PAGJE FOUR DAILY EAST OREGOMAX, PEVDLETOJf, OltEGOJr," WEOXESDAY, JAtfCfAftV l, Iflff EIGHT PAGES - All INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. nllaDd Pally, ntrkly and 8ml-Weakly at IVndleton, Oregon, by tbs APT ORKGON1AN I'l HUSHING CO. SlllSCKllTlON HATES. ally, oae raar, by mail 14.00 ally, all montba, br mall 2.60 Ially, three months, by mall 1.28 tally, on month, by mall 60 tally, oae year, by farrier T.60 tally, all montba, by carrier S.T5 tally, three montba, by carrier IM tally, one month, by carrier .65 Weekly, one year. 0y mall 1.50 Weekly, alx months, by mall TS Weekly, four months, by mall 60 aVaml-VVeekly, on year, by nvtll 1.60 ml jwklj, alx months, by mall 78 Wml-weckly, tonr montba, by mall... .60 The Dally East Oregnnlaa la kept on sale -at the Orecou News Co., S2ft Morrison street. Portland. Oregon. northwest News Co., Portland, Oraeoa. Chlcaso Bureau, IKIfi Security Bnlldinf. Washington, D. C Bureau, 601 Four eaaatb street, N. W. Member United Press Association. Entered at tbe poatofflce at Pendleton, Oregon, as second class mall matter. talepbone slain 1 Official City and County Paper. MEXIOHORUS. I'm glad I don't live in that dear old Guerrero, With all the excitement and la dies therero It may be exciting, but I don't carero. Hohokus is better, I think, than Chihuahua; It may be some quieter, but ou- la-la-lahua, Tou won't be shot dead for a single rah-hahua! So, though I detest and abhor old Porfirio, And shed for his victims the salt-flavored terio, I'll keep on detesting and shed ding right henor Horatio Wlnslow In Puck. NO GEOGRAPHICAL CHANGE. At this time the question of a geo graphical location for the branch asy lum is not UP- That point has been settled. The state board is merely striving to find the very best possible building site near this city. It is right the board should do this. In seeking out a proper building site the board is acting deliberately M it should do. Captain Murphy, engineer at the asylum at Salem, ha been here for several days making a technical inspection of the various local sites. . The governor has ap pointed a committee of five to visit the sites and the legislature will send a. Eimilar committee. Of the men named by the governor three are for mer superintendents of the asylum at Salem and so should understand the needs of the branch institution. After they have looked over the sev eral local building sites doubtless they will be able to s:iy which is the most satisfactory- Then the work of es tablishing the branch asylum may be proceeded with. There should bo no need of reopen ing the qu-.-stion of the geographical location of the institution. In an open contest It has been thoroughly proven that from a standpoint of climate, al titude and transportation Pendleton Is fer and away the best location for the asylum. We do not have the rig 11 winters that prevail east of the Blue mountains. Tills is a central point with reference to eastern Ore gon and so is th; economical location for the asylum. Then it is doubtful If the asylum could now be located elsewhere even if the board desired institu- ' to make a change. A state tion oiiie located cannot be change J. easily , JUST WATCH. A man from Boston has laid down eome rules as to how women should dress and in commenting upon the j same the .Spokesman Review offers the following: Heretofore women have not dress ed by rules, but by dressmakers. They did not purchase what was be coming, but what they could not af ford. Henry Turner Bailey, one of Boston's best known artlsta, perceiv ed the fc"acy here and promptly et about to devise prescriptions by which eny woman could dress according to esthetic standards and still keep v.ithln her income. Horizontal lines for tall; vertical lines for the short; a one-color scheme for the stout; mixed goods for tho linn; women with large feet should never wear tan shoes, and puffs ahould never be worn because they are false. These rules give an Indication of Mr. Balley'a philosophy. He would have women dress for a reason rath er than for style. He would create individuality In dress, rather than consplcuouaness. He would take the milliners and modistes from the paths of whimsical irresponsibility and place them in the' hobble skirt of exact science. It is well. All mankind breathes a sigh of relief and votes Mr. Bailey a gold ' medal and a laurel wreath. But the women? Mr. Bailey shouU not be too sanguine of the success of his rules until he publishes to the world the reply his wife makes when he tells her that she must never again wear tan shoes. TIME 1K A CHANGE. Now that the affairs of the food and duiry commissioner are up for investigation the legislature should go to the bottom of the matter. The administration of that office in this state has been a farce. By the na ture of things the food and dairy commissioner has work of the ut most Importance to do. He should be a man technically fitted to do that work and he should be willing to work fearlessly and fairly for the public welfare. On the contrary Mr. Pailoy Is not a technical man but an old time politician who fell Into a soft snap and has held on to It. His administration of affairs has become so rank that his deputies have re signed and some very bad disclos ures are being made with reference to Bailey personally. It is time for a new deal In that office. Mil HICE REMAIN'S. Pendleton cannot afford to lose men of the calibre of G. M. Rice and there fore it is a welcome announcement that he will not leave. He will con tinue as the head of the First na tional bank even though he has the opportunity of golngto the metropo lis under very favorable clrcumstanc' es. Usually when the call of the city comes to local men as it came to Mr. Rice they leave this place for the larger business center. But the fact that Mr. Rice (s to remain shows that Portland does not always win. For the first time In history the Oregon state senate has prohibited smoking In the senate chamber dur ing sessions. This is another evi dence, that those who represent the new deal are in control. A cigar was part of the dress of the old time poli tician and he could never have legis lated without a stogie. Now both politician and stogie are In disgrace. G. M. Rice was the leader of the move to reestablish the woolen mill two years ago and he did much to bring about the building of the pres ent mill. Perhaps he did not like to leave the town where the Indian robes grow. The central bank plan has been sprung by Senator Aldrich. It will probably be sprung even more so after some of the progressives have jumped upon It. "Harmon and harmony!" shout the backers of the Ohio governor. It will now be up to New Jersey to take up the slogan "Wilson and wisdom." A MAN WHO OBEYED. "Now let me see if I have this story straitrht" it was a young school mis tress who was speaking. "You say he sat at the train dispatcher's key board for thirty-six hours; he person ally directed the transportation of those thousands of troops then Just as the whole army had arrived at lis destination, an order cam? to carry it back; and this same young man did net eivp up until the job was finish ed. How long did you say he was at his post, scventv-two hours?" j "Yes," repeated the man of affairs ', who had been relating the Incident, , "that younir f-llow was a division su : rintendent for the 'I. C railroad I during civil war times and the story j is that in the midst of a big rush of i business his division got orders from Washington to 'transport those troops at once.' The overworked train dis- patcners went an to pieces ana me rest of the trainmen had a panic. Things looked pretty blue. But one fellow kept his head the division su perintendent. He sat down at the dispatcher's key, rolled off those I train one by one. and never gave up, I they say, until every Yankee soldier ; was past the last switch. Then, like lightning out of a clear sky, came the order 'Move troops back at once.' Was that fellow floored? Not much! He did not let ,up until he got those Yanks on free soil again and every engine back In the round house! Now 1 that's what I call nerve! . ' "I don't know how long he slept i after the th: ee days' Job was over," j the man concluded, "but when lie : wikn up. he found he had been made . "uperintt ndent of the entire road. His- j mP wna Marvin Hughitt, and for me past iwomy-iour years ne iiio been president of the Chicago and Northwestern road. The other day he retired at the age of 73 to become chairman of Its hoard of directors." The brains, perseverance and nat ural force combined In the person of Marvin Hushitt have been the chief factor in the phenomenal mioress of this transportation svs'em which has spread over the northwest. Without such success it would not be able to day to spend $24,000,000 In perfect ing Its terminal facilities In the city of Chicago. When the new station, which faces south on Madison street between Clinton and Canal streets Is j opened, 290 trains with a capacity for i ttrruiK bd.u'jv pujpie riany, will s'eam In and out of Its gigantic train shed. From "Twenty Mlllons for a Sta tion," In February Technical World Magazine. German InteroHtx in Canton are ald by native newspapers to be great ly Increaalng in strength. The Deutach Aslatiache Dank Is to open a branch there early in 1911. Peruna Secrets You Should Know Golden Seal, the root of the above plant, Is a very useful medicine. Many people gather it In our rich woodlands during the summer. Few people know how valuable it is in dyspepsia, catarrh, and as a general tonic. Many thousand poundsof this root are used each year In the famous catarrh remedy, Perma. This fact explains why everybody uses Peruna for catarrh. Asy Your PniRglst for a Free Peruna Almanac for 1911. BETHI.K11E.H. The court yard o" the groat khnn and the open rooms uruund it were crowded with travelers, rousing from their night's rest and making ready for the day's journey. In front of the stables, half hollowed in the rock be side the inn, men were saddling their horses and their beasts of burden, and there was much noise and confusion. But beyond these, at the end of the line, there was a deeper grotto in the rock, which was used only when the nearer stalls were tull. At the en trance of .this an ass was tethered, and a man of middle age stood in the doorway. The sad shepherd saluted him and told his name. "I am Joseph, the carpenter of Naz areth," replied the man. "Have you also seen the angels of whom your brother shepherds came to tell us?" "I have seen no angels," answered Ammlel, nor have I any brothers among the shepherds. But I would fain see what they have seen." "It is our first-born son," said Jo seph, "and the Most High has sent him to us. He !s a marvellous child: great things are fere:n;i of h'm. You may go in, but quietly, for the child and his mother, Mary,, are asleep." So the sad shepherd went in quietly His long shadow entered before him, for the sunrise was flowing Into the door of the grotto. It was made clean and put in order, and a bed of straw was laid In the corner on the ground. The child was asleep, but the moth er was waking for she had taken him from the manger into her lap. where her maiden veil of white was spread to receive him. And me was singing very softly as she bent over him in happiness and wonder. Ammlel saluted her and kneeled down to look at the child. He saw nothing different from other young children. The mother waited for him to speak of angels, as the other shep herds had done. The sad shepherd said nothing, but only looked, and as he looked his face changed. "You have had great, pain and dan ger and sorrow for his sake," he said gently. "They are past," she answered, "and for his sake I have suffered them gladly." From the "Fad Shepherd," by Henry van Dyke, in the January Scribner. V X EM PI . ) Y.M EX T IXSl'HAX CE. Insurance - is based upon statistics hat ib t. rmlne the frequency with which a rUk would be likely to avail itself of the guirantee. No adequate statistics concerning unemployment, nor lun--established systems for pre miums a..d indemnities, exist. It has been affirmed that the need for in surance might depend upon the In sured person- himself, and that thH employed workman could easily cause himself to be dismissed, so that he could receive money without work. The objection has also been made that in other forms of insurance there can be a restoration of the damage sus tained, and that the remedy for un employment ought to be-work offer ed, instead of payments for not work ing, and that the question would .still bo open as to. whether the insured should aceept work that might be dis tasttful to him. These objections are considred today as having been dispos ed of by reflections along this line: Modern statistics of unemployment are Imperfect, but life, fire, transport, and casualty Insurances were begun without statistics and created them only in the course of time. Even the imperfect statistics of 'unemployed to- lay are more adequate as a basis from which to work. Ilerr. lr. JVstrow says, thah the statistics were at the time of organizing most or the branch es of existing insurance. Tbe objec tion that the beginning "of the bene fits of insurance depends upon the will of the insured person himself has bcn answered by pointing out that this applies likewise to liability Insur ance, where bad faith In the person insured is possible. From "Experi ments In Germany with Unemployed Insurance," by Elmer Roberts, in the January Scrlbner. According to a Chlnnampo dispatch an American oil ship with 130,000 cases of petroleum arrived at Chln nampo, Korea, on October 6. This Is hailed as the opening of direct trade between America and Korea. "You are as well as ycur stomach" HOSTETTER. BKMEXHKB THIS-. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Is excellent In cases of Poor Appetite, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Colds, Grippe and Malaria :2ka Seal 1 I We have no Pipe Dreams to offer to the Public Wo liave the goods. Sunshine Remedies will bring S un ci line in every corner of your home. If not satisfactory yoar money back. P. J. DONALDSON, Reliable Drugget. Known For Its Strength The First Hationa! Bank PENDLETON, OREGON 4 a CAPITAL, SURPLUS UNDIVIDED PROFITS and . RESOURCES OVER SECURITY flotel Oregon, located corner of Seventh and Stark Streets, extending through the block to Park Street, Portland. Oregon. Our new Para Street Annex Is Absolutely fireproof. R.ates $1 per Day and Up., European Money to Loan oi Good Secur ity. Will Accept applications for 1000, $15G0cr $4000 Loan AH $1.75, $1.50 and $1.25 Now going for 98 cents Watch Our Window Workingmen's Clothing Gompany Leaa expense makes our prices lower. 3 i.m',"t -jm 1 i'mw w Flour Orpheum Theatre S. P. ICEDFRXACH, Proprietor HIGH-CLASSHUP-TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Worn in and Children see; program is today paper. Program Oiaagea on SaaaUr'i, Tuesday's and FrM7a, $50 B, rw i i .mi'mi j n Minimise ijw mmummm Is mack from the choicest wheat that crnnva. GcumI bread is asauml whsa 3Y liltS' DEST JTLOUK is ued. Bran, Shorts, Stpaiii Rolled Barley always hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon. Headquarters For Toilet, Goods We are Bole Mronfaotarer iad Distributor of tbe CMebrMf F S TOILET CRKAM GOLD CREAM TOOTH POWMEB MT. HOOD CREAM Tailman & Co. Leading Drugflsta of Kaatam THC PENDLETON DRUG CO. ieieiiii Dinc-im fiaaisEi Dotroit Enginos 2 to 50 H. P. Daea common Keraawne (lamp oil)' for fuel, also g&sallne, naptha or 41a tlllate. No change In equipment la necessary to change from on fuel to tbe others. For prices see J. W . Kim rail, agent, Pendleton, Ore. Phona Main 180. Sample engine at Long Brothers 114 ft lit E. Webb 8t Phone Main 74 You Make a Bad Mistake When you pat off buying jour Codl until Fall purchase it NOW and secure the bent Ttock Springs coal Uie mines produce at prices considerably lower than thine prevailing In Fall and Winter. By slocking op now yam avoid ALL rinngrr of bring aa ablo to secure It when sold weather arrives. Henry Kopittke Phone Main 178. Fresh Fish j ii mm bimi Miiangea j ' EVKHY DAY. We handle only the purest j of lard, asms and bacoa. j Empire ri!ea! Co. ritone MnIu 18. FRESH MEATS 8AIHAGF8, FISH ANI LAKP. Always pure and delivered promptly, if you phono the Centra! Keat Market 108 E. Aim St, f'horiA Mala S3 ftlilna Transfer Phone Main" 5. CALL8 PROMPTLY AN8 XL. WBRED FOR ALL BAQOAQE TRANSFERRING. PIANO AND FURNITURE MOVINO AND HKAVT TRUCK INO A SPECIALTY. Dally Eaat Oregon Ian only M emta per i