EIGHT PAGES BAILY EAST OHJBGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1911. PAGE mi I Our Annual Muslin Underwear Sale Now On Yov can save at least 25 percent, by making your purchase for the entire summer NOW All This Week' 89.05 Any Ladies Suit in the house, 93 to choose from Any Coat in the house Half Price Any Dress in the house Half Price F. . Livengood Co. The Women's aad Children's Store. LOCALS 8 Lane ft Bon for signs. Hat tamales at Hehbachs. Pullmi pictures pleas all. Phone Mala 1 for United Orchestra. Wall paper, paint, etc. Lane A 8a. I. C Border, chimney weep. R till. Furnished house on Thompson treat, $18 month. See Lee Teutaon. Everybody goes to the Orpheum to aee the beet aad the clearest pictures. fore moving pictures shown than any other theatre la the city the Pastime. The best moving pictures aad brightest pictures in Pendleton at the Orpheum. For rent Corner office in the Judd building, recently occupied by Dr. W. O. Cole. A clean aad careful shuv always at Mark Patton'a shop. Across from Alexanders. Phone for patrons. Lands Ten yearly payment plan; six per cent; $90 to 1180 per acre. B. P, Dodd, Hermlston, Ore. For sale Several S. C. White Leg horn cockerels, scoring up to 93. Ad dress Mrs. O. M. Hoosler, Stanfleld, Ore. . For Sale Detroit Jewel gas range with oven and broiler. Also gas boil er, heater. Phone Main 62 or call at this office. Cold weather la coming. Wa have the beet coal on the market A ton la 1000 lbs. at Pendleton Lusn er Yard, Phone Main O. Phone Main 1 for good clean lump or nut coal. Prompt delivery to all parts of the city. Crab Creek Lum ber Co., 700 West Alta street. Spend your idle evenings In a gen tlemen's resert Bowling, poet, bil liards, shooting gallery. Pastime Parlor. Hoover and Book. Sor sale One sorrel gelding, age 9 years, weight 1100 pounda, sound, good work or saddle horse. Price 175. Inquire 1301 West Alt. Fo resale A nice lot of Standard bred, single comb Black Minorca cockerels. Price, II and up. Enquire N. A. Humphrey, 114 Beauregard street, Pendleton. Saint Paul's School. Walla Walla, Washington, day and boarding school for girls. Second Semester begins February 1.- (Miss) Nettie M. Qal bralth, principal. Fine house, all furnished, splendid location, one of best buys In Pendlo ton. If sold by Saturday night 11350 will take the place. Ask about It to day. Lee TcutKch. For Sale S. C. Buff Leghorn cock erels, prize winners at Pendleton Poul try show, with score of 92 1-2. Part of same stock scored even higher. Ad dress Mrs. F. Rose Qulott, 1322 E. Court; phono Black 1461. Read In the January Sunset Maga sine "Los Angeles Homeland," su perbly illustrated In four colors "The Spell." by C. N. and A. M. Wil liamson. A thrilling California ro manoe. Now on sale, all news stands, It rents Pendleton's new paint store. Hale & McAtee, props., 816 Main street. Acme quality paints, enamels, stains and varnishes. Wall paper and pic ture moulding Let us fig are' on your next job. We Invite your Inspection. Goods arriving daily. LOCAL MEJT WELL TREATED. (Continued from page one.) Linn, Pierce and Clyde. Manufactures Ambrose, Miller of Columbia, Amme. Medicine and pharmacy Belknap, Huntington, Cottel, Jones and Fish. Military affairs Abrams, Buch- . anan and Fouts. I Mining Neuner, McKInney, Rack- leff. Church and Westerlund. Penal, reformatory and charitable I institutions Brownhlll, Mann and uoneoraae. Printing -Jones, Bryant and Beals. Public lands Peterson, Thompson, Simpson, Bonebrake and Graves. Public llbrary-i-Cushman, Sutton and Graves. Railways and transportation Bry ant. Carter, Thompson, Mariner and Tigard. Revision of Laws Fouts, Peterson, Derby, Neuner and Hollls. Roads and Highways Mann, Lib by, Buckley, Chapman and Eggleaton. Rules and Joint Rules Clemens, Thompson and Powell. Salaries Mid Mileage Clemcfris, Shaw and Bonebrake. I Salaries, State and County Officers I nigelow. Pierce and Buchanan. I Statistics and Immigration Eggles i ton, Belland and Miller of Columbia, r Ways and Means Abbott, McKJn I ncy, Reynolds, Mann, Chatten, Ma honey and Eggleston. 'PREMIER liRIAXD HAS I CLOSE CALL FROM ASSASSIN Paris, Jan. 17. An , man this afternoon shot a pillar of the Chamber i at Premier Briand. The ' ed its mark but struck director of public relief, ' painfully wounding him. was arrested. unidentified from behind of Deputies bullet miss M. Mlrmam, , in the leg The man PRETENDER TO THRONE BECOMES STOCK BROKER London, Eng., Jan. 17. Prince Mi guel Braganza, pretender to the throne of Portugal, husband of Anita Stewart of New York, has become a broker in London. American dollars, handled by his mother-in-law, Mrs. Henry Smith, bought the duke a small partnership in one of the blg gost London firms it was learned today. I To Nominate Kern. I Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 17. State i Senator Bernard B. Shiveley of Ma rlon, will represent the senate and J muko he speech which will place In nomination the name of John W. Kern I for the United States senate today. ' The Joint meeting of the house and 1 senate is scheduled for today. Blng! Biff!! Bangui We all get lots of hard knocks In llfi but a business education enables la to resist them successfully. The Pondleton business college supplys the education. Lost Gold buckle and locket from J fob. Locket contained diamond Set ting. Finder please return to this of fice and receive reward. I Alcohol and Coal Odorless gas heaters are non-explosive and you will find them very convenient in heating up bath rooms, bed rooms, etc. We have a very nice line we would like to show you and explain their merits to you The prices are reasonable also. KOEPPEN'S The Drug Store That Serves You Best PERSONAL MENTION Lewis Zweifel of Baker City, visited in the city yesterday, J. T. Lleuallen, the well known Ad ams farmer, Is here today. Goorge F. Roberts of Portland Is registered at the Hotel Pendleton. J. F. Zerba of Athena, is transact ing business at the court house today. F. M. McDonald was in Pendleton yesterday from his home at Coe sta tion. Miss Joy Glenn came in yesterday afternoon from her home in Pilot Rock. Mrs. R. N. Stanfleld passed through the city lust evening enroute to Hot Lake. John Durham was In the city from Echo yesterday on one of his regular visits. J. T. and E. W. Thorne spent yester day in Pendleton from their home at Holdman. R .B. Stanfleld of Echo, passed through the city last evening going to Hot Lake. Lee Teutsch, the local real estate and Insurance man, Is spending the day in Hermlston. H. H. Gilbert, well known Pilot Rock man, was In the city yesterday afternoon and night. Miss Harriet Harris of La Grande, is in the city the guest of her sister. Miss Florence Harris. George St'rohm, one of Hermlston's young ranchers, came up from the project town last evening. Hon. J. N. Teal of Portland is here today attending the First National bank stockholders meeting. Miss Bernlce Ruppe, the popular vocalist, is confined to her home with a mild attack of the grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gillanders of Meacham were here this forenoon en route to Portland upon a visit. Dr. M. S. Kern went to Hermlston on the local this morning to look af ter his lumber interests in that town. J. T. Lleuallen, prominent farmer of the Adams country, came Into Pen dleton this morning on tne Walla Wal la local. E. L. Messner of Orcnco, Oregon, representative of the Oregon Nursery company Is stopping at the Hotel Pendleton. Dick Cox, formerly of Pendleton, but now of Portland, is here today attending the First National bank annual meeting. R. M. Cantrell of Pilot Rock, was among the residents of the Umatilla county sheep town In Pendleton yes terday evening . J. F. KM gore formerly of Weston, but now of Cornelius, was in town yes terday on his return home after a visit to eastern Oregon and Idaho. A. Buckley, assistant superintendent of the O.-W. R. & N. with headquar ters in La Grande, was in the city yesterday and left on the local 'his morning. J. H. Christopher, who sold his farm near Adams to Dave Nelson re cently, will soon leave for Alblan, Washington, where he has purchased a large ranch, , Manager Wells of the local tele phone office, spent yesterday among the bayous in the west end of the county. One lone goose rewarded him for a day of hardships. Ex-Senator Levi Ankeny of Walla Walla, is in the city today to attend the annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the First National bank, of which Institution he is president. PLANS FOR FEDERAL In answer to an inquiry sent to Washington regarding trie Pendleton federal building, Ed Money of this city, has Just received the following: Washington, D. C, Jan. 10. Mr. Ed. Money, Pendleton, Ore. Dear Sir: In reply to the Inquiry contained In your letter of the first Instant, rel ative to the status of the work on the plans for the proposed new postofflce building at Pendleton, Oregon, you are advised that the preliminary sketches for same will probably be ta ken up In the spring. Respectrully, L. SIMON. Acting Supervising Architect. SAYS "EMINENT DOMAIN" PREVENTS RATE INCREASE Washington, D. C. Jan. 17. Argu ing that the railroad's power of "Em inent domain" would operate as a bar to increased railroad rates, John At wood, attorney for tne western ship pers' committee, argued today beforo the Interstate commerce committee against the proposed advance. Atwood based his contention on tne ruling of the supreme court which declared that the status of property would bo determined at the time when the in creased rates were considered and that the company Is entitled to bene fits of Increase In the value of its property. The decision was made In the case of Wilcox against the consol idated Gas company of New Tork.v Atwood argued the railroads could not make the samo claim because they were clothed with power of "emi nent domain" and coutd secure prop erty cheaper. Our Great Clearance Sale of Trustworthy and DEPENDABLE ME Will Continne All This Week Take Advantage NOW, While the Choosing is Better and Lines More Complete. Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money AT THE MOVING PICTURE SHOWS The Orpbeam. 1. "Her First Husband's Return." 100 feet long. An interesting and realistic drama based on a true story from life. 2. "Reggie's Engagement." 1000 feet long. The story of a strenuous Sunday, a "growler," a murder mys tery, a stern parent, a pretty girl and Reggie. 3. "Herod and the New Born King." Gaumont, 1000 feet long. No more beautiful and artistic fill" has been shown. Every scene Is a marvel of accurate representation. It is taken from the first part of chapter 11 of the Gospel of St Matthew. 4. "On the Stage." Pathe. 1000 feet long. An amusing comedy. Don't miss this picture. Pastime Theatre. "A Man of Honor." Tells how a man at great personal sacrifice, even to endangering his life, saves a wo man from the tongue of scandal. The mechanical effects are especially good. The story has unusual strength to commend it. "An Exile's Love." Here Is an ex lied prince employed by a wealthy gentleman falling in love with the daughter In quite the American way. Of course there Is a villain to be Jeal ous, but his machinations do not dis turb the flow of the stream of love. Marriage follows, succeeded by a lec ture delivered by the girl's father. All 13 made right, however, by the ar rival of the intelligence that the ex ile has been restored to his title, his rank and what is vastly of more consequence, his money. "The Joke They Played on Bump tious." Some club men worked up on Bumptious' imagination until they made him believe he was Intoxicated. A clever comedy by the Edison company. "The Professor's Hat," comedy. "Escape from Sing Sing." Show ing a thrilling escape from the noted old prison. "The Washing Badly Marked." comedy. ' Four reels, 4000 feet of latest mo tion pictures and illustrated song. CHANGE IN WOMAN'S LIFE Made Safe by Lydia E. PinKham's Vegetable Compound. Granitpvillo, Vt "I was passing through theChanpoof I.ifeaiulsuffered 1 r o in nervousness tml other annoying symptoms, and I can truly say that i.yma L.. iniknani s Vegetable Com pound has proved worth mountains or gold to me, as it restored my health At The Cosy. "Two Lucky Jims," (American). This is the first of the American cow boy films. A cowboy, and a diamond in the rough, falls in love with a girl; her father, also mother have other favorites In view each by the name of Jim. However, the girl elopes with cowboy number one with the rest of the bunch in pursuit even a mule train Is pressed into service. After a couple of years the girl proves to be a holy terrier and the Jilted lovers feel like "Two Lucky Jims." Full of interest and laughter. "The Exiled Mother." The burg lars attempt to steal a necklace from a fashionable home. Hearing the owner coming he grabs the wife ar ound the neck to protect himself from being shot. The husband thinking he has caught his wife In a com pro mlslng position exiles her from his home. Afterward she applies for the position of governess for her own children. The burglar on his death bed confesses to the father the truth and the husband and wife are re united he being much surprised to find that she has been employed In his own noma, "The Poor Student." The young man enters college, Is too poor to pay his way so gets a Job as waiter in a restaurant He falls in love with a student gives her a bouquet, but as the others Jeer her, she throws It on the floor and a waitress picks It up. He goes west, stakes It rich, re turns and marries the waitress pass ing up the pretty student. Song, "Little Miss Golden Curls." ENGLAND GIVES JAPAN DIPLOMATIC SETBACK London, Jan. 17. A diplomatic set back for Japan Is the view generally taken here today of the tariff con cessions offered England ty Japan, which is now being made the basis of a new commercial treaty. English merchants brought tremendous pres sure to bear to make Japan recede from her stand of heavily increasing duties on practically all lines of goods that England exports to Japan. FEARED CZARINA'S DAYS ON EARTH NUMBERED St Petersburg, Jan. 17. Confir mation of the reports that the Czarina is again in a critical condition was obtained today from the attaches of the palace. Her majesty's recent trip to Bad Nauheim brought only' tem porary relief and her nervous disor der with melancholia returned. The fear ls expressed she will not live ! long. Board of Trade. "Washington, Jan. 17. Business and commercial matters affecting the en tire nation are under discussion to day at the annual session of the Na tional board of trade. To Vote on Exposition. Wushlngton, Jan. 17. The rules committee of the house, according to igreement, will vote on the Panama canal exposition matter today. The San Francisco and New Orleans dele gations have been conducting a very strenuous campaign In behalf of their respective cities. Vegetable Compound has done for ma during this trying period. Complete restoration to health means so much to me that for the sake- of other suffer ing women 1 am willing to make my trouble public so you may publish tills letter." M its. ('has. IUhilay, U.F.D., Granitoville, Vt. No other medicine for woman's ills has received such wide-spread and un qualified endorsement. "o other med icine we know of has such a record of cures as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For more than !V years it has heen curing woman's ills such as inflamma tion, ulceration, libroid tumors, irreg ularities, periodic pains and nervous prostration, and it is unequalled for carrying women safely through tho period of change of lite. Mrs. Ptnkhnm. rtt I.ynn, Mass., Invites nil ulok women to writo her for advice. 1 1 er advice Is free, and always helpful. You Cannot Do Better 17 ROOM nOUSE On South Main, $1500 on ly requires $500 cash to buy. 12 ROOM HOUSE On South Main, will trade for wheat or alfalfa land. Would pay $5000 to $7000 difference on Rood wheat ranch. . BEAUTIFUL NEW BUN GALOW fine location, worth $5000 price today only $4000, $1500 cash, balance easy terms. 7 ROOM HOUSE On West Court, worth $1500 but if sold at once $1050 cash will buy it 6 ROOM HOUSE ' On Union street, partly fur nished, worth $900, price $650, 1-2 cash, balance monthly payments. $2500 HOUSE in Payette, Idaho, to trade for Pendleton property. Fine new bungalow in Portland to trade for Pen dleton home. NICE 5 ROOM HOUSE On Ann street, worth $1650, $1250 cash will handle it. Lot 66x100. Splendid shade trees and lawn. 10 ACRE TRACT in Walla Walla to trade for Pendleton property. LEE TEUTSCH Phone Main 5 550 Main Street The Real Estate and Insurance Man FH7T10N QV DUALITY f f otl it LSplnctfl'l M MMIV, Iwnt tn swlttl mfcnriifarliwM Mtnl wmrtf dill magukw. For Good Heading Get UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE Baeh Ijiu Cempttf in lUf Its contents U of sock a compelling aatar aa to caius the reader to buy om number aad want the next UPPINCOTTS new covers a wide field of dUcriminating readers who seek eskjy that which is best in Ficthn. FmtL ami ONE YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION WILL BRING TO YOG 1 2 GREAT COMPLETE NOVELS-on In each less. 50 TIMELY ARTICLES by competent writer. 75 SHORT STORIES clever, dean-cat, and vital. 50 PLEASING POEMS that need no interpreter. 200 PAGES OF NEW AMERICAN HUMOR la "Wain Wine," the most widely quoted humor section in America. 2000 pages vssxlj of exhilarating readlnc. StnJ mil orders to thb paper or UPPINCOTTS MAGAZINE on re soi mau sucum 1