EIGHT PAGBB ATJLY XJUtT ORBGONIAN, PENDLfiTTON, ORSQON, FRIDAY, JAN U All Y 13, 1011. PACES ITTB PERSONAL MENTION IT mm The Last Day of the Big January Clearance Sale Any Ladies' Suit the house r m 49.95 u ( Any Ladies, Misses or Childs Coat HALF-PRICE Any Dress in the house Half-Price No Charges tor Alterations A very good assortment of garments to choose from F. E. Livengood Co. The Women's and Children's Store. LOCALS 6e Lane A Bon (or signs. Hot tamales at Hohbacha, Phone Main 1 or United Orchaatr. Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane A Sob. I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep. R HI I. Household furniture for sale. Call 302 Logan or phone Red III. Furnished houae on Thompson street, f 18 month. Bee Lee TeuUch. Everybody goea to the Orpheum to see the best aad the clearest pictures More moving pictures shown than any other theatre In the city the Pastime. The best moving pictures and brightest pictures In Pendleton at the Orpheum. For rent Corner office In the Judd building, recently occupied by Dr. W. O. Cole. 1800 acre stock and grain ranch worth $27,000. Price only $18,600. See Lee Teutsoh. A clean and careful shuve always at Mark Patton's shop. Across trom Alexanders Phone for patrons. Lands Ten yearly payment plan; six per cent; $90 to $150 per acre. EL P. Dodd, Hermlston, Ore. Cold weatner is coming. We have the best col on the market. A ton Is 2000 lbs. at Pendleton Lum er Yard, Phone Main O. Spend your Idle evenings In a gen tlemen's resort. Bowling, pool, bil liards, shooting gallery. Pastime Parlors. Hoover and Book. Sor sale One sorrel gelding, age 9 years, weight 1100 pounds, sound, (food work or saddle horse. Price $76. Inquire 1301 West Alt. For sale A nice lot of Standard bred, single comb .Black Minorca cockerels. Price, $1 and up Enquire N. A. Humphrey, 124 Beauregard street, Pendleton. Wanted Men and women. Both for local work and traveling. Salary guaranteed In both positions. Call at room 4, Hotel St. George, any time day or evening. Saint Paul's School. Walla Walla, Washington, day and boarding school for Klrls. Second Semester Begins February 1. (Miss) Nettle M. Gal bmlth, principal. Head In the January Sunset Maga in. "T-n. Angelas Homeland." su- nerhlv Illustrated In four colors "The Spell," by C. N. and A. M. Wll nmon. A thrilling California ro mance. Now on sale, all news stands, 16 cents. Pendleton's new paint store. Hale & McAtee, props., 815 Main street Acme oualitv Dalnts, enamels, stains and varnishes. Wall paper and pic ture moulding Let us flgjre on your next Job. We Invite your Inspection, Goods arriving dally. J. M. Sullen of Gibbon, was a vis itor In the city yesterday. S. C. Swectland of Portland Is reg istered at the Hotel Pendleton. Otto E. King Is registered at the Hotel St. deorge from Hood River. MIbs Gertrude Jordan went to Pilot Rock this morning for a brief visit. Ira Scott, well known Helix resi lient, Is spending the day In Pendleton. J. W. Myrlck, of Myrlck Btatlon, came In this morning on the Northern Pacific. Mrs. O. K. Gross of Coe, was among the guests of the Hotel Bowman yesterday. E. P. Marshall made a business trip Into the west end of the county this morning. Judge B. B. Richards of Athena, was transacting business in Pendle ton yesterday. W. O. Jones of Walla Walla, was among the out of town visitors In the city yesterday. " Edgar Norvall came In on the Northern Pacific this morning from his home In Helix. T. S. Gibson and wife of Pilot Rock, were among the visitors from the sheep town yesterday. Atorney J. P. Neal of Freewater, was among the Incoming passengers on the local this morning. C. W. Avery of Weston, has been transacting business In the county sea for the past two days. Win Stewart came In this morning from Walla Walla on the local on one of his regular business trips. Andy Larsen and. wife of Vansycle were among the Incoming passengers on the Northern Pacific train this morning. Mrs. Berkeley Halley and child re turned to their home In Portland this morning after visiting with relatives In this city. G. P. Sanderson, city recorder of Freewater and manager of the light and power company in that town, is is In the city today. F. A. Sikes, state secretary of the Farmers' Educational and Co-operative Union of America, was down from his home in Milton yesterday. W. Lloyd, the Freewater haber dasher, Is among the east end resi dents In Pendleton today, having come down from his home on the Walla alia local this morning. MEASURE PROVIDES FOR PUNISHMENT OF SPIES Washington, D. C, Jan. 13. The house Judiciary committee today vot ed favorably on the report providing punishment for spies In times of peace. It is designed to remedy the detects of the present law which provides for no punishment. An at tempt will be made to put the bill through the house. The measure would affect the activity of the Jap anese spies In the Philippines, and the recently discovered activity of the Jap spies is said to be responsible for the action today. At Clearance Sale Prices We're Still Making Room for new goods now coming Winter Underwear for women and Children at a Stupendous Reduction. Clearance Prices mean the greatest Under wear Bargains you have ever been offered, take early advantage. These prices apply to every kind of wool or cotton Underwear, separate garments or Union Suits. Choose any 25c Underwear for 17 Choose any 35c Underwear for 22 Choose any 50c Underwear for 35 Choose any C5c Underwear for 45 Choose any 75c Underwear for 50 Choose any 85c Underwear for 60 Choose any $1.00 Underwear for 75 Choose any $1.25 Underwear for 95 Choose any $1.50 Underwear for 81.15 Choose any $1.75 Underwear for .-.81.25 Choose any $2.00 Underwear for 81.45 Choose any $2.25 Underwear for 81.65 Choose any $2.50 Underwear for . 81.95 Choose any $2.75 Underwear for 8 2.10 Choose any $3.00 Underwear for 8 2.25 Choose any $3.25 Underwear for f 52 Choose any $4.25 Underwear for 8 3.25 Choose any $5.00 Underwear for 83.75 Fine Embroidery at Clearance Sale Prices Every yard in the store at these prices." Surpassing all previous sales, we present the most astonishing values in fine embroideries ever offered. 10,000 Yards Exquisite Embroideries Choose any 5c Embroidery for 3 Choose any 8c Embroidery for 5i Choose any 10c Embroidery for 7t Choose any 12 l-2c Embroidery for 9? Choose any 15c Embroidery for Choose any 20c Embroidery for 15 Choose any 25c Embroidery for 1V Choose any 35c Embroidery for 23 Choose any 50c Embroidery for 35 Choose any 65c Embroidery for 48 Choose any 75c Embroidery for 55 Choose any 85c Embroidery for 65 Choose any $1.00 Embroidery for 75 Choose any $1.25 Embroidery for 81.00 Choose any $1.35 Embroidery for $1.10 Choose a'jy $1.50 Embroidery for 81.20 All Others 1-3 Off Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods Less for Money Mclntyre Purchased, Chicago, Jan. 13. Hugh Jennings, manager of the Detroit American league baseball club yesterday an nounced that President Comlskey of the Chicago American league club has purchased Outfielder Mclntyre from Detroit for $2500. Favorites Win. Tampa, Fla., Jan. IS. Perfect rac ing conditions contrlbutd to a splen did afternoon's racing at the West Tampa course yesterday, three favor ites winning. At the Cosy. "Winter Sports of the Imperial Family of Germany." Showing the Imperial family and numerous nota bles engaging In tobogganing, skiing, Ice boating and sail skating. Winter scenes so natural they make you think of chilblains. "A Sacrifice and Then." A story of war, self sacrifice, love and dis honor. Battlefields, bursting bombs, charges and true heroism. Captain Brown rescues Lieut. Carson from death after a valiant charge. They hnth fall In love with a banker's daughter: Carson wins her hand but Skips on the wedding, hoping she will marry Brown, who he discovers nas embezzled funds from the girl's fath ers' bank, and thus save Brown from arrest. Brown learns of his flight and overtaking him persuades him to re turn and marry the girl, after which the exposue and sacrifice causes his death by heart failure Just before tne police arive. A picture to keep you right on edge. Song, "It Looks Like a Big Night Tonight." "The Terror of the Plains." Being the dreams of an A. D. T. boy who becomes a declple of Buffalo Bill by reading the thrilling tales of that frontier hero. He sees himself rescu ing pretty maidens from the Indians, annihilating whole tribes and stopping the careers of professional bad men. but Is brought to a realization of his own limitations by a sound spanking from the hand of his father. Sll.vr.lt THKEADS" tXJMIXG IN FEW DAYS John A. Mlesln, playing Robert Os- bourne the heavy. In "Silver Threads at the Oregon theater, January 19, hu.l loading roles in the past three years with Nance O'Nell and Henri etta Crossman and in "The Light Eternal." Edith M. Cook, who was the Cockney housekeeper in "Merely Mary Ann," has a similar part in "Silver Threads" as Eliza B. Lunch, a typi cal gossiping New England house keeper. Leslie S. Stowe was in Jamas A. Heme's "Shore Acres," as Martin Merry, is cast as John Laurie, and Louise Kent, the leading woman, was in -vaudeville last season in "Sold." Hallowell Concert. Musical Entertainment at the ar mory Friday, January 20. Admission $1.00. Given by Bayonet Club, com posed of Company L, O. N. G., Spanish-American war veterans, G. A. R. veterans. TEXAS CITY SUBURB CLAIMS GREAT GROWTH Houston Heights, one of Houston's suburbs, has added 618 persons to her opulatlon every year for the last ten years, a growth which nas scarcely ieen equaled In the United States by a similar town so far as Is disclosel by the last census reports. Ten years ago Houston Heights had 800 popula tion while today the town is credit ed with 6984. There are half a dozen cemmunties similar to this and ad- Joining this city all served by Hous ton car lines, telephones and public utilities. Their working people work In Houston and their business men have their offices and shops in till city but owing to Houston's restricted boundaries, sixteen square miles, the federal census shows this city with less than 80.000 poriilatlon. By 1920 If Is proposed to have all or these out lvlnir districts Included In Houston proper. Dressed poultry next the cash meat market order now. Main 101. Saturday at Phone your Why Is It that we rejoice at a blr'h and grieve at a funeral? It Is be cause we are not tho person involved. Alcohol and Coal Oil Odorless gas heaters are non-explosive and you will find them very convenient in heating up bath rooms, bed rooms, etc. We have a very nice line we would like to show you and explain their merits to you The prices are reasonable also. KOEPPEN'S The Drug Store That Serves You Best Greatest Elevator tn World. With Its recent completion the Grand Trunk now has at West Fort Williams the greatest elevator In the world. Its capnclty Is 3.250.000 bush els. It Is the first of a unit of six to be built, with a total capnclty of 10.000,000 bushels and which will have three piers. Then It will be pos slble to unload 2798 cars a day( and discharge 300,000 bushels an hour In to vessels. Note of Thanks. We wish to extend our thanks to our neighbors and rnenas as wen as the Modern Brotherhood of America lodge for their kindness and untiring effort to aid us during the Illness and death of our son and brother. MR. AND MRS. S. STROUT AND FAMILY. WOMAN' CHARGED WITH MURDERING TWIN BABES PASTIME Theafc Saturday, Jan, 14 Monday, Jan. 16 4 Original Motion Pictures Joffrics-Johnson Boxing Contest Held at Reno, Nevada LECTURER TO EXP UN PICTURES MATINEE at 1:30 p. m. EVENING at 7:00 and 9:00 Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 13. On a charge of murdering her twin babies, Hello Martin is held In jail today without ball. Tho woman Is suspected of having drowned her in rants, aged six months. Hie ImhIIcs were found In a eanal near the Infirmary where tho mother wus an inmate. The grand Jury Is investigating. Wrinkles should merely where smiles have been. indicate Solves Perpetual Motion. John R. Kirk, a passenger agent on the- Santa Fo, living at Las Vegas. N. M., claims that after twenty-seven years of study and research he has solved the problem of perpetual mo tion and perfected a machine capable of n power nothing short of, marvel ous. Like others before them who also thought they had achieved a llko result. Kirk has the most visionary1 Ideas of what will be accomplished with his Invention. Thanksgiving Day. Let us all give humble, hearty and sincere ' thanks, but the turkeys. In the Island of FIJI they do not use turkeys; they use plumbers. It does not become you and me to sneer at Fiji. Parlor Baseball For the Boy Will please tho most rabid baseball fan. This is tho game YOU PLAY it does not play ITSELF. Only $2 Notice our window. ! RALPH FOLSOM j Leading Honsefnrnlaber. Three Fine Houses Fr Sal ONE FINE BUNGALOW on North side, worth $5000, if sold at once $4,000 will buy it This is a brand new house and modern in every way. I want to show it to you. Call at office any time between S and 5 p. m. SPLENDID 9-ROOiI HOUSE on Jackson street, fine lawn, house modem and well arranged. This is a fine buy at the price. Tart cash, balaneo easy terms. THE ,T. M. CRAWFORD HOUSE on Jackson street can be bought at less than it is worth. Mr. Crawford refused $"000 for the place once, but now as he has moved away from Pendleton $4000 will buy the property. LEE TEUTSCH Phone Main 5 The Real 550 Main Street Estate and Insurance Man Job Printing, Tel. Main i a