AILY start OREGOldAN. nENDLETOIf. ORBGOH. TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1911. PAGE THREE AfikH for Vote, Drops Dead. Vancouver, B. C. John Lyttleton, candidate for councillor In South Van couver, dropped dead of heart disease yesterday as he was importuning a ratepayer to vote for him. CH3HT PAGES l" - NEWS OF TEE NORTHWEST Trap Nino Lynx In Hills. Enterprise, Ore. J. H. Jackson has just come Into town from the moun tains where he 'has been trapping. His deadfalls yielded nine lynx, some of the cats being over four feet long. Blr Tiro In Winnipeg, Man. Winnipeg, Man. Fire which start ed Saturday at midnight and destroy ed the Kelly block resulted In a loss of $400,000. The Dominion Fur com pany was the principal loser, their loss being $200,000. Three Doctors Sock Place. Grangevllle, Idaho. A good-natured contest is being waged between three physicians of Grangevllle for the appointment as county physician, to be made Monday by tho commission ers. ., .j , . . . Drain Salmon City Tract. . Salmon CitU Idaho. The commls . sloners are considering a petition to form a dralnuge district which will affect 700 acres adjoining the south ern part of the city. There will be five miles of Open canals and about two miles of covered drains. Woman and Child llo In Storm. Havre, Mont. An unknown wo man and child were frozen to death on a dry farm during the blizzard which swept this section last week. The bodies were found yesterday. The remains of a frozen sheepherder have been found near Chester. Five Generations Living. ' Prescott, Wash. The home of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Dice, two miles east of Prescott, haa five generations living beneath the aame roof. The family consists of Mrs. Gartman, age 97, and her daughter .Mrs. Spanenberg, who have made their home for several years with the granddaughter and daughter, Mrs. Dice. The generations are completed by the son of Mrs. Dice, ' William, the father of a baby daughter. Rush Work on Power line. Pasco, Wash. The Pacific Power and Light company will employ big crewa on lines from Kennewlck to Hanford, Hanford to Priest Rapids and Priest Rapids to Beverly. The line from North Taklma to Moxle Is expected to be completed early this spring. In addition to these lines the power company Is beginning the con struction of about 100 miles of subsi diary lines. At least 100 cars of ma terial artf on the road from the east. Draw Gun on Husband. Spokane. Wrought, she says, to a high nervous pitch by the fear that ber husband, a salesman, was plan ning to leave town with another wo man, Mrs. A. Walker Is alleged by the police to have attempted to shoot her husband Sunday night at Riverside avenue and Post street at 7:30 o'clock, throwing tho Sunday night crowd of theatergoers Into a panic before' Of ficer Markwood wrested a tiny pearl handed revolver from her hand. Be fore being placed under arrest, the police say. -the husband scuffled with his wife. Both were booked for dis orderly conduct and held without bonds. Ronzfl Uko White Elephant. Colvlllc. Waxh. Sheriff William Miller is In a quandary about what to do with 16 barrels of bottled beer seized in a "blind pig" raid at Mar cus last week. The goods are to be used In evidence In the trial of Iqux defendants. He had dlfflcujy jn ting even a temporal-" te. keeping of the tne f,r being that the ,Vuus;ng'0f guch provender I inv Brlvat'. io nnit nublect the keeper to a penalty, .he theory being J advanced that the Court house or r.e County Jnll wbs the only place where contraband good should be stored. If possible tr Marcus booze cases will be heard the present Jury session. Cn' mtwrtaln's Cough Remedy Is a verj-y TaiURble medicine fer throat and lu' jg trouble, qulcktly relieve and ' .ares painful breathing and a dan Cerously sounding cough which Indi cates congested lpngs. Sold by all dealers. CAPABLE ENTERTAINERS COMING THIS WEEK (Nashville, Tenn., Banner.) Tho last entertainment of the Ly ranm course for the season was given at tho Ryman Auditorium last night hv Mr and Mrs. Houston, who proved HERE IS A REMEDY THAT WILL CURE ECZEMA "WE PROVE IT" Why waste time and money expert mentlnir with greasy salves and lo finna trvlna: to drive the eczema germ ernm underneath the skin when the Pendleton Drug Store guarantees ZE' MO. a clean liquid preparation for ex ternal use to rid tho skin of the germ life that causes the trouble! one ap plication will relieve the Itching and nftont mes one oome is Bumuieni w euro a minor case of ecsema. in over 1000 towns and cities In Amorlca, the leading druggist haa the agency for ZEMO and he will tell you of the marvelous cures made by this clean, simple treatment. ZEMO Is recognized as the cleanest and moat popular treatment for eczema, pim ples, dandruff and all other forma of kin or scalp affections whether, on Infant or grown person. Will you try a bottle on our recommendation T The Pendleton Drug Store. SPECIAL EXTRAORDINARY OFFER All the News of the World and Some Contained in the Two Leading P apers for the Price of One O JR. special offer c The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer with Daily East Oregonian by mail one year paid in advance, new subscribers or renewals $5.00 Kepular price Weekly Inter Ocean and Fanner, one yr, $1.00 h'enular price Daily E. O. by mail, one year 5.00 . $6.00 OUR SPECIAL OFFER D The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer with Semi-Weekly East Oregonian oneDyr. paid in advance, new subscribers and renewals $1.50 Jiegular price Weekly Inter Ocean and Fanner one yr. $1.00 Regular price S. W. East Oregonian, one year 1.50 $2.50 The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer Contains Each Week 21 columns of news. 14 columns of talks by a practical farmer on farm topics eco nomical machinery, planting, growing and storing of fruits and vegetables, breeding and marketing of live stock. 20 or more "Lost and Found Pooms and Songs." 1 column of Health and Beauty Hints. , Best short and continued stories Chess and Checkers Puzzles and Complications Dr. Reefer's Home Health Club Mis cellaneous Questions and Answers Poems of the Day A special Washington letter Taking cartoons and illustrations. 5 columns of live, entertaining editorials. 7 columns of live stock and market reports. Xo live stock pa per contains a better live stock market report than The Weekly Inter Ocean and Fanner. 40 questions and answers by readers on anything pertaining to the business of fanning, gardening, raising of live stock and poultry, etc., etc, 10 to 20 questions on veterinary subjects. 1 columns of information on recipes, patterns, formulas, etc, furnished by readers. 14 to 21 columns of stories of public men; historical, geograph ical and other miscellany. 1 5 columns of specially reported sermons by leading American clergymen, and the Sunday school lesson. These features, together with a Special Magazine Department, Make up the Leading Farm, Home and News Paper of the Inland Empire. CUT OUT AXD MAIL TODAY. EAST OTIEGOXIAX PUB. CO., Pendleton, Ore. Enclosed find : for which please send me your special offer to the following addrese. Xame - Address PLEASE STATE IF XEY OR RENEWAL. The East Oregonian as you know is the leading paper of the inland Empire and is the official paper of Umatilla County and city of Pendleton. No home can afford to be without it This special arrangement with The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer is for a limited time only. Sub scribers to the Inter Ocean and Fanner are assured that no papers will be sent after subscription expires unless their subscriptions are renewed by cash payments. thnmanivo. most capable entertainers. Th.t.. ntrRlnment Is full Of unique features which were greatly enjojeo by the audience. airs. nuui.. -readings and Mr. Houston's Imitations were a genuine treat and each num ber was generously appiauueu. In Pendleton Friduy. "SILVER THREADS." , Beautiful Drama of New i-ngianu Ufa Coming to Pendleton. Silver Threads," beautiful drama of New England life In which Mr. Richard J. Jose, the famous contra tenor will appear as Uncle Ben Laur le, the village blacksmith, will be the attraction at the Oregon theater on January 19. Mr. Jose will make his reappearance In his city after a score of Tears on the stage, always ranking- among: the world's greatest contra tenors. And it will Indeed be a delight to the present generation of theater-goers that Mr. Jose still re tains a voice so rich in quality and of such marvelous range that the audi ence may rest assured of hearing the same sweet singer as In the days when he was a feature with Primrose & West. Dockstader, Haverly and oth er famous minstrel organizations of the country. "Silver Threads" tells the story of a young New England country girl who Is sent to Boston to finish her education In music While there, lg norant of the ways or the world, she come under tits influence of a young author who la the cause of her down fall. Being driven from the parental roof upon her return, she goes to Paris and there becomes a noted singer. Ten years elapse and she re turns home under an assumed numo Just In time to prevent a younger sis ter from treading the path she un wittiugly followed some years before. Throuiih the coaxlne or Uncle Ben (Mr. Jose) she again finds a warm spot in her father's heart and all ends happily. Mr. Jose will sing during the ac tion of the play Daddy," "Silver Threads Among the Gold," and "When You and I Were Young, Maggie.'.' The piece in its entirety is one of the most entertaining plays of the kind ever presented here, and it Is reasonably certain that It will repeat In this city the same success it has achieved else where this season. ' State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Loess County es. .... Crank J. i'tientf ttiskjt Olth that h IS senior partner of tbe firm ft K. J. Cheney uu.t uoing vuaineea id ma 1117 ui iuhuu. 'mint anil Htata aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDKKD 1 11 11.1. a km lor eacn ana every ran vi i- tarrb tint cannot bt cured by the oe of Hall's ratarrn cure. FRANK i. ORKNEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed la mj preaence, this Oth day of December, A. It., 16NA. (Seal) A. W. uLEASON. Notary tnblrc. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, and arts directly on the blood aad mncoot surfaces of the system. Bend for teatt nonlals free. Hold by all Druggists, Tft. Bring Us Tour Rags! We pay cash tor large, soft, clean rags. Bring them to the East Ore gonian office at once. When You BUILD, n " I -I JL A W llT'n DUIIU ICO OlMlf ! ,0;fl Wy Re-enforced concrete and concrete blocks aie cneapci ui uic cuu; are preuier, more substantial and far more comfortable in either cold or warm weather, Lit, Concrete stands unsurpassed for Basements. Founda tions, Walls, Fences and Curbing. It looks better and lasts longer than stone See my many beautiful designs in concrete blocks DeTore you build your home. 1 will furnish your estimates for any class of work on application. D. A. MRY .Contractor. andBailder Cor. Railroad amd Willow Sts. Pendleton. Ore