtiriHtian Church
North Main street. J. W. Van De
walker, pastor. 9:45 Bible school
Seperate class rooms, trained teacher
a class for any grade come wlh your
bible. 11 a. m. sermon on "Obedience"
Mrs. Swingle and A. W. Shaffer will
sing a duett entitled "Refuge." 6:30
young people's meeting. 7:30 ser
mon on "The Holy Spirit In Conver
sion." Special music. Shaffer will
sing. "Open the Gates, by Knapp.con
cluded by Handle. The meetings will
continue through the week. A cor
dial Invitation to all. Van DeWalker
and Shaffer, Evangelists.
At the recent Commonwealth Con
ference at the University of Oregon,
. the paper on Land and Stream Sur-
I veys, submitted by J. C. Stevens, ex-
. U. S. Engineer, and the open discus
sion following, pointed clearly to the
1 fact that the state of Oregon very
greatly needs a topographical survey.
It was the united opinion of the Con
ference that the present legislature
should provide for such a survey. It
would probably take ten or twelve
years to complete the survey of the
whole state, but the beginning should
be made at once.. Since the national
government Is pledged to make an ap
propriation for the same purpose equal
I to the state's appropriation, the cost
to the state would be half as much
as otherwise.
A topographical survey, it was
pointed out, showing surfaces, drain
age, water power, and possibilities for
Irrigation, road and railroad build
ing and manufacturing, could at once
be made the busls for publicity for the
whole state of Oregon.
Cojointly with the topographical
survey could be run a value survey,
which would include a scientific study
o' the soils, timber, water power, min
erals, and all the natural resources
of the state. With all this complete
data, from the reliable source of the
national government and the state,
capital would flow to every corner of
the commonwealth from outside
sources, seeking rich Investment In
developing the great natural resourc
es of soil and mountains, at present
known for a certainty only to our
selves. Oregon can not hope to In
terest foreign capital In her resourc
es to any great extent until opportu
nities for investigation In the state
are made clearly apparent. An au
thoritative topographical survey would
make our resources apparent. Wash
ington and California are each spend
ing large sums in such surveys. U.
of O. Bulletin.
Salem, Ore., Jan. 21. Eleven bills
I were Introduced In the house yester
j day morning, two of which were aal
' ary bills. Representative Brooke of
Malheur and Harney introduced a bill
proposing to Increase the salary of the
prosecuting attorney of the Tenth dis
trict, comprised of Union and Wal
lowa counties, from S2100 to $-3000,
and providing him with a deputy at
a salary of $600. Representative
Miller of Columbia also Introduced
a bill Increasing the salaries of the
circuit Judges in the Fifth district,
Columbia, Clatsop, Clackamas and
Washington counties, from $3000 to
$4000, the extra $1000 to be contrib
uted equally by each of the counties
, in the district.
Chamberlain' Cough Remedy it not WANT FIRE INSURANCE
a common, evry-day cough mixture.: LAW8 LEFT UNTOUCHED
It is a meritorious remedy for alt the !
troublesome and dangerous compllca-! Portland, Ore., Jan, 21. Directors
tlona resulting from cold In the head, and stockholders in the Farmers'
throat, cheat or lunga. Sold by all Mutual Fire Relief association meet
dealer. lng In annual session at the hall at
Grand avenue and East Washington
streets last night, vigorously condemn
ed all bills now before the legislature
for the amending of Insurance laws.
Copies of resolutions discouraging
such amendments will be sent to each
member of the legislative body.
Herman Loedlng, secretary of the
association, said it was ridiculous to
amend laws that now safeguard the
people and satisfy the Insurance com.
panles, and that to do so would cause
confusion and burden the Btate with
expense. Others also spoke against
insurance legislation.
Have you a weak throat T If to yon
cannot be too careful. Yon cannot be
gin treatment too early. Each cold
makes you more liable to another and
the last is always the harder to cure,
tf you will take Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy at the outset you will be
saved much trouble. Sold by all deal-en.
Electrically driven pumps are now
extensively used in Irrigation.
How tlto Kidneys nn,i Bladder Cause
Pain, Misery and Discomfort, ami'
How Thej- May Bo Healed.
No matter how apparently strong
and healthy you may be, as you ap
proach middle age here Is a certain
letting down In the physical forces
sure to make Itself felt. When this
happens to the kidneys and bladder,
then they do not perform their work
properly, and cannot until they are
toned up and strengthened, and re
Bored to their normal action. Weak
kidneys, sharp bachache, and pain
over the hips, sleeplessness, urinary
Irregularities and headache, with a
dry and bad tasting mouth, are all
symptoms hat show the need of a ton
ic and stimulant for the kidneys and
bladder. Foley Kidney Pills furnish
exactly the corrective and stimulating
medicine needed at such a time. They
are antiseptic, healing and tonic In
action. They will give first a quick
relief, then a lasting benefit, and will
removo the pains and annoyance that
come from kidney and bladder dis
orders, which make he approach of
old age k time of misery and pain,
Instead of serenity and peacefullness.
Marcus Markham, 138 Harrison St.,
Coldwater, Mich., snys: "I am past
80 years old and always enjoyed ex
cellent health until two or three yenrs
ago when I noticed my kidneys and
bladder wero getting weak and caused
me a great deal of trouble. The kid
ney action was at times suppressed
and again made mo get up many
tlmen during the night. At times I
would get a stitch in the small of
my back. Seeing Fo.ey Kidney Pills
recommended for similar cases I be
grin taking them. They dclleved me
promply of all annoyance, correct
ing the action of my kldnoys and blad
der, and I can again sleep all night.
All symptoms of kidney troublee were
dlspnlled on such short notice that I
was certainly pleased with Foley Kid
ney Pills and have smce recommend
ed them." For sale by A. C. Koeppen
& Bros.
When you pur
chase a corset you
want one that haa
It is equally im
portant that the
came corset be
and if you can al
so have one that
and that corset can
be bought at a
you have all the
requisites of a
splendid corset.
have every one of these excel
lent features and many more.
Every improvement as exacted
by fashion Is combined in these
dainty garments
tfim liar &ltr
A Wealthy
once told us we would never be worth
money If we didn't reform. He said
our bills were a disgrace to the craft.
They were entirely too small. But if
we make money we want to feel as If
It belonged to us. We therefore give
for every dollar we charge. But it
takes a lot at that rate to get rich.
So please hurry with your order.
Boddov & Millor
Pendleton's nly Kxd salve plumbers.
Phone Black MM.
Oomrt and Gardes Sta.