East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 05, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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relished Dally. Wetktjr and 8ml-Wekl
t IVudloton, Oregon, by the
TmUy, os year, by mail 13.00
bally, all moot ha. by mall 2.60
iwlly, threw mom ha. hy mall 1.25
illy. one month, by mail .60
ally, not year, by carrier T.60
lly, alx montna, by carrier 8.75
t-ally, tbr months, by carrier 1.05
(ally, one mouth, by carrier 69
Nily, one year, by mall 1.80
eetly, alx months, by mall 76
iy. four montha, by mall 60
Semi-Weekly, one year, by mall 1.50
eml-y eekly, alx montba. by mall.... .75
vem'l-Weekly, tour montha, by mall... .60
The Dally East Oregonlan la kept on aale
trvt, I'ortTacd. Oregon. '
h'orthweet News Co., Portland, Oregon.
v uirL-o nureau, w security ttniiainit.
Washington, I). C, Bnreau, 501
Member fnlted Press Aaa delation.
Entered at the poetofflee at Pendleton,
i.Tegon. aa second clan mall matter.
telephone Main 1
Official City and County Paper.
so many nine rauus we una
In those we love; we see them,
but if you and I
Would soon pass on to bve and
They would not be faults, then
grave faults to you
and me, i
But just odd ways, mistakes,
or even l;ss
Remembrances to bless.
Days change so many things,
yes hours.
We see so differetcly in sun and
Harsh words tonight will be so
changed by tomorrow
Can we not then forget, since
we all know
At best theres such a little way
to go?
Pendleton has a very good Com
mercial club and has had for years.
But there is one weak spot in the or
ganization and because of this much
of the effectiveness of the work un
dertaken Is lost. The association does
not have a paid secretary but instead
relies upon such work as can be ren
dered free gratis by the secretary and
other officers.
In Ben F. Hill the association now
..lias one of the best secretaries it has
ever uatl. ilia ta uu iLiiiom ui ui.
Hill nor is it a criticism of Mr. Nye
who has charge of the association
quarters. It is a criticism of the sys
1 .1 mUla I nA nlln4aM 9 f w.
tem followed. It is not a businesslike
The Pendleton Commercial associ
ation, like other organizations of this
character, should maintain a paid
; secretary. He should be a man who
.is capable of keeping ud the member
ship and enthusiasm of the association
of attending to publicity- work In be
half of the city and of taking an ag
gressive part in the work that is car
ried on by the board of managers and
jby the entire association.
For years members of the assocl
-atlon have seen the weakness of the
i present system and they have at vari
ous times considered plans for making
. a, change. Now that Pendleton is in
. line for a forward move and active
work by the club is needed if ever
.- such work was needed it is a good
time to place the association upon
, proper working basis.
For the Philippine Islands the
United States paid the sum of $20,
000.000. This country was also re-
the insurrection and to keep it quell
the insurrection and to keep it kuell
ed. The lives of many brave Ameri
can soldiers went as part of this cost.
Since the acquisition of the Islands
the United States has always tried to
do Its duty by the natives. Schools
have been established there and mod
ern methods have been introduced In-
ti the business and industrial life of
the country. Life and property have
been made safe and the Filipinos have
enjoyed privileges that were never
theirs before.
How grateful the natives feel tow
ard this country 'may be gained from
the open declaration of one native
assemblymen that he hoped the Jap
anese would soon blow the hated Am
erlcans off the islands.
Uncle Sam la bearing the white
man's burden and he Is reaping the
eld reward.
Spokane suffragist leader object
to excusing women from Jury duty
and are petitioning Governor Hay to
deny the request that women be so
excused In Washington. They axe
afraid that If women balk at Jury duty
their action may serve to bring about
a repeal of the equal suffrage amend'
merit in that state.
It is evident that the Spokane lead.
take the view that If women are
to vote they most hold themselves) In
readiness to perform all civic dutlea
that now fall upon men. This is a
wrong idea. Because women are vot
ers it does not follow they should be
forced to do Jury' duty. Certain, class
es of men are exempt from Jury duty.
For instance physicians are exempt
because of their professional respon
sibilities. If physicians 'are excused
from Jury duty why not housekeep
ers? What is more exacting than
housework? The preparation of din
ner cannot be deferred anymore than
can a physician's call.
There is nothing to the claim that
women must serve on juries simply
because they are allowed to vote.
There may be cases when women jur
ies might well be called but it would
work undue hardship to require all
women to serve on juries. Nor It is
necessary any more than It is neces
sary for women who vote to serve in
the army or as policemen or firemen.
It now looks like the eastern Ore
son branch asylum will be a greater
institution than we supposed. That
a paltry J200.0i.i0 will not be enough
to build and properly equip an asylum
large enough to accommodate 600
patients is now claimed by the author
ities at Salem. So they want about
J400.000 additional. Then that mon-
Icy should he vtod of course. It will
I r ot do for a great state like this to be
'rifrardly towards its unfortunates.
Put remember it is the state of Ore
gon that asKs lor tins money; u is
ot Umatilla county. .
Pendleton is constantly having
fame thrust upon It through
the fact that this or that criminal
formerly lived in this city and was
member of a prominent local fam
ily." Is this because the people of
this city have been bad actors or are
these numerous prodigals merely fur
ther testimony to the fact that almost
every other man, woman and child
n the northwest lived in this fair
city at one time or another.
It Is a rare day when there is not
coal mine disaster or the seismo
graph does not register an earthquake
in some part of the globe.
To a "man up a tree" It looks like
the Stanfield foreclosure suit was
'compromised" in Mr. Stanfield's fa
"Love Me, Ixire My Pig."
New York, Jan. 3. Mrs. Anna
Bruka of Rocky Hilt Road, near
Flushing, is still keeping pigs. This
is not a business, but a social an
nouncement. as Mrs. Bruka Is near-
ing her silver Jubilee arrest for keep
ing pigs within the city limits. Mrs.
Bruka. who Is along in years, is set
in her habits. She has seven pigs mat
are maturing as rapidly as possible,
In their infancy she took the Utter
Into the shack she calls "home" and
they have been companions for many
months. Long Island butchers have
looked with envy uon the twisted-tail
litter and every attempt to barter
with Mrs. Bruka has been unsuccess-
ful. Twenty-one times she has been
arrestea and discharged. The old
women declares that the pigs are Just
as dear to her as any one's pets, and
judging from the offers she has re
fused, they are much dearer.
Mrs. Bruka says that the pigs will
soon be large enough to dispose of,
but that will not alter the situation
at all, as she has contracted for an
other litter to keep her company,
when these have recorded their last
squeal, which is the only thing about
the pig the packer can not can. The
neighbors and the board of heaitn
agents say they will keep up the cru
sade until they succeed In having the
nuisance stopped.
One by one the tipsters fall. The
papers record the bankruptcy of one
George Baring his real name Is Bos-
cowitz who won fame all over the
country by his tipping bureau which
he carried on in this city but adver
tised In playing the marKets. The one
thing worse that he could have done
would have been to take . someone
else's advice. Within the past year a
dozen or so have fallen by the way-
side. There was a chap over In Con
necticut who made all his neighbors
rich for a time by his tips on the
market. Now they are all poor. Hard
ly a week goes by that one doesn't hear
of some one who has been hanging
on the fringes of the financial district
getting his money from suckers who
think -that a man who really knows
something that will make him rich
will peddle It out at two dollars to
strangers, and who eventually goes
up the spout. The only sure way to
riches that any tipster has yet discov
ered was that upon which Miller
now in Sing Sing declared In court
that he followed.
"I got the best advice l could,"
said he, "and then I followed It with
a copper."
The court naturally wanted to know
why, If that plan had been successful
he finally failed.
"I began to take my own advice,"
said Miller, ruefully.
Two of the great banking Institu
tions of Canada have Just established
branch offices at Halifax, namely, the
Union Bank of Canada and the Mer
chants' Bank of Canada. The Trad
ers' Bank of Canada Is trying also to
secure premises for a bank. Few cities
with 60,000 population have better
banking facilities.
I hare traveled more than anyone
else, and I have noticed that even the
angels speak English with an accent
Washington, D. C. Dec.
29, 1910.
Editor East Oregonian:
I have the East Oregonian of De
cember 24 and quite naturally I read
it with a great deal of interest. I had
already sent you tt Christmas greet
ing, and now you are sending me one
which I deeply appreciate. I would
like to express my appreciation with
out filling the expression with gush,
and at the same time telling you, as
I have before, how close to my heart
the East Oregonian is. I put ten ac
tive years Into that paper, ami if I
ever learned anything about the mak
ing of newspapers and mi'.sazines and
the putting up of political truths to
the people and fighting the good fight
for civic purity, I shall always .look
back to those years I spent at the
editorial desk of the East Oregonian
as the years of my training. That
paper was my college of journalism
For ten years I knew its innermost
thought; for ten years scarce a day
went by in which I did not contrib
ute to its columns; and yet in all
those ten years, the man who was
over me, Mr. C. .S. Jackson, never
gave me but one instruction: "Print
the truth."
So that I know that never a dirty
dollar found its way Into the treasury
of the East Oregonian Publishing
company. I know it, first, because
thj man at the head of it would not
accept such dollars. I know it, sec
ond, becau.e had he accepted them
tiie "goods could have been delivered"
only by nit aim of some instruction to
mo; but, I repeat, only one Instruc
tion was given: "Print the truth." 1
remember well the day when we en
larged from a six column to a seven
column folio, and we thought we were
some pumpkins; and then I remember
that greater day when we installed
the Mergenthaler typesetting machine,
tind enlarged to eight pages. We were
several pumpkins then.
' And I remember, too, when the
East Oregonian sent me to the Klon
dike in 1S97, on six hours' notice, to
stay a year, which I did. and came
back rich in experience delicacy
prevents me from pursuing this sub
ject of riches further.
I think the greatest moment In my
budding newspaper career, however,
was when an attempt was made to
place the politics of the city of Pen
dleton on a partisan basis. Somehow
or other the glimmer of the dawning
light of the political progressive
movement Illuminated my youthful
mind, and I thought I saw in tnis
proposal something which was not to
lead In the right direction. jacKson
was absent from the city and so I di
rected the force of the East Orego
nian in what was probably a very
crudely written editorial against the
movement. The East Oregonian's In
fluence was sufficient to prevent it.
The paper never became a party or
gan, but has stood for that wnicn mo
editor believed to be for the best in
terests of the people.
I am delighted to see from time to
time that the East uregonian smimo
in that same Independent attitude,
criticising on every side of the politi
cal fence, as criticism is deserved.
Six thousand times the .asi ure
gonian, as a daily paper, has sent its
message out to the people ot eastern
Oregon. Who can estimate the po
tency of such a , work? Who can
measure the responsibility to the
people? It Is enough to make an
earnest man and a patriot tremble.
lest he wield that Influence In a man
ner not to measure up to the great
onnortunity. It means that Into the
warn and woof of the aauy inougnia
of the people In half a state, me pu
per's opinions and advocacies are in
torurnven. Tt means that men are
now full grown and active in the af
fairs of the communities, who have
been more or less educated in their
conceptions of civic duty by the East
Oregonian. For many of these men
were children when It was launched
aa a dally.
I am proud to have been known as
a writer on the East Oregonian, be
cause never, during the eighteen years
since I first sat at an editorial desK
in the offices of that paper, has t
failed of Its duy to the public. Per
haps larger responsibilities have come
to me in later years, with a wider
field of endeavor. It has been my
privilege to write for publications
having an aggregate circulation of
nearly 3,000,000 copies, and yet the
training and the principles which were
developed by the East Oregonian have
been my most valued assets.
And o. with earnestness and pleas
are. I return the greetings of the ed
itor of the East Oregonian; and to the
family of Its graduates who have gone
to other fields of labor and to the
present members of its staff I repeat
th messaee you sent in your edito
rial of December 24, as told by old
Rip Van Winkle:
"Und may we all life long
Very cordially yours,
"A soldier of the Legion
Lay dying In Algiers," .
While a thousand weeping women
Watched him through a flood of
But he murmured, as his llfeblood
Ebbed at each convulsive throb:
"Gee! I'm glad I left the army
For this moving picture Job!"
Kansas City Post.
In statesmanship get the formali
ties rlgtit; never mind about the mo
ralities. Hood
Cures all humors, catarrh and
rheumatism, relieves that tired
feeling, restores the appetite,
cures paleness, nervousness,
builds up the whole system.
Get It today In usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called tars tabs.
Children Cry
Tito Kind You II-ivo Alvay Bou.rit, ami whiou lias I).?cu
lu uso for ovev HO yean, 'nan lunvio ILc biji'i-'-ra olf
. inl Iia.o boon r.iucu u"!cr mt
XzV sir-al ''iM)crvi;',io!) r"r."i Its lr.fa :ic;, .
-MZTVt U.-U,. AllmT ,,( op to docolve you In
All CovtTitt'rfii'r.e, Imitations ;:iul "M-fNas-ooil" ro Lr.5
Experiments that tril'lo with and vndaiiei ilio health i t
Inlauts and Children Kxperieueo iuralnxt Experiment.
. What Is CASTOR i A
Ca-torla. L a harmless substitute for Cutto:? iZ, IV-re-g-m-le,
Dvopa and Kuoth'utu: Syrups. It is l'leusant. It
cv. :.;'.n licitlier Opium, JJIorph.'j j:or o'.iicr I7;u'cotlo
tudstanec. ' Iti age is its jjnar.nilee. It destroys "Worms
r r::l all.i.v3 reverishnes. It cuvs jPLuvhavt, :i:id "Wind
Colic. It relieves Toethin; Troubles, cures Constipation
r.iul -Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
Stomaeh and 15oa-1s, yiin healthy and natural sleep.
The ChUdreu's I'anatea The mother's Friend.
gsjuine CASTOR! A always
Eears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
A llESOmCEFTb maxagkk.
In the presidential campaign of
1908, Senator Crane showed himself
one of the most resourceful political
managers this country has produced,
says Robert Wlckliffe Woolley in Suc
cess Magazine. At the outset, he was
opposed to Taft because Taft was
Roosevelt's candidate. Roosevelt had
taken up the cudgels In behalf of the
people as against the trusts, and Crane
was for the trusts. He was for them
because he had grown up In an atmos
phere of monopoly. A kindly dispo-
ition and a certain warmth of heart
possibly, also a burning ambition
made Crane solicitous of the welfare
of the humble and the poor about
him. but that a day might be coming
when the oppressed of the land would
call a halt seems never to have oc
curred to him, even though he Is on
record as having Introduced a bill to
ncrease the pay of mall carriers and
another to give the supervision over
the care of children to the federal
government. He went to the Chicago
convention as he wenr to the senate
several years 'before to fight the bat
tles of Massachusetts of New Eng
land whose chief Industries are mills
and conservation of millionaires.
Crane took charge of the candida
cies of the "Allies." Senator Knox
was his personal choice, but Vice
President Fairbanks, Governor
Hughes, all appealed to him because
la woman's safest reliance; it is a medicine for external uso, composed of alls
and other lngrodients which assist nature In all necessary physlca changes of
the system. Its regular uso before the
and tendons for the unusual strain, aids
and strengthens all the membranes and
and danger at the crisis, and leaves
the mother in such healthful con
dition that her recovery is always
rapid and natural. Mother's Friend
Is sold at drug stores. Write for our
free book for expectant mothers.
Atlanta, Ga.
Hotel Oregon, located corner of Seventh and Stark Streets, extending
through the block to Park Street, Portland. Oregon. Our new Pars,
Street Annex Is Absolutely fireproof.
Rates $1 per Day and Up. European
For Men, Women and Children
ProgrM on Bandar's, Tuesday's nod VrUUrs.
for Fletcher's
Signature of
JLA" -" '
Roosevelt was against thorn; also, be
cause there Is a good deal of the War
wick In this little solon. Defeat only
whetted his desires. He Had scored
a partial victory In preventing the In
corporation of Samuel Gompers' an-
ti-injunctlon plank In the platform
which Taft was to run on, and the
next move was to get control of
the candidate himself. As a peace
offering to the defeated "Allies," a
number of Taft leaders proposed that
Crane be made chairman of the re
publican national committee. Frank
H. Hitchcock was slated for the Job.
Crane didn't like him and doesn't like
him now. But he was not after con
trol through this channel, so Hitch
cock was named.
She Know Ills SU-p.
He. was her "very best young man"
and she was doing all she could to
encourage him.
"Did you know," he asked, "that I
passed your house last evening?"
"Of course. I did," she answered
promptly. "Did you think T wouldn't
know your step?"
And the young man grew thought
ful and grave, for he had passed In a
cab Detroit News-Tribune.
Make It a point to do something
every day that you don't want to do.
This Is the'golden rule for acquiring
the habit of doing your duty without
Tba greatest crista In a womaa'i lift
la whan first she becoate a aether.
All the physical strength of bet
nature Is demanded at such timet,
and it is necessary that he.' system
be thoroughly prepared for the event,
in order that her health be preserved
for future years. Mothor's Friend
coming of baby prcparoa tto muscles
in expanding the skin and flesh fibres,
tissues. Mother's mend lessons the pain
if it Tin.
Headquarters For
Toilet, Goods
We are Hole Manufacturer And
Distributors of tbe Oetnbratsd
Tallman & Co.
Leading Druggists of Kustcrs
8ITRAKCE. Indiana & Ohio
Live Stock Insur
ance Company
Of CruwforvlsTtlle, Indiana.
Has now entered Oregon.
Policies now goo In eery
state In the Union. Organ
led over 15 years ago. Paid
up Capital 1100,000. 0. As
sets over 1460.000.00.
REMEMBER, tills la NOT
a Mutual Live stock Iasar
ance company.
Mirk lloorhouse
A cat, Pcodlettw, Oi
You Make a
Bad Mistake
When yon put off buying your
until Fall purchase it NOW
and secure the best Rock
Springs coal the mines produce
at prices considerably lower tiiaa
those prevailing la Fan mad
By stocking up now you
avoid ALL danger of bents use
able to secure It wbess sold
weather arrives.
Henry Kopittke
Phone Mate ITS.
Fresh Fish
Meats and flsa sjus
We handle only the purest
at lard, hams and snsssv.
Empire Meat Go.
Phoue Mate It.
Always pure and delivered
promptly, If you phone the
Central Meat Market
108 E. Alta 81, Phone Mala M.
Trade Marks
Copvriohts Aa.
Anrona amdlns a (ketch and dMcriptlnn ma
qutokly aaoartaln onr opinion fraa whether aa
Invention la probehlf natenUhle. Cnnimunle.
tlnnaitrliitlronngdentfal. HANDBOOK n Patent
lent free, uldeet agency fur ei uruiR patents.
Patents taken through Mmin A Co. teoelvt
aptefcii sottM, wit hout ebaraa, tu tba
Scientific American,
A bandanmalr Mnatratad weeklf . Ijtmn eu
enlatlon of anr enlentlOa Journal, Terma, at a
rear i four months, IL Soldo all newsdealer.
for rent Is the
lag. All modern
quire M H. O.