East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 11, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Secretary Reduces Cost of Private
Contests and Ellmlnutes Speculators
Colltiuloii Impotable New Sys
tem lor Serving Notices Other
Changes of Interest.
Important changes in the rules of
practice In the United States land of
fice effective Feb. 1, 1911, have been
made, according to advices received
at the local land office, says the La
Grande Observer. The new code
examination on his behalf of other
witnesses. The coat of noting motions,
objections, and exceptions must be
paid by the party on whose behalf
the fame are made. In this respect In
particular will the burdens of extend
ed, and In many cases useless, cross
examinations be transferred from, the
party offering the witness to the par
ty making the long examination.
Only in minor respects are the oth
er rules In force changed and those
would be of no particular public In
terest. New blanks will be supplied
Senator Merryman Would Increase
nountjron Timber Wolves.
Salem, Or., Jan. 11. Drastic chang
es in many of the game laws are
promised during the present session
of the legislature, if plans of Senator
Merryman of Klamath, Crook and
Lake do not go awry.
has been prepared with a view of re- ono of the principal moves that will
ducing the work connected with the De made In this direction, so far as is
handling of contests In the local of-, now known,--wlll be an effort to In
fices and reducing the costs to per-j crease the bounty on timber wolves in
sons desiring to . contest abandoned ( fl,e Cascades. It Is said that the deer
entries in order to secure the land for n tne cascade range are becoming
the purpose of establishing a home practical extinct, owing to the ravages
thereon. By means of an oath, a more 0j these animals, and that one tlm
effectlve manner of reaching those Der wolf will slay and devour BO deer
filing collusive contests Is provided. m a year. a heavy bounty would.
The professional locator who often Bay8 senator Merryman, increase the
files many contest In order to sell . number of deer to a remarkable ex
hls preference right to enter the lands j tent In a comparatively short time,
after he has successfully contested senator Abraham Is also Interested in
the entries Is entirely eliminate!. A this movement.
brief statement of the Important i Among other features that will
changes in the rules has been prepar-. mark one of the bills to amend the
ed by Receiver Colon R. Euerhard, game laws will be to cut the limit on
of the local office. It follows: j ducks to 25 In.a week and prohibit the
ContetitnnM Must be Qualified. gale of ducks at all times; open the
The first Important change Is that season on grouse In Klamath county
making It a perequlslte to the filing ; from August 15 to November 1; allow
of a private contest that the person 'the killing of 16 quail In one week;
Postal Hank Will Open,
Klamath Falls, Ore. PostmasterJ
Emmltt has returned from Washing
ton. He will on Wednesday open the
postal savings bank in this city.
KcfuHC Liquor LIcciiMe.
Greenwood, B. C. So far the pro
vincial government has refused to
grant any new hotels liquor licenses
In the towns between Penticton and
Klainalli to Publixh Wide.
Klamath Falls, Ore. At a special
meeting of the Klamath Chamber of
Commerce a move was launched lor
the raising of $5000 publicity fund
for the present year.
Instituting the proceeding be quail
fled to enter the land and this fact he
must set forth In his affidavit of con
test, together with a statement of the
character of filing he intends to place
on the land, If successful. A contest
ant must also swear that the proceed
ing he asks to Institute la not collus
open tho season In Klamath county
on doves from August 1 to September
1; give a season on trout in Klamath
county from February 15 to May 15;
allow catching of salmon, except with
seine or explosives, from 'May 15 to
February 16, and place the limit on
deer to two.
lve. Otherwise, the requirements at Senator Merryman says that his see
the time of filing the affidavit of con- tlon of the country is one of the best
test are practically the same as at for sportsmen In the northwest and
. If.. 1 .-. la .A
present. equally mijiui iaiu
change in the form of the notice or
aummons Issued, to the defendant
Heretofore this notice informed the
defendant that at a certain time and
place a hearing for the purpose of
taking testimony In the contest
against his entry would be had. And
regardless of whether any appearance
was made by or on behalf of the de
fendant, the testimony of at least two
witnesses was required to be taken
for the consideration of the land of
fice; while under the new practice,
the notice will state "that unless the
adverse party appears and answers
the allegations of suid contest with
in thirty days after service of notice
upon him, the allegations of said con
test will be taken as confessed." Un
der present practice, usually one of
ficer of a local land office alone is
sues the notice; under the new prac
tice, both are required to sign the
Now Manner of Service.
Heretofore It hus been the usual
mode to serve the defendant with the
notice of contest by delivery of the
same to him in person, If he could be.
found in the state In which the land
lies; otherwise by publication In a
newspaper. Tho new rules provide
that the notloc may be either handed
to the defendant in person by any
person over 18 years of age, sent to
him by registered mall.-or published
In a newspaper within the county In
which the land Is located, and when
the latter method s used copies of
the notice must also bo sent the de
fendant by registered mall to the
postofflce nearest the land, the ad.
' dress of record In the land office and
at the present address1 of the defend
ant, If known. When service Is not
made by publication, a copy of the
original affidavit of contest must al
so accompany the notice of contest,
which in this respect Is similar to the
practice of serving a copy of a com
plaint with the summons in an action
at law under the -Oregon code. It Is
also provided that no contest pro
ceeding shall abate because of any
defect in the manner of service where
In any case It Is shown that a copy
of the notice actually enme Into the
hands of the defendant. In case the
defendant makes and files his sworn
denial of the charges, it Is provided
"that the register and receiver will
forthwith fix time and place for tak
ing testimony and notify all parties
thereof not less than 20 days In ad
vance of the hearing."
Trial Procedure Unchanged.
There Is no material change In the
procedure at the trials, except the
power to summarily Btop Irrevalent
examinations by attorneys Is broad
ened and authority to exclude witness,
es not testifying is expressly given
local officers, though such power has
been exercised here for many yean
when occasion arose.
Costs Taxed Equitably.
The most Important change la In
the manner of taxing costs in all cases
except private contests where a pref
erence right Is to be exercised. In the
latter event, the contestant will con
tinue to pay all costs, though it will
be borne In mind thnt the new pro
cedure will in all those cases where
no appearance Is made by the de
fendant eliminates any fees for taking
testimony or necessity for the em
ployment of an attorney, except to
prepare his original papers. ' In all
other cases each party must pay the
cost of taking the direct examination
of his own witnesses and the cross
his constituents, he explains, are more
vitally interested in the game laws
than in any other form of legislation.
Numerous other amendments and pro
posed game acts are expected from
other quarters of the state.
A number of other bills amendatory
of the game laws have been prepar
ed by the Portland Rod and Gun club
association and will be Introduced in
the session.
Poudier Thanks Gendarme Who Falls
Into Flooded House.
Paris. During the recent floods In
the valley of the Rhome two gend
armes were sent to arrest a poacher
at Le Mesnll. In order to get at their
man they had to get In through the
roof of his house, during which pro
ceeding one of the gendarmes fell in
to the water. Although aware of the
gendarmes 'errand, the poacher res
cued the gendarme. On being com-
i pllmented on his bravery, he thanked
the gendarmes for coming to arrest
him, telling them that everybody else
seemed to have forgotten him, and
that he was almost famished.
Tent Kills Wife's Love.
Albany, Ore. Alleging that her
husband spent his money In riotous
living and then moved with his wife
and two children .Into a tent, Mrs. R.
H. Llndegren filed suit for divorce in-f
the state circuit court here against
Eric A. Llndegren.
Trouble Ahead for Physicians.
Walla Walla. Wash. The Walla
Walla Valley Medical society contem
plates the prosecution of several phy
siclans. No statement has been IS'
sued from the society, but prellmln
ary steps have been taken.
ISananza to Get Biff Hotel.
Bonanza, Ore. A move Is on foot
here for the organization of a com
pany for the erection of a large hotel
for Bonanza. The plans are for a
building constructed throughout of
concrete, three stories high and with
all modern appliances.
Seaside Creditors to Meet.
Astoria, Ore. Judge F. J. Taylor,
referee In bankruptcy, has fixed Jan
uary 23 as the time for holding the
first meeting of the creditors of the
Seaside Lumber & Manufacturing
company, a bankrupt. A trustee will
be appointed at that time.
Albany Rars Fight Pictures.
Albany, Ore. The police prevented
the presentation of motion pictures of
the Jeffries-Johnson fight. They
were advertised to be shown at a lo
cal theatre, but the chief of police
notified the management not to pre
sent them.
Catarrh of the Lungs
Threatened Her Life.
Miss Ninette Porter, Iiraintree, Ver
mont, writes: ''I have been cured by
Peru n a.
'I had several hemorrhages of the
longs. The doctors did not help me
much and wouldjiever have cured me.
"I saw a testimonial in a Perana
almanac of a cage similar to mine, and
I commenced using it.
"I was not able to wait on myself
when I began using it. I gained very
lowly at first, but I could see that it
was helping me.
"After I had taken it a wbile I com
menced to raise up a stringy, sticky
substance from my lungs. This grew
less and less In quantity as I continued
tho treatment.
"I grew more fleshy than I had been
for a long time, and now I call myself
Asy Your Druggist for a Free Pernna
Almanac for 1011.
Kansas City, Jan. 10. Packey Mc
Farland of Chicago, won the decision
over Johhny McCarthy of San Fran
cisco In a ten round bout here last
night. i
The Chicago boy, after leading by
a wide margin in every round, left
the ring unmarked. McCarthy's face
was badly bruised. His nose bled
profusely from the third round until
the end of the battle.
McCarthy fought a game fight, but
his blows were Ineffective. He play
ed for Packey's wind and kidneys in
every round. McFarland's dazzling
footwork caused the San Francisco
man to miss at least a third of the
blows he started. When McCarthy
did land, his punches did not seem to
carry force.
Three Fine Houses
ONE FIXE BUNGALOW on North side, worth $5000,
if sold at once $4,000 will buy it This is a brand new
house and modern in every way. I want to show it to you.
Call at office any time between 8 and 5 p. m.
SPLENDID 'J-ItOOM HOUSE on Jackson street, fine
lawn, house modern and well arranged. This is a fine
buy at the price. Part cash, balance easy terms.
THE J. M. CRAWFOIil) HOUSE on Jackson street can
be bought at less than it is worth. Mr. Crawford refused
$5000 for the place once, but now as he has moved away
from Pendleton $4000 will buythe property.
550 Main Street
Phone Main 5
The Real Estate and Insurance Man
Ill(t Strike Reported.
Bandon, Ore. G. A. Blake, a pio
neer trapper, is trying to Interest
Portland capital In a gold-mining
claim he says he has located near the
Coos-Curry county line, about ten
miles south of this city. The samples
of ore he Is showing assay $20 to $22
to the ton.
Japan, Looking for Humane Method.
Socks rfel liter.
The French executioner. M. Pelbler,
has given a lesson in headcuttlng to
a Japanese mission which is making
inquiries in Europe and America In
to the easiest and most humane meth
od of executing criminals.
M. Delbler escorted the mission to
the shed where the "Red Widow"
waits, and after a long description of
each detail of tho grim machine, gave
a performance of on execution, cut
ting off the head of a dummy figure
for tho instruction of the visitors.
Reported American Bank Plan Brings
Concerted Opposition.
Hankow, China. Chinese bankers
along the Yang-tse Klang perfected
an organization today to combat a
reported plan for a Chino-Amerlcan
According to rumors, such an Insti
tution was proposed during the visit
here of a delegation of American bus
iness men from the Chamber of Com
merce of the Pacific ' coast.
The opponents of the project con
tend that they see in It only another
evidence of foreign encroachment.
Stricken nt P. O. Window.
Lind, Wash. While Mrs. Willard
was standing at the registry window
at the postofifce signing a registry
receipt, she was suddenly taken 111,
dropped her pen and almost fallfW
to the floor. She was carried to her
home on a stretcher, where she died
within about an hir.
Bored Holes to See Her.
N'orth Yakima, Wash. Gus Trol
llngor. colored, was fined $99 ami
costs by Police Judpe nolinds on conn
plaint of Mamie Hall, colored. that
he annoyed her with attentions. She
alleeos thnt he even bored hole s in
the door to her room In order thnt
he might see her while she slopt.
Saveg Two Lives.
"Neither my siBter nor myself might
be living today if it had not been for
Dr. King's New Discovery," writes A.
D. McDonald of Fayettevllle, N. C,
R. F. D. No. 8, "for we both had
frightful coughs that no other rem
edy could help. We were told my sis
ter had consumption. She was very
weak and had night sweats but your
wonderful medicine completely cured
us both. It's the best I ever used or
heard of." For sore lungs, coughs
colds, hemorrhage, la grippe, asthma,
hay fever, croup, whooping cough
all bronchial troubles its supreme.
Trial bottle free. 50c and $1.00.
Guaranteed by Koeppens.'
Portland, Ore., Jan. 10. The cold
snap which was predicted to last sev
eral days In the northwest was usher
ed in today with snowstorms in east
ern Washington, parts of eastern
Oregon, Montana and Idaho. Rain is
falling along the western coast.
Reports show the temperature has
dropped from 10 to 40 degrees since
yesterday. The wave is coming from
Alaska and Is working east. Snow
will probably ' save the crops from
Old Soldier Tortured.
"For years I suffered unspeakable
torture from Indigestion, constipation
and liver trouble." wrote A. K. Smith
a war veteran at Erie, Pa., "but Dr.
King's New Life Pills fixed me all
right. They're simply great." Try
them for any stomach, liver, or kidney
trouble. Only 25c at Koeppens.
Known For Its Strength
First IMiona! Bank
Is made from the choicest when that
erows. Good bread assured when
BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, .
Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on
Pendleton Roller
Pendleton, Oregon.
Pacific "I"' Dcliutc Idaho.
Pacific University, Forest Grove.-
Tho llRg st event nf the year in for- ;
ensic circles at Pacific will ke place j
Friduy night, when pacific University
meets the University of Idaho in de- (
hate. The local teams are composed
of men who have had previous ex
perience, ana a gooo debate Is an
ticipated nt both Moscow and Forest
Takes His lllble to Jail.
Spokane, Wash. Although he car
ried his Bible into the cell with him
when arrested, Arthur Tower admit
ted to Justice Stocker in police court
that he had stolen 142.80 from R. E.
Baker In the Great Northern hotel
and had tried to escape with It to
Havre, Mont. Tower Is a member of
the Volunteers of America.
Too Much Face.
Tou feel ag if you had one face too
many when you have neuralgia, don't
you Save the face, you may need
It; but get rid of the neuralgia by
applying Ballard's Snow Liniment
Finest thing In the world for rheu
matism, neuralgia, burns, cuts, scalds,
lame back and all pains. A. C. Koep
pen A Bros. '
Prince Albert In Decree Fulfills Prom
I so to Subjects.
Monte Carlo. Prince Albert of
Monaco has Issued a proclamation es
tabllshlng a constitutional government
for the principality of Monaco in ful
fill men t of his promise made follow
lng agitation by his 1200 subjects.
Few things are harder to put up
with than the annoyance of a good
Thoro Is Only Ono
"Bromo Quinine'
That Is
Laxative Bromo Quinine
Always remember tho full nauio. Look
for this signature on every box. 25o.
County Buys Auto.
North Yakima, Wash. Purchase
of an automobile, one that will stand
an endurance test, has been decided
upon by the Yakima county commis
sioners, the decision being one of the
first steps of the new board on tak
ing office. Long distances, so fre
quently traveled by the county offi
cials with resultant livery cost, caus
ed this resolve.
Rainbow Seen at Night.
Vancouver, Wash. A rainbow at
12:30 a. m. was the novel sight of a
few residents of the city, who were
returning from Portland on the last
ferry. The moon was shining In the
west and the rainbow was In the cast
apparently beyond tho garrison, ond
reaching from some point In Ore
gen far to the left In Washington.
Medford Man Found Frozen.
Medford, Ore. Information that
A. C. Daue, thought by papers found
on his person to be a resident of Med
ford, was found frozen to death on
the road between Jordan Valley, Ore.,
and Delmnr, Idaho, January 2, has
reached here. The body was found
by cowboys, who took It to Delmar
for burial. The police here are soar.
chlng for friends or relatives of the
Dr. Clifford was to preach In Bir
mingham. Arriving without a ticket,
he was refused admission to the
meeting. "But I am Dr. Clifford, and
I am due to preach In another minute
and a half." "Oh! are youT" said
the Incredulous policeman. "I have
let In two Dr. Cliffords already."
In Suites of 2 Rooms Each
Steam Heat
Electric Lights
Gas and Gas Range
Hot and Cold Water
. Good Ventilation
Plenty ol Daylight
Oregcnian Building
Enquire at East Oregonian Office