East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 20, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    eight pages
paor wrrm
Our Annual Muslin
Underwear Sale
Now On
Yov can save at least 25 per cent, by
making your purchase for the entire
'summer NOW
All This Week
Any Ladies Suit in the Qfi QR
house, 93 to choose from y 9 9 9
Any Coat in the house Half Price
Any Dress in the house Half Price
F. . Livengood (& Co.
The Women's and Children's Store.
See Lne A Son (or sign.
Hot tamales at Hohbaoha.
Pastime picture pleaae all.
Phone Main 1 for United Orchestra.
Wall paper, painu, etc. Lane A Bon.
I. C Snyder, chimney iweep. R tilt.
For Fent Nicely furnished room at
400 West Court street.
Furnished house on Thompson
street. $18 month. See Lee Teutacn.
Everybody goes to the Orpaeum to
see the best and the clearest picture
Wanted Good reliable man or w
man to represent lodges. Inquire ttls
For rent Corner office In the Judd
building, recently occupied by Dr. W.
G. Cole.
Dressed poultry next Saturday at
the cash meat market Phone your
order now. Main 101.
Lands Ten yearly payment plan;
Iz per cent; 190 to 1160 per acre. E.
P. Dodd, Hermlston, Ore.
A clean and careful eh-ve always
at Mark Patton's shop. Across from
Alexanders Phone for patrons.
For Sale Detroit Jewel gas range
with oven and broiler. Also gas boll
er, heater. Phone Main 62 or call at
this offlee.
Cold weather is coming. We have
the best cou.1 on the market A ton
Is 2000 lbs. at Pendleton Lum er
Yard, Phone Main O.
Phone Main 92 for good clean lump
or nut conl. Trompt delivery to all
parts of the city. Crab Creek Lum
ber Co., 700 West Alta street
Spend your Idle evenings In a gei
tlcmen'i resort. Bowling, pool, bil
liards, shooting gallery. Pastime
Farlor. Hoover and Book.
Sor sale One sorrel gelding, age
9 yearn, weight 1100 pounds, sound,
Roid work or saddlo horse Price
?!. Inquire 1301 West Alta.
For sale A nice lot of Standard
bred, single comb Black Minorca
cockerels. Price, I and up. Enquire
N. A. Humphrey, 124 Beauregard
street Pendleton.
Saint Paul's School. Walla Walla,
Washington, day and boarding school
for girls. Second Semester begins
February 1. (Miss) Nettle M. Gal
bralth, principal.
Fine house, all furnished, splendid
location, one of best buys in Pendle-
! ton. If sold by Saturday night 11850
I will take the place. Ask about it to-
day. Lee Teutscn.
I For Sale Cheap Southern Cafe,
J 208 E. Alta street Pendleton, Oregon,
. doing good business. Business calls
owner to foreign country at once. Ad
j dress Louis Rodas.
Pendleton's new paint store. Hale
& McAtee, props., 815 Main street
Acme quality paints, enamels, stains
j and varnishes. Wall paper and pic
ture moulding Let us figure on your
next Job. We invite your inspection.
Goods arriving dally.
Illcliurd Jose Greeted by Good Houho
at Oregon Lut Xught
Richard J. Jose, famous tenor, and
his troupe which plays "Silver
Threads," entertained a large audi
ence at the Oregon theatre last eve
nlni;. Of the play aside from the
finding of Jose perhaps the least said
the better. ' It was not especially
; phnslntf, though there arc comedy
features that at limes serve to en
liven the gloom. Jose's chief selec
tions were "Silver Threads Among
; the Gold." "(lirl of my Dreams,"
"Abide With Me," and other selec
tions of that nature. He has an un
usual voice but truth demands the
statement many of those who heard
him Inst evening were disappointed
In his singing.
and Bugs
1 r
Ulg Slum Promised.
Pally rehearsals are Improving the
east of the plays to be presented nt
the Oregon theatre, Wednesday, Jan.
26, for the benefit of the building
fund of St. Mary's Catholic church.
T.i avlng out the good cause the bene
fit Is for the show alone will be a
fair exchange for the price of tickets.
The very best of local talent has been
secured and in addition to the ono
:iet curtain raiser, entitled "Rilm of
nilead'' and the 3-net farce comedy
"His Little Joke" there will be ten
1-iir specialties. Pome of which will
rbine be worth the price of admis
sion. From the looks of thlntrs the
affair promises to be n successful one
and nn occasion loni; to lie remembered.
J. Plcard is registered at the Bow
man hotel.
A. Belmont of Butte, Mont, Is a
guest of the Hotel St. George.
Maurice D. Scroggs returned to his
home in Hermlston on the early
morning train,
L. Burke and wife of Tekoa, Wash.,
are among the large number of out-of-town
people rcgiHtered at the local
Lee Teutch and C. E. Bean who
have Just formed a partneshlp' in the
real estate business are in Hermlston
Judge T. P. Gilliland returned to
his ranch at Pilot Rock this morning
after spending a couple of days In
the city.
William A. Dalzeil, deputy factory
Inspector for eastern Oregon with
headquarters in Portland, Is making
this city an official visit '
R. O. Hawks, formerly a resident
of this city, but now farming in the
Alberta country, Is down for a visit
with relatives and friends.
Miss Irene Shea, stenographer of
the East Oregonian, returned last eve
ning from Walla Walla, where she
had been to attend a club dance.
George P. Sanderson, manager of
the Pacific Light & Power company
at Freewater, came down from his
home last evening to appear before,
the grand Jury as a witness today.
We have broken the qual-1
Ity and prlco record. We
Invite comparison to
prove we have no com
petition. Many ltrniitiful Rhus
and CanM,l Iutinis now
show Inj:.
Trices lowest In tho city.
Ralph Folsom
Complete IloHwftirnlsher.
it dots m m vrrvij
whether you are n customer of our
Irop-ory department or n wo want
you to attend tho freo cooking school
now being conducted In our pure fi)od
department In our model clean base
ment. This Is a rare opportunity for
the women of Pendleton and we
would like very much to have every
file profit by It.
Th(. PopU Warehouse
Where It Pays to Trade
Save Tour Coupons
nil has been struck in n well being
drilled nt Sarawak, In Borneo, by the
Anglo-Saxon company of London nt a
depth of 450 feet, thus proving the ex- j
istence of oil on Ills Highness Rajah
Brook's territory.
Present Building Pronounced Inade
quato ami IangiTou MciiiIhts of
School Board and Association Talk.
By action of the board of managers
of the Commercial association, taken
at the weely luncheon today, the ac
tion of the local school board In ask
ing for a new high school building
was endorsed. The motion to this ef
fect was made and passed by unaml
mous vote after the board had listen
ed to members of the school board
and had discussed the subject at
In opening the subject Dr. C. J.
Smith told at length of the plans of
the board. He explained that far
years the present building has been
Inadequate and also dangerous but
that for reasons of economy the board
has delayed the matter of asking for
a new building. The time has now
arrived when a new structure Is im
perative If Pendleton Is to hold its
position as a school town. The doc
tor favors a building that will be a
credit to the city and will permit of
a strengthening of the work at the
high school. A bond Issue of J100,
000 will provide for the new build
ing and will also provide for the com
pletion of the Lincoln school.
Building Dangerous.
K. I Smith, newly appointed mem
ber of the school hoard, also spoke
earnestly in favor of a new building.
According to Mr. Smith he has long
been fearful of the safety of the
present building but has .refrained
from openly declaring his convic
tions until such time as action could
he taken. According to Mr. Smith
the present building is In such shape
that be would regret to have any of
his. children attend the high school.
J. T. Brown
Pfist master J. T. Brown, another
member of the board and who Is also
a member of the water commission,
endorsed the move for the new build
ing. Acorrding to Mr. Brown the
building will in no ,-ay enterfcre with
tho voting of a bond Issue for a
gravity water system. He explained
that the water system will take care
of Its own bond issue, from the re
ceipts from vnterusers. Tie favors
the securing of water from the Thorn
Hollow springs and says that a supply
may be secured from that source at
on expense of $200,001.
Among the members of the manag.
ing board taking par! in the dirous
sion were President Thompson, C, M.
Rico, Harry Oay. Clarence Bishop,
and K. II. Aldrlch. No opposition to
the move was manifested and the mo
tion to endorse the notion of the school
board was carried without dissent.
Our Great Clearance Sale of Trustworthy and
Will Continue All This Week
Take Advantage NOW, While
the Choosing is Better and
Lines More Complete.
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
Better Goods (or
Less Money
Alcohol and Coal Oil
Odorless gas heaters are non-explosive and you
will find them very convenient in heating up bath rooms,
bed rooms, etc. We have a very nice line we would
like to show you and explain their merits to you The
prices are reasonable also.
The Drug Store That Serves You Best
Salem, Ore., Jan. 2rt. For the first
time In the Oregon legislature defi
nite tubs have been adopted govern
ing,! lerks and stenographers employ
el In the house. The rules committee
reporatcd yesterday recommndlng that
each group of three representatives
shall have one stenographer and one
Clerks nre required to report daily
nt S o'clock, remain on duty until 10
.10 o'clock, and report again at 12:30
and to work until 2. They will finish
their work between 4 and fi p. m.
Stenographers will work from 9 to 11,
from 1 to 4 and from 7 to 9. Em
ployes absent during these hours are
not to receive pay and they cannot re
main away without permission of the
chief clerk, nnd then only on furnish
ing a reasonable excuse. Complaint
by two representatives shall consti
tute grounds for discharge. The re
port was adopted.
The building trades should be doing
well nt Canton. Along the new Hund
nnd toward Sha Ho there are a very
large number of new hotels, shops,
and private residences In course of
construction. All of these buildings
are a great improvement on the old
fashioned style, for they nre, almost
without exception, roomy, commodi
ous and well built.
Tho Orpheum.
1. "His Slater-ln-law." Blograph,
1000 feet long. Two orphan sisters,
living; with their aui.?, are insepar
able, and vow that come what will
they will never pari. The oldest, how
ever, gets married and while the
young couple insist upon the youngest
living with them, she soon realizes
she is in her brother-in-law's way, so
she goes to her aunt to live and noth
ing can Induce her to come back to
the newlyweds until later, when there
is a Utle nelce for her to play with.
2. "The Law and the Man." Vita
graph. 1000 fee long. Thwarted in
his efforts to bribe Justice and defeat
the law the moneyed scoundrel tries
to kill the young lawyer who Is op
posing him. His dastardly plot falls
and the young attorney appears in
court at the neck of time, wins the
favorable decision of the Jury for his
client and proves himself to be the
man of honor and trust, not only in
the law but in the marriage with his
client's daughter.
3. "Little Snowdrop." Pathe, 1000
feet long. A magnificently colored
production of Grimm's well known
fairy tale, told in an interesting way.
There Is the abused stepdaughter and
the wicked stepmother who desires to
have her killed because the young wo
man is so beautiful she attracts more
attention after the girl has been pois
oned and revives hei- much to the dis
comfiture of the wicked stepmother.
4. "Cupid's Pranks." Edison film,
1000 feet long.
Four thousand feet of the latest
and best motion pictures in the above
A 7-room house on the corner, bath, hot water tank, cellar, wood
shed, nice shade trees, good fence and sidewalk, surrounded with nice
homes. Only ?850.
A 6 room house, stone foundation, close in on west court street,
320 acres, 250 seeded to wheat, house and barn, pool water system,
3 miles from railroad, 8 miles from Pendleton, $25 per acre, includ
ing crop. '
Two sections of nice level pram laid on railroad, 30 acres of same
bottom land and that can be irrigated. 160 in wheat, all in caltivation,
good improvements, price ?20 per acre, will sell one or both sections,
and take in exchange property in Portland, Pendleton, Pasco or Spo
kane. One of the best paying business propositions in Pendleton, on Main
street Cannot go into details unless you mean business.
A 500 acre stock ranch, right in the chinook belt, good improve
ments, fine water, big bunch grass, close to the reserve. Only ?10
per acre.
Don't forget that 8000 acre tract, it is a good buy. Come and see
me. I am on the trade all the time.
Temnle Blrlg.. Main St. E. T. WADE.
Phone Mala 45.
SM K. Court St.
Dry, wet, chemi
cal and steam
We call for and
deliver anywhere.
Nrver com back when cleaned by the
Berlin Dye House
Pastime Theatre.
The show of quality.
The Pastime offers its patrons an
exceptionally fine program for Friday
and Saturday, featuring that old but
never forgotten drama, "The County
Fair." it is all there, Just as it used
to be when Neil Burgess played Aunt
Abby so successfully and Taggs rode
Cold Molasses to victory and won the
purse that paid off the mortgage on
Aunt Abby's farm.
'Her Indian Mother," with its
scenes laid In the Hudson Bay terri
tory. This picture is another illustra-J
tion or the call or the Indian blood in
i half breed1 srirl which was exerte.i
i ven after she had been trained in
the wnys of civilization.
"The Light in tho Window." this i
a bright, brilliant and soothing dra
ma of the most pleasing kind. Pac
rifli'ing her own love to car for her
atp d mother, Madi;e refuses to marry
her lover and he rocs to sea. Her
mother dies, and she, ever hopeful of
his return, keeps n lisiit hurniiiLc in
ihe window. After many years he
o:n"s back and marries her.
"The Night lvfoiv Christmas." An
l'Mison Christinas photoplay.
Four full reels, 1.000 ft. in (!:. min
utes, the shortest show.
i xt i i : -( t i . i . i ; i : n l : n i i
You Cannot Do Better
On South Main, $1500 on
ly requires $500 cash to buy.
On South Main, will trade
for wheat or alfalfa land.
Would pay $r.000 to $7000
difference on good wheat
GALOW fine location, worth $.'000
price today only S4000,
$1,100 cash, balance easy
On West Court, worth $1,100
but if snM at once $1050
cash will Imv it.
On Union street, partly fur
nished, worth $900, price
$650, 1-2 cash, balance
monthly payments.
$2500 nousE
in Payette, Idaho, to trade
for Pendleton property.
Fine new bungalow in
Portland to trade for Pen
dleton home.
On Ann street, worth $1650,
$1250 cash will handle it.
Lot f.f.xlOO. Splendid shade
trees and lawn.
in Walla Walla to trade for
Pendleton propertv.
Do you read the East Oregonian?
Whitman College. Walla Walla.
Wash. The first inter-eolleglate de
bute of the year oo, urre.l last Fri
day nii; lit when Whitman met and
vanquis-d the state College at 1'ull
man. The subject was tho question
of the prohibition of Inter-collegiate
athletics. Whitman took the side
that conditions do not warrant their
abolition. The discussion was Inter-
sting nnd vnluahlo. Much recent
estinmny being drawn from letters rc
etitly w ritten by the hen Is of the
dueational institutions of the fluted
Stales. Chester Maxoy, of Kllensburir.
lVmald Campbell, of Bo'se. Idaho.
Otto Johnson, of Seattle, the latter
the lender of the Whitman team,
wore Whitman's renresentatlves.
o moutc purs
Hem-roid lloos ll Work Tlmroiwtily
Xh Kelnrn.
If you have piles, you know that
the usual treatment with salves, sup
po:itorivs or operations can't he de
pended upon for more than . tempo
raty relief. Outside treatment won't
euro the Inside cause bad circulation
in the lower howel. Pr. Leonhardt
Hem-Ttoid, a tablet remedy taken In
ternally, removes the cause of piles
permanently. Sold for $1 and fully
guaranteed 'by Tho Tendleton Drug
Company at Pendleton, Oregon. Pr.
Leonhardt Co., Station B, Buffalo,
N. T., Prop. Write for booklet.
one iviain j
550 Main Street
The Real Estate and Insurance Man t
"There's Just One Drug Store
Where I Know I Will Get
Exactly What I Ask For"
When you heur that remark you ran take it for
granted the speaker ireans us.
Whatever yon want from any drug store can be
had here if we haven't got it we will get it tor vou.
There's never a fear of disappointment. You get what
you ask for or what ihe doctor wants you to'have, or
you get nothing you never get "something iust as
good" here, because we only have one BHST.
Does not this assurance warrant your trading
here? We think so, and your doctor also thinks so.
PHONE The 9xa?t Store MAIN 20