, ... . "WMO.-IVe, .. V, .,'.... EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST ORBGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1911. PAGE FIT BIG Sweater Sale Thursday and Friday In all shades and styles Reg ular.75C to $8.50 Values Thursday and Friday Only Just Half Price N ; v F. E. Livengood Co. The Women's and Children's Store. LOCALS Psjitlme pictures please all. See Lane A Son for slgna. Hot tamales at Hohbacha. Phone Main 1, for United Orchestra. Wall paper, paints, etc. Lane A Son. I. C. Snyder, chimney sweep. R 181 J. Furnished rooms, 601 .Water street. See Lee TeuUch about Insurance today. Ths show ctrl will "mike good If he can make-up good. If you have S160U to loan on food security, see Lee Veutsch. Everybody goest to the Orpbeum to see the best and the clearest pictures. 18000 residence can be bought at bargain. See about It today. Lee Teutach. White navy beans, six cents per pound. Abe Compton, S09 College treet v Mora moving pictures shown thaa any other theatre la the city ths Pastime. The best moving pictures and brightest pictures In Pendleton at the Orpheum. For rent Corner office in the Judd building, recently occupied by Dr. W. Q. Cole. Dressed poultry next Saturday at the cash meat market. Phone your order now. Main 101. A clean and careful shave always at Mark Patton's shop. Across from Alexanders. Phone for patrons. For Sale Rooming house furnish ed, SI rooms, good locality. Apply 627 Main street, Pendleton, Ore. Mothers, savs your boys a ' sick spell. Get him a pair of warm ahoes at Eklund'a. Great reductions. For rent Three furnished house keeping rooms, electric lights, gas stove and bath. 701 Thompson street. Lands Ten yearly payment plan; Paflor Baseball ForLhe Boy Will please the most rabid baseball fan. This is the game YOU PLAY it does not play ITSELF. Only $2 Notice our window. RALPH FOLSOM Loading IlousefurnlsherA Alcohol and Coal Oil HSjsjsfMsHlssliaHsVsWssMSJHSsMsMssllHsiss Odorless gas heaters are non-explosive and you will find them very convenient in heating up bath rooms, bed rooms, etc. We have a very nice line we would like to show you and explain their merits to you The prices are reasonable also. KOEPPEN'S ,.The Drug Store That six per cent; $90 to $150 per acre. E. P. Dodd, Hermlaton, Ore. Wanted Girl or woman to do gen eral housework. Apply 412 Perkins avenue or phone Black 3652. Lost Near opera house, lady's brooch, Bohemian garnets, Tuesday night Liberal Reward. Return to this office. Cold weatner is coming. We have the best coui on the market A ton la 2000 lbs. at Pendleton Lum ftr Yard. Phone Main O. Spend your idle evenings In a gen tlemen's resort. Bowling, pool, bil liards, shooting gallery. Pastime Parlors. Hoover and Book. Dog Lost Brown and white spot ted pointer, had collar without num ber. Last seen Sunday. Reward for return to G. I. La Dow. Sor aie One sorrel gelding, age 8 years, weight 1100 pounds, sound, good work or saddle horse. Price $75. Inquire 1301 West Alt. For sale A nice lot of Standard bred, single comb Black Minorca cockerels. 'Price, $2 and up. Enquire N. A. Humphrey, 124 Beauregard street, Pendleton. ADVERTISING NORTHWEST. Northern Pacific Issues Illustrated Booklet. A new publication from the pas senger department of the Northern Pacific, entitled "Through the Fer tile Northwest" tells Interestingly and forcefully the story of the great Northwest. It tells why that country appeals to the Homeseeker and where he will find the region to best suit his own tastes.. The great fruit-raising valley, the mammoth alfalfa and wheat fields, the Irrigated farms and orchards vare all described and pic tured. It took several months to ac cumulate the facts contained In this booklet, which comprehensively de scribes the territory adjacent to the Northern Pacific ocean. The cities and towns come in for attention, so that the homeseeker, whether he be In search of rural or urban opportu nities, will find fuNl Information. The booklet will be widely distributed by the Northern Pacific's traveling ex hibit car, and It can be had cn re quest to the General Passenger Agent at St. Paul. Alaska "Mitsher" Coming. Mr. Richard Hall, agent for the Alaska "Musher" who appears at the Pastime theater with his Alaska pic ture, is In the city making arrange ments for their appearance here. Mr. Hall carries more newspaper com ments than most agents and all are of the best. A chance to see the top of the world at the Pastime starting next Monday. ' Church of the Redeemer. Tomororw being the feast of the Epiphany, there will be divine ser vice, with a brief address at 10 a, m. CHARLES QUINNEY, Rector. We should be careful to get out of an experience only the wisdom that is in It and stop there; lest we be like the cat that sits down on a hot stove lid. She will never sit down on a hot stove lid again and that is well; but also she will never sit down on a cold one'-any more. , Growers, kindly attend special meet ing at Commercial Assn. rooms Thurs day night. Serves You Best LOCAL ELKS ARRANGE FOR ONE BIG TIME That the First Annual stag social by Pendleton lodge No. 288 B. P. O. E. will be an Interesting affair is In dicated by the program that has been prepared for tho event. Here Is the menu as announced by the commit tee in cnange: What do you know about this? If you save money; YOU'RE A GROUCH , If you spend It; YOU'RE A LOAFER. If you get it; YOU'RE . A GRAFTER. If you don't get (J; YOU'RE A BUM. So what the h l's the use, Bill; come out with the boys for one night. Brother Frank Hennessey, a promi nent German or Swedish member of Portland lodge will be here and will act as ringmaster. He will show you how to make the wheels go round and round and round everything he says goes and everything he forgets to say Koe,s Just the same. Assisting bim will be our own Ex alted Ruler, Brother Frank Quinlan, In his new role, entitled "Toodles, the Original Candy Kid." We will also have the noted Swede Singers and Yodellers, the famous Bro. O'Keefe. Bro. O'Connor, Bro. A' Sullivan In touching bullets and bal lads. Brother Tommy Thompson will come out of his hole and chirp like a gopher. This 'event will be framed and hung on the walls of the club. Don't fail to come and see our own Bro. T. C. Taylor, as the original Bow ery boy. He will attempt to smoke 10 cigarettes In ono minute. Watch his smoke. Pools will be sold on this stunt before he event takes place, a percentage of all bets go to the house. Bro. Stuffy Lampkin will appear In a cage and do the Sarah Bernhardt laugh. Hear that famous recitation: "The Punk Is on the pumpkin The ache Is In your corns. The cabman drives the cabbage From the farm at early morn." With the 99 other stanzas by Brother Charles J. Ferguson. Bro. Thomas Smart, Pendleton's famous entertainer will recite: "When Ireland Shall be Free," and will re spond to the encore with a song In his well-known falsetto (that has often drawn tears) "The Ache of the Irish Tooth." '" Our own "Haunz," Bro. H. W. Col lins, will sing, "Two Can Live as Cheap as One." He's convinced and intends to try. By special arrangements, (keep It quiet and don't make it public so the cops get wise) a six round bout be tween the bantam champion of the Imnaha Athletic Club, Brother J. Ross Dickson, and the noted feather weight champion of the Coe Athletic Sanitarium, Bro. Jimmy Kyle. - Brother W. A. Brown, the man with the hair lip will tell the bunch the story of "Let 'er Buck," and will re spond to an encore, "You Wouldn't Know the Old Place Now." Bro. Geo. Darveau and Bro. Gus La Fontaine, the acrobatic artists will do three complete evolutions on the trapeze and hang by their eye brows from the horizontal bar, dress ed in green tights with calcium light effect. If you happen to get stung Don't get sore at the world And call It rotten; Maybe It's only your own Judgment. Bro. Fred Judd will do the split act Red Raven or smy other kind. Great hammer throwing contest. open to knockers only. This event will take place on the roof. Bro's Spell, Buck and Earl, the storeroom trio, will appear in a com edy sketch dresed in a Bilk hat. Bro. Bill Dedman, the heavyweight will wrestle with a canary bird for points. Bros. C. Cooley and B. Bailey will be the Judges. Between events the famous "Stale Beer Orchestra," Parkes, Cheshire, Godeck and Folsom, will discourse agonizing strains.. The great mind reader, Bro. L. G. Frazler. He will tell the color of any man's hair, eyes, and teeth, simply by looking at him. See that great mathematician Bro. W. L. Thompson. He will tell you at once how much you have In your pocket simply by the size of your wad. Bro. Till 'O Taylor, the pursuit man will collect all concealed weapons at the door cork screws, eggs, etc. That wonderful Oriental dansuese, Bro. George Ferguson, the favorite dancer of the Sultana's Harem will dance "The Soul Kiss Waltz" In a necktie and red spats. Bro. Doc. Blakeslee, will address us on the subject. "The City Council Did Not Issue Enough Saloon Licens es, or Outside of That Everything is Alright." Bro. Mark Moorhouse will bellow like a bull and try and make you re alize the Importance of the 8 per pent proposition. Dlssestors Bros. McNabb and Lytle will be on hand in case of an emer gency. Brother Geqrge Strand, the famous hand-cuff and lock king. See him. He has been known to go in and out of the Umatilla county jail every day for a week. To prevent a riot the committee have also secured the services of the artists of the "Stubborn Cinderella Company" who will be with us after tho show. See "Roosey" as the Okhoond of Swat, and Frank Frazler in the Sa lome dance. Fix things at home so you won't miss It what's the use. Bro. Jack Watson, a rusty haired lad from Dublin who came over as understudy to a Dutch foreman In a cheese foundry, will discourse on "Milestones in Irish, History." He will give special attention to the charge of the milk wagon brigade In the battle of the Bayne. For the wind-up the great Roman masterpiece as played In the Broad way stables In New York City. Bert Hur R. Alexander Ben Him Joe It Parkes Ben Tall ...t E. A. Mann l B The Biggest Day in our History The public's m the phenomenal Reductions of Sale ft SI Better come' tomorrow as the choosing is bet ter now than later -The Assortments being limited in some cases Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Ben Short G. W. Phelps Ben Away . . . . E. J. Murphy Ben Full . , John Crow Ben Broke' G. W. Perringer Ben Shaved J. P. Winter Ben Sober W. J. Clark and Benedictine Leon Cohen Ambulance will be In readiness to convey the brothers to their wives. Committee: Will Gray, Jack Wat son. Geo. Strand. LIKE ESAU, SELLS RIGHT. When He Hears of the Transaction Father Disinherits Son. Sterling, 111. A story that parallels the Bible story of Esau's selling his birthright to his brother Jacob came to light when the records kof the Cir cuit Clerk's office of Whiteside county showed that Thomas Bfoderlck, son of John Broderlck of Clyde township, sold his Inheritance in his father's es tate to his cousin, James Broderlck of this city for 1.000. The instrument was executed De cember 31. 1909, but was not filed un til the other day. In this instrument James Broderlck, Jr., of this city gives to Thomas Broderlck, his cousin, $1, 000 for Thomas' share of the property after the death of the father. Following the filing of the docu ment John Broedrick. went to the of fice of his attorney and had his will changed. In the codicle he gives all of his property to his daughter. BALLOOX TRIP THE CAUSE. Romance of Flight Culminates In Weil- ding of Aeronauts. Pittsfield, Mass. A romance that began with a balloon flight from Pittsfield, July 17, 1909, culminated when Miss Blanch Edith Hulse, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Schuyder Hul se, of Pittsfield, and Doctor Sidney S. stowell, a Pittsburg dentist, were married. Dr. Stowell met Miss Hulse for the first time that day at Aero Park. He dared her to take a trip with him in the balloon Pittsfield. She accepted. They reached an altitude of two miles. The doctor was pilot and he brought the balloon safely to earth at Shel- bourne Falls, Mass., fifty miles away from Pittsfield. The bride is a nurse, graduating from Bellevue Hospital, New York. She Is about 30 years old. The doctor is 40. ARGENTINE STUDENTS HERE. Pennsylvania Gets First in Proposed Exchange or university Men. Henrv Gill, from the University of La rintn. Argentina, has arrived at the University of Pennsylvania to study advanced political science and institutions of the United States. He is the first student to figure in the interchange of university . men which has been so strongly advocated bv Secretary Knox and which was the subqect of a special resolution at the recent Pan-American congress held in Buenos Ayres. It Is nlanned to have students from nlted States universities go to Latin- American Institutions and in exchange have Latin-American students come the United States. This. It is hoped, will strengthen the Intellectual ties between Latin-American nations and tho United States. Choir Bene fit. On Friday evening January 8, a musical will be given at the home of Mrs. J. R. Dickson, by members of the choir of the Church of the Re. fluruer. No tickets will be sold but a free-will offering will be taken. All are invited. ' A sharp Is not necessarily a man TESliAY confidence in our a Mfc. AT THE MOVING PICTURE SHOWS - The Orpheum. Good program for Friday's change. . 1. "The Preacher's Wife." Vita-J graph, 1000 feet long. A drama In which the unyielding prejudice of self Instituted morals came near wreck-' ing two lives, and is corrected by the rebellion against them of a young wife. The picture teaches the harm-' ful Influence and effects of lntoler-1 ence of the self-righteous. 1 2. "The Return at Midnight." Ur ban, 600 feet long. A French dra-' ma. A young man Is cast off because he marries the woman of his choice and later he la taken in by the father , and he and his Gypsy wife are made welcome. J 3. "A Trip Through Ceylon." Ur ban, 1000 feet long. A travelogue of merit, presenting a series of Interest ing views of this island. I 4. "The Cowboy's Vindication." Es- sanay, 1000 feet long. This is an ex cellent picture. The plot develops sit uations of intense and gripping inter est, with a deep appeal to every heart. The atmosphere" Is typical of the west and th film contains glimpses of western rceiie 01 great Deauty. 5. "Train Wreckers." Edison film, 1000 feet long. Pastime Theater. A strong program for Friday's change. "A Mountain Maid' The main Uea of this story is original and a long way out of the beaten path of love stories and picture dramas. Although it Is a theatrical story in the true sense of The word, many of the scenes are laid in the mountains of Tennessee. and they are i exceptionally beautiful In their character. "A Woman's Love." What man has sounded the depths of woman's love? Even though her former lover forgot her when he was prosperous she re membered him when he became blind and pooj and sought him out, took him home ad cared for him when all others forsook him. That is the interpretation put upon the depth of a woman's love by this' dramatic pho tography. "What Great Bear Learned." An Indian drama. The characters of the EFFECT $12.50, $15, and $17.50 Men's Suits Now Selling at See our window come in and examine close. Compare the bargains with those offered elsewhere. Patterns to suit and sizes to fit Vorking'mon's Clothing Company Less expense makes our prices lower. statements and 11 V our Clearance Better Goods for Less Money ii scheming Mexicans will be recognized as lifelike. The duel with knives Is a thrlllng bit of work and well execut ed. "Teddy Bears." Edson, 1000 feet Let the children see this. Four full reels,' 4000 feet of latest motion pictures. "The Show of Qual ity." At the Cosy. "In the Gray of the Dawn." A soul stirring drama that will keep your Interest every second. Passion, love and sorrow so that you can 'hear a pin drop. "Solving the Bond Hhesf A melodrama of crookedness, wrong and great detective work. Something do ing every minute. "The Lock-Keeper." The great mechanical reproduction. See the ca nal, the locks, the great life saving act. Illustrated song, "What's the Mat ter with Father?" MOHAfc LOBBY CXPLEASAXT FOR NEW CONGRESS It Is certain that the new congress will have an influence to combat of which It will not be fond. This influ ence will be exerted by the Interna tional reform bureau, which is at work with a miltant spirit which refuses to be cast down. It has eight bills, by means of which, to use its own words, it hopes to make "the laws of Christ to some degree the laws of the world." Its peculiar application will take ef fect In persuasive arguments to Con gressmen who always have ready pleas to be excused from legislative work because of lack of time, espe cially during short sessions. The international .bureau does much of its work by correspondence, a fact which is developing the knowledge that the Influence of the letter writ er is greater than that of the lobby ist who personally appears at the cap ltol. Ex-Senator Henry W. Blair is the president of the bureau, which has the support of churches, reform societies and all kinds of organiza- tlons whose purpose is to elevate the moral character of the upper and lower houses of congress. Housekeeping Rooms for Rent. Unfurnished housekeeping rooms In East Oregonlan building Steam heat, gas range In kitchen, electric lights, hot and cold water and bath. Recently renovated. Enquire at E. O. office. with good points.