EIGHT PAGJBB ALASKA'S BABY METROPOLIS. Cordova to Be Gateway For New Rash This Year. 1 Want Ms Rail of the Copper River and North western Will B Laid to tho Mouth of tho Chitlna by July, Whan Inv monaoly Rioh Mineral Area Will Be Aoceeilble A Dramatio Chapter In Railroad Construction. Br CAR.LYLB ELLIS. On Its second birthday the Copper .River and Northwestern railroad, of which Cordova, Alaska, la the termi nus, finds Itself stretched 100 miles In land up the Copper river. By next July, it Is now practically assured, the road will have reached the mouth of the Chitlna river, where It branches, beading for the Kennlcott copper mines, fifty-eight miles to the east ward. The road's arrival at the Chitlna means that tbereat Kotslna-Chltina copper region is finally made easily - available for mining and prospecting. This will be flu event of considerable 'Importance In Alaskan history. Ex . coDtlna' Its two treat coal fields, this la the richest known mineral field IdI the territory. Its area Is very large, and the opportunities for prospectors and small operators there are almost - unlimited. It la absolutely safe to ex pect spectacular developments at once. In all of this Cordova la destined to play a conspicuous part, and the : alxteen-montb-old baby metropolis Is preparing for It with quite amatlng energy. With the Copper River rail road being driven Inland by the power ful Morgan-Guggenheim syndicate to tap the coal and copper fields and the ' vast golden interior, Cordova becomes Inevitably the Alaskan gateway ' par excellence, and for such a future she was chosen. The essentials for an Alaskan gate way are a harbor, a town site, a rail - road route and proved resources to run the road to. Cordova baa all four, each of more or less excellence, and her railroad has now passed the hundredth mile. The combination is a richly promising one. Road to Copper, Coal and Oold. The harbor, though not large, is ex cellent and susceptible of unlimited de velopment, while Immediately avail able for ordinary tonnage without dredging. The town site la a tundra covered, rocky and Irregular hillside, offering most unpromising material, bnt which has yielded astonishingly well to vigorous treatment Tbe rail road route, while containing some of the worst obstacles to construction ever encountered, is rapidly pushing forward despite these dllllcultles and Teaching out to the copper region and the coal fields of Bering river as well aa those vast Interior regions, the riches of which apart from placer gold are still but guessed at Almost every foot of Cordova's streets had either to be blasted out of solid rock, cat out of four feet or more of mushy tundra or built over the tundra. Tbe main streets, in places cut through thirty feet of hill. In oth ers bad to be built up aa much. Tb cross streets climb a steep Irregular rock bill. Over all there waa heavy 'timber. It la typical of Alaska and tbe Alas kans who have built and are making Cordova that these difficulties should have been ao lightly regarded and so valiantly met. In her first year of life tbe baby town baa been making such Improvements as usually begin to be planned when a city baa reached tbe 60,000 mark and feels tbe weight of wealth. She is still in swaddling clothes, ragged, unkempt, unfinished, but lusty with youth. Tbe rapidity of ber growth Is amaslng. In the year she baa boused a thousand souls, built churches, schools, clubs, warehouses nd shops that would be creditable In large city. Bhe haa fitted herself with electric light, water supply, sewers and a telephone system and developed a complete municipal organ isation. She has also attracted to her self two newspapers, each of which receives a dally cable service from tbe outside, giving the cream of tbe world's news, and special service from each of tbt Alaskan cities connected by wire or wireless Seward, Valdes, Fairbanks, Juneau, Skagway, Ketchi kan, St Michael's and Nome. Region of Opportunities. These are some of Cordova's external Indications of vitality. Even more significant Is tbe spirit of ber people, tthe dauntless adventure loving, chance taking spirit of the foreloper. They are opportunists all and wido eyed to the opportunity at their door. As I have sold, Cordova's reason for being is tho Copper River and North western railroad. Without the rail road or the hope of It she would quickly cease to exist Her neighbor, Katalla-on-the-Scn, which blossomed when two railroads made a false start from there, still lives, though in grant- ly reduced circumstances, In the hope of their return. Meanwhile the millions from below are pouring through Cordova In sup' Dlies and matorlnls and cash for the forcing through of tho railroad to the famous Bonanza mine and nciguuor ing properties In the region around the head of the Chitlna river, me miner lng of this road U one of the most daring railroad enterprises since the Rocky mountains were first penetrat ed. The Copper river valley, up Which the rond must run, Is notorious for Its violent winter windstorms, Its shifting, uncertain, silt falls; racing, vatrabond streams: deep snow; rocky, allde scoured canyona and advancing glaciers. The river. Itself, the oaiy tions, Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks Detore you build your home. I will furnish your estimates for any class of work on application. D. K. Y Contractor! andf&uiider Cor. Railroad amd WElow SU. Pendleton. Ore large stream emptying rroin tue Alas ka n interior to tbe southward, is a turbulent, silt laden, ice bearing tor rent In which no man can swim twen ty strokes. At one place It runs be tween great living glaciers that dis charge millions of tons of Ice Into Its current each day of the summer months, and here the railroad must run too. 8cenery Will Become World Famous. Tbe scenery is of unique grandeur, but these scenic features, so soon to become world famous, have represent ed to the engineers problems of unex ampled complexity. Many of these problems were repeatedly declured to be ' Impossible of solution even under the most favorable conditions of weather and with unlimited time. Two years ago next month tbe first lot of material and supplies arrived In Cordova. Since then construction has been pushed forward with almost un believable momentum. In these two years a permanent road of a high standard has been completed to the mouth of the Tiekel river, 102 miles from Cordova. Three great steel bridges have been aet over tbe swift flowing Copper river, and a fourth across a great Ice scoured channel be low the berg lake of Miles glacier la far advanced and will be one of the engineering wonders of tbe world. Long stretches of tunnel and rock cut and piling. have been finished and a fleet of river steamers built and placed In commission. At Cordova end. where there were no problems of Importance, much mon ey baa been spent in preparing for the handling of a heavy train Bervica to and from tbe mines. Tbe Iron In the blood of tbe men who are building this road shows apparent ly In the blood of Cordova, for also there has been fighting to do. "Made" towns like this one do not grow of their own volition In a single year. It takes organisation, confidence and much toll where one's borne must, aa here, actually be carved from tbe eter nal hilla. PULP WOOD IN ALASKA. Transportation Facilities Only Needed to Open Up Enormous Forests. Another valuable Item has been add ed to Alaska's growing list of undevel oped resources. Recent expert exami nation of tbe timber in the Sushltna basin has confirmed tbe belief that It la pulp wood of a high quality. The timber Is poplar, cotton wood and spruce, but little of which Is of com mercial value for lumber. The land on which this growth stands Includes tbe 3,500.000 or more acres estimated as grazing and farming land and on which homesteadlng recently began. This area, distributed among tbe vari ous valleys of the basin, is for tbe most part covered with a luxuriant growth of wild redtop grass, with little underbrush and only a moderate stand of timber. It Is obvious that with a reasonably convenient market for pulp wood and water transportation, of which there Is much, the cost of clear ing these lauds might be greatly re duced If not made a profit by tbe sale of tbe timber as a byproduct On Kenal peninsula, along tbe line of tbe seventy mile Alaska Central rail road, alono there are many thousands of acres of available pulp wood, and this will be lnorensed with almost every mile of tho road's exteuslon to ward the Miitnnuska coal fields. The value of this supply of pulp wood In American territory aud the practicabil ity of utilizing It was first pointed out by Levi Cbubbuck of the department of agriculture, who visited the region last summer. Still more recently Sena tor George J. Ra'trd of Canada went iu to the Matanuska coal fields and was greatly Impressed by the vast area of pulp woods as well us tho splendid grazing lnnds they stood on. lie pre dicts tbe rapid settlement of this re glou by farmers and cattlemen. Too Much Face. You feel as It you had one face too many when you have neuralgia, don't you Save the face, you may need It; but get rid of the neuralgia by applying Ballard's Snow Liniment Finest thing In the world for rneu matlsm, neuralgia, burns, cuts, scalds, lame back and all pains. A. C. Koep- pen A Bros. Brine Ue Your Ragat We pay cash for Urge, soft, eleaa rags. Bring them to the Bast Ore- gonlan office at one. ITJhen You BUILD, Build to STAY! Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks are cheaper in the end; are prettier, more substantial and far more comfortable in either cold or warm weather. Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements, Founda Tons of Alaska copper. Report of Geologist Brooks 8hows Enormous Yield This Year. , "The season of mining In Alaska haa been -a prosperous one," says Alfred H. Brooks, geologist In charge of tb Alaska work of the United States geo logical survey, who baa just returned to Washington from his annual "swing around the circle" in the far north west "While dry weather and other unfavorable conditions have curtailed tbe placer gold production at Nome, most of tbe other camps have either maintained or Increased their output "Figures of gold output are not yet available, but It seems probable that tbe production for 1009 will be be tween nineteen and twenty million dollars. The low price of copper baa not encouraged mining of that metal, but about half a dozen properties ship ped ore during 1000. It appears proba ble that the Alaska copper output for the year will exceed 4,000,000 pounds." One Light In Two Thousand Miles. For the first time the great southern coast of Alaska, more than 2,000 mUea long, baa this winter a lighthouse. Though one of tbe most dangerous and stormy coasts In tbe world and diffi cult of navigation, even in summer, this area haa been wholly neglected until now. The first light Is on Capo Hlncnlnbrook, at one of the entrances to Prince William sound. There are many other places where lights and fog signals are almost as urgently needed, notably Cape St Ellas, where I team era are often held up for days because of fogs and a long, bidden reef. Other lights are, however, to be added next year. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Laces county so. Frank J. Chene luk oatb that be la Senior partner of tbe first of K. i. Cneoey co., aomg easiness in ue city or Toieao, !oantv end Bute aforesaid, and that said firm will pay Uie sum of ONB HCNDBED DOLLAkS for each and every case of ca tarrh that cannot be cared by we nee of Hall's Catarrb Care. rBANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before dm aad sabeeribed la sir freeence, this St day of December. a. D 880. t Seel J A. W. OLCAsON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken internally. sod acts directly on the blood and atneoas snrrsree or in. systess. aes lor noDieis rree. Sold by all DraggMs, TB. y Notloe. One span ef eerrel geldings some what old. Weight about 1110 pound. Any person notifying Chaa. Lobaugh, Pilot Rock, or John L. Bartloy, 101 LlUeth street Pendleton will be re warded. Tt Inward Effect of humors are worse than ttte outward. They en dan ror the whole system. Hood's Saraaparllla radicate all humor, cure all their Inward and outward effects. It la the great alterative aad tonic, whoa merit ha been every where established. The New South Park playground in Chicago will be electric lighted with metal filament incandescent lamps. A Reliable Remedy Ely's Craam Balm at anloklr sasereef . Shss Relief si Once. IATARRH n3 It oleanaeA. nnthAji heals and protests lb diseased mem. brans resulting from Catarrh aud driven away a Cold in the Head quickly. He-II A V ETvTR Stores the Hensceof llHT rLVLlI Taste and Smell. Full size 50 eta., atDrug ffiata or bv ninil. T liu,i,1 frtr,,, ?K lay Brothers, 60 Warreu Street, New York. , ts lntcrwiud and should Wo" sunt tbe wowlertal a Marvel ST'09 py . uuuune ask vnnr dramriil t. If he cannot innate lha MARVEL, accem no ..i v. .. . . vujar. u mu ,uap .T muz, t Iratoa book Muled. It r1ve fnll Mrtlcnlv nd directions tnralanhle VtbuUw. SUSVEL CO. 44 S 3rfM. MEN AND WOMEN. Ute Big A (or Inflsmme tlont, IrriUtlsDl or nlwrs- tlont of mvoow mimbnnH PslnleM, ssd not Mtrin- t or soisonoes. Mkr ar mb I la sltla miHr, mwnm. ernstd. tor Si JO or S kotUaa, SS.nv. Hmlu ml en leeeest. m Every m.an tfcw"SMea'J w for stf s''mM!hJ - ailMievkll QtaermalMd t 1 ad M trialmie. and lasts longer than stone Notlrv. tn fVmtracfnin Sealed proposals will be received for the erection and completion of St Mary's R. C. church, Pendleton, Ore gon, until Wednesday, March 1st lvn, at 1 o'clock p. m. All bids must be addressed to M P. White, architect, 610 Market street, Pendleton, Oregon, Plans and specifications may be had from the Rev. J. M. Cataldo, a. J., Pendleton, Oregon, and from M. P. White, architect, 1917 First street, Baker City, Oregon. Dated January 18, 1911. Slam has only one city lighted by electricity. , PENDLETON DRUG CO. PHOIETOUR ORDERS-TOU SETTrEMIHSwT Y AND Y REMEDY NO 1. ALTsTRNATTvTB AND TONIC THI8 world famous Chinese Root and Herb Compound remedy baa never been offered to the public be fore. It Is a superior and efficient cure for such dreadful disease as B right's, Nervous Debility. Weak Vitality, Consumption. Catarrh, Stom ach, Lungo, Heart and Inflammation. It la up-to-date, and no other medi cine is equal to it We compound It so that It aarees with to.th weak and strong stomachs, and cases where Cod Liver Oil 1 not palatable. We per oonail guarantee It to cur early and ohronts case. Most people who are suffering and miserable have weak kidneys. This remedy is prepared es pecially for such unas. People who have any of the follow-in symptoms should take this remedy at once. Yel low or oal conmnlexlon. blue rtnn around eyes, blurred or tired feeling. loss of appetite, sleeplessness, night sweats, oold hands and feet dreams, lost ambition, easily excited, loss of fleah, oougha, headache, disslne, pain In chest or baok. constipation. fever, take cold easily, etc pne si.ot per bottle. We want every Druggist to handle our remedy. Tb only genuine mad by YORK et YORK C'HJLXMHK MEDI- CXNB CO. 11 W. Maim 6a, Watta Walla. Vs. OREGON the Last Call of the West Did you see this beautiful ar ticle picturing Oregon In four colors in the November Sun set? 116,000 IS BEING SPENT BY SUNSET MAOAZINE on a series of articles superbly Illus trated ' In four colors pictur ing and describing tbe attrac tions and resources of the Wonderland of the Pacific We will send you the next three Issues of SUNSET com mencing with the special De cember issue In which begins ' the best serial novel of the year "The Spell," by C. N. & A. M. Williamson and a superbly Il lustrated article in four colors on "San Francisco The Expo sition city"; and in addition we will Include a copy of the No vember issue containing the beautifully illustrated article on Oregon. ALL FOR 86 CENTS (Stamps or Coin.) Sunset Magazine Wells Fargo Building. Portland, Oregon Applications for Graiing Permits. NOTICE is hereby given that all ap plications for permits to graze cattle horses and sheep within the WENA- HA NATIONAL FOREST during the season of 1911, must be filed In my office at Walla Walla. Washington, on or before February 15, 1911. Full Information in regard to the grasing feea to be charged and blank forms to be uaed in making application will be furnished upon request. J. M. 8C3MITZ, Supervisor. WANTED, YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN Learn a proreasion. Show card writers earn large salaries; clerks can dou ble their earning capacity; the field haa never been overcrowded. The Pendleton Business College offers you the opportunity to learn this profession under a first-class In structor, at a amall expense, taking no time from your regular work. Night class now open. Call any time for information. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, TW you want to subscribe to mag sine or newspapers in the United States or Europe, remit by postal not, check, or send to the EAST ORB OONIAN he net publisher's price of the publication you desire, and we will have It sent you. It will save you both trouble and risk. Tf you are a subscriber to the BAR OREGONIAN, in remitting yon eaa deduct ten per cent from the pub lisher's prlc. Address EAST OREOONIAN PUB. CO Pendle ton, Ore. Classified PHYSjClAKg. H. a GARFIELD, M. D., HOHSO pathle physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephone: Office, black 8411; residence, red 8(18. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEB, CHRO nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Eleetro theraputlcs. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phone Main 78; residence 'phone. Main 114. DENTISTS. E. A. MANN, DENTIST, OFFICE . Main street, next to Commercial Association rooms. Office 'phone. Black 4481; residence 'phone, Black 1861. KERN 4k BENNETT, DENTAL 8UR geons. Office room II Judd build ing. Phone, Red 8801. DR. THOMAS VAUOHAN. DENTIST. Office In Judd building. Phone, Main 78. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL BTATB Stock Inspector and ex-member State Veterinary Board. Office at residence 111 east Court 8t Rea 'phone Main 88. ATTORNEYS. RALEY ft RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office in American National Bank Building. FEB tt SLATER, LAWYERS, OF flee In Despaln building. ) CARTER SMYTHS, ATTORN BYS at law. Office In rear of Ameri can National Bank Building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT ' law. Office over Taylor Hardware ' Company. ' LOWELL at WINTER, ATTORNEYS and counsellors at law. Office In Despain building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estate settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections mad. Room 17, Schmidt block. PETERSON & WILSON, ATTOR neys at law; rooms I and 4 Smith- Crawford building. PHELPS tt STEIWER, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. CHAS. J. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Judd building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all atate and federal courts. Rooms 1, 1, 8, and 4. over Taylor Hardware Co. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walks, etc. Phone black 8788. or Oregonian office. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Opposite postofftce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night 'Phone main 78. AUCTIONEER. COL. F. G. LUCAS, LIVESTOCK Auctioneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank of Weston. Farm salea a 'specialty. SECOXD-nAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN NEW and second hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest place In Pendleton to buy household goods. Call and get his prices 212 E. Court street. Phone Black 3171. RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT. NOODLES and chop suey, Ung D. Goey. prop Kl the old stand, Alta street In real of Tallman St Co. Housekeeping Rooms for Rent Unfurnished housekeeping rooms tor rent in the East Oregonian build ing. Steam beat, electric lights, hot and oold water and bath. Recently renovated. Knqaire at Bast Orego niaa offlea. WANTED (Con timed.) WANTED UNITED WIRELESS, limited amount State whether preferred or common, number of shares. Address C. A. Co , 81 1-1 Third street Portland, Oreg. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN STAR'S a mall order business at home. No canvassing. Be your own boas. Send for free booklet Tells how. Heacock, 1708. Lockport, N. T. HAIR WORK Come to Madam Ken nedy's, 007 East Court street for your hair goods. The only genuine natural human hair goods ever sold In Pendleton and combings mad to order. Everything strictly guar anteed. Phone Red 8758. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry. Work done with especial Phone Red iSzl. FOR SALE. CITY OP PENDLETON MAPS at East Oregonian office. Price tie, Directory INSURANCE And Land business! HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Loans oa city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage bualneas. Pays taxea and makes Investments for non residents. Write fire, life and acci dent insurance. References, aay bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C at MA BaH. BENTLEY & LEFFINOWELL, REAL . estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. New location, 811 Mala street Phone Main 404. - i a LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE THOMPSON street Carney tt Bradley, Props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In connec tion. 'Phone main 79. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVrTATIONs! wedding announcements, era booms' private and business stationary, ate. Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonian office and see samples. LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion for county court circuit court. Justice court, real astate, etc, for sale at East Oregonian office. Old newspapers in large bundles, LET ELECTRICITY DO YOUR work It's clean, reliable and con venient. Electric Sad Irons, guaran teed, J 6.16. Electric Hot Water and Curling iron Heaters. Electric Coffee Percolators, etc. A complete stock of Gas and Electric fixture. First-class wiring of homes, et. J. L. Vaugaaa, 811 Main street FRATERNAL ORDERS. . PENDLETON LODGE No. It -sfyr A. F. and A. M meets th V first and third Mondays el each month. vAll visiting b re threat are invited. DAMON LODGE NO. 4, K. of P., meets every Mon day evening In L O. O. F, hall. Visiting brothers cor dially Invited to attend. George W. Courts, C. C; R. W. Fletcher, K. R. A 8. PENDLETON TRAIN SCHEDULK O.-W. R, & N. Westbound Oregon division Portland local, leave.. 9:20 a, m. Ore. & Wash. Express.. 1:20 a. aa. Portland Limited ....12:15 p. m. Fast Mall 11:45 p.m. Motor 4:35 p. m. Pilot Rock Mixed 9:25 a, m. Eastbound Oregon division Fast Mall 1:60 a. ra. Ore. & Wash. Express.. 5:15 a. m. Chicago Limited 5:15 p. rru Motor . 10:40 a. m, Portland local, arrive.. 5:00 p. m. Pilot Rock Mixed 3:16 p. m. Washington Dlv. Leaving Pendleton. Walla Walla local .... 6:25 p. ra. Pendleton passenger .. 7:00 a. m. Spokane local 3:00 a, m. Washington Dlv. Arriving Pendleton. Pendleton local 2:15 a. m. Walla Walla local .... 9:15 a. m. Pendleton passenger . . &:00 p. m. NORTHERN PACTFIO. Leaving Pendleton Passenger 1:30 p.m. Mixed train 7:80 a. m. Arriving Pendleton Passenger 10:00 a.m. Mixed traia T:Ma,na. Dally East Oreajosuaa only f cents per taoartaX