EIGHT PAGIB FAGK PITS Our Annual Muslin Underwear Sale Now On Yov can save at least 25 per cent, by making your purchase for the entire summer NOW AH This Week Any Ladies Suit in the ( ft ft R house, 93 to choose from yUiuU Any Coat in the house Half Price Any Dress in the house Half Price F. E. Livengood 8fe Co. The Women's tad Children's Store. PERSONAL MENTION LOCALS 8ee La Ben fer tlgnM. Het taaualea at Hehbaofcs. Pastime pictures pleeae alL Phone Mala 1 for United Orchestra. Wall paper, palate, eto. Laae S I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep. R lilt. For Fent Nicely furnished room at 800 West Court street. Furnished house on Thompson street. 111 month. Bee Lee Teuuoh. Everybody oee to the Orpheuas to see the beat aad the clearest ploturea Wanted Good reliable man or w j man to represent lodges. Inquire ttls office. More monif pictures shewn than any other theatre la the city the Pastime. For rent Corner office In the Judi building, recently occupied by Dr. W. O. Oole. Dressed poultry nest Saturday at the cash meat market. Phone your order now. Main 111. Lands Ten yearly payment plan; six per cent; l8 to till per acre. B. P. Dodd, Hermlston, Ore. A clean and careful enure always at Mark Pattoa's shop. Across from Alexanders Phone for patrons. For 8ale Detroit Jewel gas range with oven and broiler. Also gas boil er, heater. Phone Main It or call at this office. Cold weather Is oomins. We have the beet ooj on the market A ton la 1000 lbs. at Pendleton Luaa er Yard, Phone Mala O. Phone Main It for good clean lump or nut coal. Prompt delivery to all parts of the city. Crab Creek Lum ber Co., 700 West Alta street Bpend yeur idle evenings In a gen tlemen's resert Bowliag, poel. bil liards, sheeting gallery. Pastime Parlors. Hoover and Book. 8or sals Ode sorrel geldlnc, years, walght 1101 pounds, aeune. read work or saddls horse. Price 171. Inquire ltll West Alta. For sale A nice lot of Standard bred, single comb Black Minorca cockerels. Price, It and up. Bas.ulre N. A. Humphrey, 114 Beauregard street Pendleton. Saint Paul's School, Walla Walla. Washington, day and boarding school for girls.. Second Semester begins February 1. (Miss) Nettle M. Oal braith, principal. Fine house, all furnished, splendid location, one of best buys In Pendle ton. If sold by Saturday night 11150 will take the place. Ask about It to day. Lee Teutach. For Sale Cheap Southern Cafe, 206 E. Alta street Pendleton, Oregon, doing good business. Business calls owner to foreign country at once. Ad dress Louis Rods. Pendleton's new paint store. Hale tt MoAtee, props.. Ill Main street. Acme quality paints, enamels, stains and varnishes. Wall paper and pic ture moulding Let us figure on your next Job. We Invite your inspection. Goods arriving daily. Foley1 Kidney Reim-dy An Appre ciation. L. McConnell, Catherine St. Ell mlra, N. T., writes: "I wish to ex press my appreciation of the great good I dorlved from Foley's Kidney Remedy, which I used for a bad case of "kidney trouble. Five bottles did the work most effectively and proved to me beyond a doubt It la the most j reliable kidney medicine I have ever laaun ana bubu always nave mj en dorsement." Koeppen Bros. Iook for the Boo Hive. On the package when you buy Fo ley's Honey and Tar. None genuine without the Bee Hive. Remember the name, Foley's Honey and Tar and re ject any substitutes. Foley's Honey and Tar relieves coughs and colds qulckty and Is safe and sure. Con tains no opiates. Koeppen Bros. Carpots and Rugs We have broken the qual ity and prlco record. We Invite comparison to prove we have no com petition. Many Beautiful Rugs and Carpet Patterns now ehowlng. Prices lowest in the city. Ralph Folsom Complete Iloiisefumlslier. For LaGrippe Cough and Staff Colds. Take Foley's Honey and Tar. It gives quick relief and expels the cold from your system. It contains no opiates. Is safe and sure. Koeppen ! Bros. ORIENTAL RUGS HERE. ! X. S. Snrkls Gets Small Shipment for Salo LocAlly. N, S. Sarkls, who has been In Port land for the post week, has Just re turned last evening. Mr. Sarkls, who Is an expert ordlental rug man, has taken some orders from Pendleton ladies and now expects to have a small assortment of ruffs to show to his friends In town. The rugs will surely be the best of their qualities picked up by Mr. Sarkls personally and the pric es will be a a very low margin of profit. The rugs will be displayed Saturday In the room formerly occu pied by Dr. Cole, In the Judd building. John Myrick came In from Myrlck Station this morning. C. D. Connor of Pilot Rock, was a visitor In Pendleton yesterday. Dr. C. J, Smlh made a professional visit to Pilot Rock this morning. . D. II. Herren of Heppner, came over from the Morrow county seat yester day. Earl Gillanders and wife are among the guests registered at the Hotel St George. Attorney Will M. Peterson is spend ing the day in Pilot Rock on legal business. M. L. Smith came in on the North ern Pacific this morning from his home at Van Syccle. Dr. D. C. McNabb took the local for Hermlston this morning, having re ceived a professional call. M. L. Morrison o Helix. WD H on incoming passenger on the Northern racmc train this morning. Mat Mosgrove, well known resident of Milton, came up from his home yesterday and Is transacting business here today. Maurice D. Scroggs, the popular young Hermlston merchant, came up on the motor today and is transacting business In the city. Atorney Charles J. Ferguson left on the local this morning for Port land, where he will spend several days on business connected with the O. N. Mrs. Lachlan McLeay and small son Donald, left on the local thla morning for their home In Tacoma, after spending a month with Mrs. Mc Kay's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Nye. Have you a weak threat? If so you cannot be too careful. Tou cannot be gin treatment toe early. Eaoh cold makes you mere liable to another and the last Is always the harder to cure. If you will take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy at the outset yeu will be saved much trouble. Sold by all deal ers. . Alcohol and Coal Oil Odorless gas heaters are non-explosive and you will find them very convenient in heating up bath rooms, bed rooms, etc. We have a very nice line we would like to show you and explain their merits to you The prices are reasonable also. KOEP PEN'S The Drug Store That Serve You Best ECHO HEWS Hi PERSONAL BOTES (Special Correspondence.) Echo, Ore., Jan. 19. The Echo high school boys who belong to the basketball team here are busily en gaged in practicing to. be ready to play the Pendleton high school team which will be here on Friday night. Oeorge winiler left for The Dalles Tuesday on a business trip. He ex pects to be gone a couple of weeks and visit Portland before he returns. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McKaln and O. J. Brown were among the visitors in Pendleton yesterday. After the adjournment of the meet ing those present organized a Civic mprovement club. The officers elect ed were: President, Mrs. Frederick Evjrltt; vice president, Mrs. C. R. Bonney; secretary, Mrs. J. Frank Spinning; treasurer, Mrs. Asa B. Thomson. All who have the welfare of Echo at heart can become mem bers of the club by paying the sum of 1. February 1 at 7:30 Is the time set for a public meeting to be held at the city hall. Van Cleave and Ware of Butter creek are making preparations to start their alfalfa thresher. Mrs. J. Frank Spinning Is quite 111 with la grippe at her home on Berkley street. Jas McLoughlin and son Owen, were attending court at the county seat yes terday. Ex-Mayor Scholl and J. W. Durrlll transacted business in Pendleton yes terday and today. Mrs. C. J. Gulllford and Mrs. Ed Hammer visited In Pendleton today. Mrs. F. M. Scrlvner was among the Pendleton visitors today. Miss Blanche Crayne went to Pen dleton this morning to have some dental work done. MANY BILLS INRTODCCED AT SALEM TODAY Salem, Jan. 19. A bill aa intro duced In the house today to end the scandal of mismanaged private in sane asylums by providing they pay license fee and be under the dl rection and Investigated by county courts. The fish and game bill, pro viding for a non-political board of five to have entire control of the fish and game deparments, was lntroduc ed. It Is backed by Governor West and the game association. Albee of Multnomah, introduced In the senate the Adair bill for the sterilization of habitual criminals, criminally insane, Idiotic and those guilty of rape. This was once vetoed by Governor Cham berlain. Our Great Clearance Sale of Trustworthy and DEPENDABLE MERCHANT - Will Continne All This Week Take Advantage NOW, While the Choosing is Better and Lines More Complete. Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money AT THE MOVING PICTURE SHOWS The Orpheam. Excellent program for Friday's change. 1. "His Slser-in-law." Blograph, 1000 feet long. Two orphan sisters, living with their aunt, are insepar able, and vow that come what will they will never part. The oldest, how ever, gets married and while the young couple insist upon the youngest living with them, she soon realizes she Is in her brother-in-law's way, so she goes to her aunt to live and noth ing can Induce her to come back to the newlyweds until later, when there Is a lltle neice for her to play with. 2. "The Law and the Man." Vita graph. 1000 fee long. Thwarted in his efforts to bribe Justice and defeat the law the moneyed scoundrel tries to kill the young lawyer who la op posing him. His dastardly plot falls and the young attorney appears In court at the neck of time, wins the favorable decision of the Jury for his client and proves himself to be the man of honor and trust, not only In the law but In the marriage with his client's daughter. 3. "Little Snowdrop." Pathe, 1000 feet long. A magnificently colored production of Grimm's well known fairy tale, told In an Interesting way. There la the abused stepdaughter and the wicked stepmother who desires to have her killed because the young wo man is so beautiful she attracts more attention after the girl has been pois oned and revives her much to the dis comfiture of the wicked stepmother. 4. "Cupid's Pranks." Edison film, 1000 feet long. Four thousand feet of the latest and best motion pictures in the above program. Pastime Theatre. The show of quality. The Pastime offers its patrons an exceptionally fine program for Friday and Saturday, featuring that old but never forgotten drama, "The County Fair." . It Is all there, Just as it used to be when Nell Burgess played Aunt Abby so successfully and Taggs rode Cold Molasses to victory and won the purse that paid off the mortgage on Aunt Abby's farm. "Her Indian Mother," with its scenes laid in the Hudson Bay terri tory. This picture is another illustra tion of the call of the Indian blood in a half breed girl which was exerted even after she had been trained in the ways of civilization. "The Light In the Window," this Is a bright, brilliant and soothing dra ma of the most pleasing kind. Sac rificing her own love to care for her aged mother, Mndge refuses to marry her lover and he goes to sea. Her mother dies, and she, ever hopeful of his return, keeps a light burning in the window. After many years he conies back and marries her. "The Night Before Christmas." An Edison Christmas photoplay. Four full reels, 4,000 ft. In 65 min utes, the shortest show. I.OS ANGELES DYNAMITERS ARE SEEN AT ONTARIO Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 19. Reports to the Buffalo police today from Niagara Falls, Ontario, say that David Cap- lin. M. Schmidt and J. D. Bryo-v, three men wanted in connection with the Los Angeles dynamiting, have been seen In the vicinity of the Ca nadian town. Police Inspector Mains of the provincial police, Is searching for the trio. GOOD BARGAINS A 7-room house on the corner, bath, hot water tank, cellar, wood shed, nice shade trees, good fence and sidewalk, surrounded with nice homes. Only $850. A 6 room house, stone foundation, close in on west court street. SIOOO. 320 acres, 250 seeded to wheat, house and barn, eool water system. 3 miles from railroad, 8 miles from Pendleton, $25 per acre, includ ing crop. Two sections of nice level grain Iiind on railroad, 80 acres of same bottom land and that can be irrigated. 160 in wheat, all in cultivation, good improvements, price $20 per acre, will sell one or both sections, and take in exchange property in Portland, Pendleton, Pasco or Spo kane. One of the best paying business propositions in Pendleton, on Main street Cannot go into details unless you mean business. A 500 acre stock ranch, right in the chinook belt, good improve ments, fine water, big bunch grass, close to the reserve. Only $10 per acre. Don't forget that 8000 acre tract, it is a good buy. Come and see me. I am on the trade all the time. Temple Bide.. Main St E. T. WADE. Phone SM at 4. Comrt St. Dry, wet, chemi cal aad steam cleaner. We call for and deliver anywhere. OLD SPOTS Never come baek when cleaned by the Berlin Dye House JACK WEB8TXR, MANAGER. STIRLING GIVES STVDEXTS COMPLIMENTARY RECITAL Whitman Conservatory of Music, Walla Walla, Wash. Mr. Odessa D. Sterling, concert pianist and teacher of piano In the Whitman Conservatory gave a complimentary recital to nis pupils on Friday afternoon. The pro gram was taken from the works of Liszt, Beethoven and Chopin. Mr. Sterling's Interpretation of the works of these masters charmed his audience and he rendered a fine program to the great pleasure of an attentive audience. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy never disappoints those. who use It for eb stlnate oougha. oolda and lrritatlens ( the throat and lung. It stands un rivaled as a remedy for ail throat and lung diseases. Bold by all dealers. At tho Cosy. "The Souaw and the Man." This film depicts a story of the Apache country and contains all the elements of a sensational and successful west ern drama. Features are abounding, such as Apache dances, which have hitherto never been seen in moving plcures, the dwellings of the Zunl In dlans In New Mexico, which are like wise entirely new to moving picture audiences. The story In its entirety In fact 1b built around strange places. strange ways and stranger situations. The play Is logical, photography su perb and the action technically per fect. The trend of the tale unfolded in this is particularly appealing when It Is considered that while women love mope' or less spasmodically, but tho great silent depths of an Indian girl's love is one of the most impres sive subjects of thrilling fiction. "The Dispensation." A Reliance feature film. A drama of Great interest. "A Chosen Marksman." A comedy wlh a thousand laughs. "The Spy." Another drama that will interest all. "A Windy Day." A comedy that le full of laughs and will drive away the blues. Song Are You Sincere? You Cannot Do Better 17 ROOM HOUSE On South Main, $1500 on ly requires $500 cash to buy. 12 ROOM HOUSE On South Main, will trade for wheat or alfalfa land. Would pay $5000 to $7000 difference on good wheat ranch. BEAUTIFUL KEW BUN GALOW fine location, worth $5000 price today only $4000, $1500 cash, balance easy terms. 7 ROOM nOUSE On West Court, worth $1500 but if sold at once $1050 cash will buy it 6 ROOM HOUSE On Union street, partly fur nished, worth $900, price $650, 1-2 cash, balance monthly payments. , $2500 HOUSE in Payette, Idaho, to trade for Pendleton property. Fine new bungalow in Portland to trade for Pen dleton home. NICE 5 ROOM HOUSE On Ann street, worth $1650, $1250 cash will handle it Lot 66x100. Splendid shade trees and lawn. 10 ACRE TRACT in Walla Walla to trade for Pendleton property. LEE TEUTSCH Phone Main 5 550 Main Street The Real Estate and Insurance Man Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent la the Bast Ore onian build Ig. ' AU modern convenienses. En outre s4 K. O. offlee. "There's Just One Drug Store Where I Know I Will Get, Exactly What I Ask For" When you hear that remark you can take it for granted th speaker means us. Whatever yon want from any drug store can be had here if we haven't got it we will get it for you. There's never a fear of disappointment. You get what you ask for or what the doctor wants you to have, or you get nothing you never get "something just as good" here, because. we only have one best. Does not this assurance warrant your trading here? We think so, and your doctor also thinks so. PHONE The Q&HoSSL Store MAIN 20 THE PENDLETON DRUG CO.