BADLY KAflV ORKOONIAK. PHWLMTOW. ORBGKUf, TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1911. EIGHT PAGES DEER WALKS INTO TOWN-SCARES HORSE PAGE EHI , II! ALBEE ALSO II AS. VERT EXCITING FISTIC 1VATTLE Open Month of Belligerent Closes on Flngw of Opponent Zro Weather Recorded for First Time This Sea Bon Slollilng Not Good. tSpecial Correspondence.) Albee, Ore., Jan. 15. Yesterday morning was the coldest of the sea ton, being down to sero at 6 o'clock. It was warmer last night and today with a light snow fall today. The sick at Ukiah are reported as being better. One case of mumps is reported here today. Miss Ellen Ellis being the un fortunate one. A little excitement in the way of a fistic encounter broke the usual quiet of Albee last Wednesday after noon, the participants were Roy Con nell and Ed Crawford. One of Con nell's fingers got into Crawfords mouth and in a short time he (Con nell) said "nuf," then Ed Enright landed one on Crawford's Jaw and they had a short round. Crawford be ing out of "wind" soon had to say "nuf." It is said by some of the par ticipants that the end is not yet Thursday about one o'clock a fine buck deer walked into Albee from the south; when he got within 100 yards of Quant's store re turned west, scar ed one of Newt Reeves' horses (a 20 year old mare) which started on the run. About this time Sam Neil's dog saw the deer and gave chase, not be ing able to keep in sight of the deer he soon gave up and came back. It is not known how far the deer chas ed the horse. She came back . at night looking like she had swam a river and now Newt is threatening to prosecute the game warden. The dance Friday night was largely attended and was a very pleasant af fair. No drunks or disorderly. About 40 took supper at the Quant hotel. J. B. Ellis Is working at the Arbo gast Bros, saw mill. Though the sledding is not good the boys are mak ing the best of it and getting logs in for their spring ran. H. C. Fisher has been summoned by phone to appear before the grand Jury at 9 a. m. Tuesday, and will start for Pendleton on tomorrow morning's stage. P. H. Schmidt was summon ed last week to appear before the grand Jury and went out last Friday. S. B. Nell will make a "trip to the county seat this week. Mrs. A. Struthers is expected home with her daughter In a few days. nee A New Edition m ho? for the first time you get a complete set of all Mark Twain's writ ings at just exactly one-half the price they have ever been sold before. This is a new edition, just as complete as the old one, which still sells, by the way, at $:0.00. This new edition is only $25.00 for the 25 volumes. It had been Mark Twain's ambition to have his books In every !PJ?I ok and ho mado a Sreat personal sacrifice to ? reuTa'kab, opportunlty-for the first time !S J ,story of ?u!,8J,'nS copyrighted books are sold at the price of non-copyrighted books-the chance will not come again. . But for Mark Twain's action this would have been impossible. Never before has a copyrighted library set of a standard author's works been issued at such a low figure. His Complete Works 25 Beautiful Volumes HARPER BROTHERS Franklin Squirt Htm Tort Cltr .. Jd7,v"heW! : " Mark Twain wiI1 '"eluded In that group of writers headi by Mol.ere and Cervantes. With the exception of Count Tolstoi. Twain . u ! . , J mouern wruers. and will be handed down to posterity through the trio of .his works 'Huckleberry Finn, 'Tom Sawyer" and Pit" ,or ' Pudd'ahead Wilson.' Twain is a greater stylist than Stevenson or TmhUtTam Thoce.u, and h.s Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg 1, one of the finest wokkI A h 2 works .a Englh hterature." Mark Twain himself wrote a preface t.onal Ediu, tw-fiv.t to this edition. BTander Matthews has written the biographical m. doth binding. It U under criticism of Mark Twain and his work. There are portraits of ttoai 1 mr retain the et or live daya. the author at periods when the different books were In oror X nd ,h ",r,lon ' h Im. " 1 ess of writing piw not care lar the books. I will return them at Tour ezpnrae. If I keep the book, I will remit Thereare beautiful pictures bv such artists as Frost. 00 month mta ,h 'uU Pric. M.OO, has Aewell, Smedley, Thulstrup. Clinedinst. Kemhlc S p,w wltWa tblrt " a3-7B W and Upper. The binding is in rich red rep silk book cloth, with title labels stamped in gold. The books are printed on white antique wove paper, espe- ciauy made tot this edition. Each volume is Slgna.., m generous -sue and bulk, 5x7 inches. J A D DCD m. nnMvn " - BltUintK9 Sendbooketo. A Catalogue Our Standard Set Beofcs wtf ment In full. WMWWtM,H,tHIMHtlllna t seat p raaeat p. o. E. O. 1-17 Caofffat b ttoe Rain, then a cold and a cough let it run on get pneumonia or consumption. that's all. No matter how yon get your cough don't neglect It take Ballard's Hsrehound Syrup and you'll be over it in no time. The sure cure (or coughs, colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary diseases in young and old. A. C. Koeppen ft Bras. EDITOR CHICKEN FEVER EUROPE REPORTS POOR CROP OOSTJITTOXS From all over Europe there came reports f a possible poor harvest of the next crops. England is so water logged that the farmers say it will be impossible to make the soaked soil yield an abundant harvest. France Is suffering even more. The Seine, Loire and Dordogne have been in a chronic state of flood for weeks; in f pain, all the rivers from the Ebro In the north to the Guadalquivir in the south have overflowed their banks; Italy is no better off, for landslides and washouts have tied Bp several railroads and the swollen Po has threatened the exposition buildings at Turin. In Switzerland the lakes and rivers have swollen to unusual neights damaffinjr the quays and railroads; all central Europe is suffering: from ex cessive moisture and even Russia lias ant in reports of damaging floods. The man with a new idea la a crank until the idea succeeds.' COM twit Rfieumatixm and XervounnewM. NERVE STRENGTH Nerve strenfrth is a potent factor in all physical and mental health. Weak nerves make a weak brain, weak heart, weak circulation. Uric add and oth er poisons and Imparities ac cumulate throughout the system cauRlng Rheumatism, Extreme Nervousness, Kidney asd Liver troubles. Backache, Neuralgia, and kindred ailments. Eleetropcdes eliminate excess uric Rtild, deans and purify the entire system. They radiate health and strength to tvery organ, Increase circulation and Invigorate the nerves. One man from Texas writes: "1 would like to put Electropodes In reach ef ail afflicted people. They have cured me of a severe case of Sciatic Rheumatism. DrugfrlHt Signs Tliln Contract. . Tin irysir of Vlre'.rnjrsSri . v p. '!..!- of rr'.arnin lu ni -:.'nn J.' the purcha prl-e Hl.ij'i a ti be rtluDdiJ up Vim fuilvwime condi. Ii'iier 7 hf-r are to be wofa aceordinr to dir1 tone for at leart 2Sawrutivrdara. aod lhf If not satisfactory, u be returned la orttnal tax. UruxKUt 'a Sicaaf are At druggists; or by mail, postpaid. If your druggist can not furnish Electropodes, send us 11.00, and we will se that you are supplied Immediately. State whether for man or wo man. - Western Elect ropode Co. S5S Los Angeiea St., Los Angdea, California. (Special Correspondence.) Milton, Ore., ban. 16. Colonel P. B. Boyd, editor and proprietor of the Athena Press, was an all day visitor in Milton Saturday. The colonel is Interested in fancy poultry and while here visited some of the fine pens kept by local fanciers with a view to investing in blooded chickens. Many K. of P.'s and their wives at tended the annual district convention of that order held in Pendleton Sat urday. A fine program and banquet was among the entertainments for the visitors and all report a most en joyable time. R. G. Still this week purchased the C. W. Steen residence property on the corner of Mill and First streets, consideration, $4000. Mr. Still is a well known wheat grower of Dry creek. He will move Into his new home in April. Alva Shumway was a visitor at the county seat Saturday. Attorney J. N. Keal, Wm. Lloyd and George Sanderson, have returned from a business visit to Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Young were In the city a short while today from Spokane, en route to Eugene, where Mr. Toung has accepted a position. Miss Cora Baker has arrived from Weiser, Idaho, and will make her home with Mr. and Mrs. George Miller. Messrs. Mat Mosgrove, I. E. Young, E. A. Williams and E. B. Tolcn are attending the poultry show at Walla Walla this week wher they have en tered some fine pens. ADAMS NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS IOMTICS AM) POLITICI XS. Next comeg you, Mr. Kern. Governors of all the states have been invited to the Woodrow Wilson Inauguration today. Many will attend The Georgia delegation in congress has served notice on the democratic leaders that Representative Brantley of that state, must not be dropped from the wfcys and means consjnittce. The tariff commission bill framed by Representative Nicholas Long worth of Ohio, has received the en dorsement of the national tariff com- mlsxion, whose members are making individual appeals through their con gressroen to hasten the measures passage. The George Gray Barnard groups of statuary on the capltol at Harrisburg, Pa, are attracting much attention at the Inauguration ceremonies of Gov ernor Tener today. Not a few pro tests have been made against the nu dity of the figures; some want 'em dr&pcd, some want 'em nude, some say the man who made them must have been "stewed." Though the immediate succession of a son to his father's seat has happen ed several times in the house, the suc cession of Davis Elkins to the scat of his late father, United States Senator Elkins Is the establishing precedent la the upper huse. The new young sen ator is ranked as one of the wealth iest members of the body, as he cornea in for a large share of the fortune of 120,000,000 left by his father. He Is said to share the family opposition to the courtship of his sister by the Duke of the Abruzzl. (Special Correspondence. ) Adams, Ore., Jan. 16. James Chris topher, one of Umatilla's big wheat men, sold his ranch of one-halt sec tion, to James Nelson for $32,000. Christopher has since purchased four hundred acres near Colfax, Wash., and will leave In a few days for that place to make his home. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Baker returned to their old home at Adams Friday after spending a few months In the city of Portland. Mrs. Baker says there is no place like home. A few of the Knights of Pythias of Adams lodge went to Pendleton Sat urday night to attend the convention there. Those who went were Fred Blake, Ed Wallan, Ftank Henry. Earl Simonton, A. M. Coffey and Bert Kir by. All had a dandy time. Mrs. Geiss and daughter, Miss Win- nlfred Giess, visited in the city of Pendleton Monday. E. G. Marquis, the city druggist, was a business visitor In Pendleton Sat urday. Mrs. T. A. Lleuallen was the guest of R. Ferguson of Pendleton Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. A. Watrus are Pendle ton visitors Saturday. Miss Anis Barnes returned to her school In Adams Sunday night after spending a few days at home in Wes ton. Miss Lizzie McKenzle returned to her home in Adams Monday after vis iting a few days In the city of Pen dleton. Bseray Notice. One span of sorrel geldings some what eld. Weight about 1110 pounds. Any persea notifying Chae. Lobaugh, Pllet Rook, or John L. Bartley, 90S Ulleth street, Pendleton will be re warded. TO CURE A COLD DT ONE DAT. Take LAXATIVE BItOMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money If tt fails to cure. B. W. GROVE'S signature Is on eaoh box. tSe SIMPLE REMEDY CURES APPENDICITIS Sworn proof that simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded In Adler-i-ka, the new German Ap pendicitis remedy, really does cure appendicitis without operation, can now be seen right in Pendlefon at the store of Pendleton Drug Co. A SIN GLE DOSE of this simple remedy will relieve wind or gas in the stomach or bowels, sour stomach, constipation and other symptoms of chronic appendicitis. Miss Edna Howard Baker! Cooking School at The Peoples Warehouse Grocery Department Is a permanent help to everybody, knowing how to cook is a necessity, a luxury as well as a blessing. 1 Miss Baker is willing to help you. Will you help yourself? Ladies are requested to bring pen cil, spoon and forks. Cooking School FREE TO ALL Wednesday, January 18th MENU Nut Bread Crumb Cake A change of Menu every day, will be cooked and served from 2:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. The Peoples Warehouse and The Pacific Power & Light Co. extend a cordial invitation to all. Do you read the Bast OregonianT A Reliable Cough Medicine. Is a valuable family friend. Foley's Honey and Tar fulfills this condition exactly. Mrs. Charles Kline, N. 8th street, Easton, Pa, states: "Several members of my family have been cur ed of bad coughs and colds by the use of Foley's Honey and Tar and I am never without a bottle in the house. It soothes and relieves the irritation in the throat and loosens up the cold. I do not hesitate to recommend it highly." For la grippe coughs and for delicate people use only Foley's Honey and Tar. Contains no opiates. Koeppen Bros. Foley Kidney Pills. Are tonic in action, quick in results. A special medicine for all kidney and bladder disorders. H. U. Beatty, Lit tle Rock, Ark, says, "For two years I have been troubled with severe kid ney trouble. The pains across my back and over my hips were so bad that they almost meant death to me at times. I used several well known kidney remedies which gave ma no relief until I used Foley Kidney Pills, and these I can truthfully recom mend as may navs oraua me sounu and well." Koeppen Bros. Hallowell Concert. Musical Entertainment at the ar mory Friday, January 20. Admission $1.00. Given by Bayonet Club, com posed of Company L, O. N. G., Spanish-American war veterans, G. A. R. veterans. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy la not a common, very-day cough mixture. It la a msritorious ramady for all the troublesom and dangerous oamplloa tions resulting from cold in the aead, tnraat, cheat or lungs. Bold by all dealars. UNFURNISHED ....HOUSE-KEEPING..., 1ROOMS In Suites of 2 Rooms Each Steam Heat Electric Lights Gas and Gas Range Hot and Cold Water Bath Good Ventilation Plenty oi Daylight INCLUDED IN EACH SUITE LOCATED IN East Oregcnian Building Enquire at East Oregoniar. Office