I BOOT PACES DAPY EAST QBEBOgOAH. WTOUmM, OEMOR, TUESDAY, JANUARY 17. 111. pAa TheUver Pills act So Naturally and Easfly." Such a itateraent, coming from the Cashier of a bank, shows what confidence responsible people hare to these pills. Mr. A. L. Wilson fur trying them wrote: '1 have used Dr. Miles" Nerve and Liver PUla and also your Anti-Pain Pills, on myself, with good results. The .Uvir puis net so ' naturally and ao easily that I aoarcely know that I bav taken a pill. Frequently being troubled with headache I Uke an Antl-Paln Pill and get Immediate relief In every case. A L. Wllaon, Bparta, 111. Mr. Wllaon waa for a number f yeara caahlar of the First National Bank of Bparta, Dr. MiW Nerve and Liver Pills are different from others. Many kinds of liver pills are "impossible" after one trial on account of their harshness. Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills do not act by sheer force but in an easy, natural way, with out griping or undue irritation. They are not habit forming. If tha flret bottle falls to benefit, your druggist will return the prloe. Aek him. MIUU MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, In. COAST LIVESTOCK POURS INTO MARKET CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA SHIP TO PORTLAND Sixty Car Loads Arrive lu One Day Wheat Goes Down One Cent Per IStudiel. (Monday's Journal) Portland Livcwlock Market. Following prices ruled here today and on thla day a year ago: mi. mo. Steers 6.50 $5.35 Cows 6.50 4.26 Hogs 9.00 9.10 Wethers 6.00 5.60 Lnmb 6.60 6.2S Portland Livestock Run. Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Monday .1197 1014 42 1023 Saturday ... 384 ... 1415 Friday .. 95 339 14 340 Thursday S96 770 40 270 Wednesday ... ... ... 110 Tuesday ..102 131 10 723 Week ago 170 71 18 Sixty loads of livestock coming from all parts of the Pacific slope, was showing In the North Portland stockyards today. There were liberal arrivals of cattlo from California and four loads from Reno, Nevada. Pack ers are trying their utmost to bring so much stuff forward at one time that the market will be broken but agnin their plans have miscarried. There was another big bunch of hogs in the yards today but most of them were from Nebraska and were purchased direct by local packers and did not enter the trade at all. The Prlnevllle Land A Livestock company had three loads of sheep in the yards today which are said to be of excellent quality.. Worlds Wlicat Market. Portland Cash club, 81c; blue stem, 81c. Liverpool Wheat 7-8 to Id lower. Berlin Wheat, l-2o lower. Paris Wheat, l-4c higher. Antwerp Wheat unchanged. Budapest Wheat l-8o higher. Buenos Ayres Wheat weaker. Melbourne, Australia Wheat steady. Chicago Wheat lo lower to l-8c higher. Minneapolis Wheat 1 l-8c lowor; May, 11.07 8-8. St Louis Wheat 7-8c lower; May, 81.01 1-8. Kansas City Wheat lc lower; May 97 6-8c. Wlioat Down One Cent. Wheat Is down a cent a bushel In the local market, all Interests agree ing upon the decline. Club Is now generally quoted at 81o NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA. If You Have It, Read Tills Lettor-Ml-n-na Is Guaranteed by Tallman & Co. "I was taken lost August with a sa vere stomach trouble. The doctor said It wns nervous dyspepsia. I took his treatment four weeks, but did not feol any , better. I took everything I heard of. The first day of December, I got a box of MI-O-NA. I took thorn thnt afternoon and the next day and haven't had on bit of pain In my stomach since the 2nd of December. Feel well now, and sleep good." Mrs. M. 13. Maxfleld, R. F. D. 2, Avoca, N. Y. MI-O-NA Is surely the best prescrip tion for Indigestion ever written. It relieves after dinner distress, belching of gas, foul breath, heart burn and all stomach misery In five minutes. It Is guaranteed to permanently cure Indigestion, acute or chronic, or any disease of the stomach, or money back. MI-O-NA somach tablets are sold by Tallman & Co. and leading druggists everywhere at 50 cents a large bos. Trial sample free on request from Booth's Ml-o-na, Buffalo, N. T. ' , , f ' ;i - ' :r 1 v- -v. ' v - . S l' ... i . ."Vu-7 Louise Kent an Rutii Laurie, in "Sll ver lliroww," Oregon, Tlinrs. Jan. 19. a buHhel although an occasional sale of something select may be made a fraction better than tl.ls. Bluestem wheat ranges around 83c generally with only a nominal amount of busi ness above this. Even the buyers for California accounts are not offer ing above 83c and 84c a bushel track although they recently took on soma supplies at 86c. Oats murket is showing strength and dealers are now quite freely of fering 128.50 a ton for No. 1 white while jobbing quotations are general ly SI a ton above this In carlots. Barley trade Is quiet with little do lng with the east. Word comes from Chicago this morning that the big In terests there were holding a meeting to protest against the removal of the duty on barley. This leads to the presumption that some one there is boosting barley prices at this time and therefore does not want the competi tion of the Canadian supplies. The latter has a duty of 15c a bushel. Millers here are now quoting the advance of 10c a barrel in export flour although some were inclined to hold back when the rise was first quoted In the north. The busiest and mightiest 1 lttle thing that ever waa made la Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablet. They do the work whenever you re quire their aid. These tablets change weakness Into strength, llstlesaneaa In to energy, glomlnees Into Joyouanea. Their action Is to gentle on don't realise they have taken a purgative. Sold by aU dealer. LABOR NEWS AND NOTES. There are thirty-five bureaus of la bor and labor statistics In the va rious states of the union, conducted under the supervision of the govern ment. Among the bills to be submitted to the California legislature this session Is one asking for the establishment of a state sanatorium for the treatment of tuberculosis, and one planing loan offices under the supervision of the bank commissioners, to prevent the charging of excessive interest for small loans. The San Francisco labor council drew up the bill. All the labor unions affiliated with the Boston C. L. U. have been asked by that organization to vote upon the proposition of at once erecting a la bor temple In Boston. The request Is that each Instruct Its delegates to vote "yes" or "no" on the question at tha earliest possible moment, and also if a union .favors the project to inform Its delegates as' to whether or not It would engage an office or meeting hall In such a building. While the United States supreme court is expected to define clearly the Sherman anti-trust act In the Stand ard Oil nnd American Tobacco cases and the Injunction and anti-boycott cases against the officers of the Am erloun Federation of Labor, those de cisions will not necessarily have any bearing on the forty or more state laws regulating combinations and trusts, no two of which are alike. Bills prepared by the legislative committee of the Wisconsin State Federation of Labor will be presented this month to the legislature of that state. Fourteen bills and amend ments are to be presented, 'Including those which are most wanted by tha labor men, and others yet in the hands of the legislative committee will be presented later. An equitable law for an eight hour day on all public buildings, Is one of the important measures to be asked for, also ade quate protection in the erection of buildings and factories and modern sanilury luws. Amateurs to Box. New York, Jan. 17. Preliminaries will be held tonight in the amateur boxing championships to be decided under the auspices of the Irish-American Athletic club, and the finals will bo pulled off on Thursday night. Seven classes are up for decision, Including bantamweight, feather weight, 125-pound class, lightweight, welterweight, middleweight and heavyweight. The winner in each closs will receive a solid gold watch, ap propriately engraved. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy never disappoints those who use It for ob stinate coughs, oolda and Irritations of the throat and lungs. It stands un rivaled as a remedy for all throat and lung diseases. Bold by ail dealer. . True irreverence 1 disrespect for another man' god. fSf' ' - mi m ALCOHOL 3 PFH niK-P AVegelabkBrrparallmiErAs stmllatlngiteRjtfanilltegik ting Uie Swmads andBowas of Promotes Ditionfliftifiii ness and &stontaliu neitfrr Opiuru.Morphkie norMiaenlJ NOT NARCOTIC. AcyifOH.lkSAM2LPniEZ BmpklaSmi' JkcUltUti- OaWAnr. Anerfed Remedy farOntsSw rion.SoHirStoiakh.Dlantoal Worms foHVutetras Jewnsfe- ness andLossoF SLEEP. '. Far Simile Sigrurareaf NEW YOBK. 2S Exact Copy of Wrapper. DEFEATS DAYTON BALL TEAM WASHINGTON TOSSERS NO MATCH FOR OREGONIANS Attorney S. F. WUson Elected Head of Athcnas First National DanV Le Grow Again Cashier Institution Enjoys Prosperous Year. (Special Correspondence.) Athena, Ore., Jan. 15. Acting Postmaster H. O. Worthlngton has Just received the appointment of postmaster of the local office. Mr. Worthlngton has been acting as post master since the death of L. A. Glth- ens some three months ago and it was only last week that he was perma nently appointed. In a fast and exciting game the Dayton high school five went down to defeat at the hands of the basket ball team of the local high school at the close score of 19 to 16. The ball had been in play only a short time, when after a series of quick passwork the wall was passed to Left Forward Lleuallen who made an ac curate pass toward the basket and the ball dropped through. This same quick work resulted in four baskets and with three fouls the score ended the first half 11 to 6, the Dayton boys having made two baskets and threw one foul. The second half the Dayton five rallied and added 11 more points and the Athena team brought their score up to 19. The Athena team was composed of Lleuallen and Sharp, forwards; Dud ley, center; M. Dudley and M. Hill, guards. After the game a reception was given for the Dayton visitors at the high school. Wilson is Bank President. At a stockholders meeting last week S. F. Wilson was elected president of the First National bank of this city, ond F. S. LeGrow was elected as cash ier. The bank here has Just finished a very prosperous year, having declar ed ten per cent to the surplus and ten per cent dividends. Electricity has superseded all gas lamps In lighting the streets of Mon treal. A Reliable Remedy CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm I 'CUM DMU ' u euicki) sbtertwe. 6lst Relief al Once. Itoleanaes, soothes, heals and protects tha disensmi mom- brane resulting from Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Bead quickly. Re stores the Keiuus nf HAY FEVER Taste and Swell. Full size 50 eta. . at T)mtr. Ests or by umil. Iu liquid form, 75 cents, ly Brothers, CO Wnrreu Street, New York. Every Wemag mm snout tn wntuiorni! Marvel m?"u skTour "Jrorrrldt tot .1. if ht rn:iool impply ihs MAItVKlk accent i oihrr, but send aiamp ."r IT.uo ir iiej boos tld. It )rl- nm pnrUcnlurs una iiiracuoafl Invfilnahle MEN AND WOMEN. Cm Big for IntUmmi tiom. Irritations or olort- tloni of rnaooui mombrmnoi PtlnloM, and not Mtiin- irat or roUonons. , ajM ay Pi mliU, r wont In nlatn nnMr. br isrwvnniMld, tor Use Or I DOllIM, w.l. Ulrclar tant on rnast. OvusBtoxl eot to Mriotnie. Y1tw EnntoiMuiOi), mow For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of For Over Thirty Years tm unw. , unr vena err. BREEZY NEWS NOTES FROM OLD UMATILLA (Spclal Correspondence.) Umatilla, Ore., Jan. 16. H. N. Dryer has returned from a trip to San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cramer and son Duncan of Seattle, ae visitors at Mrs. Cramer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Duncan, for a few weeks. W. F. O'Connell has returned from a business and pleasure trip spent In Portland and Seattle. Sunday night and Monday were the coldest of the season, the thermome ter . registering 6 above aero. Chas. Wood of Spokane and W. F, Calt of Walla Walla are In the city today. W. M. Davidson, who has been con fined to his residence through severe illness for some time, Is now conva lescent. Unfurnished for rent in the East Oreg oa Ian baLM- lng. : All modern convenieeusea. quire at B. O. offlee. PENDLETON DRUG CO. restrain ksos-tukttbsixs OREGON the Last Call of the West Did you see this beautiful ar ticle picturing Oregon in four elor in the November Sun ett tlt.OOa IS BEING SPENT BT SUNSET MAGAZINE on a series of articles superbly Illus trated in four osier pictur ing and describing the attrac tion and resources of the Wonderland of, the Pacific We will aend you the next three issue of SUNSET com mencing with the special De cember issue in which begins the best aerial novel of the year Th Spell," by C. N. & A. M. Williamson and a superbly il lustrated article in four colors on "San Fra 11 Cisco Th o Expo sition City"; and in addition we will include a copy of the No vember Issue containing the beautifully illustrated article on Oregon. ALX. FOR S5 CENTS (Stamps or Coin.) Sunset Magazine Wells Fargo Building. Portland, Oregon Amplications for Grazing Permit. NOTICE Is hereby given that all ap plications for permits to graze cattle horses and sheep within the WENA- HA NATIONAL FOREST during the season of 1911, must be filed in my office at Walla Walla, Washington, on or before February 16, 1911. Full Information In regard to the grasing fees te be charged and blank forate to need ta naakiag applies tlon win be tarnished pa reaueat. J. M. SCVSM1TC uarvhkr. .AS Aw 1A I Want WANTED. YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN Learn a profession, show card writer earn large salaries; clerk can dou ble their earning capacity; the field ha never been overcrowded. The Pendleton Business College offers you the opportunity to learn thla profession under a first -class In structor, at a small expense, taking no time from your regular work. Night class now open. Call any time for information. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF you want to subscribe to macaalnee or newspaper tn the United State or Europe, remit by postal not, check, or send to the BAST ORE OONIAN he net publisher price of the publication you desire, mad we will hare It sent yon. It will save you both trouble and risk. Tf yon are a subscriber to the EAJTT ORBGONIAN, in remitting you can deduct ten per cent from the pub lisher's price. Address EAST ORBGONIAN PUB. CO, Pendl toa. Or. Classified PMY8KXAN8. H. a GARFIELD, M. D., HOMBO pathlc phyatoiaa and sargeea. Of fice Jud block. Telephone: Office, black t411; residence, red till. DR. LYNN K. BLAKBSLEB, CHRO nlc and nenrooa diseases, and dis ease of women. X-ray and Eleotr theraputlc. Jnd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phoa Main 71; reatdenc 'phene. Main 114. DENTISTS. B. A. MANN, DENTIST. OFFICII Mats street, next to Commercial Aaseclatlon ream. Office 'phoae. Black 2411; reatdenc 'phone, Black mi. KERN A BENNETT, DENT AX. BUR. geon. OfOoe room II Jud bulla bag. Phone, Red Iltl. DR. THOMAS TAUOHAN, DENTIST. Office la Jadd building. Phene, 71. TETFSUNARY BURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL, STATB Stack Inspector and ez-meaaber Slate Veteriaary Boar. Office at reeidenoa 111 east Court St. 'phone Main II. ATTORNET8. RAJLET A RALET, ATTORNETS AT law. Offlo in American National Bank Building. FEB A 61ATBR, LAWTER8, OF- floe in Dee-pain building. CARTER A 8MTTHB, ATTCRKaTf t at law. Office in rear of Amerl can National Bank Building. JAMBS B. PBRRT, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL A WINTER. ATTORNETS and counsellors at law. Offlo In Despala building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY. at law. Estates settled, will, deeds. mortgage and contract drawn. Col lections mad. Room IT, Schmidt block. PETERSON A WUSON, ATTOR- ney at law; rooms I and 4 Smith- Crawford building. PHELPS A 8TETWER. ATTORNETS at law. affce In Smith-Crawford bo tiding. ' CHAS. J. FERGUSON, ATTORNBT at law. Office in Jndd bedtdlng. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNirT at law. Will practice In all state and federal court. Rooms 1, t, I, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS. ETC D. A. MAY. CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks. stone walks, etc. Phoae black 1781. or Oregontan office. FUNERAL) DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Opposite postoffrce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. 'Phone main 71. AUCTIONEER. COL F. Q. LUCAS. LIVESTOCK Auctioneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers' Bank ef Weston. Farm sales a specialty. SFXXXD-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN NEW and second hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought. Chenrest place In Pendleton to buy household goods. Call and get his prices 212 E. Court street. Phone Black 8171. RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT. NOODLES and chop suey, Ung D. Qoey, prop Kt the old stand, Alta street In rear of Tallman A Co. Housekeeping Rooms for Rent. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent In the East Oregontan build ing. Steam heat, electric light, hot and cold water aad bath. Recently reaevated. Bnqatre at Baat Orego- efflaa. Ads 1 WANTED (Continued.) WANTED UNITED WIRELESS, limited amount State whether preferred or common, number of shares. Address C. A. Co., 81 1-f Third street, Portland, Oreg. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN 9TAR1 a mail order business at home. Ne canvassing. Be your own bossv. Send for free booklet. Telia how. Heacock. 1718, Lockport, N. Y. HAIR WORK Come to Madam Ken nedy's, 607 East Court street, for your hair goods. The only genuine natural human hair goods ever sold In Pendleton and combing mad to order. Everything strictly guar anteed. Phone Red 1761. WANTED Lace curtain to laundry. Work done with especial car. Phone Red till. FOR BALE. CITY OF PENDLETON MAPS at Bast Oreconian offlee. Prto Ite. Directory DfSURANCH AITB LAXli BUaXVESS EARTMAN ABSTRACT CO, MAKES reliable aaartraew. ef title to all lands la Uaaatllla eeanty. tioaaa en ehy aad tana property. Buy and Bella all klnca ef real estate. Doe a genera! brokerage btieia. Pay taxes and naake lnvestmenta for non residents. Write fire, life and aecl deat Insurance. Referaao, any bank In Pendleton. JAMBS JOHNS, Pres. C. m. sf a Ban, flea. BENTLBT LEAFING WELL, RBAIa estate, fire, life aad accident maw ano agent. New locaUeo, lit Main street Phone Mala 404. IATBRT A STABLE. CTTT LJTBRT STABLE. THOMPSON etreet, Carney A Bradler. Prop. Uvery, feed and sale atable. Good ri at all tfaaea. Cub line la ooanee tloD. 'Phoa aula 71. Msacmxjunaom. HNORATBD CARDS, XNTTTATION8. weddla- -inmasinta, iiainiatit rirat aad baalaeaa atatleeMry, etc. Tory to test styles. Call at Bast Ore goaian offlo aad aaaaplea. LBOAt, BLANKS ef every desert p. tloa for aooatr Mart, ciroalt court. Juati eeart. rami aetata, cw fox aale at Baat OraaeJaa offlo. OM nti Manager fa hnrgq baaaUea, LET BLHCTRICITY DO YOUR work It's eleaa. reliable aad am. venieat. Biaetrlc Sad Iron rumrajt- teed. II.SI. BtaotrVc Hot Waiar f Curlinf Iron Baalan HiM. r.M. Peraolatora, etc. a aomcdeta tak ef ua ana KJaotrtc tlxtarea. Ftrat-claa wirtag ef home, et. J. L. Vaughaa. til Main street. FRATBRNAL ORDERS. -j rammjMTZWi UU)QB No. IS fV A. r. and A. M meet VA first and third Monday o eaoh monOt. All TisltHig brafaraai e Invited. DAMON LODGE NO. , K. of P., meet every Moa dar ereaianr la L O. (X 7, baU. VWtlag brothers orw diaily larited to stlead George W. Oatta, a C; R, W. Fletcher. K. R. A 8. PENDLETON TRAIN SCIIEDCIJB O.-W. B, A N. Weetbouad Oregoa division Portland local, leave.. 9:11 a aa. Ore. A Waah. Bzpreas.. 1:10 a. as, Portland Limited) . . . . p. m. Fast Mail 11:45 p.n. Motor : 4:M p. m. Pilot Reck Mixed 9:t5 a. m. Eastbound Oregon division Fast Mall 1:80 a m. Ore. A Wash. Express.. S:15 a. m. Chicago Limited S:15 p. m. Motor 10:4 a. m. Portland local, arrive.. 5:00 p. m. Pilot Rock Mixed J:15 p. m. Washington DIt Leaving Pendleton. Walla Walla local .... 5:25 p. m. Pendleton passenger .. 7:00 a. m. Spokane local S:00 a. m. Washington Div. Arriving Pendleton. Pendleton local 2:15 a. m. Walla Walla local .... 9:15 a. m Pendleton passenger .. 6:00 p. m. XORTHERN PACIFIC Leaving Pendleton Passenger 1:89 p.m. Mixed train 7:S0a.m. Arriving Pendleton Passenger 10:09 a.m. Mixed train 7:ta.an Gadfiwifitb IJKV Dairy East (feegaalaa by carrle only 15 cents per aaeotak. eclolilrfi av - '