PAGE SIX DALLY BAST ORBGOX1AN, PKJTBLBTOJC, ORBOON. FRIDAY, JANUARY IS, 1911. BQHT PAG EM "Sunkist" .Oranges The Finest xsa Fruit Grown This Genuine Rogers Orange Spoon FREE Sava 12 Snnktst" Ornr (or Lemon) wrappers and tend tbem to n. with 12c to pay cbar?es, etc.. and we will present yon with a renutneKorersoramrepoon 01 beautiful design and nicnest Quality. Begin saving wrap tiers today. Send 12"Sunkist ' wrappers and 12c (or each additional spoon, la remittinc. nleatetend le imi4 wficn u amount is Icms thMi -c ; on amounts alwTe 24e we prefer oionoj ackinp;. hev crade enjr, iptts on-ler or nana into ''firsts' drtft. lVn t send rMn.l Vte will te aUJ to Mni firsts are fancy, yoa oomplete ht of thIu less, fibreless, aM premiums, w honor both "Sunkist' vidual orange a and "Hod Hall" wrap ners tot praouana. of oranges. They more palatable other oranges, but they are actu ally cheper,forthey are nearly all meat and nourishment. Your dealer sells "Sunkist" Oranges. Ask for them. You will know thera by the tissue paper wrap per id wuilq cat a pacicea. un tne fcunkist." Keep They are worth money to yoa Best California Lemons Come in "Sunkist Wrappers Yon can fudge lemons by the they wear 'Sunkist" wraDDers (or they are ewt t back skinned or as "Suokisi" Oranges, and their CALIFORNIA FRUIT 83) 34 Clark Street, I SpohtograpiiS j Boxing. Ad Wolgast's press agent says the lightweight champion is "of a retiring disposition." Surely seems so. Packey McFarland and Jack Good man are carded to fight ten rounds at the Fairmont A. C, Hew York, next Tuesday night. "Digger" Stanley, the English box er who arrived In New York this week, will have his first tryout with "Frankie" Burns. Knockout Brown and Tommy Mur phy will meet again In New York twelve days hence. In a recent scrap Brown put it all over the kid with the Irish monicker. Bill Lang, the Australian champion, and Sam Langford have been matched to fight in London on the sixteenth of next month. If the dinge doesn't win easily, there will probably be a reason other than ability to do so. AtlUetles. From the number of entries re ceived from all over the country, it is probable that tomorrow's big indoor meet of the Chicago Irish-American A. C. will be the biggest thing of Its kind ever pulled off in the Windy City. Pennsylvania's basketball five will wind up its southern invasion by playing .St. John's College at Annap olis today and the Xaval Academy teams tomorrow. On Feb. 3 the Quakers will begin a northern tour with Yale at New Haven, to be fol lowed by games with West Point. Princeton, Colombia, Cornel! and Rochester. Amonp the basketball gamus scheduled for tomorrow are Yale vs. Pratt Institute at Brooklyn; Pennsyl vania vs. Naval Academy at Annapo lis, and Princeton vs. Military Acad emy at West Point. The big college hockey games are also to be played tomorrow, Princeton meeting Cornell at the St. Nicholas rink. New York, and Yale playing Dartsmouth at the Boston Arena. BasebalL It Is stated that a new manager for the St. Louis Browns will be named Sunday, and the Job will probably go to Harry Brown. A number of professional baseball players sailed on the Oreana this week for Bermuda, where they will enter tain the tourists and incidentally get in shape for the coming season. In the 11 years Christy Mathewson has been with the Giants he has led them to 263 victories and has figured in only lis defeates. His greatest number of successes in a season was 37, made in 1908. "Big .Six" twice has twirled no-hit games since he has been a member of the New York club, performing this feat against .t. Iuis on July 15, 1901, and against Chicago on June 13, 1S05. The Chicago White Sox will begin the spring exhibition season at Fort Worth, Tex., on March 4 and 5. Later in the month they will play games with Houston, Galveston, Waco and Dallas. "Rube" Marquard has established a chicken farm in the rube-arbs of Cleveland. "Rube" says he has had a wide experience with fowls and ho U full of confidence in his ability to become the poultry king of Ohio. Cleveland will have a clerical bat tery on the spring training trip, as Tingling, secured from Toledo, and Bradley, a catcher drafted from Johnstown, Pa., are both sons of min isters. Moreover, their papas are ptoud of them. If Hot Springs, Ark., succeeds in keeping on the lid, it will likely be come the training headquarters of the major and big minor league teams. In the past, "the Arkansaw resort has offered too many temptations to base ball players. The Louisville Colonels, of the American Association, and the Toron to Eastern League will probably meet In a series of four games, to be play en in the Kentucky metropolis next April. It has been several seasons Ince these teams have matched their strength. Jimmy McAleer Is entertaining great expectations of a big find In Pitcher Bussy, who last year made a great record In the Virginia league. Be won twenty-three and lost1 only The orange Is the most healthful luscious and fruit. California quality of oranges, beat of the California oranges are now excels in , The - 21 packed in individual wrappers labeled ' Sun kist." Five thousand o ran ire farm' ers in California do their own shipping and selling. and select their croo "seconds," etc. The tree-ripened, hand-picked, seed thin - skinned oran ores every indi perfect specimen of the finest variety are not only more healthful and 0 ouukisi urange is 3,PLJr wrapper note tne label, sUl the wrapper. "clothes" tbey wear. K they are talc and food. pithy. Tbey are jnst as fine wrappers are equally valuable. GROWERS' EXCHANGE CHICAGO, ILL. five games. He began his baseball career in the amateur circles of De troit, where he early made a name for himself. "DAYLIGHT" SALOONS FOR WASHINGTON Olympia, Wash., Jan. IS. Gover nor Marion E. Hay sent his second regular message to the Washington legislature Tuesday. The governor recommends the enactment of a law providing for the payment of 50 cents a day to convicts employed on road work after they have been so employ ed six months. He recommends further the strengthening of the local option law, including the passage of a county unit law and the enactment of regu lations providing that the sale of li quor in licensed territory after Jan uary 1, 1912, be confined to the hours between sunrise and sunset, on the lines of the Nebraska daylight laws. Governor Hay says: "We are determined to go to any length to wipe out the abuses of the liquor traffic and to prohibition of the manufacture and sale of all man ner of intoxicants, if necessary." The governor recommends the adoption of the employes' compensa tion law, recently drafted by a com mission of employers and labor lead ers. He also advocates the creation of a public-service commission and a public-revenue commission. In refer ring to the subject of conservation. Governor Hay reasserts his opposition to national control of resources within the state, and says: "I feel that the state would be in excusably derelict if It failed to make immediate provisions for exercising it own prerogatives, m controlling its natural resources." Caoehc. in lira Italn then a cold and a cough let it run on get pneumonia or consumption. that s all. No matter how you get your cough don't neglect it take Ballard's Horehound Syrup and you'll be over it in no time. The sure cure for coughs, colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary diseases in young and old. A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Delmto Old Age Pensions. Spokane, Wash., Jan. 13. "Re solved, that the enactment of the old age pension law by Great Britain is in expedient," is the question to be de elded tonight in a debate between Pa cine Lniversity and University of Idaho students. Each Institution uphold the affirmative at home, while me visiting students at each univer sity will take the negative. It is alleged British government officials are await ing the result of the debate with breathless interest. Too Much Ism You feel ag if you had one face too many when you have neuralgia, don't you Save the face, you may need It; but get rid of the neuralgia by applying Ballard's Snow Liniment Finest thing In the world for rheu matism, neuralgia, burns, cuts, scalds, Iame back and all pains. A. C. Koep pen & Bros. Czar to Kntertaiii." St. Petersburg, Jan 13. This Is New Year's eve In the Greek church calendar and the emperor will hold a great reception at the winter palace, the first in three yearn. The palace will be closely guarded by troops, po lice and detectives and every person entering will be required to prove his identity. Rumors of nihilist plots against the life of the czar have been prevalent of late, but they are not ta ken seriously. Thirty KilUons for Peace. London, Jan. 13. According to es timates Just compiled, nearly 330,000, 000,000 have been expended during the last quarter century In maintain ing ihe armies; ofKuropean nations on a peace footing. Swedish Activity in Ruwda. Consul-General John H Snodgrass of Moscow, reports that the Swedish c onsuls in St. Petersburg and Helslng fors have recommended the Intro duction of the Russian language at some of the principal schoolsin Swe den, pointing out the growing trade between the two countries and the ab solute necessity 0f a knowledge of the Russian language in order to bene ficially develop the existing commer cial relations. - m m an L AT THE MOVING PICTURE SHOWS The Orpheunt. 1. "Elder Alden's Indian Ward." Kalem. 1000 feet long. An Indian story of tho Puritan days. Chief Squantuni, a noted Pequod Indian, on the death of his squaw, places his boy in charge of Elder Aldert, a very much respected Puritan settler. As the young man grew up, Instead of feeling love and graitude for those with whom he had passed his childhood, he de veloped hatred for his white friends, eventually leaving them and fleeing to the Indians, whom he Incited to at tack Alden's log cabin, 3. Tale of the Sea. Setlg, 1000 feet long. An interesting drama and very Impressive and handled tn Sellg's best style. 3. "Cocoanut Plantation." Pathe. 400 feet long. A colored Industrial film, representing the gathering and curing of cocoanuts, 4. An Animated Arm Chair," (00 feet long, Pathe. An amusing com edy. A young man in love with a girl and wishes to marry her, but her mother objects. However, he finds a way and gains mamma's consent. 5. "The Mother-in-law Race." Pa the, comedy. Father gets in the game. Four full reels. 4000 feet of the lat est motion pictures and a vaudeville act for 10c; children Sc. Pastime Theater. "The Captains Brld." By John Luther Long, based upon a lapse of memory caused by an injury in a shipwreck. The unfortunate young wife, unable to remember the past, la about to marry the captain who saved her, when her husband appears. She does not remember htm but he, think ing of a trick they used to play on each other, succeeds in restoring her memory, "The Color Sergeant's Horse." The color sergeant's horse, Don, is no or dinary animal. It possesses extraordi nary intelligence and great fondness for his master, and the picture proves It, although It embodies a love story about the sergeant, his swetheart and the English flag. "The Phantom Rider." A good comedy with a laugh from start to finish. "The Closed Gate." A society dra ma, one of the most interesting story dramas ever put out by this popular company. "One on Max." Comedy, 1000 feet j long, showing the well known charac ter in many comical situations. Four reels, four thousand feet of latest motion pictures and a song. At the Cosy. "Value Beyond Price." The sail ing master leaves his wife and babe, his ship is wrecked and he is landed alone on a South Sea island. After living 10 years on the Island he finds Captain Kid's treasure and Is rescued by a passing vessel. In themeantlme his wife, reduced to poverty, pawns all her valuables and at last her little daughter, leaving the pawn ticket which reads "Value Beyond Price" addressed "To my husband, if he ever returns," and dies. The father re turning, reclaims his child. A beau tiful picture, well acted. "Winter Sports of the Imperial Family of Germany." Showing the imperial family and numerous no tables engaging In tobogganing, skiing, Ice boating and sail skating. Winter scenes so natural they make you think of chilblains. "Rats." The head of the house In dulges in too much holiday hilarity, takes on a beautiful bun, turns things topsy turvey m a summer beer gar den and when pursued falls through a hole into the sewer. While sleeping off his tee, he is visited by an army of rats. On his rescue and return home his better half treats him to a cheering reception by busting all the cooking utenslle over his head. Very touching. "A Ward of Uncle Sam." A story of two little Russian orphans The little boy is raised in America, fights in the war against Spain and after 20 years returns to see his blind sister. He protects her from the Insults of Russian nobility and is backed up by an American battleship. Something doing every minute. Such a winner that we will run it one more day. Song "My Garden That Blooms for You." . PILES CURED I?; 6 TO 14 DATS. PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind. Bleed ing or Protruding Piles In I to 14 days or money refunded. E0 Blngt Biff 1 1 Bangui We all get lots of hard knocks in life, but a business education enables js to resist them successfully. The Pendleton business college supplys the education. CATARRH GOES. So Doe Sor0 Throat, Bronchitis, Croup and Asthma. You can easily tell by reading the symptoms below, whether you have catarrh or not: Offensive breath, frequent sneezing, discharge from the nose, stoppage of the nose, husklncss of the voice, tick ling in throat, droppings In throat, a cough, pain In chest, loss of strength, variable appetite, spasms of coughing, low spirited at times, raising of mu cous, difficulty In breathing, loss of vital force. Tallman & Co. have a sensible rem edy (money back If It falls) for ca tarrh, called HYOMEI (pronounced Illgh-o-mc) which is vaporized air, so antiseptic, that wben it Is breathed over the Inflamed and germ-infested membrane, It kills all germ life, gives relief In two minutes, and cures ca tarrh. The price, Including hard rubber pocket Inhaler, Is only II. The In haler will last a lifetime, so that should you need a second bottle of HYOMEI, you can get It for (0 cents. Absolute Separation from all Dirt is granted Our Coal OREGON LUMBER. YARD 1VAVLBY VERDICT EXPECTED TOMORROW Paris, Jan. 13. A verdict Is ex pected tomorrow in the case of "CVunt" d'Aulby de Gatgny, charged with swindling Mrs. Charles Mamll ton Paine, of Boston, now the Duchess de Choiseul-Paslin, out of $200,000 through the sale of fraudulent "old masters." In its original form the suit was brought by the duchess, but she with drew from the case and the govern ment continued the prosecution. In his arguments for the defense, Maltre Bernard, chief counsel for the bogus nobleman, alleged that the duchess had been Influenced In bringing the suit by the desire to regain possession of compromising letters she had writ ten to d'Aulby. The attorney Insisted that this was amply proven by the fact that the duchess had withdrawn the case Immediately upon her recovery of the famous pocket of amatory epis tles. M. Bernard also asserted that d'Aulby is really a count and that he would prove his title of nobility when he was released from prison. , The case was tried at Tours, where d'Aul by has been confined since his arrest at the instigation of the Boston wo man. Ton needn't keep on feeling dis tressed after eating, nor belching, nor experiencing nausea between meals. Hood's Sarsaparllla cures dyspepsia It strengthens the stomach and other digestive organs for the proper per formance of their functions. Take Hoods. Eirtrmy Notion. One span of sorrel geldings some what old. Weight about 1160 pounds. Any person notifying Chas. Lobaugh, Pilot Rock, or John L. Bart ley. 391 Lllleth street, Pendleton will be re warded. -A Itook Worth Rending. A little book showing tho human appendix and telling hj-v Appendicit is is cauied and how you can EASILY prevent it, is offered free for a short time by Pendleton Drug Co. a "av I V daily by Judge Sieve. When we send you coal you get nothing but coal no dirt, dust, slate or foreign sub stance. The result shows in the fire. Our coal burns with a clear, steady, hot flame and combustion is perfect. Now delivering! Need Any? Write, telephone or call Phone Main 8 Office Phone Main 20 Res. Phone Main 27 C. W. Lassen, M. D. V. Veterinary Surgeon Official Stock Inspector 809 West Court. Street Known For Its Strength Tho First National Bank PENDLETON, .OREGON CAPITALSURPLUS UNDIVIDED PROFITS RESOURCES OVER I SECURITY How Small Stores Can Draw Trade v fc. iM' By Electric Light using G.E MAZDA lamps in show windows and electric signs outside will draw trade from larger stores not so well equipped. We will be glad to tell you how this can be done with these lamps which give more light for lew money than any other illuminant Pacific Power & Light Company ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. J Graduate McKillip Vet. College, Chicago and . 8; 'mm 450 000