J- PAGK TWO AILY EAST ORECOWIA1T. PCNDLETOX. OREGON. TCESDAV, JAXCARY 17, 1911. JDGHT PACODI 1LL LADIES ARE CORDIAL LY INVITED to attend tlio free oxkinj school in our model pure food department in the basement. Brin your pencil and note book. Great Whit . 3 X C A N ' STENCILING TAUGHT FREE bore in our store. The latest fad for docoratiiifr and beautifying tlio home. This is Pendleton's Ideal White Goods Store Our Own Low Prices Lowered Embroidery 27c We have 10 pieces, very fine quality corset cover embroidery usually sells for 40, . white sale price 27 All lace and embroidery up to 10 quality, choice yd. 5 MEX'S HOSE AT CLEAR ANCE PRICES. During this sale we will sell our woolen hosiery as follows: 25 Woolen hose, 3 for .50 35 Woolen hose 25 50 Woolen hose 39 Men's 50 fancy sox, now 3 pairs for $100 , Men's 35 fancy sox now per pair 25 Men's 25? fancy sox, now 3 pair for j 50 Ladies Long Petticoats $1.00 Long Petticoats ..... 69 $1.50 Long Petticoats ......99 $1.75 Long Petticoats $1.37 $2.25 Long Petticoats $1.49 $3.00 Long Petticoats $1.98 $4.00 Long Petticoats $2.65 $5.00 Long Petticoats $3.33 $6.00 Long Petticoats $3.9S $10 Long Petticoats.. $6.67 LADIES' KNEE PETTI COATS 50 Knee Petticoats 33 75 Knee Petticoats 49 $1.00 Knee Petticoats ....69 $1.50 Knee Petticoats ...99J $1.75 Knee Petticoats $1.37 $2.50 Knee Petticoats $1.49 Great White Sale in Our Model Clean, Pure Food Department in the Easement Fancy Head Rice, regular price 10, great white sale price, 3 lbs 25 Choice TapJvice, regular price 8 l-3, great white sale price, 4 lbs 25 Byers' Best. Flour, regular price $1.35, great white sale price $1.30 Flaked Hominy, regular price 8 l-3 lb., great white sale price 3 1-2 lbs 25 Dairy Salt, regular price "0 75, great while sale pr 60s Bar Sugar, regular price the lb. great white sale price 2 lbs 25 Crystal White Soap, regular price 5, great white sale price, 20 bars 90 Toilet Paper, regular price 5, great white sale, price. C for 25 No. 1 small or large white Beans, regular price 8 l-2 lb., great white sale price 7 l-2 Dry Granulated Sugar, reg ular price $6.50, great white sale price ....$6.25 Dinner plates, regular price 80, great white sale price ..... 73 Cups and Saucers, regular price 95, great white sale price 86 Sea Moss Coconnut regular price 30, great white sale price, lb. 25 Larere Bowls, regular price 40, great white sale price 36 Pearl Soap, regular price 5 Great white sale price. 0 for 25 C lb. Box Gloss Starch, reg ular price 60, preat white Sale Price 50 Childrens Drawers 15 Children's Drawers, 2' for 25 35 Children's Drawers, 2 for 23 75 Children's Drawers, 2 for .............. 59 $1.25 Children's Drawers, 2 for 99 LADIES' CHEMISE 75 Ladies' Chemise 49 $1.00 Ladies' Chemise... 69 $1.75 Ladies' Chemise $1.37 $2.25 Ladies' Chemise $1.49 $4.00 Ladies' Chemise $2.65 Embroideries 1-2 Price A largo as.wrtmcnt of short lengths in embroideries ranging in price from 12 1-2 to $2.50 marked for this wlite sale 1-2 PRICE. LADIES' MUSLIN DRAWERS 25 Muslin Drawers 50 Muslin Drawers 33 75 Muslin Drawers .49 $1.00 Muslin Drawers.- 69 $1.50 Muslin Drawers... 99 $1.75 Muslin Drawers $1.37 $2.25 Muslin Drawers $1.49 $3.00 Muslin Drawers $1.98 Mens Underwear We show bevond a doubt, the best and largest line of Men's Underwear in eastern Oregon. Our famous Lewis Underwear is the best made, most perfect fitting underwear in America, sewed throughout with pure thread silk, reinforced in all necessary places, non-shrink-able. This line has been award ed more medals and prizes at the large fairs of this country than any other similar line. 50 Underwear now I 43 $1.00 Underwear now 79 $1.50 Underwear now $1.17 $1.75 Underwear now $1.39 $2.25 Underwear now $1.78 $2.50 Underwear now $1.95 FURS SLAUGHTERED. We have some very fine seta and pieces of furs now in stock and this will be your last chance to buy them at this remarkably low price. While they last they will go at exactly ONE-HALF PRICE. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE In the House Where True Economy Can be Practiced Free Dress Patterns We will put on our bargain counter a number of pieces of dress goods worth $1.50 per yard. To the purchaser of a dress length or a skirt length of these goods we will in turn give you FREE an equal number of yards you bought. Your choice of any other of the patterns. Thereby giving you ABSO LUTELY FREE a dress or skirt pattern. This feature is good only between the hours of 4 and 5 o'clock. DRESS PAT TERN FREE FREE All This Week FREE Special FREE demonstration of Mexican Stenciling. Any one can learn this new and beautiful system of home decorating in a fewjnoments. The colors used will stand washing and can be used on any material. SEE THE WINDOW DISPLAY of mats, piano scarfs, library runners, curtains, etc. The demonstration will be in chargo of Mrs. Rogers of Chi cago, who will take pleasure in showing you absolutely free how to do this new and up-to-date home decorating. $6.50 Petticoats $3.45 This is a very large assortment Nearly every color of the rainbow is to be found inthe collection. They are of good quality, beautifully made.full deep flounces, shirred, tucked and tailor trimmed Clearance Price $3.45 Boys Clothing Reduced Pretty nearly every boy in town is ready for a now suit now, he's worn his school suit four or five months now and a new one would bo very accept able, ' Here's Your Chance to Get That Suit Cheap. $3.50 Boys' Suits $2.65 $4.50 Boys' Suits $3.19 ?5.00 Boys' Suits $3.68 $6.50 Boys' Suits ...$4.65 $7.50 Bo'vs' Suits $5.48 $10 Boys'' Suits $6.98 THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Save Your Coupons Where it Pays to Trade One Special Lot Of Pillow Tops Bureau scarfs, center- pieces, runners. Regular 75 to $1.25 values at a special clearance sale price of 43f) BURLAP Comes in all colors, plain and fancy, 30-inches wide. Regular 25f now 17 1 2 SPECIAL LOT OF SILKO LINES suitable for draper ies, comforters, etc. Regular price 12 l-2, now 7t ONE SPECIAL LOT OF CRETONS AND SAT TEENS, good assortment of colors. 36-inehes wide. Rote nlar 35fJ value now19f 20 SPUN GLASS 16 Spun glass, neva lining, near silk, and the like in black and all colors. SjHcial in this sale, Clearance Price 16 20 BLACK SATTEEN 15f One piece of satin finished sat een with lush that wont come off, 32 inches wide. Clearance Price 15f 25? SATEEN LINING 21t All sateen linings of all color and shades, 36-inchcH wide, Clearance Price 2 Is a I I ' i " '" ' ' . 'Ill SI I II I .1 I 1 ' IS GIVEN BENEFIT (Special Correspondence.) 'Nolln, Jan. 18. Cold weather pre vail and caring for stock Is the order of the day. O. F. Steele and Thos. Kerr are Pendleton visitors today. J. P. Dellwo thinks he is the hap piest man In the country since he became the father of a la pound boy, born on the 14 th Inst. Henry Weltzer Is equally as happy Vigorous Veteran Mr. Sheafer, 74 years of age, is a hale and hearty old gentleman. Mis fine condition is entirely due to Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. He writes: "I have lived a life of continuous exposure. Ten years ago the many hardships I had endured be gan to tell upon 'me and I became very weak and run down. A friend recommended Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. I began to use it faith fully, and to-day, at seventy-four, I am hale and hearty and my Rood fcealtn and bodily strength are due to the regular use of this great tonic" A. M. Sheafer, Liberty, Ind. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey if you wish to keep young, strong and vigorous and enjoy perfect health, take D'iffy'g Pure Malt Whis key regularly, ac cording to direc tions. When taken at meal time it stimulates the mucous surfaces and little glands of the stomach to a healthy action, thus improving the digestion and assimilation of the food and giving to the system its full pro portion of nourishment. It tones and strengthens the heart action and purifies the entire system. Be sure when you purchase Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey that you get the genuine. Make certain that the seal oyer the cork is unbroken. The gen uine can be purchased at druggists, .grocers and dealers everywhere, or direct, $ijoo a large bottle. Write for doctor's advice and medical booklet, both sent free. Tke Daffy Malt Whiskey Ce.. Recbester, N. V. that he haa a new girl born on the 9th Inst. The shadow social given at the school house for the benefit of Mrs. Chas. Welch, amounted to over $130. The corespondlng names, numbers and amounts of each sale were: No. 1 Pat Kassedy and Mrs. Will Holmes, 4. No. 2 Alson McCutchen and Millie Balcom, $3.50. No. 3 James A. Hawks and Mrs. O. F. Steele, $2.25. No. 4 Pat Kassedy and May Mar pie, $5.25. No. 5 Chas. Fanshler and Mrs. Charles Adams, $2. No. 6 Harry Balcolm and Mabel Holmes, $2. . No. 7 John William and Mrs. Will McCutchen, $2.50. No. 8. Chas. Parrott and Velma Marple, $2. No. 9 Harvey Kerr and Lizzie Sul livan, $3. No. 10 John McClellan and Hazel Balcom, $2. No. 11 Jas. Coppinger and Mrs. Theo. Krause, $4. No. 12 O. F. Steele and Erma Du puls, $7.50. No. 13 Theo. Krause and Mrs. Al Balcom, $2.60. No. 14 Albert Krause and Velora Marple, $1.75. No. 15 "Banjo" Parker and Mrs. Chas. Lane, $3. No. 16 Walter McCutchen and Cora Hartle, $3.50. No. 17 Frank McQuade and Win nie Lane, $2.25. No. 19 John Adams and Mrs. Joe Wright, $2. No. 20 Homer Fuel and Berge Atherton. $4.50. No. 21 Will Holmes and Martha Kimball, $1.50. No. 2 2 Geo. McCutchen and Lln nle Lane, $2. No. 23 R. S. Austin and Mrs. Tom Kerr,' $1.75. No. 24 Bardel Van Donge and Minnie Rohde, $2. No. 25 Thurman Mortimer and Mrs. Thurman Mortimer, $2.60. No. 26 John Williams and Miss Avva McCutchen, $5.60. No. 27 A. E. Good and Mrs. R.8. Austin, $2.25. No. 28 Jack Marple and Elsie Rohde, $2. No. 29 John Williams and Bulah Atherton, $4.7$. No. 80 Walter' McCutthen and Mrs. B. Van Donge, $2.60. No. 1 Jake Klmrod and Rosa Hartle, $1.50. No. 12 Joe Ash worth and Mrs. Jaa. Marple, $2. No. 33 S. Tensen and Estle Steele, $2. No. 34 Chester Dupuis and Mi nerva Beavert, $2.10. No. 35 George Parrott and Jua nita Dupuis, $1.75. No. 36 Earl Dupuis and Stella Steele, $1.60. No. 37 Lee Welch and Josle Kerr, $1. No. 38 Jack Marple and Minnie Kononon, $2. No. 39 "Banjo" Parker and Min nie Rohde, $2.75. No. 40 Pat Kassedy, Mrs. John Parrish, $2.60. No. 41 G. B. Hartle and Mrs. Har tle, $4. Suppers paid for, $4. Contributed by Pat Perviance, $5. Contributed by farmers' union, $9. Besides contributions by several Echo people. As elaborate supper was served and the affair .was enjoyed by all. "SILVER THREADS" SCORES AT THE PINXEY. It has been some time since a play built along the lines of "Silver threads" has been presented In Boise and it has been some time since any thing of the kind has been so thor oughly appreciated. It was the bill at the Pinney for two nights and a matinee and It was genuinely pleas ing. The cast Is uniformly strong, which was a surprise. All too often an Indifferent company Is pulled along by the popularity of one of Its mem bers. It Is not so with "Silver Threads." Alhough Richard J. Jose Is the stellar attraction, It Is only be cause of his reputation for singing folk songs in his enjoyable contra tenor. He does the singing, the others the acting; and he and they do It well. It Is no careless use of language to say there is not a weak member of the cast. Of the play Itself It Is only neces sary to state that It has a strong "Old Homestead" tinge and Is quite as pathetic and homely. If any one member of the cast might be selected as being specially fitted Into the part, that member Is Edith M. Cooke in the part of "Eliza B." She did a very clever piece of character acting. At the Oregon theater, Thursday, January 19. Eight miles of ornamental street lighting aie now In servlcs in the main streets at Minneapolis. BUDDHISM MAKES ADVANCE IX EUROPE The past year was a record breaker for the davance of Buddhism In Eu rope. The membership of the Budd hist Society of Great Britain and Ire land Is now counted by hundreds and branches have been established In Liverpool and Edinburg. A Scottish convert to Buddhism who Is now a monk In Burma is shortly coming to England as first resident missionary. Great progress has also been made by the German Buddhist society, which has two Important press organs In Lelpslz and Breslau. In Switzerland and Italy the number of adherents of the ancient oriental faith is growing steadily, but the movement has not been entirely successful In Hungary owing to the opposition of the Roman Catholics. To Mncta Face. Tou feel as If you had ene face too many when you havs neuralgia, don't you Save the faoe, you may need It; but get rid of the neuralgia by applying Ballard's Snow Llatment Finest thing In the world for rheu matism, neuralgia, burns, cuts, scalds, lame back and all pains. A C. Koep pen A Bros. HOLLAND ENGAGED IS DEFEXSE DEBATE The projected fortifications by Hol land of the mouths of the river Schekdt, still form the subject of an imated debate In the Dutch press and also in the Belgian papers, which ex press a fear that the Flushing fortifi cations would Isolate Antwerp in case of war. The resignation of General Cool, war minister for the Nether lands, is regarded Is an Indication that the Dutch government will with draw the fortification bill, which has proved unpopular in and out of Holland. Rave you a weak throat? M so jov cannot be too careful Ten eannot be gin treatment too early. Baek cold makes you mere liable to another and the last la always the harder to ear. If you win take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy at the outset yon will bo saved much trouble. Bold by all dealers. Be careless in your dress if yon must, but keep a tidy soul. UURES ROUTS OBSTINATE'VV STUBBORN COUGHS sr ' r.m ns r a v "v. w w w THE KING OF CU RES DIR. RUNG'S MEW DOSCOMSIiW FOR ALL DISEASES OF THROAT QUICKEST Ns, - - W HEALS WHOOPINGp WEAK, COUGH CURE SORIPTIIMftC 1 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY C ' i MUVQ Ui'i , '11 1 1 1 if.l 'I c(