4 it AILY CAR ORTO05IA2C, PKinIJBTOH. OKTOOS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 191 1 PAGE THRKH fflOHT PAGES TEACHERS WILL HEAR ROOSEVELT TEDDY TO HE AT INLAND EMPIRE MEETING rormcr Proficient Will Deliver Ad drrm at W Mooting to Ho Held in Spokane In April. Spokane. Wanh., Jan. 18. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt will address the convention of the Inland empire teachers, to be held the first week In April In the city of Spokane. At the meeting of the executive committee of the teachers' association In the ad ministration building of the high chool, Spokane, January 14. It wai decided to hold the convention at this time, so the teachers will have the opportunity of hearing Colonel Roose velt. The former president has con sented to Bpeak at the convention, provided It Is held during his visit to this city, which will be the first week In April. The convention as planned by the committee, which Is composed of N. D. Showalter of tho normal school at Cheney, A. A. Cleveland of the state college of Pullman. F. K. Welles of Pendleton, Ore., and Henry M. Hart of Spokane, Is to be the biggest affair yet attempted by the teachers of he northwest. Two days will be needed In which to hold the events planned, consisting of addresses by tho governors of t'.ie four states Involved, Washington, Idaho, Oregon and Montana, the talk of the ex-presldcnt and an address to be delivered by some enmlent author ity on school government, not yet de cided upon, on the subject, "Educa tion In Its Relation to Rural Condi tions." It is expected that the attendance will be greater than ever before and that every teacher In the Inland em pire will be present. At the meeting of the committee Alonzo P. Troth was appointed secre tary of the committee In place of Hart, who was unable to attend. OREGON SENATORS MAKE OBJECTION Washington, D. C, Jan. 18. The Senate Judiciary Committee Monday referred the Colwell nomination to a ub-commlttce, consisting of Suther land, Borah and Culberson, for in vestigation an d report. Protests against Colwell's confirmation are mainly his affiliation with the repub lican organization of Oregon and his alleged opposition' to the Oregon plan of government. Senator Bourne has filed a protest with the Senate Com merce Committee against t,he nomi nation of Philip 8. Malcolm as collec tor of customs. Chamberlain has not Joined in protest, but says he will do so. It is not charged that Malcolm has not made a good record, but that he Is not In harmony with the domi nant political thought of the people of Oregon, which is represented by Bourne nnd Chamberlain, and which they assert should be recognized by tho president In making Oregon ap pointments. The Indications arc that the Judici ary committee will request the presi dent to wlthdray Colwell's nomination on the grounds of senatorial courtesy, the practice being to avoid confirm ation of appointees personally objec tionable to the senatorial delegation of a state In which the appointment is made. WEALTHY CilHL SPENDS MONTHS ON HOMESTEAD Spokane, Wash., Jan. 18. About 14 months of Isolated life on a homestead near Prosser, Wash., Anna E. Haines, daughter of wealthy southern Califor nia parents, is preparing to commute on her property. As soon as this is done she will depart for her parents' home near San Diego. Miss Halnea has been steady nnd persistent in gaining for herself a homestead in what Is known as the Rattlesnake hills country, for during the time spent on the property sho has not been away from it a single night. Be ing born with a silver spoon In her mouth has apparently not hurt her persistency. Miss Haines' property Is under the proposed high-line Irrigation ditch. She will return to her southern Cali fornia home until there Is water on tho land, when sho proposes to make It a beautiful place. "Don't call it 'Rattlesnake. " she says, referring to the district in which her homestead Is located. "I Just hato that word. My homestead Is not far enough up the hill to belong to that district, and If It were I believe I ehould have left It long ago." SPECIAL EXTRAORDINARY OFFER All the News of the World and Some Contained in the Two Leading P apers for the Price of One OU?s. SPECIAL OFFER C The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer with Daily East Oregonian by mail one year paid in advance, new subscribers or renewals a $5.00 Repular price Weekly Inter Ocean and Fanner, one yr, $1.00 Itegular price Daily E. O. by mail, one year 5.00 $6.00 OUR SPECIAL OFFER D The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer with Semi-Weekly East Oregonian one yr. paid in advance, new subscribers and renewals $1.50 Jiegular price Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer one yr. Regular price S. W. East Oregonian, one year L2lill Mailt $1.00 1.50 $2.50 The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer Contains Each Week 21 columns of news. 14 columns of talks by a practical fanner on farm topics eco nomical machinery, planting, growing and storing of fruits and vegetables, breeding and marketing of live stock. 20 or more "Lost and Found Poems and Songs." 1 column of Health and Beauty Hints. Best short and continued stories Chess and Checkers Puzzles and Complications Dr. Reader's Home Health' Club Mis cellaneous Questions and Answers Poems of the Day A special Washington letter Taking cartoons and illustrations. 5 columns of live, entertaining editorials. 7 columns of live stock and market reports. X live stock pa per contains a letter live stock market report than The Wecklv Inter Ocean and Farmer. 40 questions and answers by readers on anything pertaining to the business of farming, gardening, raising of live stock and poultry, etc., etc. 10 to 20 questions on veterinary subjects. 7 columns of information on recipes, patterns, formulas, etc, furnished by readers. 14 to 21 columns of stories of public men; historical, geograph ical and other miscellany. .1 columns of specially reported sermons by leading American clergymen, and the Sunday school lesson. These features, together with a Special Magazine Department, Make up the Leading Farm, Home and Xews Paper of the Inland Empire. CUT OUT AND MAIL TODAY. EAST OTiEGOXIAX PUB. CO., Pendleton, Ore. Enclosed find for which please send me your special offer to the following addrese. Xame Address .'. . . r LEASE STATE IF NEW OR RENEWAL. The East Oregonian as you know is the leading paper of the inland Empire and is the official paper of Umatilla County and city of Pendleton. No home can afford to be without it. This special arrangement with The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer is for a limited time only. Sub scribers to the Inter Ocean and Farmer are assured that no papers will be sent after subscription erpires unless their subscriptions are renewed by cash payments. I) printing expert to be consulted Salem, Or.. Jan. 18. As a result of an examination of tho law respecting the matter, the new state printing ex pert, R. A. Harris, has found that the state departments can save much money to the taxpayers by consulting with him as tho law provides before ordering printing. To that end the secretary of state has directed a letter to all of the departments calling their attention to his provision of the law. The state printing expert has au- WOOD STANDS STILL. thorlty under the law to "direct and prescribe the matter of composition of technical or exception matter." This, former printing experts have never attempted to do, but Expert Harris believes much saving can be brought about by a closer appllcalon of the law. In the letter the secretary of state's office backs up the stand assumed by the printing expert and advises departments to consult with the P"jnt. Ing expert for the return of thl 'nop. mous sum of money paid out lie printing. ECHO m AND ! PERSONAL NOTES (Special Correspondence!.) Echo. Ore.. Jan. 17. A special , the Hotel Echo. meeting of the city council was Held i i.. ... Mth, n tViA ttr Vinll Tn Mnvor DOMINION NAV cqlleoe. Plica Can't no Cuml Until Clrcula Is Restored. It is useless to try to cure .. operating or .e o( lvfs -2 lorPgfts long na the . 4 , r.ant in he lower do )umoT8 will continue to hfl Mood-free the tIrtilW,,on. Tn,.n p!Vs Will JCJ f(;r K00(t. A success ful, sclenrtfc internal ro.urdv Is Dr. Leonhar, Hem-flold, soli untier guaraVx ty pitidleton Drug Co. Hern.R does Its wor thoroughly. for 44 days' treatment. Dr. Leon hirdt Co., Station B, Buffalo, N. T. Wrlt for booklet. Canadian Sch.x Dpcn -t UaUtax Thursday. r. S.. Jan. 18. Under the rr Contain Martin, senior rPor. nd E. S. Hartley, dl . t ntnrtics. the Canadian Naval jOtoo-o tvm. on January 19th, begin ifc instruction of future officers of wn Tinmlnlon's navy. twmt class In the new naval School was enrolled with a member ship of twenty-one midshipmen. Halifax, direction naval rec r IIiUlowcIl Concert. Musical Entertainment at the ar mnr nviilav. January 20. Admission tl.00. Given by Bayonet Club, com nosed of Company L, O. N. G., Span. Ish-Amerlcan war veterans, O. A. veterans. R, There ar over 1600 luminous are lamps In use along tho streeU of St Louis. on Friday from Mldvalc, Idaho, where sho has been visiting for the past month. E. C. Lewis Is assisting in tho George anil Miller store In the absence of C. S. Mudge, who is visiting In Portland with his family. Terry Whitworth and family are moving into apartments at the Echo Lumber company's building opposite MANY WOULD MAURY PRETTY TELEPHONE GIRL last night at the city hall. In Mayor Stunflelds absence, A. B. Thompson presided. The bond and application of Chas. Friedly, proprietor of the Hotel Echo, for a liquor license, w is approved. The license will be Issued In five days. Meantime Mr. Friedly Is making necessary changes In tho front of his building. This Is the first license Issued since the dry regime. A certified check for another li cense has been deposited, although the bond and application have not been presented. Only two saloons, will bo allowed In Echo, according to the sa loon ordinance. R. B. Thompson left for Hot Lake on Sunday. Allen Thomson Is assist ing In the bank In his absence. Fred Williams and bride are hero on a visit from Portland. Wm. Hoggard spent Sunday In Stnnfleld visiting with relatives. Mrs. E. H. Brown returned to her home near Stanfleld ufter several days visit with friends here. Wllley & Masterson shipped a car load of beef cattle to Portland on Sat urday. Miss Nettie Norman arrived home SPOKANS WOMAN WRITES NEW NOVEL Two well known Spokane women, under the nom do plume of Warren and Alice Fones. have recently writ ten a book, entitled "The Man With tho Sear," which has Just been brought out for them by Richard G. Badger of Boston. The principal scenes are laid In the Cumberland mountains of Tennessee and deal with the mountaineers. Through the nar rative runs a love story, the heroine of which Is a pretty, attractive south ern girl. The principal characters are patterned after people whom the writers have known and have met In their travels. Tho writers fire Miss Jessie Alice Haskins, night librarian at the Spokane Carnegie library, and her sister, Mrs. Eleanor H. Holly, who Is employed at tho Spokane county court house. Spokane, Wash., Jan. IS. Since the story was published recently that Miss Margaret Perkins, one of the telephone operators at the St. Nichol as hotel, had been required to give a $500 bond not to get married for six months, her mall has been volum inous. Yesterday she received four letters from strangers, all of them hinting broadly that if she was wil ling to get married they would like to be the other contracting party. One of these leters Is from a form er Spokane Hoy, now or las-enurst, X. J., another from Brooklyn, X. Y.. the writer being anxious to know If all the telephone girls In Spokane are tied up In the same way because such was not the case when he was last here. The third, from Thief River Falls. Minn., Is from an ardent swain who backs up a highly color ed word picture of himself with the statement that he has $5,000 and a good home, with no drawbacks other than a "3-year-old duplicate," for whom he wants a step-mother. The fourth letter Is from a matri monial bureau at Oakland, Cal., which encloses a blank to be filled; out by the applicant for matrimony, in which after paying due attention to age. color of hair and eyes, com plexion, weight and height, the great er part of the blank lines are left to be filled In with particulars of occu pation, Income, value of property and amount of cash on hand. Bring Us Yonr Rags! We pay cash for large, soft, clean rags. Bring them to the East Ore gonian office at once. The best moving pictures and brightest pictures in Pendleton at the Orpheum. Electric heaters are being used on the San Jose-Palo Alto run of the Peninsular Railroad. California. The heaters will be turned on during the cold nights. There is Only One "Bromo Quinine" That is Laxative Bromo Quinine USED THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Always remember tho full name. Ixwk lor this, signature on every box 25c. SWA 1 '4 i