babiT bast raamimon, obdqo. tittrsdav, January is, isii. nttfft TAQSSt KINSMAN REVEALS LOST GIANT'S PAST n7. o 71 f n r n x r Ti rkam two 35 Ferris Waists 23 LONG CLOTH LONG CLOTH $1.50 doz yds. Long Cloth 91.30 $1.75 doz. yds. Long Cloth ?1.56 ?3.50 doz. yds. Long Cloth ?2.9S XAIXSOOK IS THE CLOTH for lin gerie, as its so soft and makes tip into such dainty garments. $1.50 doz. yds. Princess Nainsook $1.30 $2.50 doz. yds. Princess Nainsook $2.10 $3.00 doz. yds. Princess Nainsook $2.60 $3.50 doz. yds. Princess Nainsook $2.98 12 l-2 T. P. A. Muslin bleached 10 13r Hope Muslin bleached 11 15 Lonsdale Muslin bleached 13 20 Berkley No. 00 bleached 15 Now is the time for all housekeepers to lok after the bed linens. Special cuts in this section. 10-4 Bleached Sheeting, best quality 35 0-4 Bleached Sheeting, best quality 30 8-4 Bleached Sheeting, host quality 29 C-4 Bleached Sheeting, best quality 27 PILLOW CASES. 15 42x36 Pillow Cases 11 20 4rx36 Pillow Cases 16 30 45x36 Pillow Cases, hemstitched 26 LADIES' WHITE OUTING GOWNS. $1.50 White Outing Gowns 99 $2.25 White Outing Gowns $1.50 $2.75 White Outing Gowns $1.98 Children Gowns C5 Children's Govns 33 75 Children's Gowns 59 CHILDREN'S PETTICOATS. 35 Children's Petticoats 23 75 Children's Petticoats 59 $1.25 Children's Petticoats 73 LADIES' COMBINATIONS. $1.75 Combination, Suits $2.25 Combination Suits $3.00 Combination Suits $4.00 Combination Suits $5.00 Combination Suits $7.50 Combination Suits $1.37 $1.50 $1.98 $2.65 $3.33 $4.95 WAISTINGS Cloth of beautiful patterns and quality hero in this show. Now is the time to get the pick of the patterns at a reduced rate. 25 Waistings will go for 21 35 Waistings will go for 31 50 Waistings will go for 41 75 Waistings will go for 69 LADIES' WHITE LAWN APRONS. 35 Lawn Aprons 23 60 Lawn Aprons 39 75 Lawn Aprons 49 $1.00 Lawn Aprons ..... 73 ,$2.00 Lawn Aprons .... $1.49 $2.50 Lawn Aprons $1.98 Free All This Week Special FREE demonstration of Mexican Stenciling. Anyone can learn this new and beautiful system of home decorating in a few moments. The colors used will stand washing and can be used on any material. SEE THE WINDOW DISPLAY of mats, piano scarfs, library runners, curtains, etc. The demonstration will be in charge of Mrs. Rogers of Chicago, who will take pleas ure in showing you absolutely free how to do this new and up-to-date home decorating. $lMens white Shirts 39c Here's a SNAP for the man. who wears a stiff bosom shirt These are all up to date short bosoms a good quality of goods and veil made. All sizes from 14 1-2 to 17. During this white sale your choice for 39 $2.50 WHITE GOLF SHIRTS $1.85 These 'are the finest shirts that come to Pendleton, Manhattan, the best made, best fitting shirt in Ameri,ca, and they wear too. If you once wear a Manhattan you'll always wear 'em. $1.50 WHITE SHIRTS $1.19 These shirts come plain and pleated front, attached and detached cuffs. The quality end make are right White Sale Price $1.19 Ladies Linen Tailored Waists $3.00 Linen tailor waists $1.95 $4.00 Linen tailor waists $2.65 $5.00 Linen tailor waists $3.49 $6.00 Linen tailor waists $3.98 LADIES' LINGERIE WAISTS $1.50 Lingerie waists 99 $1.75 Linegie waists $1.23 $2.00 Lingerie waists : $1.49 $2.75 Lingerie waists $3.75 Lingerie waists $5.00 Lingerie waists $6.00 Lingerie waists $7.50 Lingerie waists -. $9.00 Lingerie waists $10.00 Lingerie waists 15 Checked Nainsook . 20 Chocked Nainsook . $1.98 $2.98 $3.49 $3.98 $4.95 $5.95 $6.67 13 15 Countess Sea Island Nainsook comes in cartoons of 12 yards, very fino and sheer. Exquisite quality. 30 Countess Nainsook '. 25 40 Countess Nainsook 35 THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE SAVE YOUR COUPONS vfiiy iriuic iua ui ine Kircai January ci earance Sale This is the greatest sale of the season. The most genuine bargains are shown, the best values offered Sale Closes Saturday Evening The Great White Sale Is In Full Swing Come Now and Buy Early Before Some One Else Buys What Would Have Been Your Choice. Childrens Fine Waists n SIDELIGHT THROWN OX SPECTACULAR LIFE OF PLESS Kaiser Wm His Friend BcUlngham Man TFho Mysteriously DI.Mear cl Formerly Li ted in Germany, From Wliere lie Also Vanished. East Oregonlan readers will remem ber the interest that was aroused in Pendleton and Umatilla county nearly two years ago by the announcement that the body of Curt Pless, a myste rious giant and prominent business man of Belllngham, Washington, had been found in a rude box on the bank of the Columbia river, north of this I city. It will also be remembered that relatives finally decided the body found was that of some other giant. To those who followed the details of the case at that time the following will contain much of interest: Olympla, Wash., Jan. 18. "The building up of cities in a short time Is not confined to Washington nor to the United States," satd Gustav Voll mer, representative from Walla Walla in discussing the reapportionment question. "My fourth cousin, Carl Prltchau, who went by the name of i Curt Pless In Belllngham. built up a town In Germany from 200 to 20,000 j people in a few short years, and then I when pressed financially disappear, i ed. He did the same thing In Belling j ham, I understand." When Representative Vollmer made i that statement he threw the first light that has been given on the mystery of the past of Curt Pless, the Belllng ham business man who disappeared J from that city In December, 1908. and j who since has not been heard from. The big German stood seven feet four Inches In his stocking feet: could heave a sack of grain from the side walk onto the top or a loaded dray or handle a bale of hay himself. That such a man who was conspicuous In a crowd of 6000 persons could disap pear is what baffled the Belllngham police. PritMoliau Was a Soldier. Mr. Vollmer says that he practical ly grew up with Carl Prltschau. who afterwards became Curt Pless; He did not see Pless from the time Pless was 19 years old: that was In 1889. when he left him in the little town of Ben- reth In Rhine province. Then Carl went Into the army to serve out his time as a soldier of the kaiser of Germany. The big fellow t soon attained a nation-wide fame, for 1 he was the "longest man" In the Ger- ! ; man army, as Mr. Vollmer says. So j ! good-natured and affable was he that he was selected as swimming lnstruc- j tor for the children of the emperor. ; Later when his time was up he en gaged in the feedmill business and j prospered in a small way. One time ! while Carl was making a trip to the 1 j North Sea on a. big boat, the emper or's yacht passed by and finally came to anchor. The kaiser through his j glasses observed his former soldier J and sent a messenger for. him. He ! ' greeted the young man kindly and I made inquiries concerning him and his i welfare, and asked about his bust- I ness. The swimming master told him how he was getting along. Not long afterwards he began to get orders from the German army for j feed and hft little mill had to be en- ; larged. Bigger and bigger grew the ' orders and Carl's mill had to- be in- : creased in capaciy the second time, and a then a third, while he began j buying his supplies In car and then train lots. He grew more and more wealthy ' We know of no other medicine which has been so suc cessful in relieving the suffering of women, or secured so many genuine testimonials as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. In almost every community you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. AlAost every woman you meet has either been benefited by it, or knows some one who has. In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are files con taining over one million one hundred thousand letters from women seeking health, in which many openly state over their own signatures that they have regained their health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved many women from surgical operations. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is made ex clusively from roots and herbs, and is perfectly harmless. The reason why it is so successful is because it contains ingredients which act directly upon the female organism, restoring it to healthy and normal activity. Thousands of unsolicited and genuine testimonials such as the following prove the efficiency of this simple remedy. Coloma, Wisconsin. " For three years I was (troubled with female weakness, irregularities, backache and bearing down pains. I saw an ad vertisement of Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and decided to try it. After taking several bottles I found it was helping me, and I must say that I ani perfectly well now and can not thank you enough for what Lydia E. Pink- I ham's Vegetable Compound has done for nie." Mrs. John Wentland, It. F. !., No. 3, Box CO, Coloma, Wisconsin. Women who are suffering from those dis tressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. to restore their health. and then took a big plunge In land. He bought up several hundred acres of property near a small town and ( then set out a great advertising scheme. He erected houses at va rious places in his township, and on the strength of these Induced others I to buy. His own was advertised all ever Germany and as rar as Paris and I Rome. Finally he began to get returns and ha irrew TnnrA wealthv -4hnn ever he-' fore. But there came a tightening of i j money. He needed cash, but refused to ask for aid and then suddenly van ished. The bankers sought to find , him to straighten him out; the- peo- j pie of the city are considering erect- ing a monument In his honor, but Pless is somewhere In the wide world where none of his friends, nor even his wife, can locate him. Mr, Vollmer states that he knows little of his history with any degree of accuracy after he left Germany, I as all after that was hearsay. Carl, i he declares, was always a "high roll- er," a man who would take a chance j and a person who liked to spend his money. He does not think woman , caused his troubles In Germany any ! more than they did in Belllngham. Mr, ; Vollmer did not even know until re cently that Pless was married and he ! has never met the wife. He Identifies Curt PleM. I . It was wlille Pless was In Belllng ham that Vollmer first heard of him. 1 A Chicago wine merchant who grew up- with the two cousins In Germany said he saw Pless tn Belllngham, walked up to him and said: "Carl Prltschau, you can't fool your old friend. You may be Curt Pless, or Curt Von Pless In Belllngham, but in Germany you were Carl Prltschau," and the accused admitted the truth of the statements. All Trace. Is Ijont. No case in Washington caused the comment that was brought up when Curt Pless dropped out of Belllng ham. He was traced to Mount Ver non, then to Everett, but there all trace ended and Pless vanished. A few weeks after he left a child was born. Mrs. Pless Is supporting her self and little one by teaching Ger man and French to society people of Belllngham, as she Is highly educated and refined. When Pless vanished he left his fi nancial affairs In bad shape. There are now a couple of warrants out for his arrest, but they were secured merely to get the police interested, as none of his friends would prosecute him and there are a dozen men In Belllngham ready to advance him any amount he needs. With a little and and business judg ment the property he bought for a home and upon which he erected a handsome bungalow, overlooking the Sound, was straightened out for his wife. Upon their arrival In Belllng ham they Immediately began to move In the best social circles and were re ceived everywhere. Many stories of his tenderness for his wife are told. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy la a very valuable medicine far throat and lung troubles, qulokly relieve and cures painful breathing and a dan gerously eeundlng couch which Indi cates ooageated lungs. Bold by all dealers. The electrical exports tor October were greater than for September of this year and greater than for Oc tober, 1909. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is not a common, very-day cough mixture. It Is a meritorious remedy for all the tronblesom and dangerous osmpllea tlons resulting from cold In the head, throat, chest or lungs. Bold by all dealer. SURELY BREAKS THE MOST SEVERE COLD HOW TO END A COLD OR GRIPPE LV A FEW HOURS The most severe cold will be brok en, and all grippe misery ended after taking a dose of Pape's Cold Com pound every two hours until three consecutive doses are taken. You wilt dlslnctly feel all the dis agreeable symptoms leaving after the very first dose. The most miserable neuralgia pains, headache, dullness, head and nose stuffed up, feverlshness, ' sneezing, running of the nose, sore throat, mu cous catarrhal discharges, soreness, stiffness, rheumatism pains and other distress vanishes. Pape's Cold Compound Is the result of three years' research at a cost of more than 160,000 and contains no quinine, which we have conclusively demonstrated Is not effective In the treatment of colds or grippe. Take his harmless Compound at directed, with the knowledge that there Is no other medicine made any where else In the world, which will cure your cold or end grippe misery as promptly and without any other assistance or bad after-effects as a 25-cent package of Pape's Cold Com pound, which any druggist In the world can supply. Solidified GaHollne Invention, Consul Albert Halstead sends from Birmingham a press description of a chemist's Invention for converting gasoline or petrol Into a stiff, white Jelly. It Is effected by adding 1 3-4 per cent of steatite and alcohol. A high-powered automobile recently made long trips In England success fully using the new Jelly, for which, the Inventor claims an economy of 19 per cent. The press notice Is on file for Inspection at the Bureau of Manufactures. It Is reported that the sum to be spent In Japanese naval expansion has been definitely fixed at $40,000,000 gold, to be distributed over a period of five years. OL.UK8T APPLE TREE OX COAST IXUXI A. A. Quarnberg, district fruit In spector, discovered and Identified the old'-st apple tree on the Pacific coast recently and Colonel McGunnegle of Vancouver Barracks, Wash., com mander of the post, has ordered that a fence be constructed around the aged fruit bearer. In the near future a tablet bearing its history will be erected near the tree. The tree was planted years ago by early officers of the Hudson Bay company from seeds carried In their pockets from Eng land. Mr. Quarnberg believes the tree to be about 85 years old. A passage , ln a history of the early settlers has the following to say concerning the origin of the tree: "A a lunch party In London about 1825, given In hon or of some young gentlemen who were About to embark for Fort Vancouver in the employ of the Hudson Bay company, aeeda of the fruit eaten were slyly slipped by some young la dles Into the waistcoat pockets of the young men, and upon their arrival at their destination the young men, in overhauling their wardrobes discov ered the seeds and gave them to Bruce, the gardncr at the fort." The busiest and mightiest 1 lttle thing that ever was made Is) Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They do the work whenever you re quire their aid. The tablets change weakness Into strength, Uatlessness in to energy, glomlnesa Into Joyouanesa. Their action la so gentle one don't realize they have taken a purgative. Bold by all dealer. Get Aa Advertising: Start. "I open my store tomorrow. How would you advise me to start off?" "You will advertise, of course?" "Hadn't thought of It." "Then I advise you to start with a closlng-out sale." Dallas News. ..... " ' m OREGON m rn I AM 110 p UHIU. oil MARTIN V. MERLE PRESENTS RICHARD J. JOSE Americas' Greatest Tenor SINGER 8 0O7EC3 TTMIHJEAGD In a Beautiful story of New England Life With a very capable company of sterling worth HEAR JOSE sing "Silver Threads Among the Gold" and his old fashioned lullabies Prices 6 center rows $1.50. Balance Lower Floor SI. 00. Balcony 75c Gallery 50c ' i J