East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 11, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Alcohol and Coal
Odorless gas heaters are non-explosive and you
will find them very convenient in heating up bath rooms,
bed rooms, etc. We have a very nice line we would
like to show you and explain their merits to you The
prices are reasonable also.
The Drug Store That Serves You Best
Putlme picture pleaae ell.
Bee Lne ft Bon for flgnm.
Hot tamalee at Hohbache.
Phone Main 1 for United Oroheetra,
Walt paper, paints, etc. Lane Soa.
I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep. R till.
Wanted Chambermaid at Hotel
Household furniture for sale. Call
302 Logan or phone Red ISSI.
Furnished house on Thompson
-street, $18 month. See Lee TeuUch.
Everybody goee to the Orpheum to
see the best sad the clearest picture
Wanted Japanese boy wants posi
tion as cook. Address P. O. Box No.
More moving pictures shown than
any other theatre In the elty the
The best moving pictures and
brightest pictures In Pendleton at the
For rentCorner office In the Judd
building, recently occupied by Dr. W.
O. Cole.
1800 acre stock and grain ranch
worth $87,000. Price only $18,600.
See Lee Teutsch. -
A clean and careful share always
For the Boy
Will please the most rabid
baseball fan.
Tbis is the game YOU
PLAY it does not play
Only $2
Notice our window.
Leading Honaefarolsher.
at Mark Patton's shop. Across from
Alexanders. Phone for patrons.
For rent Three furnished house
keeping rooms, electric lights, gas
stove and bath. 701 Thompson street.
Lands Ten yearly payment plan;
six per cent; $90 to $160 per acre. B.
P. Dodd, Hermlston, Ore.
Cold weather la coming. We have
the best coul on the market A ton
is 2000 lbs. at Pendleton Lum er
Tard, Phone Main O.
Spend your Idle evenings In a gen
tlemen's resort. Bowling, pool, bil
liards, shooting gallery. Pastime
Parlors. Hoover and Book.
Sor sale One sorrel gelding, age
9 years, weight 1100 pounds, sound,
good work or saddle horse. Price
$75. Inquire 1801 West Alt.
For sale A nice lot of Standard
bred, single comb Black Minorca
cockerels. Price, $1 and up. Enquire
N. A. Humphrey, 184 Beauregard
street, Pendleton.
Wanted Men and women. Both
for local work and traveling. Salary
guaranteed In both positions. Call at
room 4, Hotel St. George, any time
day or evening.
Read In the January Sunset Maga
ilne "Los 'Angeles Homeland," su
perbly Illustrated In four colore
The Spell." by C. N. and A. M. Wil
liamson. A thrilling California ro
mance. Now on sale, all news stands,
IS cents.
Pendleton's new paint store. Hale
& McAtee, props., 816 Main street.
Acme quality paints, enamels, stains
and varnishes. Wall paper and pic
ture moulding Let us figure on your
next job. We Invite your Inspection.
Goods arriving dally.
mio Opera Well Greeted at Oregon
Last Night.
Though "Stubborn Cinderella" was
here last season and so had been seen
before by many local people, the pop.
ular comic opera was greeted by a
crowded house at the Oregon last
night. Miss Hazel Klrke still plays
the role of Lady Leslie, the young
ladjrf noble birth who has been most
carefully guarded In vain. She and
Mine Goldsmith who plays the role of
Lois, are the chief feminine entertain
ers, while Neal Burns as Skeeter and
Colt Albertson, the Impromptu Leon
ardo, led the male brigade. Mr.
Moyles as the Scotch colonel, Is alto
gether good and had the audleuce
laughing every time he asked "Which
way Is north "
Taken as a whole, the "Stubborn
Cinderella" troupe is a good one,
though Improvements could be mad
In spots. The costumes are good,
much of the music catchy and the en
tertainers work hard.
J. D. Casey of Hllgard, was a visitor
In the city yesterday. ,
P. H. Hantz of Baker, Is registered
at the Hotel St. Goorge.
B. F. McCullough of Echo, Is spend
ing the day in Pendleton.
John L. Peebler and wife of Echo,
spent- yesterday In the city.
W. H. Donovan was up yesterday
from his home In Hermlston.
Claude Sloan was In the county seat
yesterday from his home in Echo.
George Howland is registered at the
Hotel Pendleton from Newberg, Ore.
L. N. Church of Walla Walla, was
in the city yesterday from his home.
J. B. Saylor, a prominent east end
Democrat, spent yesterday In Pendle
ton. George Clay was an Incoming pas
senger on the Northern Pacific this
morning. . .
Otis Turner of Weston, was In Pen
dleton yesterday for the transaction
of business.
H. E. Stevens, one of the regular
visitors In the city, was up from his
home In Echo yesterday.
Miss Lois E. Smith of Echo, was up
from her home yesterday tP attend
the Sunday school meeting.
C. O. Brownell of Umatilla was up
from the railroad town yesterday for
the transaction of business.
M. L. Watts, the Athena miller, was
among the throng that made merry
In the Elks' hall last evening.
Mrs. Lynch, Mrs. Jaques and Mrs.
McManus, all from Pilot Rock, are
registered at the Hotel Bowman.
F. S. LeGrow, the well known
Athena banker, was in atendance at
the big Elks' party last evening.
Miss Stella McCullough of Stanfield
Is In the city today from her home in
the irrigated section of the county.
D. C. Sanderson, of the Freewater
Times, came In this morning from his
home in the east end of the county.
Gerald Stanfield returned to his
home in the west end of the county
this morning after attending the Elks'
smoker last night.
Carl Engdahl, manager of the Far
mers' Mutual Warehouse company at
Helix, came down on the Northern
Pacific train this morning.
Robert Stanfield was among the
out of town Elks present at the stag
party last night. He returned to his
home in Stanfield this morning.
Principal Jack Keefe of the Weston
high school, came up last evening to
attend the Elks' stag party last night,
returning to his work this morning.
Attorney Homer I. Watts and wife
came down from their home in Athe
na yesterday and the former was
present at the Elks' stag party last
G. W. Wombold, who has been In
charge of the Ellers Piano House in
this city for some time past, left this
morning for Portland and will go from
there to Everett, Wash., to take
charge of the store In that city.
A. Buckley, assistant superintendent
of the O.-W. R. & N., with headquar
ters in La Grande, came over from
that city yesterday and was one of
the loyal members of the antlered
herd at the stag party last evening.
The holy passion of Friendship Is
of so sweet and steady and loyal and
enduring a nature that It will last
through a whole lifetime if not asked
to lend money.
Pendleton's Biggest and Best
Bargain Event of the Year
The Clearance Sale Reductions will Con
tinue all This Week. Stirring Reductions
all over the Store
Making room for our Spring Stock which is
Much Larger and Better than Ever
Take Early Advantage
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
Better Goods for
Less Money
(Continued from page one.)
forward with Its support and the mis
take is greatly regretted.
Many individuals are subschlbiing
because the property Is to be In the
name of the city.
The following is the list of subscrlb
tlona to date:
R. Alexander '. $300
Peoples Warehouse 800
American Nat. Bank 800
First Nat. Bank 800
Mrs. S. P. Sturgis 800
Pendleton Woolen Mills 250
Geo. Darveau 200
O'Gara Bros 200
Gray Bros 200
Bond Bros 200
Despaln & Bonney 200
Taylor Hardware Co 200
LaDow & Peterson 200
Tallman & Co 200
Schwarz & Greullch 150
H. H. Wessel 100
E. L. Smith . .. 100
Pacific Power & Light Co ..... 100
C. E. Roosevelt 100
Frazler-Nelson Co 100
Alf. Schnelter 100
Livengood & Co 100
Peters & Morrison 100
J. H. Taylor 100
Cooper Bros 100
M. Anderson 100
H. Koplttke 100
Wohlenberg Dept. Store 100
G. M. Rice 100
Geo. Hartman, Jr 100
F. B. Judd 100
Hamley & Co 100
Kupers & McCook 109
J. F. Robinson 100
Wm. Roesch 100
T. C. Taylor 100
H. Peters 100
W. G. Bogert 100
At the Cosy.
"A Ward of Uncle Sam." A story
of two little Russian orphans. The
little boy is raised in America, fights
in the war against Spain and after 20
years returns to see his blind sister.
He protects her from the Insults of
Russian nobility and is backed up by
an American battleship. Something
doing every minute.
"A Jealous Wife's New YeaVs Day."
A screamingly funny comedy. De
picting the woes of matrimony when
the green eyed monster of Jealousy
"Norwegian Water Fall." An ex
quisite subject beautifully tinted.
"Just Revenge." A story of the
Alps. The rejected suitor by a dast
ardly trick causes the old guide's
daughter to fall from a narrow foot
bridge to the depths of a revine. See
her lover's terrible revenge.
"Proscovia." A story of Russia. By
saving the governor general's child
from death In a deep chasm, Prosco
via wins a pardon for her aged father
who has been cast into exile in Si
beria, A picturesque story.
Song, "Good Night, Dear."
Perislan Antiques).
Consul William F. Doty, in his an
nual report from Tabriz, states that
Persian antiques, thougn scarce at
present, are yet obtainable, and com
prise pottery and tiles, suits of armor,
weapons such as daggers, swords and
axes: also manuscripts, some of
which are probably four or more cen
turies old. These illuminated manu
scripts of the Koran on excedingly
thin deerskin In geld leaf are very
beautiful. Occasionally coins dating
back to the time of the Emperor Ne
ro of Rome are to be had, seemingly
Save money by reading today's ads.
A Few Great Novels.
Balzac, Pere Geriot. A modern
King Lear; a story of the extrava
gance of paternal .sacrifice.
Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewltt, is a
mingling of comedy, caricature, farce
melodrama and tragedy; shifting from
England to America and back again.
Eliot, Mill on the Floss. A deeply
significant tragedy of the Inner life.
Hawthorne, Scarlet Letter. A strong
story of the workings of conscience
embodied in a romance of Puritan
Howells,' Rise of Silas Lapam. "An
Ignorant but manly character who Is
brought Into humorous contrast with
the refined society of the city."
Meredith, Ordeal of Richard" Fev
erel, "The ultimate fruit of blindness
and error."
Scott, Quentln Durward. Rich and
varied picture of the age when chiv
alry and feudalism were about to pass
Thackeray, Vanity Fair. Mingled
tragedy, passion and comedy. Dur
ing the second decade of the 19th
Becky Sharp, Major Dobbin and the
wonderful picture of the battle of
Waterloo are Immortal.
Board of Trade Figures Show Gains
In United States Cotton.
London. The December statement
of the board of trade shows increases
of $41,759,500 In Imports and $18.
171,000 In exports. Cotton imports
from the United States increased $30,
000,000 and from Egypt $6,250,000.
The gain in exports was In manufac
tured goods, principally cotton.
Only 6 more days to buy any Ladies Suit in the house at one price, only $9.95. In the lot you will find all the leading
shades and styles that are right. Sat. and Mon. were hummers, many suits were sold. Don't Wait, the one you want
may be gone. No Charges Will Be Made for Alterations.
And by all Means Don't Forget to Read the Extraordinary List Below, it Will Pay You
400 Pairs Ladies' Shoes, all laco, in $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and
$4.00 values, sizes 2 1-2 to 9, 13 to EE widths. The entire
lot goes during this great 8 days sale at, pair S1.4S
up to $2.50, all sizes and leathers, sale price, pair ?1.00
All 12 l-2c Outing Flannels JJ
A1112 l-2c Flannelette v
200 Silk Petticoats
Values to $10.00, during this great cloan-up sale $4.95
Many other articles not-mentioned here will bo on sale at n
great saving. Come in, look around, you may find just what
you want Q .
All $1.25, $1.60, $1.75 and $2.00 Dress Goods ?.
Ono lot Henderson Corsets, values to $3.50, choice ............ 98p
Ladies and Misses Coats
Come in Fancy Mixtures,
Every garment this Fall's styles.
Black, BImo and Green Broadcloth,
All $15.00 Coats go at
All $18.50 Coats go at
All $20.00 Coats go at .,
All $22.50 Coats go at
All $25.00 Coats go at - $12.50
All &27.50 Coats co at $13.75
All $30.00 Coats go at $15.00
All $35.00 Coats go at $17.50
All 20c Kimona Flannels 12
Ono lot of Ladies' Silk and Wool Underwear, soparato garment,
regularly sold at $1.50 and $1.75, sale price 9S
200 Ladies' Belts, regular 50c and 75c 28
Children's 25c and 20c Flowed Hose 12
Ladies' 35c Wool noso 23
Ladies 75c Wool Hose 38
A Great Closing Out Sale of
In all leading shades, silk and wool, all sizes. Our stock is
very complete. Notice tlio great reductions.
All $15.00 Dresses go at $7.50
All $1S.50 Dresses go at . - $9.25
All $20.00 Dresses go at $10.00
All $25.00 Dresses go at $12.50
All $30.00 Dresses go at $15.00
All $35.00 Dresses go at $17.50
REMEMBER. No Charges for Altering Suits, Coats or Dresses During this Great Sale
V : . ; : i ;