East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 20, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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The Houstons will appear at the
Christian church this evening aa the
second number of the high school lec
ture course.
In speaking of Mrs. Houston, the
Shaw-Priest Lyceum bureau sas:
Mrs. Houston Is a reader of excep
tional ability and has proven herself
during the past three seasons to be
one of the best entertainers In her line
of work In the Lyceum field today.
Her readings, for the most part are
her own cuttings from stories by well
known authors, while the has many
humorous monologues and stories,
most of Ui em also her own arrange
ment, For this reason she does not
tire the audience by giving them
things that they have heard many
times before, and her many encores
are strong evidence of this fact.
Mrs. Houston plays the piano ac
companiments for Mr. Houston anl al
so ably assists him In his magic.
Of Mr. Houston the bureau says:
As an Imitator of musical instru
ments, he is undoubtedly without an
equal. In his many imitations of
musical instruments he uses composi
tions written for the instruments imi
tated, and played by the noted musici
ans of the world. For his imitation
of the 'cello, "the Instrument of the
soul," he uses the "Star Song" from
Tannhauser, "Simple Confession,"
etc., etc. (Read what Prof. Zedeler
has to say.) For his Imitation of a
cornet solo (with triple tongueing)
such compositions as "The Signal"
toy Brooks. "Th Lvy..4ntho:i pol
ka" by Levy, etc., are used and so on
through the various Instrumental im
itations. And then his marvelous, im
itation of a complete "Little German
Band" giving the "clash and bang" of
the drums and cymbals, the shrill
notes of the cornet, the "screech" of
the "yellow clarinet" and the low
"grunts" of the brass horns so clear
ly that one can almost see the actual
band passing before them.
Save Two Live.
"Neither my sister nor myself might
be living today If It had not been for
Dr. King's New Discovery," writes A.
D. McDonald of Fayetteville. N. C
R. F. D. No. R. "for we both had
frightful coughs that no other rem
edy could help. We were told my sis
ter had consumption. She was very
weak and had night sweats but your
.wonderful medicine completely cured
us both. It's the best I ever used or
heard of." For sore lungs, coughs
colds, hemorrhage, la grippe, asthma,
hay fever, croup, whooping cough
all bronchial troubles its supreme.
Trial bottle free. 60c and $1.00.
Guaranteed by Koeppens.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received for
the erection and completion of St.
Mary's R. C. church, Pendleton, Ore
gon, until Wednesday, March 1st,
1911, at 1 o'clock p. m.
All bids must be addressed to M.
P. White, architect, 610 Market street.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Plans and specifications may be had
from the Rev. J. M. Cataldo, S. J.,
Pendleton. Oregon, and from M. P.
White, architect, 1917 First street,
Baker City, Oregon.
Dated January 18, 1911.
Price AK
Now for the first time you get a complete set of all Mark Twain's writ
ings at just exactly one-half the price they have ever been sold before. This
is a new edition, just as complete as the old one, which still sells, by the
v.-ay, at $50.00. This new edition is only $25.00for the 25 volumes.
!f J?f5e Mark Tv!.a,n'8 ambition to have his books In every
mJZ ?' and he mado a Sreat Personal sacrifice to
in ?h w!i?rw rlaSab, PPOrtunlty-for the first time w
?r JTLf ?ufi,,J,Ln& coPy"ghted books are sold at the
thrice of non-copyrighted books-the chance will not come again.
But for Mark Twain's action this would have been impossible. Never
before has a copyrighted library set of a standard author's works been
issued at such a low figure.
His Complete Works
25 Beautiful Volumes
Binder Matthews says : " Mark Twain will be included In that group of writers
headed y Mol.cre and Cervantes. With the exception of Count Tolstoi, Twain
' "ni mouern writers, and will be handed down to posterity
through. the trio of his works 'Huckleberry Finn,' 'Tom Sawyer and Pleaae aend m tor ea-Pudd-iAead
I Wilson.' Twain is a greater stylist than Stevenson or m'f mTrkaiv'S
Taoreau. and his Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg' is one of the finest wZSSl
woks .n Engl.sh literature." Mark Twain himself wrote a preface Clonal Edition, tw.ntyfiv. vol
to this edition. Brander Matthews has written the bioeraohical """ ' blndin. It 1 under-
criticisra of Mark Twain and his work. There are portraits of tood I mar retain the ut for Sva dajra,
the author at periods when the different booka mr ; ,nd "plratlon of that tlm. if I do
... .
C55 VI Willing.
Franklin Squire
Ntw Tork City
not car for the booka, I will return them at
' your zpenae. If I keep the booka, I will remit
W OO a month until the full rrice. S2S.0O. hmm
been paid, or, within thirty dan. 123.75 aa r.
meat to full.
" There are beautiful pictures bv such artists as Frost,
Newell, Smedlev. Thulstruo. Clinedinst. Kemhli.
and Opper. The binding Is in rich red reo silk book
ciom, wun ime laoeis stamped in gold. The books
are printed on white antique wove paper, esoe-
ciaily made for this edition. Each volume il T Slguatura.
mi generous size and bulk, 5x7) Inches.
' DnUintrO X Sendbookato
A Catalogue of Our Standard Set of Books wlU be saat apoa raqoert
P. O. E. O. 1-M
What Is a cold la the head? NoU.
lng to worry about If you treat It with
Hly's Cream Balm. Neglected, the
cold may grow lato catarrn, and the
air-passages be so Inflamed that you
have to fight for every breath. It Is
true that Ely's Cream Balm masters
catarrh, promptly. But you know the
old saying about the ounce of preven
tion. Therefore use Cream Balm
when the cold In the head shows It
self. All druggists, 60c, or mailed by
Ely Bros.. 56 Warren street. New
Bring Us Your Rags!
We pay cash for large, soft, clean
rags. Bring them to the East Ore
gonian office at once.
Unfurnished housekeeping ' rooms
for rent in the East Oregonian bnlM
lng. Ail modern convenience.
quire at E. O. office
One of the largest and most costly
structures of its kind on the Pacific
coast will be built by the Deschutes
railroad to carry Its line across the
gorge of Willow creek, on its way In
to Central Oregon. The bridge will
be 1050 feet long, 260 feat above tha
water, and will contain 1500 tons of
structural steel. It will span Willow
creek at milepost 102.
Another big engineering work has
been started on Lewis river. Wash.,
near the Cresap ferry, eight miles
from Tacolt, where a big log chute,
1500 feet long, 80 feet wide and 16
feet deep, is to be built of solid con
crete. A bridge across the river will
also be constructed, the total cost
being reported to be 1,600,000. It
will take two years to complete the
work it is estimated.
The Inward Effects of humors are
worse than the outward. They en
danger the whole system. Hood's
Sarsaparllla eradicates all humors,
cures all their Inward and outward
effects. It Is the great alterative and
tonic, whose merit has been every
where established.
To Try Naughty Banker.
New Tork, Jan. 19. William R.
Montgomery, former president of the
Hal im ton bank, who Is under five
indictments charging grand larceny
and forgery in connection with the
financial troubles of that Institution
several years ago, wea placed on trial
today in the court of general sessions.
The best moving pictures and
brightest pictures in Pendleton at the
Sunkists are California's
Choicest Oranges
On the breakfast table in the sick room
for making salads, puddings and other des
serts for a bite between meals, in the lunch
box, there is no fruit equal to the famous
California "Sunkist" Orange. Being tree-
ripened, sound-picked, packed and shipped with the
utmost skill and care, it is the most healthful and luscious of all fruits.
Sunkist Oranges are thin-skinned kist Wraprwr. Thousands of families
m ar-wv av v
llberless seedless. They fairly melt in
the month. There is so little waste in
serving and eating them that they are truly
toe cneapesi orange yon can Duy.
Every buokist Orange comei in e Sun
will have nunebnt Sunkist Oranges. After
you have tried them once they will win
you. Please make the trial today. Your
dealer sells them. And don't forget to
save the "Sunkist" Wrappers.
Ask for "Sunkist" Lemons
After you have eaten StwV.xt Oranges, yoa will
m gua to know there are hunlmt lmoni,
lor toey, too, are tnc finest truit or tntir kind.
.Never blemished, murred, decayed, thick-
tk in tied or pithy, hunkitt Umooi
contain 3U pit - '""it more mice than
common, '.:e lemons, which
makci i.jt-'m most economl-
r g tcau iur mw:nzn ana taoie
Scve U FnnkinOrmacrlmoiil "S Wrapper Idemlfloa
w rmppt-ni 1 1. 1 m-oi LaeiB wu wto izc to liww them.
par crif. (wbidj. v., oa wo win ptmmm
trxlMf. If fom dnaire luore thmu new. mtad 12 ouaI
Vi rkmiBrn auifl lte for Mrh addiLloniaJ lUOOD.
In rMnlttiba. alu mmttd ooav-otnit mtMWtm wbtl ih amount
Wii order or bank drft dioo't beod h.) We will be mim4
hp eenti roe ooeaplaHe ImI of veleeble prraiiumav Ht honor bmh
"Bee kit " ao4"bed Kelt' erreppere for pmaiama A4Anm
tra. OBCAW), ILL. (34)
In the early days, the days of our
grandfathers, the neighbor was the
one w-ho lived in the next house or on
the next street; now the man who
lives In Paris, Hongkong or Venice,
is a neighbor of ours. The literature
of today makes it possible for us to
know the history, customs and ac
tivities of the various nations of the
whole world. Probably few people
realize how great an education of
mind and heart this coming together
of the world In one great community,
is giving to this generation and in' this
noble education, books, and Incident
ally our libraries, are playing a great
Last week we listed a number of
books dealing with the life and his
tory of the Italian people, from the
following list of books you may be
able to learn some Interesting facts
concerning our French neighbors.
- Frervh History.
Adams "Growth of the French
Oarlyle "French Revolution."
Ellott "Old Court Life In
Perkins "France Under Riche
lieu." Description and Travel.
Baker "France of the French."
Edwards "France of Today."
Edwards "Home Life In France."
Wendell "France of Today."
Blind "Madame Roland."
Bourrlenne "Memoirs of Napoleon
Bifnn Tiartp."
Imbert "Coat of the Empress Jo
Imbert "Marie Antoinette."
Michelet "Joan of Arc."
Balzac "Caherine de Medici."
Dumas "Diamond Necklace.""
Erckmann Madame Therese."
Gras "The Reds of Midi."
McCarthy "The Flower
Merrlman "Barla.sli of
Guard." - . .
Twain "Personal Recollections
Joan of Arc."
Weyman "A Gentleman of
Elmhurst, Calif., Jan. 19. With a
flight of more than a mile to his
credit, Fung Joe Guey, a local Chi
nese, today stepped into the lime
light as the first Chinese aviator In
America. In a machine made by
himself and other Clilnese, combin
ing the Farman and Wright types of
biplane, soared from the fields near
Elmhurst to a height of 40 feet He
has a seventy-five horsepower motor,
water cooled.-
Too Mnch Face.
Tou feel as if you had one face too
many when you have neuralgia, don't
you Save the face, you may need
It; but get rid of the neuralgia by
applying Ballard's Snow Liniment
Finest thing In the world for rheu
matism, neuralgia, burns, cuts, scalds,
lame back and all pains. A. C. Koep
pen Bros.
Electricity la being taught In Chi
cago grammar schools.
Miss Edna Howard Baker
Cooking School
The Peoples Warehouse
Grocery Department
Is a permanent help to everybody,
knowing how to cook is a necessity,
a luxury as well as a blessing.
Miss Baker is willing to help you.
Will you help yourself?
Ladiefc are requested to bring pen
cil, spoon and forks.
Cooking School
Saturday, January 21, '11
Oat Meal Cookies
Soft Sugar Cookies
A change of Menu every day, will be
cooked and served from 2:30 p. m.
to 4:30 p. m.
The Peoples Warehouse and The
Pacific Power & Light Co. extend a
cordial invitation to all.
Old Soldier Tortured.
"For years I suffered unspeakable
torture from indigestion, constipation
and liver trouble," wrote A. K. Smith
a war veteran at Brie, Pa., "but Dr.
King's New Life Pills fixed me all
right. They're simply great" Try
them for any stomach, liver, or kidney
trouble. Only 2 Be at Koeppens.
Springfield, UL, Jan. 11. If a bill
introduced in tho house can pass, Il
linois will have a bank guarantee luw
Identical with the Oklahoma meas
ure, which caused such discussion.
The bill provides for the establis
hment of a state banking board and
collects an assessment of one per cent
on the average dally deposits upon
all state bank! and trust companies
for the guarantee fund.
Caught in the Rani,
then a cold and a cough let it run
on get pneumonia or consumption,
that's alL No matter how yen get
your eeugh doa't neglect II take
Ballard's Horehound Byrup and yeu'll
be vr It In no time. The swre
urs for coughs, colas, bronchitis and
an pmlmonarr ilssssis in yeaag and
old. A, C. Kosnpon Bros.
In Suites of 2 Rooms Each
Steam Heat
Electric Lights
Gas and Gas Range
Hot, and Cold Water
Good Ventilation
Plenty oi Daylight
East Oregonian Building
Enquire at, East Oregonian Office