PAGK SIX AKiT BUUff OUQONIAN, PKNBLkTTON, OKBQOH, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, tilt EIGHT PAGK EXTRA ELECTIONS PUZZLE CITIES HOME 1U1E QUESTION UP IX NOVEMBER fftorferi leipiry System 11 Attorney General Holds That Councils Cannot Ask Vote Vntil Next No vember Misinterpretation of Early Deci-sloiis Cause Tangle, Salem. Ore., Jan. 17. "My conclu sion in respect to the Home Rule Amendment and the time of voting under it Is finally expressed In my opinion sent to T. J. Anderson, Re corder of Harrisburg. in which I say that the city council is not author lied to call a special election on that question until the first Tuesday after the first Monday In November, 1911, but may hold such election in connec tion with any regular city election before that time,' said Attorney Gen eral Crawford. His attention had been called to the fact that some cit ies and towns in the state had evi dently either misinterpreted prior opinions on this question or had found inconsistencies in them. "If there have been special elec tions held in cities under the amend ment, I would express it as my opin ion that they are not valid and will not stand, but what the courts would do in reference to these elections, of course, I am unable to say. I have advised in some instances that It would be more expeditious and satis factory to the cities concerned If they would take their case ints the courts immediately and determine once for all the course to pursue. Opinion Not Clear. "Perhaps' in some of the early op inions given from the attorney gen' erala office shortly after election, 1 was not as explicit on the point in volved as I might have been. In these opinions there being so many of them. I devoted my attention exclusively to answering the specific qoestions asked, and It Is barely possible that the intent of these opinions was not fully clear to those who were reclpl ents of them. "My contention Is simply this: That the last clause of the Home Rule Amendment requires that the amend ment Is. subject to the local option law and as a result it would be plain ly the natural Inference that elections held under the amendment would te held at the same time as the elections provided for In that law. "When I say that cities may call a "special election on the question of "wet or "dry" In conjunction with a regular city election, possibly I am stretching a point to some extent, but it seems plausible that it was intended under the amendment. Inasmuch as the amendment refers to control of . the sale of liquor In cities and towns that regular elections would include regular citv elections. In the local option law provision is made for vot ing at regular elections, which, of course, would be regular state elec tions, I think that the point Is plain that the elections under the Home Rule Amendment are subject to this local option law. Liquor Control is Aim. "The interpretation that the Home Rule Amendment may extend to regu lar city elections is not positively certain in my mind, but I am of the opinion that the courts would be In clined to sustain a liberal view of the subject and not construe its provi sions strictly on this point, because it is apparent that the whole amend ment is intended to deal with the con trol of liquor in cities and towns. "As I understand it. Grants Pass has the question up as to whether a city election there, called especially to pass on the sale of liquor, is valid. and I have advised them to take'the case into the courts as being probably the only satisfactory manner of set tling the dispute. As there are no precedents covering the amendment. opinions expressed as to its provisions are given to a certain extent in the dark as to what construction the courts might lav down In this con nection." In some of the opinions it Is evi dent how a misinterpretation may have been placet! on the language userl in the nrlnions sent from the office. Frr instance, an opinion writ ten for the county clerk of Hood R:v er rounty says that a special election mav be frailer "at any time." The Attorney-O'-m-ral explains this by say Ini. It whs meant at any time subject to the local option law and that he sent a second supplementary opinion to Hood River explaining the position he had taken. Only Snvlal Point Covered. In reference to this opinion he says he m'-rely answered the questions askeij him specifically without going Into a general dissertation on the accounts for much of success in the merchandising of coal. The way we screen and store this much needed commodity of course helps out. Then, too, We endeavor to give courteous attention to every patron wheather he buys in a large or a small way and to investigate closely all com plaints, which fortunately are few. Phone Main 8 ) amendment, owing to the fact that there were so many requests for sim ilar opinions the first few days after election and it would be practically a physical Impossibility to have re sponded at great length to every one. As far as cities contemplating hold ing special city elections called for the special purpose of voting on the "wet" and "dry" question, the Attor-, ney General would advise that such elections be held at the time of the regular election to make certain that the result will hold as valid and good. To cities that have held such elections, he advises recourse to the courts for definite settlement, but at the same time gives It as his opinion that such elections are invalid. Saves Two live. "Neither my sister nor myself might be living today If It had not been for Dr. King's New Discovery," writes A. D. McDonald of Fmyettevllle, N. C. R. F. D. No. . "for we both had frightful coughs that no other rem edy could help. We were told my sis ter had consumption. She was very weak and had night sweats bat your wonderful medicine completely cured us both. It's the best I ever used or heard of." For sore lungs, coughs colds, hemorrhage, la grippe, asthma. hay fever, croup, whooping cough all bronchial troubles Its supreme. Trial bottle free. 60c and 1.00. Guaranteed by Koeppens. 1 ii know what raa wart I have wk&L v. riM'i-the lt quality SASH AN DOORS. 1 ie,-nt'iTOiin B'-vk dMiv.ry. I but one Jirico ai.d fur cah only. J I liara my own factory. It cot'.. Trie mtirh Xt-tr to make my anoa and Iru to aril thrm 1- !!! I mr lie and avil in larrra ejuwii.-. 1 These prica ara taken frtjin n.y ru;.- ci.r of wliick 1 will a-U'ily n;ail on i.e t: Front Door., double IhirV tlua $1.25 up Fancy Front Doora, atjrluh - $5.00 up S-croM pan.) Doora, tor painting $1.25 Vca-oa. paaal Doora, for Maiainf $1.30 raVwCratUmaaboor.forbunKaiow. $1.60 Z-li .hi Windowa. c back rail 78c up 4-litrht Bam Saab. - . 42c up Cupboard Doora, with plala alaat $1.00 K. It. boar rraaaaa 75c. traavra 0 I not fail tn aaad ma your sat of ma tariala fo prim aad Ir-l,a chanrea.' SAafcr-rCatalouMe.'., FORMER REAR ADMIRAL TAKES VP PRIVATE LIFE San Francisco, Jan. 17. Without a plan for the future. Rear Admiral Barry today began life as a private cit izen. He remained most of the day n his apartments in the Palace Hotel. He said he would leave for New York soon after first visiting rnenas at Mare Island. He retired yesterday under a cloud. Only newspapermen calld on him. He said: "After I reach Kew York have not planned what I will do. First of" all, I will take a good long rest. Further than that I do not care to make a statement." Old Soldier Tortured. "For years I suffered unspeakable torture from indigestion, constipation and liver trouble." wrote A. K. Smith war veteran at Erie, Pa., "but Dr. King's New Life Pills fixed me all right. They're simply great" Try them for any stomach, liver, or kidney trouble. Only 25c at Koeppens. international Skating. Chicago, Jan. 17. Crack skaters of the United States and Canada are in Chicago today to contest for the In door championships of the Interna tional Skating Union of America. The meet here will continue through to morrow and Thursday, and will ue followed hv the national Indoor championships at Cleveland on Frl day and Saturday. Most of the speed skaters who are here today will make the rounds of the circuit, which in cludes the national outdoor champion ships at Montreal, on ;January 28 the New England championships at Boston January 31, and the eastern championschips at Newburg, N. Y., January 21. WILL START WEST UMATILLA PROJECT That construction on the West Umatilla project will begin this year is the assurance given by Director Newell today, says a special to the Journal from Washington. Secretary Ballinger had asked him to report on the feasibility of the west unit. New ell already had data that enabled him to report, which he did at once, and Ballinger Instructed Newell to pro ceed with the enterprise. Newell im mediately gave the orders and prep aratlons are already under way. An erroneous impression has been created that the final surveys on that unit have been made. There has been an adequate reconnoissance, which justified the reclamation service in recommending the west unit as feasible and desirable, but the fi nal working surveys had not been made up, nor had rights of way been secured. Such work will now be pushed with vigor and as rapidly as possible, so that Newell is certain actual con struction will be under way in the coming summer. The securing of rights of way will determine largely the speed the ser vice can attain In getting gangs of workmen upon the ground, but the hearty cooperation of persons Inter ested in the northern part of Umatilla county, which Is assured, will hasten the work. At first $290,000 will be available to inaugurate these works of preparation, to complete surveys and to secure rights of way. ; The money for the west ualt will come from the regular reclamation fund, which bears no interest, making it more desirable than money from the certificates of Indebtedness fund, which bears 3 per cent. The total amount to be expended will be from $1,125,000 to $1,250,009, and perhaps more. The situation Is apparently about as good as could be expeced, and It Is difficult to see how the project can be hindered by any objections that might be raised. The reclamation service, instead of being prejudiced against the Umatilla project, is partial to It, and regards it as the best one yet un dertaken by the government. nm!oM aa NOBODY KMaey TroaMea Ha aa vl Ddney Ills salsa yosag aad aid. Ooma quickly with 1MU waralng. Children suffer in tkmtr sarly yaara, Can't ontrwl taa kids srstloaa. Girls sir lang-ald, asrvoas, aattar in. - Woman worry, aaa't da aaity wark. Men haw lam and aosdaa; backs. Tfca ear (or man, woraaa or shlld la to our taa causa ths Ulnars. Doavn's Kidney Pills ear Sack kidney Car all forms of kidney saffaria Pendletsn teartlmasy provaa It. Mrs. Gworgs Bargstt, 14 It W. Wabb street, P sad Is ton, Oragon. sara: "A member of our family affarad from attacks of backache and occasionally was laid up for a month at a ttasa. Stooping or atralghtsnlac eauasd harp twinges la tho loins aad thara waa also a dlstr asslng klsnay waak neas In evidence. Th mo of Doaa'a Kidney Pills waa advised by a phy sician and a supply of this remedy waa procured. After Doaa'a Kidney Pills were taken, great benefit waa received and there has keen no se rious cease for complaint slaoa. I have also taken Doan'a Kidney Pills and can recommend theat strong ly." Fer sale by all dealers. Price It cents. roster-MUbura Ce., Buffalo, New York, sole agents fer ka United State Remember the name Deaa'ai aa4 take ao ether. Miss Edna Howard Baker Cooking School at The Peoples Warehouse Grocery Department Is a permanent help to everybody, knowing how to cook is a necessity, a luxury as well as a blessing. Miss Baker is willing Will you help yourself? to help you. Caught in the Rain. then a cold and a cough let It run on get pneumonia or consumption, that's all. No matter how you get your cough don't neglect It take Ballard's Horehound Syrup and you'll be over It In no time. The sure cure for coughs, colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary diseases in young and old. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. What In a old In tlie head? Notl.- Ing to worry about If you treat It with Ely's Cream Balm. Neglected, the cold may grow into catarrti, and the air-passages be so Inflamed that you have to fight for every breath. It Is true that Ely's Cream Balm masters catarrh, promptly. But you know the old saying about the ounce of preven tion. Therefore use Cream Balm when the cold In the head shows It self. All druggists. 60c, or mailed by Ely Bros., E Warren street, New York. Mrs. Kchenk Itouglit Arwnlc. Wheeling, W. Va , Jan. 17. Dr. J. W. Meyers created a nrnsation In the pf-henk trial today when he testified the woman tried to buy arsenic from him at a high price. Under severe cross-examination the doctor admit ted that he had sold her arsenic and lead previously. Tlio Inward Effect of humors are worse than the outward. They en danger the whole system Hood's Sarsapartlla eradicates all humors. cures all their inward and outward effects. It Is the great alterative and tonic, whose merit has been every where established. Blngt Biff! I Danglt! We all get lots of hard knocks In life, but a business education enables is to resist them successfully. The Pendleton business college supplys the Efttray Notice. One span of sorrel geldings some what old. Weight about 1160 pounds. Any person notifying Chas. Lobaugh, Pllet Rock, or John L. Bartley. 0 Ulleth street, Pendleton will be rewarded. PILES CURED rS 0 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT la guaranteed to cure any ease of Itching, Blind. Bleed irg or Protruding Piles In t to 14 days or money refunded. 60c Do you read the Bast OregonlanT Ladiesjare! requested to bring cil, spoon and forks. pen- Cooking School FREE TO ALL Wednesday. January 1 9th MENU Lemon Pie Pastries A change of Menu every day, will b ill if rv cooked and served irom Z:3U p. m. e to 4:30 p. m. The Peoples Warehouse and The Pacific Power & Light Co. extend a cordial invitation to all. A Wealthy Plumber once told us we would never be worth money if we didn't reform. He said our bills were a disgrace to tho craft. They were entirely too small. But If we make money we want to feel as if It belonged to us. We therefore give you TWO DOMiAR'8 WORTH OP PMWIHIXO for pvery dollar wo charge. But It takes a lot at that rate to get rich. Ho please hurry with your order. PHONE L'8 FOR CAREFUL WORK. QUICK AND Boddow & Millor Pendleton's only Exclusive plumbers. Phone Black SSM. Oomrt and Garden Bta. UNFURNISHED ..HOUSE-KEEPING.... RooMS In Suites of 2 Rooms Each Steam Heat Electric Lights Gas and Gas Range Hot, and Cold Water Bath Good Ventilation Plenty ol Daylight INCLUDED IN EACH SUITE LOCATED IN Oregcnian Building Enquire at East Orsgoniai. Office education.