- rAGB TWO Begins Tuesday Morning JTol Men's Underwear Sacrificed We show beyond a doubt, the best and largest line of Men's Underwear in eastern Oregon. Our famous Lewis Underwear is the best made, most perfect fitting underwear in America, sewed throughout with pure thread silk, reinforced in all necessary places, non-shrinkable. This line has been awarded more medals and prizes at the large fairs of this country than any other similar line. 50$ Underwear is now 43$ $1.00 Underwear is now . .- 79$ $1.50 Underwear Is now $1.17 $1.75 Underwear is now $1.39 $2.25 Underwear is now $1.78 $2.50 Underwear is now $1.95 $12.50 Women's Dress Skirts $4.95 This lot of skirts come in serges and panamas in all the leading colors, black, gray, navy, brown and mixtures. A most comprehensive showing, all sizes. Clearance Price $4.95 $2.00 Ladies9 Out- ing Gowns 59c And short Petticoats. Come in pink and white and blue and white. Made of the best quality out ing flannel, extra well made. Clearance Price 59$ Children's Coats $1.98 We always show a large selection of children's coats, all the new styles; ages 2 to 14 years; plain colors and mixtures. Clearance Price .... $1.98 FreeDress Pattern Free We will put on our bargain counter a number of pieces of dress goods worth $1.50 Per yard. To the purchaser of a dress length or a skirt length of these goods we will In turn give you FREE an equal number of yards you bought. Tour choice of any other of the patterns. Thereby giving you AB SOLUTELY FREE a dress or skirt pattern. This feature is good only between the hours of 4 and 5 o'clock Tuesday. DRESS PATTERN FREE. One Special Lot of Pillow Tops Bureau scarfs, center pieces, runners. Regular 75$ t0 $1.25 values at a special clearance sale price of 43$ BURLAP Comes in all colors, plain and fancy, 36-inches wide. Regular price 25$- now 17 1"2$ SPECIAL LOT OF SILKOLINES suitable for drap eries, comforters, etc. Regular price 12 1"2$' now 7$ ONE SPECIAL LOT OF CRETONS AND SAT TEENS good assortment of colors, 36-lnches wide. Regular 35$ value, now 19$ 20$ SPUN GLASS 16$ Spun glass, neva lining, near eilk, and the like In black and all colors. Special In this sale, Clearance Price 16$ 20$ BLACK SATEEN 15$ One piece of satin finished sateen with lustre that wont come off, 32-ln. wide. Clearance Price 15$ 25$ SATEEN LINING 21$ All sateen linings of all colors and shades, 36 lnches wide. Clearance Price 21$ $6.50 Women's Silk Petticoats $3.45 We show a very large range of silk petticoats, most beautifully made, full deep flounces, shirred, tucked and tailor trimmed. They come in all the leading shades and black. Clearance Price $3.45 BAILS EAST ORESCUflAN. PENDLETON. aslSBs!SSB,Sls,'liBllB Sensational Values in all Dep'ts. Entire Stock of Women's lino Suits at Greatly Reduced Prices. Entire Stock of Women's Pino Coats at Greatly Reduced Prices Entire Stock of Women's line Dresses at Greatly Reduced Prices. Entire Stock of Women's Petticoats at Greatly Reduced Prices. Entire Stock of Fine Hair Goods Now at Greatly Reduced Prices. $8.50 Ladies Sweaters . $2.95 Our large stock of ladies sweaters must go re gardless of regular price. Our assortment is good, single and double breasted styles. Colors, white, red, grey and green. Clearance Price $2.95 We have one rack of suits that are extra fine. pleated skirts, long and short coats, very handsomely up to $25. During this Clearance sale they will go, jy " p Our shoe department has long been known for its value giving. The lines we handle are abso lutely the best in the country. In our men's department we handle the famous Johnston-Murphy, the Brocton and Napa Tan shoes. In our women's department are the E. P. Reed's, Utz & Dunn's and Red Cross. Making in all the strongest line of shoes in the country. EVERY PAIR IS REDUCED for thn Clearance Sale. Some as fnuch as 50 per cent, others 25 per cent, others 15 per cent, others 10 per cent. Not one pair excepted. They're all reduced. SILKS SILKS SILKS $1.50 BLACK TAFFETA SILK $1.11 A silk 36-inches in width, comes in black only. Contains splendid wearing qualities. "Guaranteed every yard." Free from all fillings and knots. A perfect silk. A special buy. We sell it afl the time at $1.50 'ard- Clearance Price $1.11 75$ SWISS MESSALINE 47$ In this we have a fine line of colors. Comes only In 19-inch. Noted for its general wear, very lust rous," has the clinging qualities of all the popular goods of the season. 75$ swiss messaline, Clear ance Price 47$ ALL FANCY SHIRT WAIST SILKS $3.98 PAT. We have a goodly number of these left, all good patterns, in shirt waist lengths, most of these sell for $6.00 pattern. Special in this sale until gone, Clearance Price $3.98 75$ surah silk 49$ A silk especially adapted for wear. Can be made up into dresses, linings etc; Is 36-lnches wide. Come9 in red, black, navy blue, green, tan, etc. 75$ a yard all the time except now. Clearance Price 49$ 51c Boys' Underwear 41c All the boys' 50$ underwear must go In this sale. This includes Heavy Sanitary Fleece, Heavy Ribbed, and Fleeced Lined, in fact the best you can buy for 50$ garment. Special In this sale ........ 41$ ONE SPECIAL LOT AT 1-2 PRICE. A lot of underwear, both for ladles and children, all sizes, these are thrown out on the counter open, so come pick what you want. Remember some of these run to $4.00 8ult- Your choice 1-2 Price. $1.25 MISSES' UNION SUITS 95$ A. lot of Misses union suits in flesh colors and grey. A good run of sizes and full size too. These are exceptional garments for wear, Cale spec. 95$ $1.00 LADIES' UNION SUITS 85$ A special line of ladles union suits of heavy rib, fleeced lined and comes only In flesh color, full slz4 and shaped to fit. Special 85$ $1.25 LADIES' UNION SUITS 87$ A good middleweight garment of Iron clad wearing qualities, made of selected yarns and made up to the best advantage. Comes In flesh color only, full size and full run of sizes. Remember $1.25 klnd 87$ 12 1"2$ CHILDREN'S HOSE 9$ A lot of children hose of good heavy rib, but we are shy on a few sizes. We will close out this lot of 12 1-2$ nae at, pair 9$. 15$ CHILDREN'S HOSE H$ One lot of children's heavy ribbed hose in black only. Made especially, for The Peoples Warehouse for children's school hose. We throw these out to you at, pair 11$ THE PEOPLES WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE OREGON. MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 1911. Ws Saturday iln coc& anc Entire Stock of Men's Clothing Offered at Greatly Reduced Prices. Entire Stock of Hoys' Apparel Offered at Greatly Reduced Prices. Entire Stock of Dress Goods, Silks, etc., at Greatly Reduced Prices. Entire Stock of Laces, Embroideries, eta, Greatly Reduced Prices. Entire Stock Underwear, Gloves, Druicrlcs, now Greatly Reduced. Women's Suits Slaughtered We have one rack of suits that come in black, navy and fancy mixtures, good run of sizes, long and ' short coats, pleated and plain skirts. These suits run in value up to $15.00. Clearance Pr. $4.95 Come in all the new and leading colors. Plain and made,, full range of sizes. These suits run In price your --holce fr $6.95 PURE LINENS BEAU LOWERED PRICES. House keepers with an eye to the handsome ap pearance of their table will gladly poflt by this after math of the busy holiday linen selling. 75$ to 50$ Table Damask, of handsome designs and patterns, very wide 43$ $1.50 to $1.25 Damask, two yards wide, beauti ful designs and quality 97$ $2.00 to $1.75 A11 Linen Damesk, 72-lnches wide and good heavy quality $1.31 $2.50 A" Linen Satin Damask, wide, handsome patterns, a bargain you should not miss yd. $1,59 NAPKINS to match all Linens above from $3 to $7.50 dozen, at the remarkable reduction of 1-3 off for our Clearance Sale. TOWELS OF ALL KINDS. 15$ Genuine Cotton Huck, full size In red border, a perfect hand towel, special price 10$ 20$ COTTON HUCK TOWELS large size, a good value, special price, 3 for.. 45$ 25$ LINEN HUCK TOWELS Full width and length. This towel Is a hummer. We will make this towel a special In this sale at, Clear ance Price 20$ 15$ TURKISH TOWELS . Full size and weight, genuine Turkish. Clearance Price 11$ SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES 1000 no name sliocts tliat usually sell for $1.00 each 81x90 size, and a crackerjack, will make the special price of 73$ 1000 sheets of a popular brand and noted for Its merits 81x90 size, with wide hem and absolutely free from any dope whatever. Sell it all the time '"" $1.25- Our special price Is 90$ 2000 PILLOW CASES of bleached tubing, 42x36 size, worth 15$ each, but our Clearance Price 11 1-2$ 35$ SATEEN LININGS 27$ Sateen linings in all colors and shades, Clearance Price 27$ 12 1-2$ Dress Ginghams 10$ 12 1"2$ Percales 10$ 12 1"2$ Klmona Outings, all go 10$ 15$ Klmona Outlngs.all go 12$ 25$ Klmona Outings, all go 18$ 12 1-2$ Outing Flannels 9 1-2$ 8 1-3$ Apron Ginghams, 14 yards $1.00 15$ Manchester Chambry 12$ 20$ Galatea Cloth 15$ 12 1-2$ T. P. A. MusUn 10$ 15$ Green Ticket Muslin 12$ 35$ 6-4 Slieotlnjr, Pequot 29$ 35$ 9-4 Slieetlii)?, Pacirio 30$ 37 1-2$ 10-4 Sheeting, Pacific 43$ 20$ Indian Head dom. 36-lnch 16$ WAREHOUSE SAVE YOUR COUPONS $ BIGHT PAGES Pure Food Section in Our Model Clean Basement Its our hobby to liuvo the cleanest and best gro cery lii Uio' northwest and wo liavo it. Fine, Fat New Mackerel, each 10$ Fancy Herring, each 5$, 'or 25$ New Codfish, packages, bricks and granulated. Fancy Cookies, Wafers, Biscuits and Crackers. We have the finest assortment In Pendleton. Skinned Hams, that are tender and sweet, at the special price, per -pound 20$ Fancy Eating and Cooking Apples. Fancy Water White Pure Honey 3 for 50$ Clearance? Sale on our Famous Quail Brand Gallon ' fruits,, apricots, peaches and pears 50$ Blackberries and Raspberries ..... 60$ DRESS GOODS $1.25 wool dress goods 95$ A special offering of wool dress goods, in serge, storm serge, mohairs, cheviots, worsteds, etc. Comes Ir nil shades. A very large selection of colors from any cloth you may desire. Clearance Sale Price per yard 95$ 60$ " 50$ DRESS GOODS 44$ A selection of dress goods In sation prunella, ' granite cloth, mohair, etc., In black, navy, brown, tan, grey. All in this section must go In this sale. 60$ and 50$ values, Clearance Price .... 44$ $1.85 BROADCLOTH $1.31 A special offering In this one quality of broad cloth. Is really worth more than we ask for It now .but to make this sale a success will put It on special, 54-inches wide. Comes in black, navy, lavender, brown, etc. Remember this formally sold In regu lar stock at $1.85 yard. Clearance Price $1.31 50$ WOOL FLANN EL 29$ A selection of wool shirt waist flannel. In good patterns and' good widths. Special 50$ kind- Clearance Price .' 29$ $3.75 to $3.50 LADIES UNION suns $2.98 This lot In one of the best bargains In the sale. These garments are made up of silk and wool of the best that can possibly be had in any garment. It will absolutely not shrink. We sell these all the time for $3.75 and $3.50. Special this sale for $2.98 50$ LADIES' HOSE 37$ This lot of Ladles' Hose consists of ladies all black hose with double heel and toe. 7-Inch garter top; also flare top, and a lot of ladles fancy, embroid ery. Comes in all sizes and styles and colors. 50$ Ladles'' Hose - 37$ Men's Clothing and Overcoats Copyright 1909 by Hut Schiffnw it Marx All of our Men's Clothing and Overcoats are great ly reduced for this great Clearance Sale. Not a, suit or coat has been missed, no matter what stylo It Is, It Is' reduced as follows: $12.50 Suits and Overcoats will go for . .$8.95 $15.00 Suits and Overcoats will go for ..$9.65 $17.50 Suits and Overcoats will go for $13.60 $20.00 Suits and Overcoats will go for $15.80 $22.50 Suits and Overcoats will go for $17.60 $25.00 Suits and Overcoats will go for $19.80 $27.50 Suits and Overcoats will go for $21.60 $30.00 Suits and Overcoats will go for $23.75 $32.50 Suits and Overcoats will go for $24.85 $35.00 Suits and Overcoats will go for $27.40 Our stock Is composed of Hart Schaffner & Marx, Hlrsh Wlckwlre and ' Clothcraft Clothes. They're alt wool, hand tailored and by far the best lines in their respective prices in America. . 7 i I