PAGJK FOUR DAILY EAST ORBQQXIAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, Tl'ESDAV, JANUARY 17, 1911. EIGHT PAGES AM INDKi'KXDKXT KKW8PAPEB, rklUbed Dally, Weekly and Seml-WMklf t I'endleroo, Uregon, by to by U A8S ORKUOMAX lTHLl(ilIN(J 81ACKUT10N HAT KB. ally, oaa year, by mall ll, ill mouths, by mall . . . ..15.00 .. 2.40 baliy, three months, by mall 1.25 juy, on moDtn, oy man ou tally, ooe yar, by carrier 7.60 tlly, all montns, by carrier 8.75 bally, three months, by carrier 1.03 fMllr. one month, br carrier. .65 Wavkiy, one year. By mall Vrely, all months, by mall V !, tour months, by mall Asml-nerkly. one year, by mall... ml-Verkl.v, all months, by mall.. Mail Weekly, (oar moatha, by mall. 1.50 .75 .50 1.50 .75 .50 Vbe Dally East Oregonlan la kept oa sale at the Utvcoi. News Co., 828 Horrlsoa tret. Portland. Oregon. northwest News Co.. Portland, Oregon. Chicago Bureau, 909 Security Building. Washington. D. C, Bureau, 501 Four -eatb street, N. W. Member United Press Assoctstlon. Entered at the postofflce at Pendleton, 0ea-oa, as second class mall matter. telephone Mala 1 Official City and County Paper. THE RUXXERS. . . . For I run not alone. There run with me the Silent Three, Through fields the dead have sown. One with a sweet and piteous smile The tireless Past ah, he will last For many a footsore mile. And one, Ihe Now with stern, white gaze Who gives no heed though I do bleed Along the thorny ways. One with masked face, lips dumb. Beckons my soul to some blind goal The wraith of Things to Come. . . . Nay, I run not alone, There run with me the Silent Three, : ' Through fields the dead have sown. Emery Pottle. THE BRANCH ASYLUM. In a message sent the legislature .yesterday Governor West asked that a, special committee of capable and disinterested men be sent to Pendle- ton to look over the site that has been t selected as a location for the branch .asylum. He sets forth that the land 'purchased by Bowerman offers no suitable building site for such a large Institution and he gives the seasons why the site is objectionable. He -would have the state board authoriz--ed to purchase additional land so that .a better building site may be secured. There Is nothing new or startling i in this. While they were here the other day both Governor West and ' Treasurer Kay were frank In crtti . clsing the site selected. They pre- dieted then that more land would have to be purchased. In acting as tiey have done both ''the governor and state treasurer have ' been entirely within their rights and they can be subjected to -no proper criticism. They will have the expend ing of a vast Bum of money for the , people of Oregon. It is but right they should be careful and see that no blunders are made. A building site must be had that will be amply large for the buildings to be erected and ' (or possible future enlargements. If the site chosen by Bowerman does not offer suitable building ground it would : be a crime against decency and good fffvernment for the present board to ahead and erect a half million dol lar institution upon that site. But there is no move on to take the branch asylum away from Pen dleton. The members of the board so stated while here and they have so Mated publicly since that time. It la plainly the intention to secure more land In this vicinity and to locate the buildings upon that land. During the . past few days Engineer Murphy has been looking over other tracts with ' this idea in view. In the view of the East Oregonlan Pendleton has nothing to fear from Governor WeBt or Treasurer Kay. ' They are big men, not petty and vici ous politicians. They are doing their ' duty as they see it They are not try ing to job Pendleton or do anything of the sort. At this time the only Moment of danger seems to lie In the possibility of a fight In the legisla- ' tare. Should Bowerman and his fol lowers try to justify the action tak en by the retiring acting governor and prevent the purchase of more land then the whole thing may be thrown Into the air. But is Is more than likely the leg- ialature will uphold the present board. The legislature Is progressive and the organisation In both houses is friend ly to the governor. Both houses should back the administration in Its asylum plans. Upon this point It Is 1 timely to remark that both Senators ' Barrett and Burgess should stand with the new board despite the fact r that-they were for Bowerman as president of the senate. The Inter esta of Pendleton and of Umatilla country are greater than any consid- eralon of petty politics. If the new board wants to buy more land for the asylum then our senators should stand by them In the move. This la no time for cheap personal politics. A FITILE ATTACK. Defending the state conservation commission against an unjust attack made upon it by Jay Bowerman, the Journal said yesterday: "Mr. Bowerman's Information was bad. No sum of $5000 was appro priated for the commission. The amount for the two years was $1000 and of this sum but $565 was ex pended. "Second, the money was much bet ter expended than in Mr. Bowerman's famous scheme of putting Dr. Pla mondon on a salary of $3000 a year two years before his services were required at the Oregon branch asy lum. The work of the commission and its predecessors has been of in valuable service to the state. It was to the original commission that Is largely due the enactment of the Ore gon water code. That achievement and the fruit It has borne is evidence of the field there Is for a conserva tion commission in the state. "The work accomplished through the water code Is alone worth tlie cost of a commission for a century, and there remains other fields for similarly fruitful endeavor by the body. It has limited the franchises on water powers to a period of 40 years and at the end of the time re turns the title to the state instead of allowing it to remain the vested right of a private corporation. If there had been an Oregon conservation commission 20 years ago, the' Port land Railway, Light & Power com pany would not now claim owner ship of the Willamette Falls and would not be warning farmers along the river to its source that they must 'not take water from the stream for irrigation purposes if by so doing they reduce the flow of water at the falls. 'The trouble with Oregon has been that it did not have conservation commissions long ago." When he tried to muck rake the state conservation commission Jay Bowerman took up a hard Job. The valuable work done by J. N. Teal and associates on that commission is too well known. The commission will not suffer by Bowerman's attack but the people of this state are shown once more what stripe of politician Jay Bowerman Is. HIDE TILVT SKUNK. Prompted by some political mo tive, the devil knows what, a lying, dirty, untimely attack was made here yesterday upon Governor West and State Treasurer Kay. In local circles that attack will have no effect be cause people will merely consider the source. But it would be bad to nave it go abroad. The nature of that at tack was such that it constitutes an outrageous Insult to the governor, to Mr. Kay and to the entire state, Pendleton must squelch such stuff as that and show that the decent, re sponsible element of her citizenship does not countenance such tactics. If we must have skunks in our midst then for God's sake let us keep them covered at a time like this. In committee appointments Uma tilla senators have not fared well but the house members were well treated. Peterson Is chairman of the public lands committee and is upon the ir rigation committee. Mahoney and Mann are both upon ways and means and have other good places. With the work on the extension of the project and the natural develop ment now on in the west end Her miston has a right to expect to grow. What Pendleton wants is the branch asylum. We can safely leave the de tails to the state board and to the engineers. Did you notice the chlnook? BACK, TIIEX, TO THE FARM. Richard Croker, during his visit to New York last month, discussed with a reporter the high cost of living. "The farmers are all right," said Mr. Croker. "It is the people who In sist on living in the towns who find everything too dear. In the towin, you see, the expenses are as bother some as the children. "A little boy in a tiny flat looked up from his drum one day and said: " 'Mothr, Adam and Eve lived In paradise. What was it like there?' " 'Like what It Is here, his mother answered, 'when you eight children are all at school.' " HIS WIFE DID. "My largest item of expense is on account of advertising." "Indeed! I was not aware that you were in business." "I'm not. But my wife reads the advertisements In the newspapers." Boston Transcript. A man may have no bad habits and have worse. ' JANUARY 17 IX HISTORY. 1009 Abd-El-Malek, a Moorish prince, crucified by his conquerors. 1S80 An act of parliament passed by which foreign ecclesiastics were Incapacitated from holding beneflcles in England. 1S04 Letters from Dr. Jenner were published in London, claiming that his cowpox vaccination would give Immunity from oriental plague. 1S29 Western Australia formed into a British province, with a govern ment and territorial officers appoint ed by the crown. 1S54 Two railroad bridges and crossings at Erie, Pa., destroyed by a mob of women, who were afterhrd escorted through the town with ban ners, headed by a band of music. 1S54 Detroit and Buffalo joined by the completion of the Great West ern railroad of Canada. 1864 Henry Ward Beecher's sal ary as pastor of Plymouth church, Brooklyn, raised from $7000 to $12, 500 yearly, in return for his services in England in behalf of the union. 1S66 The civil authority held by the provisional governor of Florida transferred to the governor elected by the people. General Walker. " 18S0 The Main legislature elected Daniel F. Davis, republican, governor, there having been no choice by the people. 1881 The new capital at Vvs Moines Iowa, recently damaged by fire, dedicated. 1904 At Richmond, Va., Dr. J. B. Hawthorne preached against the state providing for teaching religion in the public schools. 1905 Russian troops occupied Kashgar, China, after threat to In vade empire for alleged discrimina tion. A CRUSTY CHARACTER, George E. Turner, at a dinner at the Curtis hotel m Lenox, said with a smile: "This hotel was originally a New England boarding house. The board was very simple here. And old Cur tis, the original old Curtis, was a character. "Curtis used to drive a very aris tocratic lady, Mrs. Butler, every af ternoon. One day he' was extremely talkative. Mrs. Butler stood his talk for an hour or so, and then she said. In her stiffest and most grande dame manner: " 'Mr. Curis, I pay you to drive, not to talk.' "Curtis of course, said no more. But when his bill came at the end of the month there was one day's charge which was set at $2.50 Instead of the usual 50 cents. Lenox prices, by the way were lower then than now. " 'Mr. Curtis,' said Mrs. Butler, what is the reason of this singular charge of $2.50 Instead of the usual half dollar on the 11th?" " 'Half a dollar for the drive, and $2 tor your sass,' Old Curtis answered gruffly." OBVIOUS. 'Mayor Gaynor of New York, in a recent address to a body of ministers, said wittily: . "Some people expect me to entirely reform New York In 24 hours. They forget that you ministers have been at work on man for 2000 years and haven't entirely reformed him yet. "The answer to the complaints of such people is obvious obvious like Grougham's words to Palmerston. "Palmerston, In an after-dinner speech, stumbled. " 'They tell us,' he said, 'that a lit tie learning is a dangerous thing, but It is better it is better than better than ' " 'Better than a great deal of ig norance," Brougham prompted, grave ly." The Rev. Mr. J. some months ago was making his first call at the cot tage of one of his poorer parishioners in the suburbs. For a long time he sat at the window with Mrs. Y.'s 11' tie daughter. "In looking out of dors, you no tlce how bright Is the green of the leaves nnd grass?" he asked. "Yes, sir," she said. "Whv does it appear so much brighter at this time?" he next asked smiling benevolently. " 'Cause ma has jus washed the window, and you can see out better," she said. FIXIXG THE PRICE. Two miserable looking hoboes call ed on the dean of a medical college and proposed that he purchase their bodies for the dissecting room, as they were on the verge of starvation and had not long to live. "It Is an odd proposition," hesitat ed the dean. "But it Is occasionally done," sug gested the spokesman eagerly. "Well, said the dean, "we might ar range it. What price do you ask?" "Over In New York," replied the spokesman, "they gave us $40." Lip pincott's. Pour la Patriot Arlst-e-My dear fellow, I've just re fused 12,000 francs for It for Ameri ca. Customer That's a pity, for I can't offer you more than five francs. Artist Take it; It Isn't fair that French art Bhould leave the country La Rlre. Electric ranges for cooking are be ing tested in the navy with a view of displacing the old coal rangsfl. ' Sarsaparilla Cures all bipod humors, all eruptions, clears the complex ion, creates an appetite, aids digestion, relieves that tired feeling, gives vigor and vim. Gat it today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets ailed Sarsataba. THIS IS Tr)WH O GUARDS Wit! MONEY THAT lSjmW A Mill N AT. j BANK Our bank being a National Bank, places us under Government Supervision, and guarantees safety to every depositor. We re fer those who have not dealt with us to those who HAVE, Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. We pay 4 per cent interest on Time Deposits, compounded i-emi-annually. THE American National Bank Pendleton. Oregon UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY XO ROOM FOR DOUBT. In an emergency the manufacturer of Llmburgcr cheese was forced to use strategy with a shipment. Ordi narily his product went In special cars but In this Instance no car was avail able, and the order must be filled. Two hundred pounds of the frag rant comestible was put into a rough, oblong box and taken to the railroad baggage-room. Then the manufac turer bought a ticket for himself and the box and entered the train. At the first stop he went ahead to the bag gage car to see that there was no trouble. He stood by the box in a disconsolate attitude and shaded his is the expectant mother's greatest help. It is a remedy which prepares the muscles and tendons for the unusual strain, renders the ligaments supple and elastic, aids In expanding the skin and flesh fibres, and strengthens all the membranes and tissues. It is especially valuable where the breasts are trouble some from swelling and congestion, and Its regular use will lessen the pain ana danger when the little one comes. Women who use Mother's Friend are assured of passing the crisis with safety. It Is for sale at drug stores. Write for free book for expectant mothers. SBJLD7IEXJ EEGULATOa CO, Atlanta, Oa. All $1.75, $1.50 and $1.25 MLF SCiDDaTS Now going for 98 cents Watch Our Window Workingmon's Clothing Company Less expense makes our prices lower. Byers' Best Flour Orpheum Theatre J. P. MXDVfUfACH, Proprietor HIGH-CLASSUP.TO-DATE MOTION PICTURES For Men, Wcm?n and Children 8KB PROGRAM Df TODAY'S PAPER. eyes with his hand. The baggage man was sympathetic. "A relative?" he asked. v "Yes," answered the manufacturer; "it Is my brother." "Well," said the railroad man, phi losophically "you have one consols tlon. He's dead all right." RAKIXG THE AIR. Mayor Hemse of Nashville was con demning those officials who, Instead of quietly , reducing law-breaking, prate noisily about It Irk the newspa pers. "Such fellows are all right, no doubt," said Mayor Hemse, "but they will rake with the teeth upwards." No married Woman's happiness it complete ' without children; ihfl yearns with the deeper longings of her nature for the joya of mother hood. But women who bear children hnnlri nrenarA for thu mmlnf nt pcysicai systems. Aiotner s inena Mil F EM Is made from the choicest wheat that erow8. Good bread is assured when BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley alwayii on hand. Pendleton Roller Mills Pendleton, Oregon. Taos days aad Friday-a, Headquarters For Toilet Goods We are Sola Manufacturer aad PWtrl ten tore of the OrJcfcrated F'S TOILET CRXJJf COLD CRIAM TOOTH POWDER aad MT. HOOD CREAM Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists of Easter THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. H till II MOSS sot rumiE! Dotroit Enginos 2 to SO H. P. Csea common Kerosene (lamp oil) for fuel, also gasoline, naptha or dis tillate, Na change in quleneeat la necessary te ohaage from one fuel to the others. For prices see J. W. Kins broil, agent, Pendleton, Ore. Phone Main 180. Sample engine at Long Brothers 114 at 111 B. Webb St Phone Main 74 You Make a Bad Mistake When you pat off baying yoar God. until raM amrcfaaae kt NOW and sceora toe best Rock Springs coal the mi nee pradaoe at prime considerably lower than thoao preralttng ta pan aad Whiter. By stocking op avoid ALL danger of hetag ata able to secure It wheal old weather arrlrea. Henry Kopittke Phone Mate ITS. Fresh Fish Meats and Sausages EVERY DAT. We handle only the poreat f lard, bams and bacoa. Empire Meat Go. Phono Mala IS. FRESH MEATS SAUSAGES, FISH AND LARD. Always pure aad delirered promptly, tf yon phone the Central Meat Market 1S E. Alta St Phono Mala St. ar - - m 1J una f.lilno Transfor Phone Maln"5. (fT CAULS PROMPTLY AN8 Ml. WJDRBD FOR ALL BAGQAOB TRANSrXRRINQ. PIANO AND FURNITURE MOVING AND HHAVT TRUCK ING A SPECIALTY. IV HW mm